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Kingdom Hearts:Unchained

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Saffire, Feb 14, 2008.

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  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "So why are you here exactly?" Jake asks Katrina. They were both walking side by side towards the castle. "I like to be were the fun is. Were ever you go, fun follows." "So it wasn't because you missed me?" "That to." They stop and kiss each other. Then they go forward again. They both sense Draco at the same time. "Uh-oh." "What?" "You must be sense blind. Thats a big guy with many little guys." "Were big." "Not that big." "Should we go the other way?" "Nah. Lets just go in the front door." "Ok." She pulls out a saber while Jake pulls out his sword. They were prepared for battle.
  2. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    approaching what appeared to be newly installed open gates draco stood waiting for husky. husky approached draco and summoned his hookkeyblade,but that same invisible nobody came down and attacked draco. husky looked around and this time he was real. everyone saw him. the two continued fighting until draco suddenly revealed rainbow wings and a blue-tinted katana. husky had no idea what happened after that but in a flash both draco and his nobody disappeared. husky rushed into the castle waiting for his chance to take on his nobody.
  3. illumine

    illumine New Member

    "well I was checking this place out of curiosity..." alena said to Husky 'and looking for something..' she completed the sentence in her mind. she walked along with them to the castle that never was , scanning the place with her eyes and sometimes stopping and looking at somethings closer...when they had reached the entrance of the castle that never was Illumine felt the stinch of darkness the oblivion and the oath keeper appeared in her hands. that's when she saw a guy , husky had summoned his hook blade ready to charge at the strange guy ...when a new person appeared in the scene and both the stranger and the dark guy disappeared.
    "who were those people?" Alena had turned to Husky and Jake
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Draco and his nobody I think. Never realized he became a bad seed. Now, to bussiness." Jake runs inside with Katrina left behind. "Guess we better follow my husband. Pyon." Then she runs in, putting her sword back and calling out her bow.
  5. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    jake had run ahead but husky knew more than he did about the situation. he stopped and answered alena. "thats draco..leader of the heartless. i'm their prime target for some strange reason. and as for that stranger...hes my nobody... i have no idea what his intentions are but he intends to harm...her... theres no time to waste we have to hurry!". husky summoned his hookkeyblade and began ahnilating nobodies left and right. "out of the way!". husky jumped into the air performed a spiral and slammed his blade down wiping out the nobody's in front of him and creating a shockwave destroying five or six more. he rushed further down the path and disappeared out of sight.
  6. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Katrina and Jake were locked in combat with nobodies of there own. Katrina staked two more with an arrow burst while Jake watched here back. "You know what this reminds me of?" Jake asks. "Our honeymoon?" "Yeah." He goes into divine form and takes down a whole bunch more. Katrina fires out a rapid fire attack that kills the rest. Jake goes back to normal. "Lets establish this as a base for now." "Ok." They both make a healing point.
  7. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    husky continued running nothing stopped him from moving forward. about 105 kilometers upward into the castle husky had arrived at the top. blood stained his sword, he was panting an completley worn out. looking up he saw draco and his nobody going at it. his nobody quickly finished off draco summoning a gigantic black orb with a red aura the crushed draco and seemed to have completley eliminated him from the current space.

    >relax its just a time-space manuever. draco will be back shortly....or whenever he pleases.<

    husky's nobody rushed toward husky. husky had no choice he prepared his blade and went forward into combat. his unleashed all of his moves but none were very effective. his nobody had all-powerful moves and excelled in speed,strength,magic and defence. he quickly crushed husky knocking him across the top of the castle. husky was numb but still alive. husky's nobody walked over and ripped fenrir out of his body using some unknown force and crushed him into tiny bits. husky doubled over in pain feeling a big portion of his soul collapse. husky's nobody was not finished. he walked over and thrust husky into the middle of the castle.
    "hmm..hmm..hmm....yes..the time has come to awaken the true power within you. now.. husky! arise and awaken your power or i will kill her!"
    husky slowly got up and kneeled down on one knee. he was too exhausted he looked up and stared his nobody straight in the face.
    "w-what power?..."
    the nobody had a look of disappointment on his face. the power that comes around with infinite destruction. it only releases when you,this pathetic girl and that fool come into contact!, it is better known as T.S.D. Time Space Distortion. now release the power hold up inside of you or i will kill her!"
    husky got up his body glowing blue. he was unaware of this mysterious power flowing through him but he was pissed off at his nobody.
    "if you so much as lay a finger on luna i will kill you!!"
    husky gripped his blade and closed in on his nobody moving with such great speed he knocked luna out of his grip and slashed his torso forcing him backwards.

    before husky could make another move. his nobody got up and took a stance. summoning his blade. now on opposite sides of the roof the two went at it. all the meanwhile luna was screaming for them to stop fighting. but it was too late. a dimension opened up and draco came running out as well blade in hand. the three met blades and an explosion of blue light erupted from the roof and reached into the sky. an odd circle of symbols appeared in the sky and the castle disappeared. along with husky's nobody. everybody within the castle...jake,alena,draco and luna lay on the cold pavement unconcious.

    >sorry for being overly controlling i was trying to sum up the most of what happened due to husky's space time distortion.<
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  8. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >No problem. You forgot to tell us if we were in TTWNW but I will assume we are.<
    Jake wook up. "That was a big bang. Man." He looked at his coat. "Back to normal to." He began looking for Katrinas bracelt and found it a ways away. He put it on and put power into it. The bow appeared. After firing a few shots a decided that it was the way it was before the blast. He takes it off and hands it to a woozy Katrina. "What happened?" She asks. "I wish I knew. I think Husky did it but I am not sure." She looks at Husky. "That is one scary kid, but who is the girl?" "I don't know." They both stare at her a bit before setting up a heal point.
  9. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >i suppose i should make a bio for her.<


    age:16+(real age also unkown)


    magic:mage master(black,white,and green)(green magic is basically status changing spells.)

    personality:eek:verly concerned about husky. she is very protective and sticks by him alot. she can be devastating in battle unleashing extremeley powerful spells and combinding spells for unknown effects.

    personal description:luna has neck length brown hair and blue eyes. she wears a white shirt with a black skirt and has black shoes. she has a peircing on her right ear in the shape of a crescent moon. and she wears a necklace with a blue crystal on it.

    history:luna was held captive in a space station
    >draco i'm not bringing G.E.R.S into it this is her history so be quiet.<
    she was rescued by husky and has been his closest friend ever since. deep down she really likes husky but husky is too stubborn to notice. she is a great asset to the group and possibly an even better mage than ultima (different roleplay.)

    >now that thats over with..<

    husky got up and looked around. "mmm...what happened? the castle is gone?!". luna ran up to husky and hugged him "are you alright?!". husky was suprised and answered. "yeah..i'm fine it's not like i'm dying...heheheh". husky stood up and looked at jake. "what happened? castle is gone.." husky was completley confused and seemed to have no memory of what happened. he looked around for purie. but found no sign of the fuzzy little heartless. until he heard a voice. "husky! whatever you did must have affected me somehow!... i feel like i'm one with your soul..". husky was deeply confused and a little lost. he thought to himself.(am i missing something here?...)
  10. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Umm, how do I say this?" Jake asks. "I got it." Replies Katrina. She leans down. "To put it bluntly? You blew it up." He looks surprised. "Wah?" "Yep, blew it up. Boom."
  11. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    husky didn't understand. what was going but apparently he blew up. with nowhere left to turn he walked off. luna following closely behind
  12. illumine

    illumine New Member

    Alena opened her eyes but everything was blurry and inprecise , she closed them and opened them again. It was better as she begne to recognize her surroundings "where am i?... What happened?" as she got up in a sitting position. She put a hand on her forehead trying to remember what happened 'the last thing i remeber was that husky blew
    That damned castle...' she thought as she got to her feet. "i must speak to that boy... There's something weird about him"

  13. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    >yaay my post went through! :) i posted thast last one from school<

    husky turned towards luna with a look of concern he was so conmfused. "luna! what happened?!". luna paused and then answered. "i can't tell you..". husky became angry until he spotted someone who looked like alena huddling near a corner aslmost out of sight. she had followed them. husky looked at luna and began asking questions. "why is that castle gone?! were is draco?! and why won't you tell me?!?!" luna sighed and answereed calmly. "husky..your the key..." husky thought that this was a load of crap. sora was "the key". he looked at her and said " how could i possibly be "the key" sora was the key,the key to everything and guess what. he's dead." luina sighed and further explained. "you are husky. a.k.a heartless of sora and roxas. mixed up in a genetic experiment. then infused with the heart of light. sora was the key. but he never unlocked the real secret behind the keyblades untold power. you..are that secret." husky couldn't believe this. "what are you talking about!?!?". luna became frustrated and just came out with it. "husky! your the key to destruction!!! okay!.. i didn't want to tell you because it would tempt you to unlock it's power... your powers fart exceed sora's you are the key between time and space. and it's not just you..there are others.." luna ran off to join the others and husky leaned against a nearby building." *sigh*..alena..you can ask me your question now.."
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "I vote we get out of here." "And I vote we stay." "Go." "Stay." "GO!" "STAY!" Both Jake and Katrina were having a "Lovers Tiff" over wether they should leave the World That Never Was, or stay and mop up any enemies that are still there. The answer was decided for them, as a man appeared on a roof top. "Just missed me!" He cried, then fled. Jake and Katrina ran off in pursuit.
  15. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    husky paused for a second and looked at the sky. "it's raining...". husky walked off and then whistled. a small blue flag ship landed and a young boy came out. "hah! i got it here in one peice!". husky looked at the young boy and spoke. "thanks ricky.".

    (ricky is not another created character he is just..a pilot to get me out of here.)

    >ricky seemed to be a normal twelve year old boy. except for the fact that he had big cat ears on the side of his head. and a tail. he was a humanoid.<
    husky turned towards alena and then asked her a question."hey you wanna come along?. i doubt that whoever your looking for is staying around here anymore with the castle gone."
  16. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    They saw the gy up ahead and began firing spells at him. One fire spell hit his back side and he yelped. Then he vanished. "Nuts." "Just missed him." They return back to see the ship. "Who is that?"
  17. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    ricky turned to husky and looked him straight in the eyes. "hey! how come ya didn't tell me ther'd be a pretty lady here! hi miss! i'm uhmm welll uh.. nevermind really heh heh". husky averted his eyes in disbeleif with a look that said (not again..). the boy looked at husky with a sarcastic look on his face and then headed into the ship. "i'm on it husky!"
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Did he just?" "Yes." "Be right back." Katrina teleports in front of ricky. "Hey hansom." Then she smacks him so hard he falls down on his butt. "I'm all ready married." Jake just laughs.
  19. sora-x

    sora-x New Member

    ricky looked at katrina rubbing his cheek. "what'd ya do that for!". husky who was standing outside called for ricky. "ricky! i'm putting jake in charge. i'll be back soon.".
    ricky looked out at husky and got angry. "ya mean this big oaf?! oh c'mon. he's not even a REAL man!". husky averted his eyes again watching jake draw his blade. after wich husky walked off into the world that never was and motioned for alena to follow him.
  20. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Just fix that ship, if it needs it." Jake says a bit angrily. "Please." He adds on after a whithering look from his wife.
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