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Kingdom Hearts:Unchained

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Saffire, Feb 14, 2008.

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  1. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    ooc: srry i havent been on..:)

    bic: draco was sitting ontop of a roof when he saw husky's ship pull in and draco decided to follow it. he stood up jumped off the roof and started to walk towards husky's ship. he then saw that husky was starting to walk towards the city that never was. draco then teleported in front of husky and said, "Are you not suppose to leave this planet, Husky?"...
  2. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    walking forward draco teleported in front of husky. nobody could see him because he had already rounded the corner. draco gave him a smart remark and said. "are you not supposed to leave this planet husky?". husky jumped back and whipped out his blade. "what do you want...draco."
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake shouted out, "The ship is back to normal!" Then got in to help with a preflight check.
  4. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    husky tried to grab his blade, but he got nothing. he must of lost it when the castle disappeared. just a little nervous he backed up now knowing he could not fight back if he had to.
  5. Axel

    Axel New Member

    >Now in TWTNW........<

    Lea -now standing on the highest building in TWTNW- felt the rain run down her face. She felt so lonely without the many other members by her side now. Her life felt like nothing. "Look what you've done to me Xemnas....Made me into a monster that has no one but herself..." Lea mumbled to herself as she took a step off the building and fell.
    She fell threw the air like the rain around her...Lea whipped herself around to land on the ground and began to attack the many heartless that waited for her.

    The battle went on and on. Lea wonted herself to be normal and to have her brother back . . . . . She stood there without memmory. Then something went threw her gut and Lea screamed out in pain as her fell to the ground holding onto herself. " We've been waiting for you...Lea" Said a voice above her.
  6. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    backing up husky heard a voice, it was unfamiliar but they said lea... draco was not revealing his blade so husky calmed himself for a moment. "draco, hold on.. i think lea is here". husky peeked around the corner to find two or three organization members standing behind lea who was laying on the ground wounded. without thinking husky rushed to lea's side. "whoever you are leave lea the hell alone!". the three members began laughing hysterically. they summoned their weapons and began walking forward. the middle member. he possessed a keyblade. husky was completley thrown off guard. but he stil stood there refusing to let them get to lea. with or without a weapon, he was prepared to fight.
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Suddenly an arrow came out of know, striking the middle one in the four head. "Argh!" He cried as he vanished. "Oi! Leave em alone!" Katrina shouted from the roof top.
  8. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    the middle man disappeared and the other two rushed forward to engage husky in battle. without even thinking a black kingdom key keyblade appeared before husky.(not riku's keyblade an all black kingdom key.) he blacked both of the mysterious men and prepared to fight.
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Katrina sighed. "I said, WHOO!" She turned as she felt a strong aura. She fired 5 shots at the man that had appeared behind her. "Stay back!" She fires some more shots but they are having very little effect. She soon jumps off the roof top drawing out a saber. "Looks like were in this together."
  10. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Lea groaned and tryed to move but couldn't. The hooded member kicked her and she curled up into a ball hoping nothing else would get to her. "Your not the same as you used to be....Must have...broke." He said kicking her again. Lea took hold of his foot but was whipped over to a wall. "Who are you?" She asked trying to get up.
    The figure was now holding some sword with the colours blue and yellow. "Do . .I know you?" She mummbled.
  11. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "OI! I thought you said you were just finding the others. Not trouble." Jake came out of know where. "Get away! Flame, Eteranity!" A blast of blue fire shot from Jake and struck the man kicking Lea. He turned. "This doesn't concern you, boy." "It does, that woman with the bow is my wife. I assume it is your men attacking her."
  12. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Lea sighed, "Thanks!" she called out to Jake. She took out some raps and began to rap it around her middle area. Who is that guy?
    Nothing really seemed to come back to her...
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "No problem." He begins shooting spells at the guy attacking lea. "Stay back you idiot, lest I run you through." He draws his sword and begins attacking.
  14. Axel

    Axel New Member

    The hooded member begins to fight back to Jake and Lea soon joins the fight. Swords and carkrams everywhere! Just as she was about to throw one at the mans face someone else pulls Lea out of the fight. "What? Who are-" her voice came to a stop as a hand came over her mouth and she was draged into darkness. Soon her found herself falling into a deep .... deep ....sleep....
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "FALL!" He shouts then slices down breaking the the mans weapon. He then slice him and half and kills him. "Were is lea?" "I don't know. Some one grabbed her and got away before I could react." "Crap. Lets go to the ship and get out of here."
  16. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    this thread DIED
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