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Kingdom Hearts:Unchained

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Saffire, Feb 14, 2008.

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  1. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >Me next!<
    "Ahhhhh, what a beautiful day on the isl...... who the heck are they?"yelled Ginji, a young boy who lives on the island. He raced down the stairs and got to them."Uh, you guys new here?" Ginji looked a little frightened, yet curious.
  2. boo_baby2012

    boo_baby2012 New Member

    Namine just appered on a palm tree. "Um...........who are you and what do you want?"
    Namine jumps down to the org. member. "Well you might want to answer cause i don't have all day." Namine giggled. "So srry. I was just playing with you." Namine grins with pride!!
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake pulls of his hood. "I am currently without allegiance." He says. "I would ask what this place is." He looks around. "I mean, this world is filled with more holes than I can count."
  4. boo_baby2012

    boo_baby2012 New Member

    Namine just grins. "Well i think you should know my name. I am Namine." Holds out hand for you to shake.
  5. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Lexa just stares at Namine and takes her hand and shakes then lets go. "Lexa." She mumbles. Was this blonde part of the Org.XIII before? She didn't remember seeing her before. Maybe only once had she seen such blonde hair.
    Her eyes went back to the hooded man. "What do you mean by holes?" She asks walking about and looking around. Picking up rocks and such. Lexa was told about this place some years ago by someone ... but couldn't remember. She could be thinking of anyother world there were so many! Then the question came out of her mouth before she could stop it. "Are they alive?? The others?" Lexa needed to know. "And you. Namine. Were you part of the XIII??" This was messing her up.
  6. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "I know not what you are talking about, but what I meant when I said holes was dimensional rifts. This place has got more than you have hairs on your head." Jake begins to pace. "Now, how should I get out of here."
  7. boo_baby2012

    boo_baby2012 New Member

    Namine looked startled. "Um......no i am not part of the org. I am just Namine here to help people." Namine looked around. She didn't know were she was. "Um....where am i??"
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >You just god modded. Kindly don't do that. Besides he is know near that location right now.<

    Jake just sat down. "If I landed in this time line then there must be a reason. Is there something wrong here?"
  9. Axel

    Axel New Member

    "Ya! Alots wrong! I was going to the beach and I leaded hear! My friends are going to kill me if I'm not there. I have the money." Lexa holds out $60.
  10. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Leaded her???? What the heck! That post made no sense at all!<
    Jake begins walking along the beach. "Don't mind me." He calls. Then he pulls out a rapier and starts swining it around. He looks like he is fighting invicible enemies but really he is only practicing.
  11. Axel

    Axel New Member

    >> oh sorry! I spelt it wrong XD It was "landed"<<

    Lexa just stared. No one knew them? But, that group almost distoryed the worlds 23 years ago! And she really missed some of them.
    Bored, Lexa pulls out her ipod and starts listening to rock songs.
  12. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Uh, hellooo? anyone hear me?! And stop swinging that sword, it's gonna poke someone's eye out."said Ginji.
  13. Axel

    Axel New Member

    "oh, ya. I'm new here!" Lexa smiles. It would be nice to take a look around here. It looked nice!
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake stopped. "I need to practice some time. Besides..." He suddenly moves, swinging his blade to with in a centimeter of yurris neck. "I have total control of it." Yurri goes pale. Then Jake removes the blade.
  15. Axel

    Axel New Member

    When Lexas see's the man's weapons she snaps her fingures as a black and purple flame appears. Then as a pair of black charkrams appear she wips one to a tree.
    She hated being the same age ALL the time! Noticing some poeple looking at her she said, "Oh..umm .. sorry!"
  16. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >Ahem. My characters name is Ginji in this roleplay just a reminder<
    Ginji got his color back and said,"So, uh, you want me to show you the place of this island. This place is the new refugee for people who escaped from their world from heartless or accidentally got here."
  17. Axel

    Axel New Member

    "Oh ya sure." Lexa says. Wonting these people to stop looking at her. This place looked like the happiest place she could be at the momment. "Do you mean that my town..Twilight Town..is being attacked by...heartless?" Lexa said slowly. The heartless were the things she used to kill for the Org. but, now thoughs things were back??
  18. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Could be. Or you just got here by accident. My grandparents got here and their real world was still safe. Right now, I'm working on a gummi ship."Ginji said."Wanna see it? It's almost ready. Wait a minute. Are you a Nobody? You have that strange aura around you. And you, the guy who nearly chopped my neck off, who are you?"
  19. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Lexa went pale and said, "Ya. I'm a Nobody...and when I was about five a group of black hooded figures took me into their arms." She stopped for a minute as a bird flew over her. " Then Xemnas -the person who controled over all of them- noticied I was different then other Nobodies and did things to me..Oh and almost forgot. My name's Lexa."
  20. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >oh can i join and does this have to be a stat rp??<

    name: draco
    age: 13
    looks: draco has dark blue eyes and short golden spiky hair.
    family: sora is his father and kairi is his mom
    weapons: twin laser pistols with laser blades comming off the muzzle of the guns.
    personality: draco dosent like to talk alot, but will if he has to.
    world: destiny islands..:)
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