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Kingdom Hearts:Unchained

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Saffire, Feb 14, 2008.

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  1. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Holy crap!,"Ginji said when he saw Lea do that.
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    This power is amazing! Jake thinks to himself. The next instant he is on his kneas as he feels the reverberations of the spell. Dark? "Ahhhhh!" He shouts as a large amount of pain starts throbbing in his head. It hurts more and more until he passes out.
  3. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    >srry i havent posted in a while<

    draco chased after husky and then he saw the heartless and nobodys chasing husky and not fighting each other. draco then walked into the throne room and said "king of the heartless we have found husky my lord, we now will hunt him down"....
  4. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    heartless began jumping left and right husky kept haclking away at them but he was largley outnumbered. he lowered his guard out of fatigue and prepared to be struck when the heartless burst into flames the flames continued driving forward but were repelled when the bunny jumped into the air repelling them from husky. husky paused in amazement.

    >blademasterfan..no its not from my signature. in fact i don't even know that the bunny is a squirrel until sdomeone [oints out trhe big bushy tail for me. lol <
  5. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    >Sorry for not posting I was ill<
    While all that was happening Edgar was inside his orb watching every move anybody made.When he saw the hundreds of heartless he came out knowing he needed to help. A white light surrounded a human body that appeared next to husky.The light dissapers and Edgar can be seen two shortswords in hand,"Hello your names Husky I know I've been watching you in my orb"He shows the orb and quickly kills a few attacking heartless,"However you do not know my name I'm Edgar nice to meet you."He forces Husky to shake his hand and starts attacking heartless.
  6. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    husky looked over at this edgar..he was completley random and really weird. husky looks over to his bunny heartless and notices it speaking. "mew...mew..meow,mew.." husky was baffled. "what? i can't understand..." the bunny an angry face on and tapped husky's heart. a white light radiated from huskys heart and slowly faded. the bunny spoke again. "hmph. we should be fighting too!" husky heard from out of nowhere. it was a girls voice. he looked over to the bunny and it nodded its head.

    she was right. husky whipped out his hookkeyblade and began killing off multiple heartless. that was until a heartless snake wrapped around his body. the bunny popped out and just stared at husky.

    "hey!! aren't..you go-ing..to hel-p me.." the bunny looked at him with an odd look and smiled. "sure but only if you call me purie from now on." husky couldn't beleive this. "alright fine whatever!!" purie looked at him in disbeleif. "you promise?" husky could hardly breath but managed to answer." yesss...." purie still didn't beleive him. "are you absolutley positivley indubidubly sure you promise?" husky averted his eyes and looked at purie. "what do you think?! yes!!! now fuckin sa-ve m-e.." purie empowered herself with light and casted mega-holy on the snake and five other heartless closing in. all were killed and purie jumped into husky bag. "oooo!!! another cheeseburger!" husky sighed and sat down ignoring the heartless. "that was my other chesseburger....why god!!!!!! why?!?!!!!!!!!!"
  7. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    "Dang,"Ginji said."Purie can eat a lot!"
    >I like cheeseburgers!<
  8. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    >Thats just Edgars personality.Also can anyone else hear purie?<
    "Hey,"Edgar kills two more heartless,"You guys haven't seen my Angel Drive have you?Would you mind if I showed it to you?"Edgar hits two more heartless into the ground where they died."these are getting boring new weapon,Kalasbalm come"Kalasbalm arose from the ground and Edgar picked it up and began elimnating heartless with one of his favorite swords.>Heres what Kalasbalm looks like [​IMG]
  9. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >nope. only husky can intepret what puries saying. for everyone else they hear little kitten noises.<

    husky got up off his feet and began killing heartless left and right. he didn't stop till he eliminated fifty plus heartless. husky turned around to swing his sword again and stopped two inches short of killing ginji. "i uh....got carried away." husky turned around and hacked a heartless approaching from behind and then sat down. leaving a few strugglers for everyone else.
  10. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Ginji turned pale again. This was what happened on the island before.
  11. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Edgar stopped still and remembered when destiny Ilslands fell into darkness."We can't let another world fall into darkness,"Edgar shouted"get your most powerful summon,weapon ,drive whatever just fight hard"Hearing this Leon and cloud jumped down into the vale killing heartless when landing. >I'll control Leon someone else take cloud<Edgar turned to them "ATTACK!!! with this Edgar turned into Angel Drive With these two swords [​IMG]and charged into the heartless franticly killing them while leon just started shooting and killing them.>BTW it's clouds son and leon's son<
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake woke up. He noticed he was in a large white room. "Oh no." He says and then hears a voice. "Welcome back my leige. You gave into darkness didn't you?" "Shut up. We both know that I didn't." "What ever. You heart almost left though. What you gonna do now? You almost became a nobody. You still could." A man materializes out of thin air. He has long blond hair and is dressed in a white over coat (Org. 13 style). He cocks his head to the side. "You can't live much longer you know. Look behind you." Jake turns to see some of the room was black. "What is going on?" "The darkness is destroying you. Now you die. Unless you become a nobody but you will be different from them. They have a chance to come back. You won't. Your heart will shatter regardless, unless." "Unless what?" "You kill me." A new voice said and a man with silver hair came out of the darkness wearing a black coat the same styles as the first. "You renounce me yet I have now come. You must kill me to return to you life." He draws a large scythe and a sword. Jake pulls out his blade and knife. "So be it."
  13. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    finally the heartless stopped attacking. huskys hookkeyblade disappeared and it was time to move on. husky looked around, "guys...weres jake?". and with that a holle opened up below husky. he fell down he had a constant falling feeling. until a large space opened up below him. husky landed on a gigantic black and red crystal platform. it was suspended in mid-air. the entire atmosphere was bloodred as a shadow husky emerged. he had fully red eyes and dog ears on his head. but at first he spoke.

    "you know who i am. and i know who you are. theres just one difference now. i am your darkness i am everything you aern't and because of that i want your power.". husky paused and readied his hookkeyblade. "and i say no?". the other husky replied with a smirk. "heh...well, then you can kiss your body goodbye." the other husky readied a keyblade with lightning flowing over it. husky prepared for the worst. and before he knew it he and the other him were clashing blades. husky knew his path and although fending off this other him found the time to ask. "if i'm sora and roxas's heartless then who are you?". the other husky looked him in the face. "i'm fenrir. your equal and opposite heartless." husky was confused how could a heartless..have a heartless?. fenrir read his mind and while coming dwn from a downward thrust answered his question. "its simple, you were turned into a human therefor eliminating the fact that you are a heartless. when you turned into a heartless again. i was born, i am the most powerful heartless you can find. but by now you must be wondering who your nobody is. hmm hmm hmm. i'm not telling." the two clashed blades once again. husky finally understood were he was. he was unconcious battling in himself.
  14. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Edgar saw Husky fall to the ground and stay there.what was he doing in the middle of a massive battle and he was lieing down,something was wrong Edgar dissapeered and reappeared next to husky's body killing off every heartless next to it he stayed there protecting the body attacking using two Kalasbalms.>Leon is now freelance<
  15. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    draco creates a platform of darkness and rides it towards the people fighting the heartless. he sees huskys uncounsious body and decides to take it. "give me husky, and i will spare your hearts." he said to the group.
  16. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    "never.come out of huskys body now"He readies his swords and prepares for a battle.>Dammit I wish I still had leon<
  17. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >story edit: although edgar tried he could not stop draco. he took huskys body and off he went.<

    still inside his own mind...

    husky battle with fenrir continued. he had tried everything he could until fenrir jumped back and began emitting a powerful dark aura. fenrir became as a wolf and luanched straight through husky's body(in his mind.). husky suddenly felt his entire body come to peices. he just collapsed on the floor of the platform. as fenrir walked over to possess his body husky began shining white and black. something emerged from his body and smashed fenrir over the cliff using an unknown force.

    husky awoke to find himself seeing draco holding a black version of him by the throat. husky was too weak to even realize purie had been on the table next to him until he heard a mew. he couldn't understand purie but he knew she either wanted a chesseburger or to help. purie launched a gigantic fireball straight at draco opening up a space to fight. fenrir took advantage and knocked draco against the wall. having no time to think he jumped back into huskys body and was sealed by purie. husky ran out of the room with draco chasing after him this time he would have to fight draco for real.
  18. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    >What did I miss?<
    Ginji followed the others like a shadow.
  19. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    draco followed husky after trying to take fenrir out of his body. he knew that this fight was going to be huge, and he knew that it was a battle of life or death. draco continued following out of the place and into a windy field of tall grass. husky stops. draco readies his weapon and says " this is the final battle between me and you." and then pointed at husky..........
  20. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    Ginji got lost somewhere."Oh crap,"he said. He started wandering around.
    >Don't find him. I'm gonna be gone for a while when schools out. He'll bump into the others later.<
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