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Legend of Sol (Modern Legend of Zelda)

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Putting his thoughts aside, Sol spoke up to Zalor. "Come on, let's go. And please don't take Josleyn's jokes about dressing you up in drag seriously. I would never allow you to go through with something ridiculous like that. Ignoring the difficulties involved with making you into a beautiful woman, I myself would be unable to go along with the lie and it would fall apart very easily. And Josleyn is a last resort option. Don't worry about it though. I'll pull through somehow. I always do after all."
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2012
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Thank the goddess..." Zalor said as he followed Sol in, "So then, how are we gonna find are girls hats believably your girlfriend?" Zalor then started to tuck in his clothes a bit, "As for your sword training, just ask for my help, after all, I am one of the best swordsmen of the school,"

    "Heheh, all joking aside, ever figure out what the heck happened with the this skull kid incident that happened earlier? A prank I'm assuming? Kids trying to scare people?"
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Class sessions were something that Eve savored in a way she could never savor any other times. They were, in most cases, the only times that she could remotely take a breather from looking for Jos; the teachers at the Castleton Academy took very good care to keep a steady on her during class, and most of the time, Eve wasn’t even allowed to assist her with assignments, and especially not examinations.

    At the moment, the little fairy was lounging out on Jos’ shoulder, right where she had landed not long before. Only by this point she was lying down on her back with her hands tucked casually beneath her head. Though she wasn’t actively engaged with the girl’s affairs in that moment, she couldn’t do much about having overheard her conversations with Prince Sol. “I think entertaining suitors is a bit of an understatement for what you do with the boys you see,” she said. “Half of them could barely keep up with you and your adventuring. And I think you nearly have the last one a heart attack…. Wasn’t that the ‘sledding’ down Death Mountain Trail?”
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2012
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Classes were beginning to start and just Strega's luck. His sorcery class was up five flights of stairs on the other end of the school. No mere amount of running or climbing could get him there on time. It would be pointless unless he used magic. Magic was potentially prohibited outside of classes, within the school's domain but like all rules there were exceptions. The highly skilled guards and those with special permission were allowed the use of magic within the school. As for students not so much but outside of the school. They could do as they pleased as long as it did not get out of hand and go without reason. But like the rule breaker that Strega was, he was about to use magic anyway. The large spiraling staircase seemed to be his quickest and best option as opposed to the crowded elevator that made stops in 'God knows what' kind of order. Strega glanced to both his left and right then performed the 'JUMP SPELL' and began to bound the steps and railings. Upon reaching his destination of the fifth floor, he needed a quick way to the other side of the school. "I would kill for some enchanted boots right now!" he thought. And with no other options, he sprinted off to class. Barely making it on time!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2012
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Bribery is always an option." Sol muttered an answer to Zalor's first question. "I'll compile a list of suitable women and work it out from there. As for that Skull Kid bit, it is a shame you heard about it. It means I wasn't fast enough quelling the issue. Anyways, there weren't any actual Skull Kids involved. It was simply a prank done on some little children. Somehow or another somebody managed to quickly dress them up as Skull Kids before they realized what happened. But the problem is solved now and hopefully the remainder of the day will go by peacefully while I search out a potential fake suitor."

    The pair arrived in their class just moments before it was to begin. Sol walked up to the teacher, unbuckled the sheath that held his sword and the holster that held his handgun, and handed them to the teacher. Sol was the only student who every actually came to class with weapons and he always turned them in before class started. "Good morning Sol." The teacher spoke. "I'm surprised. Almost late and no note. That isn't like you."

    "My apologies. I was a bit busier than normal today. And when you include a recent lack of sleep it only makes it worse."

    "I certainly hope you don't fall asleep in class. That is something I would never expect from you Sol."

    "I will do my best to not fall asleep. After all, that would be rather unbecoming of me." He smiled before going towards his desk and sitting down.
  6. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Josleyn tried unsuccessfully to not giggle at the memroy of the date Eve was talking about but she made no comment about it. She had gotten herself into a lot of trouble with Eve and with a few other people with that little stunt and didn't want to start an argument by contradicting Eve about it again. She instead just said "That wasn't my most recent time I've been out with a boy." she sounded a little bit defensive "Besides I'm not ALWAYS that crazy. That was just a day worth doing something special thats all." She said as she neared her locker and started placing the books from her bag into it. Josleyn, and other AP senior students, at the school had a room in the dorms, and three lockers on campus. One was in the locker rooms, for their training equipment and uniforms. The other two were in class buildings A and B. Building A was mostly for general classes and activities. Building B was the one were most Advanced Placement classes and some of the classes intended for Seniors was held. It was important to keep the two seprite because some of the things done in building B could be dangerous especially for students who were not yet learned or skilled in handling magical situations gone awry. Josleyn's first particular class was in building A, Defense against Dark magics was technically an AP class but it was all book work so it posed no threat to younger students. Shame... I would have liked to actually practice defending myself against a being of dark magic... Josleyn remembered thinking to herself when reading the class description.
    The books she needed for building B, she left in her bag. She would take care of them before her next class which would be in the building B arena. As for her dorm, she was sure her clothes and other things were already being unpacked by the ones who worked for the school. She would have to be sure to thank them later somehow.

    "Anyway what do you think of the situation Sol's gotten himself into? You think he'll find a girl dumb enough to pretend to be his girlfriend?" she didn't mean it as a slander towards her friend really, just a comment.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2012
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace looked up at Sol's father happily and laughed, "Of course your majesty, It'd be my pleasure. However, would it be to much to ask for something... non-alcoholic? I'm trying to avoid alcohol because I'd prefer to constantly be in my right mind when I'm ruling over a race entirely of girls... If you know what I mean. Hahahaha!" He gave a deep sigh, but followed up with a question that has been bugging him for a while now, "My king... would you... hypothetically speaking of course, approve of Sol dating another boy? As I said, this is completely hypothetical, but he made a stray comment as he left earlier and I was interested to hear your opinion on this."
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "That is a rather odd question Ace. Something I would honestly never expect to hear from you." The king answered as he rummaged around for something for the pair to drink. "Now, to be completely honest my immediate answer would be no. As much as I love my son and care for his happiness, there are somethings that Sol himself understands he has a duty towards. An heir to the throne being one of them." The king finally found a bottle that didn't have any alcohol in it and popped the cap off. "Now, ignoring any sort of approval or disapproval coming from me, I am curious as to what Sol would have said that got you thinking. After all he had just told me that he has been seeing somebody for some amount of time now." The king chuckled a bit as he poured the drink into two cups. "Now you can imagine my surprise when he tells me of this secret he's been keeping. To be honest Sol always gave off an appearance of being uninterested in the pursuit of relations with anybody, man or woman. So while I can understand you being curious for curiosity's sake, I am at a bit of a loss for why you would ask such a question, hypothetical or not. Because Sol has never showed an interest in anybody and now claims to be seeing somebody right under my nose, I cannot see how Sol would've given off any sort of hint that he would be into a relationship with another man."
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace gladly took the drink and smiled, "Last time I checked, Sol isn't one to tease his guardian and teacher, by commenting on them looking... and I quote, "Lovey Dovey". Sol has always shown an interest in my other student, Josleyn. However, he also seems to view me in the same light. I don't judge, seeing as I'm ruler of an all women race, however flattering as it may be, I'm nearly a decade older then Sol, and I'm also not able to have children. I would gladly give my blessing if he wishes to marry a Gerudo. That is if you allow it of course. It'd be a great step in Hyrulian history, the Princess of Hyrule, a Gerudo! Our nations would equally benefit from this!" Ace exclaimed excitedly.
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zalor followed Sol into the classroom, hearing the prince's small conversation with the teacher. It was interesting how they decided to treat the prince like a normal student, rather than give him special treatment. Ah well, it was time for 6 to 8 hours of pure, unending torture, sitting at a desk, being fed too much information for your brain to hold in, and expected to remember it all and do schoolwork by the next morning.

    Yup. Pretty much sums up school. Or at least, in Zalor's opinion, his only love in school was sword combat, that was about it.
  11. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Impa flexed her back uncomfortably under the jacket of her school uniform. With some magic, she did manage to conceal the wings she had underneith but the spell only worked on the jacket itself, so her wings then were to be kept folded underneith her clothes and considering their size and the fact that they were not built to do so, this wasn't an entirely comfortable task though it wasn't entirely unbearable. She had entered the class room a few mutes before Sol and Zalor did and chose to sit in the back row, able to see all the students as well as the prince himself no matter where they all decided to sit. Though posing as a student, her main priority was always to be near Sol. She performed this duty as she had with his gradmothers before him though Sol wasn't as welcoming to her 'mothering' as Zelda had been so Impa chose the tactic of being silent and speaking when needed, or in the privacy of the castle. During school times, onlookers would barely believe that Sol and Impa were even friends.
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Strega just ran through the door of the classroom seconds before the class had started. Two seconds after he had entered. The door closed on its own. "Just in time" "Name!" the instructor asked but sadly Strega had his hands over his knees with a mouth full of air."St-e-Stre!" he couldn't get the words out between gasps. "Ah, Mr.Strega! Have a seat!" Strega lifts one of his hands as if signaling that he needs a minute. "This is Sorcery 102! the instructor takes a piece of chalk and begins to write 'Sorcery 102' on the blackboard. With each letter successfully written, the words become 3 Dimensional. "I assume you all have taken 101 last semester." "First, I would need to see how much a student knows!" "Mr.Strega! Since your already standing. You'll be my guinea pig!" the instructor begins to chuckle. Strega knew when a sorcery instructor made those types of comments. It wouldn't turn out pleasant. With his heart rate back to normal, Strega approaches the instructor cautiously.
  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Apparently in better spirits than she had been in the morning, Eve gave a lighthearted chuckle. “Well regardless,” she said, amused, “if you keep running high gear on your dates, then all the guys in Hyrule will be too scared to go out with you. Being the only student to get into more trouble than Hylian soldiers isn’t exactly a flattering reputation to have.” She looked around, making sure that the conversation wasn’t being overheard; talking aloud to someone so well established and acquainted to the Prince wasn’t something that she liked to do, and for Jos’ sake, she liked to keep things low profile. “As for Sol,” she whispered. “He’s the Prince of Hyrule. As soon as word gets out that he needs to have a date, the girls will be all over him.

    “Of course, if you ask me, he’d be better off with someone who doesn’t care that he’s Prince of Hyrule.”
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jos shrugged "That's who I am though, Eve. And if no boy thinks that my being myself is attractive, maybe I'm better off alone in the first place." This was something that she said quietly, more in Eves confidence than anything else. Something about what Eve said hit a nerve, Jos sounded more like she was making excuses "Then there would be no one to slow me down, anyway."
    To Eve's change in topic back to Prince Sol's situation she smiled "Yes it's true and though he would rather die than prove me right, eventually he's going to realise that too. To be honest, I'm half expecting him to show up at my dorm somewhere around 6:45-ish." she was only half way joking. "But it will be funny to see how hard some of these girls try to win his false attention for the day."
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Sol and a Gerudo huh? That would be a rather interesting combination." The king muttered. "That aside, I'd like to hear more about this interest he has shown in this girl you mentioned. Actually it reminds me of this one time some several years back. Back when Sol was too young to properly hold a sword. How old was he? Seven? Well, however old he was it was before you and he had ever met. Anyways one day there was a child who managed to sneak inside the castle. Sol happened to find her before any of the guards did. This child stuck to Sol like he was some adorable pet she wanted to take home with her. No matter how much Sol protested, she would not leave him." The king chuckled as he told this story to Ace. "It wasn't until the guards finally found them that Sol was relieved of her. That was probably Sol's first time dealing with a woman who was from outside the castle. Sol probably doesn't even remember this happening though. It is kind of a shame. It must've been a sight to see, Sol and that child before the guards found them."


    "Well then students, nothing quite like starting the year off with some review." The teacher began to speak as he scribbled on the board behind him. "I'll put up some 'basic' problems and I'll choose one of you to answer it." As he finished talking, there on the board was a rather complex looking math problem. "Let's start with..." The teacher surveyed the class. "Hmm... Sol wouldn't be any fun since he'll answer it right away. Ah, there we go." The teacher then pointed to Zalor. "Zalor, if you don't mind too much. Find the derivative of this problem."

    As the teacher spoke, Sol quietly stared down at his desk. On it was a sheet of paper and, true to his word, a list of people who were at the school. "Can't risk Janet. She's too much of a gossip. Alice is a possibility, being the head of the drama club and whatnot. Susie... Maybe. She's sweet enough to be somebody who would easily receive approval from father and mother. Mary's a bit of a wildcard, though not nearly as much as Josleyn. Jennifer is very quiet, I don't know how well she'll do under pressure." Sol's vision began fading away as he stared at his paper. He had his head propped up by his hand so he could at least appear as though he was bored without actually looking like he was falling asleep. But try as he might, it was getting harder and harder for him to remain awake.
  16. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Well I doubt that he'll be very enthused by all the attention he'll get," Eve said with a sigh. "It won't take long for word to get out that he's looking for a date tonight. Poor fellow; Prince Sol has never been much of a social butterfly. He'll probably get driven into hiding in an empty room somewhere, or in the best case he'll be able to lie his way through until he finds the right girl. For his sake, I hope he does." The fairy glanced around, and noted that they were fast approaching Jos' first class of the day. She fluttered her wings rapidly and took off from Jos' shoulder, flying by her side as she walked.

    "Of course, I think I'd be best for you to offer to play the role before he gets too stressed. Just think about it." Steadily, Eve began to fall back from Jos. She knew from prior experiences that Castleton Academy professors didn't like for fairy guardians to be with their 'clients' during sessions. "As usual, I'll not be far off. Not that I'll be needed for much of anything. Behave yourself, learn a lot. I'll meet with you when you get out."


    The woman looked around, pondering the cavernous place she had entered. It was a small path, cut through mountainous rock, lit by torches colored as the flames she had lit outside. From what her eyes could tell, the passage stretched on infinitely, and various branches shot off from the main one. It was a maze, constructed for the sole purpose of throwing off outsiders. "Only a priest of this place will know where the real chamber is," she muttered. But there didn't seem to be any priests nearby, and even of there were, they would recognize her as an intruder. "Can't let that happen, can I?"

    With a flick of her staff, she summoned a robe from one of the dead monks just outside of the entryway. Careful to conceal herself beneath it, she wrapped it around her body. She was effectively shaded from view, and as long as she remained discrete, she would have no trouble. All she had to do then was find a priest who could open the chamber she sought.​


    "Lord Eizo! Lord Eizo! LORD EIZO!!"

    Kikaro Eizo wheeled around at his trusted lieutenant, Murakami Kansuke. Though his face remained placid in staring the man down, it was clear that he was not enthused by the underling's constant bickering. Kansuke had followed him all the way through Kakariko Village to the stable. "I've already told you, Kansuke," Eizo said firmly. "And my stance remains as strong as at did yesterday."

    "But this could be a ploy! The villagers suspect the Gorons of drawing you away!"

    "The Gorons are above such treachery," Eizo said. "They would grow violent even with my presence if provoked to it."

    "But My Lord you're the only one who can effectively liaison with them without resorting to combat! Of their discontent peaks while you're gone...!"

    "ENOUGH!" Eizo ordered forcefully. "Kansuke, I have already bid the Gorons be still while I attend to this business. With them as frightened as they are of the Death Mountain situation, they will understand that I work for their safety as well as that of the other villagers." By then Eizo had mounted his steed, Aratome, and was readying himself for departure. Though he expected no conflict along the way to Castleton, he remained armed with both sword and dagger, as well as his naginata and bow and arrow. "Trust me," he said, now reassuringly. "This is no trickery. I'll be back soon, sure as the wind does blow... Speaking of wind, Heeya Aratome!" With a scissor kick of the legs and a crack of the reins, Aratome burst from the stable in full gallop, leaving Kansuke behind, largely dissatisfied.​
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace laughed at the King's story and finished his drink. "Sounds like a story Jos once told me back when we first met! I bet you she was the girl. Anyway, I've known Josyleyn for quite a while now and she most definitely has something on Sol. I'm not sure if it's a crush, or if she's secretly madly in love with him or something, but I'm sure they'd tell me if something was going on."

    Stretching for a bit Ace yawned, "Speaking of which, I have to prepare my next lesson for them. I'm going to be teaching them about archery. A specialty of the Gerudo. May I have your permission to take Sol to the Fortress to train in our training grounds your majesty?"
  18. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zalor was busy zoning out for the moment. He was just thinking random thoughts, getting bored currently. That was, until the teacher called him out. He quickly turned his head and focused and the teacher, "Do-Wha? Da I mean uh, which question?" he asked as he repositioned himself and sat up straight. For a brief second, he saw his best friend look at a sheet of paper, hopefully that was the list of girls, and then saw him fall asleep. He rolled his eyes and quickly focused his Trenton on the teacher and the board.
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "No need to be cautious!" the instructor does a slight of hand. A brisk wind nudges Strega closer. "Take heed class! "Sorcery is a lifestyle, an art, an extension of one's self. "Now, Mr.Strega! I'd like for you to hit me with your best spell!" The students in their seats began to mutter and discuss amongst themselves.

    "Is she serious?" "An attack on an instructor is most forbidden!" "I wouldn't do it!" The instructor faces the class signaling to disperse their yammer. "I assure you Mr. Strega! I have fully given you permission to use magic so there will be no repercussions!" The instructor then chuckled and faced Strega in the most relaxed position. "Hey! I was going to do so without your explanation!" He extends both his hands forward, palming the air.

    Strega began to recite. "Quæro disparitas" His arms moved in a channeling motion. "Ah a Thunder Spell plus an incantation quite impressive!" Without a bat of the eye, the instructor stood her ground unperturbed. "That's not even the half of it." Strega thought smiling oh so gleefully. "terra superumque!" He protracted two finger towards the instructor, invoking a stream of electrical bolts. The room was dead quiet. No one dared not move even that one student who constantly had to use the restroom had held his bladder. The streams make contact with the instructor, only to be redirected back at Strega. Facing a envoy of electricity, Strega said the only thing that he could. "Shit!"

    "And that class is why the basics are a necessity! Although Mr.Strega put on a gorgeous display. A simple Reflect Spell of equal value. Well, see for yourself". All attention was on Strega. Completely paralysis and immobile; he was reaping the benefits of his own attack. The kids laughed at his squirming and his ridiculous static hair. "I would hate to be that kid!" "Serves him right!" "I knew the instructor had everything under control!"

    "Mr.Strega when your feeling better please do have a seat!" she said calming the class again.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
  20. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Though her expression was one of slight embarrassment with being talked to like a child, Jos smiled at Eve and waved goodbye. “Yeah,” she said sarcastically as she walked into class. “Din forbid that things get out of hand when someone refuses to read a passage out loud.” It wasn’t particularly funny, but she laughed anyways, if only to justify the comment. Entering the classroom, she found that most of the seats were already taken, and that, fortunately, the teacher had yet to arrive. “Where to sit…” she mused. The few open seats in the classroom were scattered about. Two were left in the front, where the astute scholars flocked to suck up to the teachers. A single seat was left open in the back of the classroom where the self-proclaimed “cool” kids sat. Automatically, Jos drifted towards a seat in the center of the classroom, where the personalities tended to be more balanced.

    She fell (more like floated) down into a seat next to a familiar face. “Hey Kurt,” she said happily. “How was your summer?”

    “Oh. Hey Jos,” Kurt said, half distracted from making sure his school supplies were ready to go. “It was good. I spent a few weeks in my uncle’s cottage out by Lake Hylia. I trust that you were up to the usual?”

    “Oh! You know!” Jos said, throwing Kurt a mischievous smile.

    “Settle down class! Settle down!” a voice called over the murmurs of conversation sprouting up in the class. The teacher, seemingly out of nowhere, had just arrived, and was ready to begin class. “Welcome,” he said. “Welcome to Defense Against Dark Magic. In this class, we will be studying the theoretical concepts behind many forms of Dark Magic, and discussing the various ways in which you might defend yourself from falling prey to them.” As though working off of a script, the teacher waited a few seconds as the class moaned about the thought of bookwork. “You may be disappointed to hear that this course will be purely bookwork. HOWEVER,” he continued, now getting most of the class hanging on his words.

    “The theory portion of this class will only last for half of the school year. Following your winter break, you will transition into a practical course on Defense Against Dark Magic. The course has been structured this way in order to ensure the safety of you, the students. The school administration, as well as the Castleton Court of Education has deemed it necessary to first have a working theoretical knowledge of Dark Magic before you engage in practical defensive training. I will do what I can to practically expose you to this magic, but bear in mind that my permissions are limited. With that said, please open to the introductory statement in your textbooks. Read it silently to yourself, and then, we will read it aloud and discuss the content.” In a sluggish symphony of movement, the students all removed and opened their textbooks. Another year at Castleton Academy had begun.​

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