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Kingdom Neveah

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, May 23, 2009.

  1. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Lucious only chuckled darkly "Glad to know you remember me old friend." he said with a sinister smile. He suddenly sent a blast of dark energy at Gerik that knocked him off of his feet. "Unfortunately I'm not here to catch up with nucenses from the past." he looked at Jacob "You look so much like your father young one... I wonder. Will you prove yourself just as useful?"

    Aleta looked at Joey to make sure he was ok and then ran over to Gerik, unsure what else to do. She could already tell she hated this 'Lucious' person. She was afraid to take her eyes off of him even for a moment. She knelt down next to Gerik to make sure he was ok.
  2. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob held his sword out to Lucious. "I will prove myself useful... When I kill you and save Neveah." Jacob ran forward and swung his sword at Lucious.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik got up. "I'm fine." He told Aleta as he dusted himself off. "Last I recall, your magic was a tad bit stronger Lucious." He grabbed Jacob's shoulder and pulled him back. "You can't fight Lucious. Not now." He looked at Luciuos. "So what are you here for? Just to stand in our way?"
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Lucious's eyes glowed a bright red and suddenly the ground started shaking. The earthquake was so strong that the ground cracked directly inbetween Aleta and Gerik, and Joey and Jacob. Lucious hovered in the middle. He looked at Jacob "The same blood oath is within you and one day when I have need of you. I will call for you to come again."

    Aleta threw a knife at Lucious and he caught it with his hand before looking at her "Not today Aleta but soon... I have plans for you in the hear future but you must be patient."

    "For now, I have a bigger job to complete... I must ask Aleta. Were your last words to your father good ones?"

    Aleta shook her head "Why?"

    Lucious ignored her question as he threw a knife at Joey's unconcious body. It struck exactly over one of the healed arrow wounds. "That should keep you all busy while I finish poisening this world and can turn my efforts back on you." he then dissapeared.

    Aleta ran over to Joey who was now awake but the sword had a strange black oil like substence on it's blade "He poisened you..." she said, alarmed.
  5. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Warren was pacing back and forth at the kingdom. "Where on earth could she have gone!?" he said, worried about his daughter. His wife, weak from the illness that gripped her reached up from her bed and took his hand "You worry too much Warren."
    Warren too his hand from his wife's grasp... and then he calmed down and sat on the edge of the bed, taking her hand with an apologetic look "You're right as always. She's strong... just like her mother."
    The queen laughed weakly and shook her head "Stronger."
    Warren nodded "I still just cant believe Joey would have kidnapped her."
    the queen tried to sit up and Warren helped her "He wouldn't. I think these rumors are getting out of control. You know our daughter... she reminds me of you when we were a little younger and more rambunxious."
    Warren smiled gently but before he could respond, the room suddenly got darker as the fire in the lanterns on the walls blew out. Warren stood and looked around as Queen Clara tried to stand but was stopped when a dark figure loomed from the shadows and grabbed the queen's wrist. Ignoring her screm of protest and pain, he yanked her from the bed and held a knife to her neck. The king pulled out his sword and turned to see his wife's attacker. "Lucious!?" he said, with his eyes wide with fear and suprise.
  6. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "AH!" Joey said as he shot up from his unconciousness. Joey drew his attention to the blade sticking in his chest. Joey pulled it out and notice the posion on it, as the dear princess told him it was posion"Well I figured that much my dear princess." Joey touched some of the posion and put it up to his noise and smelled it. "This isn't ordinary posion my dear princess, this is concentrited mercury. this stuff could kill an oversized dragon within 10 mins. but lucky for me, I carry all sorts of potions and cures for me. let me see here I should have a bottle of fairy tears somewhere in my bag....HERE!" Joey tooked the bottle of and drank the fairy tears." this should take care of the posion, but not my wounds."
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta nodded and cursed under her breath "We have to get you to a doctor." she said almost impatiently. Now that she met Lucious she wanted to get it over with and save Neveah.... this was going to add time to their journey but she was worried about Joey so she knew that there really was no option. "I think the closest doctor should be in Avguard *A city a few miles away from Neveah's capitol and maybe an hour away from Hyrule Ruins. "But do you think you can wait until we find the artifact that Gerik led us here to find or do we need to split up?"
  8. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob knelt down beside Joey. "I know I'm just a kid compared to everyone here, but I think it would be better if we got Joey to a doctor. Aleta, do you think you can take him? Gerik and I can search for this artifact by ourselves. We need Joey alive." Jacob looked over at the princess, seeing the concern in her eyes for Joey.
  9. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "I don't need a doctor! just get me to the nearest potion shop and get me some of that fruit punch flavored red potion. Man that stuff is good! have any of you ever tryed some before?" Joey got up and held on to a tree to stop himself from falling down again. "But I ain't going to no doctor, I've heard all the stories about what goes on in there. I haven't gone to the doctors once in my life and I ain't going to start now!"
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta rolled her eyes "The big tough Honor Guard capitain is afraid of a little doctor?" she said incredulously. "Now this I find hard to belive now quit being a baby Joey you need more help than just a potion."
  11. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Yes, yes I am afraid of a little doctor. I rather die then go to a doctor. I also believe if I drink enough red potions it will do the job. Remember my dear princess I am older and wiser, and know a little more about things then you. Did you go to medical school? no you didn't. But I might go to this doctor one one condition and one condtion onky my dear princess."
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta glared and folded her arms, getting a little impatient of how childish Joey was being "Ok fine then, what is your condition and I make no promises until I know what it is." she warned sternly. SHe didn't care what he said, he was going to a doctor wether he liked it or not.
  13. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "I will go to the doctors only if Jacob comes, and him alone. That is my only condition. So what do you think my dear princess? will you settle on my condition?" Joey glared at the princess, she had that look on her face that told you, well nothing actually, you couldn't tell what she was thinking. Joey just stood there for about 10 seconds waiting for her reply.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta's expresson was unreadable as she considered Joey's condition. She growled and turned away "We dont have time for this. Do what you want Joey I'm not your mother but you better clear it with oh fearless leader over there before you do." she said before she walked down the hill toward he ruins with some caution in case there were still enemies around but she didn't want to worry about these childish arguments anymore.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik walked over to Joey. Gerik had a knife in his hand, and he cut it. He let his blood drip on Joey's wound. "This'll keep the poison from spreading too fast." Gerik looked at the cut he just made. He took some bandage and wrapped it around the cut so nobody could see it.
  16. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob looked over at Gerik wrap up Joey's bandage, then over at Aleta. He could tell that she was upset about something Joey had said. Trying to be nice, Jacob started walking with her. He kept looking ahead as he said, "Hey. Are you okay?"
  17. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    *have you read are posts!?! 0_o whatever I'll still go with it*

    "thanks for the blood on my cloths! I don't need anymore then there is already! But I guess you don't believe my potions work wither now Mr. magic man who spills blood on people! But I'm going to the d... Evil place of healing and jacob can come if he wants, but you'll never know if I do go to the evil place of healing if some doesn't."
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "I don't care about your potions." Gerik said. "But seeing as you little kids can't stop arguing, something needed to be done. You'd be dead by now if my blood didn't touch your wound. So instead of whining, be grateful and let's get going. Drink one of your potions if you want. Just hurry the hell up."
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta looked at Jacob and then shook her head, her expression sofened a little "Yes I'm fine. I just cant stand how childish he can act sometimes." she shook her head "Besides I think we spend too much time arguing and not enough time actually doing something about Lucious." it wasn't as much what Joey said that upset her, but what Lucious had said to her. What did he mean by 'what were the last words to my father? she thought to herself.
  20. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob sighed. "Tell me about it." he commented, looking out over the ruins. "But you know, maybe it's for a good reason. So, how long has Joey been a child inside?" he asked, smiling over at Aleta. "Seems to me that it's been quite a long time."

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