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Kingdom Neveah

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, May 23, 2009.

  1. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "no! I"m Tried Of You Thinking You Know Everything And Thinking Your The Almighty Just, Because The Goddess Said You Were The Leader!!! Well Sorry To Burst Your Bubble!!! But You Aren"t And I"m Willing To Bet The Whole Entire World On It!!! And I"m Sorry That Were Acting All Childish To You!!! I Didn"t Know We Had To Act All Perfect Like You!!!"
  2. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob quickly turned back around at the sound of Joey's voice. "Sorry princess. Maybe we can talk another time." he said, sprinting off towards Gerik and Joey. Jacob grabbed Joey by the arm and held him. "Hey man! What is your problem?!" Jacob asked, looking over between him and Gerik.
  3. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *Before Joey's explosion* Aleta laughed a little and rolled her eyes "For as long as I knew him at least. He's a little too prideful for his own good but I've come to realise who isn't?" she said sarcasticly. "But he's right in his disision to take you if he would have gone to the city though Gerik seems to have it taken care of. Joey has a long past that he has only told me little stories about when I was a child. He keeps telling me he has something important he needs to tell you..."

    Aleta was interrupted when the two of them heard Joey's tantrum. Aleta followed Jacob to go back to Joey and Gerik, not sure if they would have to beak up a fight or not.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik just laughed from Joey's little rant. "When you're done, we're going. Just hurry up. Unless of course you want Lucious to win. Then by all means, stay right where you are." Gerik started walking down towards the ruins.
  5. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

  6. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    "Joey, wait!" Jacob cried out, but Joey kept riding. "Damnit!" Jacob shouted, holding his head in his hands. I can't believe this is happening. he thought, cursing himself for all the luck they were having. "Well, good going Gerik. Now we just lost one of our members." he commented sarcastically.
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "He'll be back." Gerik said, not turning around. "We're bound by fate. No matter what, we can't get separated. Go follow him if you want. Or come in the ruins. The sooner we're done here, the better."
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta rolled her eyes "Go with him Jacob. Gerik is right we cant be separated that long it doesn't work that way. Gerik and I will find the artifact and maybe if you go with him he'll calm down a little. I would go but seeing as I am also ticked off at him right now I dont think I'll do much good."
  9. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob stood there, then slowly turned to where Gerik was. "Look here. I don't think Joey's manner of telling you this was the right way, so let me try. You may be a bigshot where ever you came from. But here, you're just like us. You're no different from me, Aleta, or Joey. So why don't you lighten up, okay? In this group, everyone is the same. No one is better then the other. If you can't see that, then we're going to fail in saving Neveah. And I won't be here when that happens." Jacob pretended to tip a hat off to Gerik. "I hope you do well in this quest. But you will not succeed if you act the way you do."

    Taking a deep breath, Jacob turned to Aleta. "Look princess, I'm out of here. I have to find my father. If he's been trapped by Lucious, then I have no choice but to leave. I bid you farewell." He started walking down the pathway.
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta stood motionless as she watched the three other 'chosen heros' walk off in three different directions. She glared "This isn't turning out so well..." she whispered to herself as she looked up at the sky. She shook her head, knowing that if she was going to save Neveah and her father then she would have to continue even if Jacob and Joey were going to run off. She turned and followed Gerik toward the ruins.
  11. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    It took Joey about an hour to get to the closet town, that wasn't destroyed by the darkness yet. Joey bought a lot of potions and a couple of treats for Arek and Rex who earned them for all they have done. Joey then started riding towards Nevah when he thought, what am I suppose to tell the king and queen that I let their daughter go running off when a couple of strangers that and that she is a chosen hero by the goddess herself and that their suppose to stop the darkness that is taking over the land! well I croos that bridge when I get there
  12. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob climbed over the ridge, wiping sweat of his brow. He looked back down at where what remained of the group. He saw Aleta beside Gerik, her red hair giving away her position. I really hope she will be okay. But I just wish she wouldn't put her life on the line. Jacob looked down at the path, then back at Aleta. Sighing, he turned and started down the pathway, heading for the nearest town.
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Akerika watched from above as the four all went their seperate ways and sighed. Someone laughed behind her and she turned to see a dark figure standing there "You've lost Akerika. Your heroes have failed to work together and they will never be a strong enough force to save Nevaeh now. Just the princess and the sword man wont make much difference against Lucious. He has grown too powerful for that."

    Akerika glared "Dont get too excited just yet, Cole. You can't interfere with the human world all we can do is wait and see."

    Cole just laughed "When Lucious gets his little revenge scheme then Neveah will be mine and I will do what I want with it and you will no longer exsist, sister."

    Aleta looked back at Jacob and Joey, then with a sigh looked back at Gerik "So what are we looking for here anyway?"

    As Joey rode into the capitol of Neveah, Maev ran up to him "Joey!? Oh thank god we all thought you were dead! Where is Aleta?"
  14. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "I'm sorry to say, but she was raped nemoreous times then fed to a giant lizard................................... Na! I'm just messing with ya!!! I rather talk to the King and Queen about that, considering their going to want to talk to me about my death sentencing after I tell them about their daughter" Joey grew nervous of knowing what was going to happen to him, he still didn't know how he was going to tell them about their daughter.
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Maev glared and hit Joey for his joke about Aleta but then she grew more serious as he said he wanted to speak to the King and Queen "...Well... actually." tears formed in her eyes "The queen is dead Joey. She was murdered before the king's eyes. The poor King hasn't left the royal graveyard since then." she shook her head "He told me that as soon as you or his daughter arrived that I was to send you to him. He said it was important."
  16. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "I know how the King feels for losing a loved one. But if the Queen is really dead, I don't know if telling him about his daughter is the greatest idea known to man. I know the King doesn't love me, but we don't need more than one dead person within the last couple days. I think I'll wait until his return to talk to him. But if you wish I will go talk to the King, but I'll be ending up in the grave."
  17. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    "Now there is a smart man, Maev." chuckled a voice from the shadows. A lone man walked up to Joey and Maev, he was one of the men that followed Jacob's father. "See, the king sent me out here to make sure he wasn't interrupted out there in the graveyard. Now weren't you a little busy with something else other than running out here bothering this man?" he said, rasing an eyebrown.

    Maev looked scared suddenly. She backed off, giving Joey a look as if she wanted to tell him something but she couldn't. She looked back at the man "...Y... yes you're right James how thoughtless of me." she said. James laughed at the woman's reaction "Just run along and the 'king' doesn't have to know." he said, motioning back toward the castle. Maev shot Joey one last glance, looking worried and unsure before she ran off back toward the castle. James looked back at Joey "Y' know it's a lot easier to find all of you so called heros when you aren't running off all over the place." he said sarcasticly.

    Warren knelt before the grave of his wife, where he had been non moving for nearly two days now. He knew that Lucious was still there, standing as still as a stone angel his shadow looming over Warren's rigid body. When Warren finally spoke his voice was cracked, broken. "What are you still doing here. You've taken everything from me... just like you wanted." the look in his eyes turned to fury "WHAT THE HELL DO I HAVE LEFT FOR YOU TO DESTROY!!!!?" the memory of Clara's terror and pain filled scream as Warren could do nothing but watch as Lucious stabbed his dagger through the back of her neck. He remembered watching her fall and running to her side but being stopped by some strange magic. He remembered trying to kill Lucious with his sword, stabbing him through the heart only to have Lucious fall to the ground but then stand his eyes glowing a deep crimson and his laugh... the laugh that could only belong to a demon from hell. Lucious couldn't die- he was stuck in life until his task was complete.

    Lucious laughed, interrupting Warren's thoughts "Well I figured it would be quite obvious old friend. I want your death."

    Warren turned to face Lucious "Then get it over with." he spat.

    Lucious only shook his head "No, not with this pride I still see within you. I want you to be begging for me to kill you. I want you on your knees before me so that all in your little kingdom will know that you their great king of light failed them. That you are nothing." he chuckled darkly.

    Warren's face twisted with hate as he kicked Lucious where it counts "You've got a long time to wait around then." he said angrily before he began to walk away.

    Lucious only laughed as he watched his friend leave "But that is... there are still two things you do have that I can take away from you in the same act." he said thoughtfully. Warren stopped and turned around to look at Lucious suspiciously. But before he could say anything Lucious grinned "I will see you again Warren. Until then, just remember your kingdom is being closely watched. I have associates everywhere even within your own castle. Dont try anything." he dissapeared.

    Warren screamed in rage and threw his sword at Lucious but he was already gone the sword stuck into the headstone behind where Lucious once stood. He didn't care if it would have killed him or not, this hate was too great for him to keep in control. Warren just stood there, breathing heavily with rage as he stared at his sword protruding out of the headstone in the shape of an angel.

    Someone laughed at Jacob but there was no one to be seen "You know if you keep staring at her like that one might get the wrong impression." Jacob's father appeared in Jacob's path. "But maybe I"m just a sucker for that sort of thing." he said sarcasticly.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "A few things." Gerik answered. "An ancient treasure. And anything showing us how to get to Lucious's base. The treasure is one of the last of it's kind. It is a special type of armor. Extremely valuable... And extremely useful."
  19. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Have you've ever stared death straight in the eyes? because your about too, because you have just sealed your fate. I have traveled around the world, I have cheated death numerous times, I have defeated enemies of all times, but I'll give you one chance to walk away before I break my foot off in your a**." the just stood there motionless, Joey took that as if he was backing off and started walking into the castle.
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta nodded "I will just pretend I understand for now." she said with a humorless laugh. As the two of them neared the entrence to the oldest building Aleta had ever seen, Aleta looked at the huge doorway that's doors had been taken off of it's hinges and were laying on the ground across the floor inside. Aleta walked cautiously inside to see there were ALOT of doors in this place. "Wow... talk about a labrynth." she said sarcasticly.

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