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Kingdom Hearts:Unchained

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Saffire, Feb 14, 2008.

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  1. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >I don't think Sora would name his son draco, but oh well<
    "Nice to meet you Lexa. My name's Ginji. Ginji Midou, leader and only member of the GetBackers. And you, the guy who with the sword, what's your name?"
  2. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >draco is my rp character and where are you guys?<

    draco was sitting on top of a tree on destiny islands stareing at the sunset when he felt a seagull fly by his head. he then jumped off the tree and began to walk along the shore.....
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2008
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "My name is not important now. Think of me as a traveler who just happened to stumble upon you all." Jake sat down.
  4. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Okaaaay,"Ginji said looking confused."Anyway, you guys wanna look around the island or you wanna get out?"
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "I can leave whenever I want. I might as well loke around." Jake stood up and started walking around, admiring the view.
  6. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Here's an advice:Do not touch a black fruit that's in a star shape. That can kill you,"Ginji warned."And you Lexa, what do you want to-"Ginji was cut off as a horrifying scream came from the other side of the island."Dang it! Heartless." And Ginji ran towards the scream.
  7. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Lexa looked around. "Where's the heartless?" she asked running around. Her eyes looked at the ground as black stops appeared like rain drops on the ground.
    Her large charkrams appear in her hands as the first one runs at her.
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake drew his sword as three shadows jumped at him. He knocked down all of them with one sweep of his blade. Several more appeared though. "This might take a while." He says to Lexa then hits another.
  9. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Uh guys? I know we just met and stuff, but.... HELP!"yelled Ginji. He was being surrounded by a dark whole and he was sinking. In fact, the dark stuff was already up to his head when he yelled for help. And he disappears.
    >Do not think I just killed my character off. I just wanted him to have a Nobody.<
  10. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >My guy will help anyways.<
    Jake swore. That FOOL! How did he get caught! He checks to make sure the Lexa has everything covered and then calls out, "Rise Sepherious!" His blade suddenly becomes a huge Katana twice his size. He slashes a portal and jumps in.
  11. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Ginji popped out of another portal to see the guy jump in. Ginji also noticed that he had a key shaped blade. And then the Heartless jumped from behind. He slashed his blade and the Heartless went poof. Then he looked for Lexa. Ginji then went in and went for the mysterious guy right before the portal closed.
    >Ginji does not know Jake yet so Jake will be called "the guy" or "dude". Unless you give the name,Zerieth, it will be like that for a while<
  12. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    draco suddenly heard a scream comming from another part of the island and ran toward the noise. then he sees the heartless and starts to shoot holes into them when his a girl also fighting the heartless. draco ran over to her and asked " do you need any help?"
  13. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Ginji got in a dark place (again) and looked for the guy."Duuuude! Where are you?!"yelled Ginji. Then, he saw 10 Darksides come out."Not again! I just fought one!"complained Ginji.
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake was not liking the scenery. He suddenly saw ginji, about to fight 10 dark sides. Jake shot forward, leaped up high, and killed one by splitting it. "Hi. I am Jake, who are you. Wait, bad time. Later." And with that Jake rushed forward.
  15. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Didn't we just.... But I said my name already and.... Ah forget it."said Ginji. He ran towards a Dark side and remembered something from a movie. A living things weakest point is the eye."AHHHH! That would have been helpful before!"he said to himself. He jumps up high and slashes each Dark side on the head. All of them falls down and disappears. Then he sees himself and Jake shoot up and pop out of another portal and sees Lexa. He also sees that Destiny Island is disappearing and a bald man with a huge keyblade on top of his house.
    >The bald man is that dude in the KH-FM II video at the end.<
  16. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Lexa looks around holding her charkrams closer to her then ever before. Voices were running threw her mind.
    There is no such thing as light!
    Different name, same fate.
    You play the game quite well.
    Rambling? As if! All I'm trying to tell you, traitor, is that your time
    is up!
    Think I'll pass. My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? Haven't got

    She feels her legs give away and Lexa falls onto the floor. Why is this happening to me?
  17. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Lexa!"Ginji yelled seeing her fall to the floor. He runs towards her.
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake sliced through a few more darksides and was surprised when he wound up back at his starting place. He saw Lexa fall, and at the same time saw Ginji run forward. He turned to the dark man. "Who are you?" "I will only tell you if you beat me." "Very well." Jake throw away his normal sword. "I don't need that for you. Instead, face the fury of my soul sword." He brought his hand up, sending a stream of energy into the air. The energy vanished to reveal a rapier with a blue blade and a symbol depicting a rose and a sword crossed on the blades guard. Jake caught it, bringing down so its point was pointing to the ground. "Shall we?" The bald man jumped down. "We shall." With that they jumped at each other.
    Battle dialog.
    Jake slashed at the dark man but not one strike got through. Suddenly Jake went from a high attack to a slash at the mans legs. He jumped over the blade and came down with a strike meant to slice Jake down the middle. It never hit. Jake managed to dodge low to the ground out of the way. Both fighters stood facing each other.
  19. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    As a battle was going on, Ginji got to Lexa. But she can't hear his shouting. Dang it! I'm gonna have to see what's going on in her head. Please don't let it be empty rice bowls,he thought. He went to Lexa's face and used the Snake Eyes and got eye contact with her. So whatever she is thinking, Ginji can see or hear.
  20. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    >may I join if yes then
    Name: Edgar hood
    Race:human from arton the blue planet
    Weapon: Ball of light(turns into any weapon on command)
    Abilities:light flare,(flames of light engulf opponent/s)Light guard,(A shield of light appears around anyone of Edgars choice including himself)teleport,light fury (unleashes succesive attacks on target)[​IMG]
    Physical description:
    Personality: Helps anybody that needs it apart from someone evil,won't give the orb of light away.
    History:At 10 he was chose by the mysterious orb trained ever since at his house.<
    There was A flash of light and a man holding an orb of light appeared next to lexa beside a few heartless about to attack him "Light shield" a invisible force stopped the heartless attacking him.As this happened he shouted,"light bradsword" the orb dissapeared and a broadsword appeared in the mans hands.He quickly killed the heartless and as more rushed at him he pointed towards them and shouted,"Light flare"flames of light engulfed and killed the heartless.

    Now the man looks around and sees the situation he turns to Gingi and says,"I know it's not a good time for formallities but my names Edgar.need any help there
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2008
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