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Kingdom Hearts:The Darkest Days (Actaul Roleplay)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by VentusSearcher, Aug 7, 2009.

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  1. Aqua15

    Aqua15 New Member

    Back at Destiny Islands, Kairi watches the sunset. Thinking of Sora and Riku, tears ran down her face. Remembering the final days she had with Sora and Riku. "Why...Why did he take you away from me?" she said to herself. Ever since Sora and Riku were kiddnapped, she has been lonely. "I don't want to do..I just can't fight to get you back..I'm...I'm not strong enough." Kairi looked up at the sky and said "Sora, what would you do?"
  2. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    well, i guess i'm kable or something like that.

    Kable is walking down a dark hallway, footsteps echoing across the floor. he get's to a throne room and sits down. he opens his hand and a orb appears, he watches as mickey fights sora and riku. then he gets up and walks to a open room with a mirror and looks down on it. there he watches the battle and laughs at soars attempt to subdue there one best friend. then hes gone.

    (i'm doulnd now too!)

    Dounld is walking down the court yard waitng to see if goofy came back from his trip. when he hears goofy yelling a battle cry, he runs over and see's five heartless out, goofy bashed them all but more came. so he pulled out his staff and said thunder and all of the heartless where gone. he tried to yell to goofy but saw that his expression was serious, the one thing he saw on goofy only when things where to bad to be happy and dumb at. then a monkey heartless came and whacked dounld in the back. he turned around and blasted him with fire. the heartless was gone in seconds. he ran after goofy. when he saw goofy go into the room of the queen the door slammed behind him, he heard a bang and a boom but didn't know what happened. then a big shadow came out of the door with the queen, dounld pulled out his strongest staff,(the one that has a book on it it number two, forgot what it is.) and shot the highest level of ice out freezing's the heartless and shatter him. he went to the queen and looked and she was unconscious. then goofy went running out not evening seeing him. dounld put a reflect spell on Minne and ran after goofy. but he was running so fast dounld couldn't keep up. then he followed him into the secret basement, goofy was fighting so many heartless, then more came out of the time orb. dounld was about to unleash a stronger attack the thundera when goofy did something he never thought he would do. he destroyed all of the heartless and was coming out, but dounld saw a heartless coming after Pluto and doulnd ran to him but got blown out of the roof, doulnd was so ready that when he was falling away, dounld did a rocket spell destroying that heartless but hitting Pluto with one of his rockets. then he fell in a tee and feel asleep.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2009
  3. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Rik then feel down to the ground in exhasution. "Sorry Sora, I used too much energy." He lifted Way To Dawn to the air and said "Heal." then a flash of light hit Sora and Riku said "There you go, sorry buddy, it wasn't much." He then started closing his eyes and said "Wake me up when we are home."
  4. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Sora was angry.
    He went strate for mickey but couldnt get to him in time.
    He opened up a dark portal and ran in,but Sora jumped in right behind him leaving Riku alone.
  5. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    Kable went down to where riku was, seeing him laying there in the drit all weak and out cold, he should kill him.
    "you weak drit, how could you have a keyblade?" but i'll let you live. he kicked riku as hard as he could senign him flying away into a wall. then he turned around and left.

    goofy was outside with a Pluto, pluto was ok, and up and running, then goofy saw dounld in a tree.
    "hey dounld, what ya doin up there?
    dounld looked down at goofy and just glared at him. then he came floting down.
    "still see you got hover yuh?" said goofy.
    yes, now come on we have to get to the queen, and fast."
  6. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Riku then woke up from where he was. He found himself bleeding and in pain. "Uh, what happened?" He looked around and notice that Sora is not here. "Sora!" "Where did he go?"He kepr looking around until a portal of darkness appeared. Then some Neoshadows appeared. Riku got up and said "I guess I have to fight."
  7. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    goofy and dounld saw the queen sitting up crying with daisy at her side. they went up to them and sat down.
    "is it really true, is my mickey gone?" said the queen.
    "fraid so, i saw it with my own eyes, he had darkness flowing from him, he must have released the spell here. that's the only way those heartless could have came."said goofy.
    "what! what about sora..was he there too?"
    "yep, and riku." what are we gonna do dounld?"
    lets get the gummi ship and get riku and sora. then we can find away to get the king back here.
    "don't get yourself kill dounld duck!" daisy said.
    "come on goofy, lets get Pluto too, he can sniff out the king."

    they all got up and dounld put a reflect spell on daisy and Minne, then with Pluto they walked to the gummi launcher. When they got there jimmy was waiting for them.
    "well hey jimmy, you comin too?" asked goofy.
    "got to record are trips don't i? so let's go get sora and it can be like old times again, let's save whatever we have too."
    they all got in a big gummi ship, looked like it was made for war, four lasers, three back up shields, and a escape pod. they where ready, goofy brought his strongest shields, dounld brought a spell book, and his strongest staffs. and Pluto had many letters for them to write, and envelops. then they shot off to find mickey and sora.

    Kable was walking and screen appeared, it had plans and steps and looked like a weird chess broad.
    Everything is set, the plan is made and the board is set, what shall you do now sora...what can you do now?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Tifa started to walk around the town, even gained a little bit of gil for helping someone & was still trying to find someone. All of a sudden, she found herself on a island. "Hm. This place looks like a good place for Cloud to hide." Tifa walked up to a tree & looked up at it. "HAAAYAAH!" Tifa kicked it real hard & made it shook, making the seagulls fly real fast. "Nope. Not here either." Tifa kept on walking until she came on top of a boat...
  9. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    kable is walking in destiny island, making sure kiari is still here, when he saw her sitting looking so helpless, then she looked over. but he knew he was gone before she saw. then kable was at diney castle, he destroyed the spell so the heartless should have run down this place. but he saw it wasn't really gone, it was still standing and then he saw the queen and her two gaurds. goofy and dounld.
    "those idots they must have stopped the invasion here, with how there torn up, they fought the strongest, or the strongest didn't get throught the orb, i couldnt breack the spell all the way...but still they should have been over run." then goofy and dounld ran to the gummi hule. kable followed them. when he got there the chipmonks had already let the ship go, he couldnt do anything but he made sure he summoned some heartless to go and destroy them. then he went to the chipmonks, the queen could not leave, if mickey was to go good, she would be the only thing to make him stay, it is a low thing, but maybe the only way. he despoied of the chipmonks(didn't kill them, in a cage gaured by small heartless.) then he stepped into a dark portal and was back at the big builing in the world that never was. he sat at his thorne and looked at sora running to get the king, and once again, walking into his trap.
  10. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Riku kept slashing through the horde of NeoShados that kept appearing/ "When are these guys ever going to stop?" He slashing until they stopped and went back through a portal. "What happened?" Just as Riku was starting to relax, the ground started to shake. Out of nowhere DualBlade heartless started to show up. "Heh, want to tussle pal?"
  11. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Mickey and Sora fought for hours.Then Mickey shot a dark blast at sora nocking him to the ground.Mickey then jumped towred sora and stabed his Keyblade into his chest.The last thing he saw was Mickeys now black keyblade stab him in the chest.Then there was nothing.
  12. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Riku fought the giant heartless valiantly. He kept clashing his keyblade with the with knight's blade. He then stopped and said "This is getting me nowhere." He then charged up a dark firaga and shot it at the Dualblade's face. "You are out of here." The DualBlade then dropped to the ground and dissolved into the darkness.
  13. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Sora walked through the darkness.
    He oventuelly found a door.
    In the next minute he was on destiny island,
  14. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    kable woke up with a start. he was watching mickey and sora fight when he fell asleep, the fight bored him how sora was ranting on about friendship and other crap. but then he looked in his orb that saw everything. and saw that sora was on destiny island. he had to make it so he wouldn't meet kiari. then he walked into a dark portal.

    Dounld was navigating the gummi ship while goofy was telling him where to go. they had encountered at least hundreds of heartless and nobody s ships. something that they had done on there trip to the world that never was. that's the place they where going to now. after another ten minutes or so they where there, seeing it again was like thinking's they had failed. they landed and walked around to the big building. they fought many nobodies and heartless, and big ones to, (like the giant heartless you fought in kh1 in that dream place) and they had fought at least five and faint nobody's too. then they saw riku fighting many heartless too. they ran over and started fighting fro the back. then dounld did thundera destroying most of the heartless than he sent a giant ball of fire and fire works killing the rest.
    "dounld, you got better at not losing your energy i see."
    "yep! now i can do 50 spells, and still be a half of my energy. where's riku?"
  15. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Sora walked along the beach.
    Then he saw it,the greatest sight in his life,it was kairi.
    He ran up to him but and yelled"Hay its me Sora."
    Kairi couldnt hear him.
    Then the searing pain in is hed came.
    Then he fell into darkness.
  16. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Riku looked around for Sora. "Where did he go?" Jus as he walking around, 10 dragoon nobodies appeared. Riku summoned Way to dawn and said "I guess I'll have some more fun." He then charged towards them at lightning speed. He was slashing and shooting firagas everywhere. Once they were all gone, he felled down to the ground and said "Heh, nothing like a little work out keeps the blood flowing."
  17. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Sora stood up,and started to walk in the darkness.
    Then he came apon a door.
    Then came a bright light and he was standing next to riku.
    He pulled out his keyblade and charged at riku.
    He knew he couldnt help himself.
    He was being controled by micky.
  18. Tsukiyomi

    Tsukiyomi Shinto's Moon God

    Riku got up and saw a door appeared. "Whats a door doing here?" He kept lookin at it until the dorr opened and Sora appeared. Riku went walking over to him and said "Sora!" "You're ok!" But as he was walking, Sora went vharging towards him. Riku Brought out Dawn and blocked the attack. "Sora, what wrong?"
  19. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Sora tryed to brake through the darkness.
    He couldnt.
    He tryed to stop but he couldnt.
  20. Answer Man

    Answer Man Man I'm Awesome

    that's when dounld and goofy heard the noise. then they ran over and saw riku and sora fighting.
    "dounld, whys sora fighting riku?"
    "goofy, he's not fighting him, rikus attacking him!"
    "no hes not, see look, rikus trying not to fight him, and soras trying to say something it looks like. We should do something. come on."
    Goofy was running over to sora while dounld was about to as well but some nobody's came and stopped him. goofy brought out his shield, and got in the way of riku and sora. then felt immense pain everywhere around his body.
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