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Kingdom Neveah

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Nova, May 23, 2009.

  1. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Liera saw the dragon ahead of her, and silently groaned. First the bandits and the storm, and now this! But, she knew that thing was menace and probably would kill innocents - so she took up aim from the rock she was leaning against, and fired towards its eye.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik quietly laughed to himself when the dragon appeared. He looked at the guards. "I told you a monster has taken nest here. But no, don't listen to the guy who knows what he's talking about."

    The guards looked at the dragon in fear. "Is there anything you can do?"

    Gerik replied. "I thought you were the best guards in the land. But yes, I'll see what I can do. But when I'm done, take all the troops and leave these ruins." Gerik ran towards the dragon, not bothering to wait for a reply.

    Gerik saw another person already fighting the dragon. "He's not gonna do good by himself." The dragon took notice of Gerik. It lowered to the ground and faced Gerik. They were 30 feet apart from eachother. Gerik swung his sword, sending out a blast of magic. The magic hit the dragon square in the face. Gerik then ran and jumped on the dragon's back, looking for the weak spot.
  3. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Joey was trying to stay balance on the dragons back while it was in flight. all of a sudden a man jumped up on top of the dragon."Who the heck are you?" That's all Joey could say before Joey noticed that they were like a thousand feet in the air. And the dragon started to do a straight down dive.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "That doesn't matter." Gerik answered, grabbing on to part of the dragon. "Just grab on so you're not thrown off." Gerik held one hand to his cloak so it wouldn't fall off. In the same hand, Gerik held on to his sword. He was holding on to the dragon with his other hand so tight, that his hand was starting to cause the dragon to bleed.
  5. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    The goddess watched patiently as she watched Gerik and Joey on the back of the dragon. It was almost time for them to know their destiny. The dragon's dive was in a straight path for Jacob.

    Lucious picked up the ring and handed it to his assasin, "Keep this safe and tell no one of it's existence. Then, go to the capital of Neveah and seek out Warren. Let him know that his worries of my return are factual and tell him that I am here, ready to take from him all that he once held dear." he smiled "Just dont kill him." he said, letting him know that it was ok and encouraged to rough up Warren a little. "I want him alive until he and the rest of his kingdom begs for death."
  6. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob watched in horror as the dragon dived at him, opening its mouth wide. He dodged out of the way, barely missing the talons. Jacob saw someone holding onto the dragon, making it bleed. The blood was raining down whenever the dragon went. Jacob searched his bag for anything he could use against it, but nothing he saw would work.
    This is not good.
  7. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Liera saw that two people were on the thing, and got closer. She couldn't just risk hitting them with a shot. Once again, she took up aim at the dragon with her bow.
  8. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Joey started climbing to the head, when the gragons started to spin. The dragon was heading for the boy again. Joey stabbed the dragon, making it avoid the boy my mere inches. Joey stuck out his hand and grabbed the boy, while the dragon was missing his target."Boy your are now temperioly inlisted in the grand army, so help us kill this thing!!!"
  9. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    "WHAT?!" Jacob shouted as he was flung into the air. He looked up to find that the same man who had questioned him had picked him up.
    "What are you talking about?" Jacob shouted out, fumbling with his sword. It slipped from his hand and tumbled to the ground.
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta jumped out of the way just in time for the boy to fall on the ground next to her. She rolled her eyes "Usually things like that work better if you dont fall off." she said as she reached her hand to him to help him up. She looked up at the dragon again, Joey and the other man were on it's back. She pulled out her sword, trying to remember the things that Joey and her father had taught her about fighting before.
  11. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Joey shouted at the boy while trying to hang on to the dragon,"Are you stupid or something? Usually you don't fall off something that is a hundred feet in the air!!! But it would be nice if you and the nuaghty princess would heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!" the dragon had started doing loopdy loops, almost making Joey throw-up.
  12. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik looked around the dragon's body, and he noticed a orb-like thing on it's back. It was too far away for Gerik to hit with his sword. So instead, he grabbed his sword and swung at it. He sent a magic blast from the sword, and it hit the dragon. The dragon roared in pain when it was hit. Gerik did it one more time. The dragon was in so much pain that it couldn't focus on flying.
  13. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta grabbed Jacob's arm and pushed him and herself out of the way as the Dragon fell, the two of them rolled out of the way just in time for the dragon to fall where the two of them had been standing only moments before. She made eye contact with the huge creature as it looked at the two of them, a loud furious roar rumbled from it's chest and Aleta stood up and ran to help Joey and the other man on it's back. "How did you weaken it before? Maybe that's the key to stopping it completely!"
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "That spot." Gerik answered, pointing to the spot he hit before. Now that the dragon was on the ground, Gerik didn't have to hold on and risk falling off. He moved to the spot. He lifted his sword above his head and swung down. He swung with all his strength.
  15. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob covered his ears as the dragon roared from being hit once again. He saw the guard fall of the dragon and start backing up. Jacob looked all around for his sword, finding it just at the dragon's feet. He dashed forward, past the guard and the girl. "Hey, you idiot!" the guard shouted, but Jacob ignored him. He needed that sword. He dived down at it right when the dragon swung its tail, blind with rage. Jacob could feel the wind rush past him.

    He snatched up his sword and stood up. The dragon lifted its legs up and tried to squash him, but Jacob kept dodging them. He swung his sword and cut the dragons leg. He continued swinging at its legs until the dragon collapsed.
  16. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    The dragon was down and was slowly bleeding to death after being stabbed and cut so many times. walked right in front of it's head, it didn't attack it just stared there right at Joey's eyes. Joey knew it wasn't it's fault for settling down in the ruins of Ordon, it wasn't it's fault for attacking them for getting to close to it's nest. Joey knew he better put this poor creature out of it's miserly. Joey took his sword held it high and brought it down into the creatures head, the final blow had killed the creature. "let it be known that on this day at this place many innoccent were killed, and not just people, but the poor creature." Joey walked over to the princess and the magic man, soon the boy came too.
  17. Legendseeker

    Legendseeker OPON Content Writer

    Jacob fell to his knees as the guard walked to the dragon's head. Strangly, the dragon just stared at him, then turned his gaze to Jacob. Jacob closed his eyes and whispered a pray. "May you live in harmony after this day." he whispered just as the guard brought his sword down upon its head. Then, just like that, the battle was over.

    The guard stood up and looked out at everyone. "Let it be known that on this day at this place many innoccent were killed, and not just people, but the poor creature." he said before walking over to the girl and the strange man who had helped them. Jacob looked out into the forest. He knew he should go try and find Garian, but something told him to go to the three. After a few seconds, he stood, sword in hand, and joined the three in their circle.
  18. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    Liera got closer to the group, hiding behind a tree. She felt that something big was going to happen. She just didn't know quite what. And so, she waited for the group to do something. . . . . .
  19. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Joey and the others stood there just waiting for one to break the silence. luckey Joey was wearing a helmet, so no one could see his eyes really, becaue he couldn't take his eyes off of how hot the princess looked right at the moment. But Joey was the one to break the silence, Joey telaported away to somewhere.
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Aleta looked at the three men standing with her. She didn't know why it was so creepy to her that she couldn't see the face of the only one of them that she did know. She looked down and then looked at the dragon that she had helped kill. Something about that thought unsettled her... she had never killed a living thing before in her life. Just then, a strange white light filled the entire Clearing. It was so bright that Aleta and the others had to cover their eyes against it. When she opened her eyes again, they were in a forest still but an entirely different one. Everything looked white or silver and had it's own illuminating glow about it. Something about this place seemed so peaceful to Aleta that she was almost afraid to speak for fear of disrupting the peace but she did anyway "...Are we dead?" she said softly.

    *Yes I'm controlling Amy's character but she said I could. She cant be online today*

    A gentle voice laughed and a beautiful woman, almost as beautiful as their surroundings appeared by them. "No, Princess. You are not dead. Do not dispair heros the battle is won and the beginning of your journey has now opened it's doors."

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