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Kingdom Neveah

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, May 23, 2009.

  1. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob drew his sword and stepped back. "What are you doing here?" Jacob's father just stood there, starring at his son.
    "I thought it would be obvious? I assume I was wrong." he replied. Drawing his sword, Jacob's father set it down slowly. "Look, I'm un-armed. Will that convince you to listen to me?" Jacob just stood there, thinking.
    "Talk." he simply said.
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta looked around "Well... we better start somewhere or we may as well give up hope on finding this thing you're looking before we even begin looking." she glared, "Now I sound like my dad." she said rolling her eyes. She looked at Gerik "I would say we should split up to cover more ground but seeing as we've lost half of our 'team' I would say that might be a bad idea." she smiled a little but looked back in the direction that she had seen Jacob and Joey depart. She was worried about them.
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "The path to the armor is rather simple. You just gotta know how to find the secret path." Gerik said. He had a flask of liquid in his hand. "Watch and learn." He took a huge swig of the drink, but didn't swallow it. He held a torch in front of his face, pointing it somewhat towards the celing. He spat out all the liquid onto the flame. It caused the flame to shoot out into a pillar of fire. Once it died down, there was a little flame still connected to the celing. It then shot off, leaving a trail of fire wherever it went.
  4. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Joey continued to the graveyard still thinking of the man. I know, he probably let me think that he was afraid of me and let me pass for a further ambush! well over I better keep my eyes out for him or any other enimes. Joey started to see a figure in the graveyard, when he got close enough Joey figured out it was the king. Joey approched with caution. Might be a trick.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta smiled a little. Though she was worried she was still sure it was going to take some getting use to to see so much magic being used in so many different ways. She took a step to follow the trail of fire "We better get started then."

    The man in the fog ran toward Joey, his face was unshrowded from the fog as soon as he got close enough to Joey. It was the king. "Joey!" he said, he looked insane. His hair sticking out in all different directions and his eyes wide with worry,suspision, and anger, "Where were you? Where is Aleta? Please tell me she isn't with you!"
  6. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob's father started circling him. Jacob followed with him, keeping him in his sights. "If you really want to know why I'm here, I have an offer for you. My boss sees great potential in you and would like you to join."
    Jacob snorted. "Yeah, sure. I bet. I know you're little friend Lucious doesn't care about me."
    His father shook his head. "I'm obligated to at least ask. If not..." he nodded. Jacob heard a snap and spun around just as someone came barreling out of the bushes. The attacker swung his sword, but Jacob managed to parry it. He lashed out at the attacker and sent him flying. Jacob quickly stood up to find a knife at his throat. "You're making this harder for me then it should be."
  7. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "You see I would really like you to atleast consider the offer, don't you want to be on the winning side with your father? Rather than your pathic worthless honor guard Joey? I mean isn't it obvisus? he left you and your friends to go back to his life as a guard, which he'll get a big surprise when he gets there. Just think if you were with me and lucious! you could rule maybe a small part of Kingdom Neveah if you apply yourself to it my son."
  8. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob eyed his father. "Sorry dad. You gave up on us a long time ago when you sided with that treacherous monster. In a way, I feel sorry for you." Jacob pushed the knife aside and punched his father straight in the face. As his father reeled back in surprise, Jacob sprinted past him and down the path, back towards the ruins. I have to get back to the others.
  9. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "You can run! but you can't hide! We are connected by our bloodline! I know always where to find you my boy! let me tell you this! for your foolishness of siding with them! Joeys death will be your punishment! HAHAHAHA! My master has taught me a thing or two about revenge! killing the persons loved ones is a greater revenge than just killing them! So run boy! run! Run back to your friends while you think of Joeys death being on your sholders! HAHAHAHAHA! than maybe I'll go back to your hometown and do a little redeceration! HAHAHAHAHA!"

    "I got side tracked, but anyhow I'm surprised that you don't want your daughter to be with me. To answer your question she isn't. but she's on a quest to save the kingdom from luciuos, you see she followed me to the camp where we fought a giant dragon and then we talked to a goddess, literly, she told us that only me, the princess, the magic man, and this biy could defeated lucoius, but first we needed to go to the ancient kingdom of Hyrule to get this magic thing to help us, than I met my brother who had been turned evil by luioucs than I figured out the boy was my nephew and than I got pissed and left, because the magic man was be a pain in my ass, than I came back here to meet some weirdo at the castle doors, and than I came here! to find you al freaky looking! my king."
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2009
  10. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob stopped. Hate burned through him as he slowly turned back to his father. "What did you say?"
    His father smiled. "I was told to destroy our hometown if you didn't join. You might want to think it through again." Jacob walked over to him and stood there.
    "I will make sure you don't do anything to hurt my friends. Family or not, you gave up on me. You gave up on Mother. I can never forgive you for what you did."
  11. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "HAHAHAHA! Your mothers death was Joeys doing! He was in charge of protecting her while I fought of the soldiers, but he disobeyed my orders and came to help fight! Then he disobeyed my orders again by not retreating when I told him, I should thank him for that part though, that's how I became a servent of the great Lucoius! It was really him who mest up your lfe! his intentions were good, but his doings weren't thought out."
  12. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob shook his head. "No, you're wrong. I know you are. Joey couldn't have done anything like that because he wasn't there." Jacob stepped back and turned away. "Be sure you give the "great" Lucious my final answer." Taking a deep breath, Jacob started walking back down the hill.
  13. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Maybe you should ask Joey about that, maybe what I say is actually true. But fine, think about the offer before you do anything stupid. Lucious will soon rule Neveah and you will join whether or not you want too!" Jacob's father soon disappeared into thin air.
  14. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    "Aleta, wait!" Jacob shouted, running up behind her and Gerik. He stopped short and gasped for breath. "You... you both can't go alone. You need me, unfortunately." He straightened up and looked over at Gerik. "Let's try to at least get along."
  15. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta heard Jacob behind them and put her arm out in front of Gerik for him to stop. The two of them turned to see Jacob behind them. Aleta smiled "I dont think it's you we need to worry about getting along." she sighed "Joey is probably back home by now."

    Warren shook his head "Times have changed here while you were gone Joey. The shadows attacked the kingdom and Lucious... he killed the queen. He is looking for Aleta I dont know why. I cant leave the castle, not while my kingdom and the rest of my family is in danger here. He is watching this city at all times."
  16. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "Well he's in for a big surprise when he runs into me, I'm the best of the best in this whole entire world my king, my motto is, 'Mess with the best, die like the rest.' I think I'll be watching over you for a while, incase Lucious comes back. I know your not found of dogs, but Arek will be looking after you too, he'll smell Lucious coming from a mile away my king. Also don't worry your daughter is in the hands of a magic man who Lucious seems threaten by and won't engage them unless it's abouslty neccisary."
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Warren shook his head "He has already been back before Joey. This battle goes back long before you were born. Trust me, there isn't need to protect me." he sighed and looked away "For now, he wants me alive. That man you saw at the entrence, his name was Cole. Some would say he is a loyal servant to Lucious, but something makes me think he is planning more for himself."
  18. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    "No wonder he let me pass, oh well I have a job to do and I'm gunna see it through to the end. I'll have the troops at the ready for anyone and anything. We have something on our side that he doesn't, a dragon. A power that can make Lucious a little concerned. I'll have all guards and soldiers at the ready, no one engages him, but me and any of hos followers. Also if this guy cole is really planning something maybe we can always use that to our advantge, a house divided can't stand on it's own.

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