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Kingdom Hearts Wall Painting

Discussion in 'Traditional Art' started by Mandy Samano, Sep 23, 2008.

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  1. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    That's an awesome wall painting. Actually my mum painted on the wall too. When I was twelve, my mum painted Harry Potter on the wall. It had the main characters, Hogwarts. the Harry Potter title and Hedwig on the top right with a letter saying the address of the Dursley's house on it. It was awesome. I've moved house now and I miss that painting ):
  2. Mandy Samano

    Mandy Samano New Member

    that's awesome! lol do you have any pics of it??? I'd like to see them if you do! If you don't its okay, but that's pretty awesome! :)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2008
  3. Mandy Samano

    Mandy Samano New Member

    ahh, I wouldn't go that far ^-^ I mean theres like picasso, da vinci, apollo, you know, the classic :)
    Just kiddin, but thanks thanks and thanks :D
  4. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    My god you are talented >faints<
    >wakes up<
    sorry but you are very good.
  5. Crossfault

    Crossfault New Member

    lol, should have left it for the new residents, they would appreciate it XD, great job.
  6. Mandy Samano

    Mandy Samano New Member

    I totally would have if it were in my power ^.^
  7. rencoinfreak

    rencoinfreak Banned


    im so going to paint roxas on my wall. XP
  8. Mandy Samano

    Mandy Samano New Member

    yah roxas is alright :]
  9. iridaceous

    iridaceous New Member

    OMG! That is the best painting ever!! *bwee!!* I luff it!! ^^ Aww, too bad you had to move. D: I wish I could paint like that. I can draw pretty well, but when it comes to painting, I fail. XD
  10. Mandy Samano

    Mandy Samano New Member

    yah i know -.-" oh well. Thanks a bunch though! I really appreciate the comments ^.^
    You know, I didn't know I liked painting until I actually tried it :) Maybe you should just try! just for fun you know?? You can only go two ways...absolutely hate it, or love it!
  11. iridaceous

    iridaceous New Member

    No problemo. =)
    Oh, I've tried painting. I absolutely suuuck at it. xD Well, small paintings, anyway. I've never painted anything large like your pic on the wall, but I might try someday.
  12. Mandy Samano

    Mandy Samano New Member

    You should!! ^-^
  13. OverLord Abaross

    OverLord Abaross Prince of sayians

    I agree with /\
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