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Kingdom Hearts: Skimp and Pimp(Privite, Zora and Sifer, Rated R/M)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by DarkAngel, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "Wha..." Shuya's hand began to tremble upon the trigger of the gun, "Where... where the hell did you get that !" he said as he saw the rock which he had carved artwork into.
  2. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Miny sifer looked up at Shuya and started to cry. "You gave it to me three months ago when you left...I...I was so worried that I...I tried to..." miny sifer fell to his knees and start to ball into his fist shaped hands.
  3. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "I won't fall for Zexion's illusions, forgive me mini-sifer." SHuya turned around and walked into the hall of empty melodies.
  4. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Miny sifer didn't let it end there. "I knew you probably wouldn't believe me...so...I guess this is the only way..." miny sifer made an ice ball and threw it at Shuya makeing him frezze then lighting a ball of flame he held it to shuya's face and melted it to where he could talk. "...do you believe me now bro" said mini sifer with a smile.

    Zexion opened a portal leading to the city of the world that never was. "We should be safe here..." he said closeing the portal behind Zora Riku and a fallen sifer.
  5. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    Zora started gazing at Riku, Kairi said Zora? She didn't pay attention to Kairi Zora!! She snapped out of It and noticed that she was looking. Zora shook It off, looked around then at Zexion and asked him "What are we to do now?"
    Last edited: May 22, 2012
  6. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Zexion rubed his head. "First we have to figure out why your friend there is like he is..." he said looking at the fainted sifer who looked close to death. "...I have some friends that could help, but we can't stay here. come, we will head to the castle..." then he walked over to where Zora, Riku and Sifer were and helped Sifer onto his feet. Riku didn't let him get far before puting his way to the dawn to Zexions neck. "... ... ...we have to help sifer...but don't think for a moment that I trust the organization..." then he put his keyblade away and walked into the city.
  7. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Shuya in ANTA easily broke out of the ice, "Fine, I believe you... just stop pestering me seriously... or I'll chop your head clean off." he said, and then continued towards the castle from the Skyscraper of Memories. "At least be useful." Shuya said as heartless appeared everywhere.
  8. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Mini sifer went back to back with shuya and then smiled, he did a sorta roxas style and grabed his keyblades Dark angel and Demon of light and twerled them in the air. "Lets finish this fast, I want to show you the castle." said mini sifer, then he saw someone come in that looked fimilure, and thats when all hell broke lose. "RIKU!!!" mini sifer said sliceing through heartless after heartless torads Riku.
  9. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    "...I don't know what to say anymore..." Shuya said slashing and shooting through heartless.
  10. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Riku heard his name called and when he looked he bearly blocked an attack from the newcomer. "YOU BASTERED!!!" the newcomer yelled as he fought with Riku who was in a stun and alittle bit of aww.

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