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Legend of Sol (Modern Legend of Zelda)

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace shrugged and looked at Sol with a sad pout, "Actually Sol, I have business is the castle myself... You see, I must meet with your father and discuss a treaty that could possibly give my people a better home here in Hyrule. Of course, he wants me to pledge full allegiance to the crown before he even considers it... He's just like the rest of them I guess... a hater of my people." Ace groaned, "You wouldn't be like that when you become king though, right Sol!?" Ace wrapped an arm around the young prince's neck and rubbed his fist through Sol's hair.
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    “Pffff!” Eve waved her hand out, brushing aside Jos’ comments. She flew sporadically around the girl’s head in an up and down zigzagging motion. “And how would you have expected to prevent that when you were leaping around trying to avoid getting cut in two yourself?” She was still pretty annoyed, but it was evident by her tone that she was beginning to calm down. “I may have some powerful magic,” she said, now sounding more levelheaded. “But that doesn’t mean I’m invulnerable. Giant, razor sharp blades spinning around in circles are just as lethal to me as they are to any normal human. And when I’m trying to keep you from getting hurt, it’s a little bit difficult to look out for myself.”

    The fairy sighed softly and landed, sitting down on Jos’ right shoulder. “Just try not to get yourself into too much trouble,” she said. “It’s your senior year. The things you do over the next few months could drastically affect your future. The royal guard will remember the girl they caught out after curfew when the time comes to refer her to people. And at that point they probably wouldn’t even care that it was the Prince’s best friend they were talking about.”


    Lit torches stood in ceremonious fashion around a remote, hallowed mountainous cavern, surrounding and emblem of the Triforce etched onto a stone platform. Gathered about the platform in a perfect circle stood six monks, clad in hooded robes that covered their faces. All seven stood in a position indicative of intense prayer. In unison, they spoke the words of a chant lost to the ages.

    “Antiqua munia surgere.
    Veniant in mortalis animas.
    Esto noster potentia iam.”

    After each utterance of these words, they cycled through time and again. They seemed unaware of it, but after each cycle through the chant, the flames grew more violent as though the words themselves strengthened the fires of the torches. And they were even less aware that with growing strength of the flames, their strength and power was beginning to diminish. With each passing of the prayer, their voices lost intensity as they fell deeper and deeper into their own demises.

    From above them, floating in upon the center of the Triforce emblem, a young looking woman, scantly clad in form-fitting crimson leathers, descended towards the middle of the circle. A menacingly magnificent staff rested in her right hand, the top of which was pointed towards the Triforce. Silently, the woman’s lips mimicked the words of the prayer. The lower she dropped, the greater the effect of the prayer became stronger. By the time she had set foot upon the Triforce’s center, all six monks had fallen lifeless to the ground.

    Smiling, the woman set her hand into a satchel at her waist, and removed six clear, colorless gemstones. She looked around, and noted that the torches bore six different colored flames. Yellow, Green, Red, Blue, Purple, and Orange each coincided perfectly with the position of each monk in the circle. Smiling even wider now, the woman held the first stone towards the yellow flames, which proceeded to enter the stone, granting it a yellow color and glow as well. She repeated this process with the other five colored flames. The flames, having been unwittingly lit by the monks, had opened two stone doors leading through a narrow mountain passage, which remained open even with the stealing of the flames; they hadn’t been put out. Merely relocated, so the doors had no reason to close.

    “Thanks boys,” the woman said as she walked through the opening.​

    ((Preparing to introduce the Demon Lord)).
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zalor was almost at the school, he didnt bother with the bus. He walked across the streets, fiddling with the gauntlet on his right hand, tempted to take it. He was a bit tired of walking, but he wasn't near a bus stop currently, so walking was best. This was his senior year as well, but didnt really care about grades, just his training to be a royal guard, and his swordsman skills as well.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "It isn't really a hate." Sol spoke as he quickly freed himself from Ace. "Is it hateful to want allegiance from people who want to live on the land you rule? Not only that, but historically the Gerudo have been nothing but a band of thieves who only leave the desert to either rob people or find a man to make children with. And as such I would like to remind you that because you are the leader of the Gerudo, you have the power to either strengthen or change the old stereotypes that have plagued your people. You cannot hope to change the mindset of the common citizen of Hyrule without a constant and continuous flow of evidence that shows you are a changed group of people. You've done well so far but old habits die hard and I ask that you understand the difficulty in such a momentous task. I know that I'm asking a bit much from you, and you know I'll do what I can to help, but you can do it, right?" Sol gently punched Ace in the shoulder with the last comment.


    The trio arrived at the castle shortly after Sol's little speech to Ace. "And here we are. Come to think of it, father did say he needed to talk to me about something. So Impa, you've got some free time while I speak with him. You can go about your business and not concern yourself with sticking to me like my shadow during that time. Or you could eavesdrop on us like you usually do."

    As they had entered the castle, the king of Hyrule quickly ran up to them. "There you are Sol. Where have you been?"

    "My apologies father. We had the misfortune of getting involved with a childish prank that occurred in the city a bit ago."

    "I see. And a good day to you today Ace. You've arrived a bit sooner than I was expecting so you've caught me somewhat off-guard. Could you give us a moment please? There are some matters I must discuss with Sol. Once that's finished then we may talk and Sol may return to school." With that being said, the king and prince duo left for another room, shutting the door behind them.


    "What is it you wished to speak with me about?"

    "You're seventeen now, right?"

    "Yes father. Has your age begun to catch up with you to a point where you don't remember how old your only son is?"

    "No no no. It isn't anything like that. As it has been pointed out to me by several advisers, you've come of age and are finally becoming a proper man."

    "But of course. Wasn't that the whole point of all the teaching you've had me undergo?"

    "Not quite what I'm getting at. What I'm trying to say is now that you're becoming an adult it means that you will soon succeed the throne. But there are some... Details that you are severely lacking."

    "What do you mean?"

    "Well, to put it simply, you need to be married."

    "No." Sol quickly turned for the door.

    "Hold on a second. This isn't something you can quickly turn away from. You do have a duty as prince of Hyrule after all."

    "Well I can't get married. Not right now."

    "Why not? After all I seem to recall you being the type of person who will do whatever is required of you. And the prince getting married is one of those required things."

    "I can't. Because..." Sol tried to think up some sort of excuse. "I can't because I'm currently seeing somebody." He quickly lied. "That's right, I'm seeing somebody. Therefore I can't just be randomly thrown into a marriage with somebody you or somebody else has already decided for me. And I can't suddenly get married to my girl..." Sol coughed as he tried to avoid stammering as he made up this story on the spot. "I can't suddenly get married to my girlfriend because I don't think she herself would be ready for that sort of thing and since neither you nor mother have ever met her I don't know if you would approve, especially considering that you want to marry me off as soon as possible."

    "Really? That's the excuse you've come up with? You're seeing somebody. And neither I nor your mother have heard about this before because?"

    "Because I didn't feel that it was the proper thing to do. After all, what sort of prince would I be if word got out and it spread into a rumor that I was having an illicit affair with somebody? I would rather not burden you with having to fix the damage done from my actions. I was planning on telling you and mother when I felt the time was right."

    "I see. Well, if that's the case then I suppose there's no issue with her attending a meal with us." The king spoke, calling Sol's bluff.


    "Well, you've told me that she exists and I will tell your mother later when we talk about this. So we will both know of her. And I'm certain your mother will want to meet her and I myself would like to see the woman who managed to capture the heart of a son I joked about being too busy for love. So I see nothing wrong with bringing her with you tonight once your classes are finished with."

    "Don't you think this is a little sudden?" Sol glared.

    "Not at all. I mean, it's not like you would be making all of this up and I wouldn't be giving you enough to time to go find a woman who would be willing to fake being your lover all so you don't have to get married right now. I completely believe your story." The king spoke the last sentence in a way that wasn't even trying to hide sarcasm. "Therefore I think meeting her would be a good thing."

    "Fine. If that's what you want father I will see if she is free tonight and I shall bring her along with me when my classes are finished."

    >I know this seems kinda cliched and corny, but I figured I'd have some fun at Sol's expense before the Demon Lord began to make a mess of things.<
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2012
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    (Nothing wrong with that)

    Impa was, of course, not far away from Sol. She never was. It was her job to trust no one around Sol... not even his parents. This was the duty passed down to her from the last body guard of the royal family and she upheald it for Zelda and now for Sol. It wasn't paranoia as much as just a precaution. This, of course, was nothing Impa could protect Sol from. Only one to laugh about... later of course. For now, Impa remained sitting on a couch a few yards away from the room where the king and prince were talking, inconspicuous. Her hearing was good enough that she would know if soomething awry happened to either the king or the prince. I can only imagine what poor girl he's going to drag into this mess...

    "Ok Eve you win." Josleyn finally admitted, raising her hands slightly in surrender. "You're right... I need to be more careful. I'm not going to stop my bad habits all together, if I did, you and poor Sol would die of boredom without the constant need to save me from my dangerous ways." of course, she wasn't even trying to hide the sacrasum in her tone "But I'll be more careful and only adventure on the weekends. Deal?" she and eve were nearing the school.
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace laughed at Sol's playfulness, and responded, "Yeah, I can change my people for the better." The three reached the castle only to be confronted by the king, who expressed his desire to speak with his son before Ace, in which the Gerudo king complied.

    Ace sat across from Impa and he sighed loudly, "Impa, I'm going to be direct and to the point right now. You hold an extreme grudge against my people, for atrocities commited under the rule of Ganondorf, and the Demon Lord. I have been a just king and I am friends with Sol, but yet you still hate me. Impa, I'm sorry, but until you get over this grudge... You are forbidden from entering the Gerudo Valley, or the fortress where I reside. Not even if Sol comes to see me." Ace had a completely serious face, but his tone was sad, as he spoke.
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Impa didnt seem too phased by the gerudo kings words. She only half smiled as though she had been expecting them. "Ace, my distrust for you belings to something entirely different than your people. Call it a sixth sense passed down by my people, but frankly I would prefer Sol not speak with you at all let alone visit you." she paused, still calm as ever she added "If the occasion should arise that he would, trust me I wouldn't want to step foot on your land any more than you would want me to. But it would do you good to know and remember, my family owns the skies child. I swore to protect the royal family, particularly Sol, and there is no valley, mountain, or river you can take him to that would sheild me from doing that job if I must."
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace scowled at her but remained calm. "Sol is my friend, and you would dare speak of me like I would harm him? I would NEVER harm him! I care deeply for both him and Jos. Impa, your people may rule the skies but I rule the valley."

    Ace paused and chose his words carefully, "If you enter my Valley uninvited... You will be arrested and tried for intruding, which is a guaranteed six months of labor in the Desert Collossus. If you try to resist arrest, you will be sedated and placed in jail for a year. I will not kill you, because you are Sol's friend, but I stand by my word. I do not want you here while I talk to the king, please leave."
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2012
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Impa still didn't flinch at Ace's threats "I'm use to your dramatics. I stand by my word, I will not enter your vally. But to think I have no other ways of keeping an eye on and protecting my charge is childish." at his request for her to leave, Impa nodded "Gladly, your magesty." she said graceously "As soon as Sol returns he and I will both be on our way. We are late for class, as it is, anyway."

    She stood, all the same, and walked away from the gerudo king. She tired of his threats as much as he tired of giving them. But she couldn't ignore her duty to walk with Sol to his first day of school. Not only for his protection from assassination attempts, but from the student body. Even though most of them knew Sol, that didn't stop the appeal of him being royal stop them from trying to speak to him... in effect making him late for classes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2012
  10. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Well father, is there anything else you wished to speak to me about. Or was it just the ridiculous marriage you want me to go through?"

    "There was one other thing that I needed to speak to you about. The son of the Goron chief has expressed a desire to see you. He wishes to have another sumo match with you. Something about finding out your secret to being able to win against him. Oh, and the Zora princess also wants to go fishing with you again."

    "Well I don't exactly have the time to do all of these things."

    "You don't have to do it all today. Another day is perfectly fine. After all tonight is when your mother and I get to meet the woman you fell in love with."

    "Of course. If that is all, I shall take my leave."

    "Have a nice day at school. Oh, and just so you know Impa isn't allowed to fake being your lover."

    "Wasn't planning on faking it." Sol spoke as he exited the room. "Crap I'm screwed. Gotta find somebody who'd be willing to lie alone with me." He walked up to Ace and Impa, just missing their conversation. "Well you two look like you're having fun together. In fact you two look like a perfect couple. And I hate to interrupt any lovey-dovey time you two are having but my father is ready to see you Ace. And Impa I figured I'd just take you to school with me instead of leaving you on your own to find me again. After all Josleyn can fulfill that role well enough on her own. So let's get going." The king's command seemed to affect Sol more than somebody would think, considering how uncharacteristic it was of him to say those jokes to Ace and Impa. Ignoring that though, Sol gently grabbed Impa's hand and teleported away with Farore's Wind. The pair appeared at the front entrance to the school.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace growled playfully at Sol's comment but said nothing of it. He entered the King's chamber and kneeled on one knee, bowing respectfully. "Good day your majesty. I have reached my decision.

    Ace paused and looked up. "I will pledge loyalty to Hyrule. Sol convinced me it was the right choice... he said you'd be generous and offer me a seat on the council of Hyrule, being the representative for the Gerudo. I would be more then honored to accept... For the sake of my people, for the sake of peace, and for Sol's sake as well."
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zalor had made it to the school as well, and saw his best friend and Impa teleport infront of the school. He walked up towards the two with a smile and laughed, "Bought time you showed up!" Zalor said as he patted Sol's back,

    "So, never told me, how was the training with Jos?" Zac asked the prince, since he never bothered to question how the training went earlier,
  13. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "This is wonderful news Ace." The king spoke. "Come, let us have a drink in honor of this moment."


    "Oh hey, there you are. Perfect timing. In fact too perfect timing. Almost like Josleyn level of timing when finding me." Sol started to ramble on before stopping himself. "Anyways, I digress. The training was... Fine I suppose. I wasn't paying much attention to it due to some... Things I've been thinking about recently."

    Sol was quick to change the subject though. His dreams weren't something he wanted to talk to people about, Impa being the only true exception to that. He had considered talking to Josleyn about them at some point considering she was in some of the dreams but had ultimately decided that the only real reason to talk to her about them right now was if she told him she too was having those dreams. He could pass of him and Ace having those dreams as pure coincidence. If Josleyn were to have them though, that would mean something bad.

    "Anyways, about that perfect timing. You wouldn't happen to have a sister I don't know about, would you? One who is fairly similar to us age wise? It's kinda important."
  14. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Finally, school, an educational facility where young minds are molded to become model and respectable citizens. "How dull! I guess there is no way of avoiding it. Unless..." He pauses for just a moment. "Unless....yeah that'll due." Already, Strega was concocting a new scheme but it would have to wait after lunch. For two primary reasons, who could cause mischief on an empty stomach and the other reason was to space out the time of his first prank. It was really more of the first reason than the second. Honestly, who wants to do anything when their stomach is bellowing and calling out for food. This is nothing out of the ordinary for Strega to be already thinking of lunch when he hasn't started to even begin a single course yet.

    "Hmm...." Strega spots Sol from a few feet off. "His highness! Even while at school, he is on a pedestal" he thought. Strega passed by the three individual by the entrance; the same as everyone else who passed.
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "We'll I there is my older sister Viviana who is your age and... Wait a minute...why do you, of all people, want to know if I have a sister?" Zalor asked, curious as why his best friend would want to know this, "Is there something going on here that I don't know about?" Then, he put two and two together and realized something, though he could easily be wrong, "Is that why you were not focused in training? Because you want a girlfriend?" Zalor asked and then started to laugh, "But dude, you are the prince! You can find anyone you want the snap of your fingers!"
  16. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    "A Girlfriend huh?" a cheerful voice was heard not far off "Now Sol I didn't think your princey self had time for girls. You're always too busy rushing off to do important stuff. The poor girl would get bored." Josleyn said as she neared the two boys "Sorry for eves dropping." she said politely, then realising her own guaridan's name was Eve she smiled bashfully at the fairy "No offense."
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Good heavens your timing is impeccable." Sol spoke to Josleyn before returning to Zalor's comment. He sighed and shook his head as Josleyn and Zalor started to quickly get the wrong idea about his question. "It has nothing to do with me wanting to start going out with anybody. How should I put this? I need a woman who could reasonably pass as being somebody I've been dating for a while. Somebody who would be willing to have dinner with me at the castle tonight and pretend to be somebody I was in love with. And it's really important that this goes well. I'd much rather not." Sol coughed and quickly said the last part of the sentence in an almost inaudible tone. "Have to go through with an arranged marriage."
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2012
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Even with Josleyn's heightened sense of hearing, she almost didn't hear the last part of Sol's explanation and it took her a second to make sense of it. When she finally did it was all she could do to stop herself from dying from laughter. She bit her lip but couldn't hide a smile. "Well your magesty." she said still trying to conceal her giggles "That is quite an unfortunite turn of events and we all know how it's going to end up for you."

    "You will need to find yourself a convincing young woman to please and convince your parents. She will have to be beautiful, of good standing, charming, adventerous, and a fair liar. But-" she put up a hand, halting her words for a moment with a wink before walking around to stand on the other side of Zalor, inbetween the two boys "-She must also be one close to you... this way making the- (paused to think of the correct word) sheer chemestry between the two of you not only convincing but compelling therefore forcing your parents to believe that you are more than capable of chosing for yourself a proper wife and future queen of Hyrule. Sol, the answer to your question is obvious. You need your very best friend in the world to pretend to be your girlfriend."

    At this point, Josleyn put a hand on Sol's shoulder, looking at his face with the upmost sincerity for only a moment. Then her teasing smile was back and she put her other hand on Zalor's shoulder and added "You will need to dress Zalor up as a woman and present him to your parents as Mary."

    Even Impa was having a hard time not smiling at the young elf girl's reaction and dramatically drawn out plan. There was something so very innocently charming about the way the girl didn't seem to have any inhabitions whatsoever. Even to a point of mocking the prince of Hyrule himself about a matter like an arranged mariege. Though they had been friends for quite some time.
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "ME?! Oh hell no! Why not you Jos?! Your good friends with Sol as well," Zalor said, pushing her had off his shoulder, "And besides, how are we gonna get me as a girl by tonight when we have school and school work to do after classes are over?! But some spell on m-......."

    "Can we please just go into class before we get detention?" Zalor asked nervously as he stuck his thumb out towards the doors, "And just drop this til later?"
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Josleyn was once again a mess of giggles "Who me? I couldn't possibly. I have far too many fake suitors to entertain already tonight." she said, though it was obvious the thought had already crossed her mind, she was certain that Sol would have to earn it somehow. "Anyway boys, I'm off to class. Eve will murder me if I'm late for defense against dark magics on my first day like last year." with that, she twirled around on her heel, and took off for the school.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2012

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