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Least Favourite FF X Character

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy X' started by Napoléon, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Braska's Calm was ten years before the start of X. So when Kimahri came to collect Yuna to take her to Besaid, she was five (or possibly six, I can't remember if she was 15 or 16 in game), the same age I was when I moved to the south. And as for Lulu, Wikipedia says that she was born in Besaid (which is also what I thought), so where's the accent, eh? And yes, if a young child moves to another region and is immersed in that culture, I think they will pick up on that region's speech patterns.

    C'mon. The Aurochs are not main characters. They hardly have lines and barely have personalities. You cannot compare them to Wakka in this way.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Yuna was 7 when Braska brought the calm. <_< And bull to wikipedia. Lulu was not born on Besaid. Lulu was an orphan raised up on Besaid and she lost her parents when she was 5.Lulu is from another region which most likely has been destroyed by Sin. Not only that, the way Yuna was raised up, she lived a quiet and willig-to-help life. More of a change in that than it is to an accent. As an added note, the temple nuns and monks do not share the accents as the Besaid villagers so Yuna most likely was able to retain her own language because of the Yevon temple.

    And as for the Besaid Aurochs, why should it matter if they are the main characters or not? They had an accent. ALL of them.

    But anyways, I think that there are a couple more people who I did not like. I am not a fan of the Yevon clergy themselves. Maestre Kelk Ronso I will excuse but with the other two maesters, Maester Mika and Maester Kinoc, they are such buttholes. Kinoc is willing to betray Auron and changed as he continually made his way to the top and Lord Mika is the oldest, manipulative frog EVER. Yuna should have went on ahead and did the sending. Old bag knew that if Yuna did the sending during the wedding, he would get sent too so he used hemegony to make her decide. The whole Yevon army is even oblivious and still follow what they were saying and they have so much secrets going on that it is sad... which reminds me, I think I have found another similarity to compare in my "FFX/FFX-2 & Real World" thread.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    People don't hate Wakka only because he has an accent. They hate him because he's a religious bigot and is plenty annoying in other ways. The terrible voice is just a bonus. The Aurochs may have dumb accents, but with no personalities to go with it, and no bearing on the story, I doubt anyone cares.

    I'm not even going to keep on about the accent thing, because you've said nothing to change my opinion about anything I've said concerning it. It's just something pointless they added to Wakka's character in an attempt, I'm guessing, to make him seem more laid back or something.

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