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Kingdom Hearts:Unchained

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Saffire, Feb 14, 2008.

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  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake was at a loss of what to do. The room is mostly black now and he is tiring. He managed to score a few hits unscathed but his was not going to last. "HELP ME!!!!" He cries.
    >Anyone wanna join in?<
  2. sora-x

    sora-x New Member


    husky pointed his hookblade at draco and rushed in. the two began clashing blades husky jumped over head and came down spiralling into him but draco had a strong defense. he blocked husky with his katana and husky bounced off. draco began blasting darkness at husky but quickly stopped realizing that dark and light heals husky. it was too late, before draco knew it husky disappeared. until e looked above husky came down aiming to kill when draco simply stepped aside. a rip in timeand space opened up again and husky fell through draco following right behind. when husky came to he saw some guy holding a weapon near a wounded jake. husky immediatley assumed and rushed in to attack. the man blocked his attack and started repeatiedly slashing husky until he dropped to his knees. draco came in just after that and husky prepared to fight once again after purie healed him. husky knew draco better than anyone else so he knew draco wouldn't fight husky while teaming up with someone. he wanted husky by himself.

    >btw draco sorry for partly playing your character. and relax draco will get his turn later.
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake looked up at the man, now off guard. He looked around but could see no one. >He can't see help.< All he knew was that this was his chance. With a roar he grabbed his blade and came up, swinging it. He knocked away the mans weapons and then put his blade to the guys throat. "Who are you?" "Isn't it obvious? I am you. Your darkness." "Well, my darkness, there is only room for light here. So long." Then he beheaded him. The room was filled with light again and Jake returned to his body. He looked over to see husky locked in combat with draco. Jake stood up and summoned his true blade. He rushed in to help.
  4. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    husky had realized that jake did not need his help. but e did not want jakes help battling draco either. husky shoved draco off and slashed at jake. "this is my fight!" but it was too late. draco had already up and disappeared.
  5. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    draco, senseing that jake was interfering, teleported away in a flash of darkness......................................some where far away...
    "you didnt do it did you?"
    " you have failed me again draco."
    " i know, i know, Dranos." draco said.
    dranos said:" next time if he is not dead you will need more training."
    " yes master." draco said....................................................
  6. illumine

    illumine New Member

    hi ^^ ! can I join?

    Name: Alena
    Looks(eyes and hair):have sleek black hair reaching to just above her mid-waist/bright sapphire blue eyes/wearing a blue tanktop -black fingerless gloves-short black skirt and a knee high black boots
    Background:a girl who couldn't stand doing nothing when the worlds around her was facing the danger of the heartless and the nobodies.on one of the heartless attacks on her home world she tried to defend her family and friends and thus recieved the power of the keyblade and so went on a journey to save the worlds from this surrounding dangers and...searching for a particular...person.
    weapon:can weild 10 different keyblades that appear at her command
    personality:calm and collected-reliable-always there for her friends
    World:Hollow bastion

    *Alena was walking the empty streets of the world that never was exploring the place that was once the stronghold of organization 13.the place was now abondened and filled with nothing but utter silence.Alena kept walking around when suddenly she stopped in her tracks when she noticed there was someone else in the place. her eyes narrowed in confusion as she stepped closer to see that stranger and then widened in amazement "YOU?!"
  7. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >yaay! more people are joinin in =P <

    now with noone but jake around husky wondered about were he was and how to get back.a door mysteriously appeared on the right. he exited the room not caring if jake followed. taking a look around husky noted a gigantic metal castle suspended in front of a heart shaped moon. "now thats just odd..." husky began walking around and noticed a gigantic skyscraper. "eh...huh? now thats odd... no people,big buildings..and nobodies?!" husky jumped back and summoned his hookkeyblade. he began hacking away at the dusks. they were easy for him. far off in the distance a mysterious figure walked around the corner. husky followed secretly trying not to be heard. hugging the wall husky heard a girl talking. he paused to think of what to do. husky paused and peeked around the corner. the mysterious figure was talking to a girl about...18 or 19. she seemed suprised to see him but husky couldn't get a look at him. suddenly purie jumped onto husky and knocked him over. "damn you..." husky looked up as the two were now staring at him.
    "eh...heh,heh..hi!" husky got up and brushed himself off. " i'm husky..and this is my anti-heartless purie."
  8. illumine

    illumine New Member

    *Alena was looking at the new comer with amazement but regained her calmness quickly (hi Husky...don't mean to be rude but...)she looks back to the hooded man infront of her while the oath keeper appeared in her right hand with gleaming light (this is no time for chit-chat), The hooded figure laughed (you haven't changed at all...Alena) he slided down his hood , white hair , pale complexion , devilish pair of pale green eyes where locking gaze with Alena, (Sion...) she said while her face only reflected deep hatred (missed me...) he said smiling coldly (oh! and...) turned his head to Husky (let me welcome our guest first) he popped his fingers about 50 nobodies appeared and began attacking Alena and Husky (YOU-..)Alena shouted as she slashed in some nobdies (till we meet again Alena) he said while disappearing into the darkness...
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >You can use these for people talking you know ""<
    A whole opened up and out popped a angry Jake. "YOU!" He shouts at husky and then notices five dancers and five Samurai nobodies around him. "Oops. Not again." He draws his sword and knife and begins lopping off heads. This is getting out of hand, Drago. I come. Jakes armor went white and he began moving much faster.
  10. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    husky got up and summoned an his hookkeyblade. he stood ready to fight alongside alena and jake in this odd world. he opened up with a mid-air combo on one of the samurai's but was quickly counter when it used its twin blades to hack at husky. husky grabbed purie from behind and purie looked back at him with a look that said (well what do you want me to do? ugh...fine.) purie mewed and unleashed a savage explosion upon the samurai. purie popped back into husky hood and casted cura on husky.
  11. illumine

    illumine New Member

    Alena swiftly finished 3 dancers ...jumped and sliced a samurai one...and did the blast with her oath on 4 other dusks,"Darn you Sion..." she shouted while slashing off another Dancer. once finished she stood taking her breath and looking at both Husky and the new comer "sorry about earlier Husky and thanks for the help" she smiled "I'm Alena and..." looked to the other guy "You are?..."
  12. Axel

    Axel New Member

    Lea began again attacking the dancers. Still filled with anger. Why didn't he say anything to me!
  13. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    husky looked over at jake who was still a little busy fighting off the samurai nobodies. so husky took the liberty of introducing him. "thats one of my friends, his name is jake." husky was a tad bit confused but think he got the picture. "so..that guy..who was he?"
    before alena could answer husky felt a presence on a nearby building. a black cloaked boy abouy husky's age lowered his hood. he looked just like..him. but who was he? also looking around nobody seemed to know he was there. the man jumped and landed right in front of husky. looking at him husky could tell the differenc between him and sora. one his right eye was green while his left was blue. and two the back of his hair was all spiked. just like husky before he was turned into a heartless again. the man looked at husky and whispered in his ear. "i know who you are..and who your trying to find,hmm hmm hmm... and beleive me when i say she doesn't want you around anymore." husky was filled with rage. he started swinging at the man but his sword went straight through him. husky stopped when purie pulled his ear. he looked behind him to see jake and alena looking at him like he was crazy. he stopped and thought to himself for a minute. "eh..sorry got a little carried away i guess.. so uhm..right just who was that guy again?"

    >for lea,ginji and the rest of ya. were not in the place your in..soo continue on without us.<
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Jake grunted as he stabbed through the last of the nobodies. He turned then and said, "Was that it?" to husky. The samurai he had hit jumped high, about to cleave jake down the middle, when a shot of white light went over head and staked the thing to a building behind him. "What the!" Jake ducked along with everyone else. When he glanced up he saw a woman with brown shoulder length hair. She had blue eyes, like Jake, and was garbed in a white, skin tight, uniform with a symbol of accuracy on it. She had on black boots and had a braclet shaped like a cross on her left hand. The most important thing though was that she was holding a bow made of white energy coming from the braclet. "You didn't call, hun. I thought you were in trouble." "Katrina! You almost took my head off!" "But I didn't." "Still. If you were off by a bit." "You know me. My target always gets it right were I aim." She turns to everyone else. "Hi!" She says and smiles.
    >Katrina is Jakes wife. She has powers not unlike the quincy in Bleach. The only difference is that she uses magic arrows. Not spirit ones. If I need a bio for her I will make one. This is my only other character.<
  15. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    husky and purie both stared mouth agape at the arrow pinning the samurai against the wall and looked back and forth between jake and this "katrina". husky looked at jake in complete stupidity. "jakes married?!?!". although just a tad bit suprised husky introdueced himself to katrina. "hiya! the names husky."
  16. illumine

    illumine New Member

    Alena was looking at Husky who just began acting strange by swinging his Hookblade in the air as if he's hitting something invisible..."Husky you alright?" she was seriously doubting his mental safety,"eh..sorry got a little carried away i guess.. so uhm..right just who was that guy again?" Alena was about to answer him when suddenly she felt a new presence next thing she saw a samurai nobody stacked up with an arrow of light to a building behind Jake.looking up to the way the arrow of light was shot from she spotted the new comer on top of a building...next thing she knew was that the lady up there was Jake's wife. "hi, there" she said to Kartina as the oath keeper disappeared with another gleeming light from her right hand "I'm Alena.." , (If sion's on the move then there are some matters that must be took care of...)she thought, "so what brings you guys here?"
  17. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    husky turned back toward alena who asked him why he was in the world that never was. he he seemed to drift off for a moment but came back with an honest answer. " i just found my way here..via interdimensional portal. and why are you here?"
  18. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    meanwhile............................back on hollow bastion

    draco was sitting in his room when the door busted open and the kings royal guards rushed in. draco jumped up and pull out his sword. then one of the guards came forward and said, "draco you have been charged with treason against the great darkness,and with conspiricy."
    "and why is this so, Granor?" said draco. "because the king demanded it so." said granor.
    " so why did he send you here instead of the head knight?" asked draco
    granor replied "because we are going to help you escape."
    " we are going to get you out of here and send you to our secret castle in the twilight realm."
    " wait do you mean the world that never was." said draco
    "yes." said granor........
  19. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    it was not long after husky had begun walking with alena and jake towards the castle that never was when husky stopped. he felt a hunger for darkness, a hunger only one person could have. draco. it was coming from the castle that never was and gave husky even more reason to travel onwards to the castle.
  20. draco009

    draco009 Dungeon Master

    in the castle....a dark portal opens and draco,granor, and 20 guards walk through.
    "search the place and set up communications!" yell granor. draco took 2 guards and went to the front gate........:)
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