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Legend of Sol (Modern Legend of Zelda)

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Perhaps another day Ace. Today we shall meet and enjoy a meal with the woman who stole Sol's heart away. And if by chance he is simply lying about there being a woman to... Get out of what he and I were talking about earlier, then I would rather he not have more time to come up with somebody to play along with any lie he would have spoken to me."


    "First day and already you're not paying attention Zalor? I understand that this math class is in no way fun, but we cannot have every class a student takes be about magic or any sort of interesting thing. Oh no. My job is to ensure you all can survive the day to day life. Even if this math is not used for every aspect of life, it is something required if you are to pursue a position of being an engineer or something." The teacher asked, getting closer and closer to making a scene in front of the whole class and having Zalor be the center of everything. "Now, to answer your question, the question I want you to answer is the question on the board. There is but one I have written down. Something you should know from last year. I do recall it being on the final after all."


    Sol had fallen asleep. In his dream though, Sol stood upon the open fields of Hyrule. Ahead of him were dark clouds that steadily moved closer to him. The lands caught underneath the shadow of the clouds almost looked to be devoured by the darkness that crept forward. The clouds stopped themselves above Sol, the shadow cast from them almost touching his feet. The dark abyss in front of him seemed endless.

    Behind Sol a light shone, pushing back the darkness and the clouds. Sol didn't turn back to look at the source of light. Somehow he knew exactly what it was. A feeling deep down told him what it was, even though Sol himself was unable to repeat this knowledge.

    As the clouds were pushed back, a silhouette remained. Even with the light pushing back the clouds and illuminating Hyrule this silhouette was not repelled. On the contrary it went from a formless shadow to something else. Something big. There were no noticeable features, nothing that would distinguish this shadow from something else. The shape was that of something anthropomorphic. It had a head, two arms, and two legs. Nothing to give it any actual features, except for one thing. On the hand of the shadow was a shape that shone just as bright as the light behind Sol. It was a shape of myths, something believed to be created when the goddesses left Hyrule. This shape, this sacred triangle, was incomplete though. Only one triangle properly shone. The other two triangles were outlines, indicating that this sacred object was incomplete.

    Looking down at his own hand Sol could see the same shape began to illuminate itself onto him. The very same light that pushed back the darkness had revealed itself to Sol to be part of him. Unfortunately for Sol, this revelation was not a good part of the dream. No sooner had the image appeared on Sol's hand the dark figure moved. It reached out to Sol, seemingly being able to entirely encase Sol with one hand.


    There was a loud thud in the classroom. It woke Sol up from his dream, though not in the way one would expect. As he slept, Sol's head slipped off of its resting place that was his hand. This, in turn, caused Sol's head to come crashing down with his desk, waking him up just as the shadow seemed to envelop him in his dream. The entire room was silent as everybody's attention was suddenly focused on Sol. "Are you okay Sol?" The teacher asked.

    Sol simply looked towards the teacher while having a look of staring off into space. "Umm... Ow. That really hurt." He rubbed his head. "I apologize for the interruption. Do you mind if I step out to the nurse's office?"

    "Not at all. Go right ahead." The teacher spoke.

    "Thanks." Sol spoke as he quickly gathered up the things on his desk, grabbed his weapons from the teacher, and left the room. In his rush to gather this things, there was something that escaped Sol's notice. The list of girls he was writing down. That happened to slip away from him as he gathered his things before coming to rest on the floor. Too far away for either Impa or Zalor to have noticed it, the consequences of somebody finding it would most likely lead to rumors about Sol spreading about and then result in many girls trying to vie for his attention.
  2. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I know that... But I'm not gonna be an engineer, I'm gonna become a greater swordsman than my father," Zalor said, "Oh okay that question... just a sec," Zalor said as he quickly pulled out a piece of paper and pencil and wrote the problem down.

    As he wrote the problem, he heard the loud thud from Sol and quickly drawed his attention to his best friend, "Dude Sol you okay?!" Zalor asked as he saw Sol get up. After he saw Sol walk away he went back to writing down the problem.

    GOOD LORD! That woman is always on my back... And of course of all the problems to pick it was from the finals before the break, just my luck. And sol manages to get out of everything. I envy him sometimes. Zalor thought to himself,
  3. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Like the highland winds, Eizo blew swiftly across Hyrule Field, Aratome staying true to his command to make haste. The warrior-lord was the sole inhabitant in the fields at that time, a single being crossing a massive plain. It was for the best, as it mean that he didn't need to stop for anyone. A brilliant maroon scarf embroidered with the Triforce emblem flew like a flag behind him, wrapped around the lower half of his face. As he peaked over the steady incline near the center of the field, he could see the majestic town and castle sitting healthily against the mountainous backdrop into which they were built. He stopped only for a moment to appreciate the scene, as was his tradition; he liked the look of Castleton better from there than he did from within the walls.

    But he didn't stay very long; after precisely a minute he snapped Aratome's reins, setting the horse off at full gallop again. In moments, they arrived at the main gate into the town, where a pair of guards came out to meet them. Instinctively, Eizo raised and opened his hands, signifying that he carried no weapons in them. Still, the guards approached him with their spears drawn; they were well-trained to receive anyone and everyone with a sense of caution.

    "Who goes there?" One guard inquired.

    "Kikaro Eizo," the Sheikah said. "Lord of the Sheikah, Commanding Officer of Kakariko Village, sworn alley to His Majesty the King of Hyrule and the Royal Family."

    "And what business have you in Castleton?" asked the guard.

    "I seem an audience with His Majesty, to discuss a matter of crucial importance. This matter is not up for discussion here in the open." Eizo then waited as the guards deliberated with each other as to whether or not they believed him. After a short discussion, the second guard stepped forward and beckoned him, and the first one ran into the guard house to send word to the castle.

    "Kindly dismount from your steed," he said. "It will be held in the stables on the guard barracks while you visit. Your pole arm and bow and arrows will be stored in the guard house's armory. You will get all of these back when you depart. We will escort you to the castle gates. A messenger has been sent to inform the castle guards of your arrival. Now follow us."

    Removing himself from Aratome, and forfeiting the mentioned weapons, Eizo followed the guards into the town. As was usual when anyone was escorted through the town, he and the guards received many stares from passerby. Yet when their eyes fell upon the Sheikah, they fell to whispers and murmurs. Everyone knew Eizo to be a Sheikah, and thus, his arrival always meant something must be amiss. Eizo had gotten used to it though, so he was able to ignore the speculative glares and hushed debates of his purpose.

    When they finally reached the castle gates at the other side of the town, Eizo was greeted by four guards, who proceeded to escort him to the castle.​
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace nodded and decided to deliver his message. "My men... excuse me, women, discovered a group of troops we never thought we'd see again... Iron Knuckles. I was sure all of them were wiped out after the Demon Lord was sealed away. I sent a scout party to investigate and they reported that the creatures were dormant. I discussed with the school and we agreed that Sol and Jos' classes would go on a field trip to train and learn from these rare creatures." Ace paused, waiting for a response.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Let's try getting back to the time consistency of the Demon Lord being almost nothing but a legend anymore, shall we?<

    The king sighed. "It has been a very long time since darkness last gripped Hyrule. In this length of time it is hard to know which parts of the Demon Lord are real and which parts have evolved into legend. That being said, I unfortunately find it unsurprising that remnants of an evil army still exist. Hyrule is vast and there are many shadows with which to hide things. And creatures empowered by dark magic long forgotten are not above using these shadows to wait for a master who is long dead. These Iron Knuckles are not the first mention of creatures with a tendency to fight in aggression towards Hyrule, although I shall admit that in modern times these monsters do nothing but attack unsuspecting travelers. I will have to see to it that the Iron Knuckles that have been discovered are destroyed, lest innocent people get hurt due to inaction."


    As Eizo was being escorted to the castle, queen Zelda was also heading towards the castle after wandering throughout the grounds. "Good day Eizo." She spoke as she gracefully bowed to greet the Sheikah. "What brings you here so suddenly and unexpectedly?"

    "He seeks an audience with His Majesty." One of the guards escorting Eizo spoke.

    "Of course." Zelda spoke, looking as though she had unconsciously touched a stone that was part of a necklace that she was wearing. "He is in the guest study right now. You do not mind my accompanying you, do you? I have some business with him myself."


    Impa watched Sol leave the classroom in a hurry. Although she was concerned as his "injury" she could not help but stifle a laugh as to what happened. Getting smacked around like that could only serve as a lesson for Sol. But Impa could still not help but question as to whether or not whatever dream he was having somehow caused his head to slip, even though in reality the dream had nothing to do with it and the injury was purely coincidence. This did remind Impa though to inquire about Sol's dreams at a later point; a point in time where they would be alone and she had the chance to ask.


    "An injury on the first day? And not even an hour into the first class. That is surprising." The nurse spoke as Sol walked in.

    "Yeah. I banged my head on the desk. It hurt a lot more than you would think."

    "Funny. You don't look hurt."

    Sol sighed. "Admittedly my head doesn't hurt anymore. To be honest I was hoping I could get some rest here. I've been having trouble sleeping the past few days."

    "I see..." The nurse muttered. "And would you like something to help you fall asleep?"

    "No thanks. I would rather not take something that would make it difficult to wake me up. I'm not gonna try to get a lot of sleep. Just enough to get me through the rest of the day."

    "I never expected to have this sort of conversation with Prince Sol."

    "Please don't tell anybody about this. After all I'm not the type of person to cut class. Ever."

    The nurse laughed. "Don't worry Sol. Your secret is safe with me. You rest up now. I'll wake you when the first class is over so you won't be late to your next class."
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace nodded, "That would certainly be for the best. The field trip won't be until the end of this week, so would it be alright if you hold off from destroying them until we've seen them?" It'd be a terrible let down for the Seniors, not being able to see the most likely last living Iron Knuckles in Hyrule. Ahh... but I ramble, I must be going. Second period is when Sol and Jos train with me in school. I'd be a bad influence if I was late yeah?" Ace bowed politely, "By your leave your majesty."

    A couple of Gerudo walked over to the group of Iron Knuckles, and after taking a look at a large empty stone throne, cautiously prodded them with their spears. "Heh! Lord Ace would be proud of us, investigating on our own like this!" The two laughed and turned around, only to find the massive stone throne no longer unoccupied. Now a heavily armored Iron Knuckle with a huge sword sat upon the previously empty throne. "Umm... Jewel? Wasn't that just empty?" The two girls looked at each other and after letting loose a deafening scream, fled towards Hyrule to tell Ace what they found.

    Behind them, the Iron Knuckle on the throne emitted a deep dark laugh before disappearing in blue flames.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2013
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Eizo was escorted across the fields surrounding the castle by his guard escorts. At the entrance to the castle, they were again greeted by a group of guards; another team of four Hylian soldiers took charge of seeing Eizo safely through the castle's interior. As they exited the inner gardens of the castle, a familiar voice called out to Eizo. The Sheikah's eyes fell upon the fair features of Queen Zelda. Instinctively, Eizo dropped to his knees and lowered into a deep bow, as was customary for any Sheikah in the presence of the Royal Family. Only when a guard beckoned him to his feet did he stand upright again.

    "Good day, M'Lady," he said to the Queen. "Indeed, I wish to meet with His Majesty. There's much for me to discuss with him of late. It has been a good few months since I last held audience with the Royal Family. I only wish that my visit was prompted by more... pleasant matters." He looked about at the guards, who were suddenly wearing expressions of mild worry. "But by all means, I should be requesting to join you to the study. If I may, I wish to accompany you. That is, if you will have me."

    "Yes," said one of the guards. "Let us escort the both of you to His Majesty, M'Lady."​
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Now that I've acquired a good estimate of the class's capabilities. I'd like to pair you all up for tomorrow's activity". The instructor sits at her desk. The desk is specifically designed for an instructor and perched on-top of a podium overlooking the students. "There! Your all paired!" she stated after fully adjusting in her chair. "But wait. You didn't do anything?" a dazed girl in the first row stated. "Ah. I see! We have much to learn."

    "Wait what's this?" "Woah. I have one too" "Your kidding! When did we get these assignment cards?" the instructor giggles at her students. "What form of magic is this, instructor?" "It's no form of magic. It's called preparation! Be sure you understand this concept well! Dismiss!" The students begin to pack their belongings and proceed to their next classes. Everyone had seemed to have forgotten about Strega. That poor misguided youth.

    After the room had cleared, Strega paralysis had worn off. He begins to move his thumb, his index finger, and the others in that order. Shortly after, beginning to create a fist and having use of his limbs. "Damn not only was I beaten. I had my ass handed to me by my own attack!" "Reflecting spell. I'll show her a reflecting spell." A light bulb seemed to have lit above his head but it was only the broken over-light that flickered off and on, on occasions. "I'll show her a reflecting spell!!!"

    With his first class finish, Strega was about to get into more mischief then ever.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Jos considered Eve's advice as she tried to pay attention in class. Volunteer to be his fake girlfriend... she thought to herself as she scribbled 'notes' (more like doodles) in her textbook As funny as it would be to see his face when I did it, I can't. Seeing him struggle with all the other girls in the class will be too funny to pass up. Besides, He would just turn me down and probably end up with the wrong girl for the job out of sheer stubborness. Me being the right girl for the job is a realization he has to come to on his own.

    "Josleyn!" the voice of her teacher pulled her out of her thoughts and back into class.

    "Yes sir?"

    "Since you seem to have a little trouble keeping your mind in class right now, how about you take a break and run make copies of this in the office for me." the teacher suggested, placing a stack of papers on her desk "It's your first homework assignment for this class. On this worksheet is a list of cures for different types of illnesses caused by dark magic. Your assignments will be to learn how to and mix each of the different potions. It will be due when you walk into class the day after tomorrow. Go on now Josleyn, we'll need about 30 copies but make a few extras just in case." Josleyn nodded, and stood to leave the classroom.
    "Don't get side tracked in the hallways like last time please. We have a lot to do today." the teacher called after her. Josleyn shot him a thumbs up over her sholder "No worries!" she called back cheerfully.

    As she walked toward the office, Josleyn heard a couple of girls talking "Really? He hit his head on the desk? My gosh what on earth was the prince doing last night that made him so tired this morning?"
    "More like WHO was he doing?" the girls all burst into giggles.

    Josleyn rolled her eyes, listening to the girls talk. Unfortunitely one of them was looking in her direction at the time and saw the action. "Oh hey Josleyn, having fun Eve's dropping?" Josleyn recognised who spoke. The blonde human girl from homeroom was named Angie. She had a crush on Sol and was never really a fan of Jos.
    Josleyn just shrugged "Now that wouldn't be very nice. Besides she isn't even here." Josleyn wasn't familiar with the human expression. The response just inspired another eruption of giggles from Angie and her two lackies "It's an expression you pointy-eared freak. But I suppose you don't know much of that seeing as you mostly just talk to trees."
    The response only caused Josleyn to smile "Yeah well, the trees don't go saying nasty things behind my back anyways. I can't imagine Sol would apreciate you spreading rumors like that about him. Nor does he have time to deal with them." Jos really wasn't trying to start an argument as much as to reason with her.
    "No, you're right. He's too busy friend-zoning you." Angie shot back, offended.
    Once again, the human expression flew right over her head, "Yes well, you normally do get that kind of behavior from your best friend. Excuse me now girls, I have some copies to make." she said politely before walking away toward the office, though she did worry about Sol.

    Falling asleep in class? That's not like him. she thought as she placed the papers in the machine and pressed the appropriate buttons to make it run. Maybe I'll just go make sure he's ok while these are being copied it might take a while anyway.


    Now where in the world is the nurses office. Josleyn thought to herself as she exited the main building, knowing that the nurses office had it's own building. As she walked, something unusual happened. Josleyn began to feel very tired. She felt odd, as if she were walking through water her movements were normal but she felt slow, as if time had stopped but she was still trying to move through it. Around her, grass, trees, and other various plant life grew right through the cement of campus until it disappeared completely before her eyes. Wherever she was, Josleyn didn't know. But she did recognise a lot of the plant life native to her home in Kokiri. But whatever part of the forst she was in, she didn't recognise it. The air was still, peaceful, holy. She felt a sort of reverecnce for the clearing she found herself in. But more than that, she felt like she had a purpose, something was here that she needed to find. Josleyn followed the path before her to find something in front of her, in the center of the clearing, protruding from a stone with the crest of the royal family, was a sword. As she approached it, the grove suddenly caught on fire and the ground began to shake, throwing Josleyn off her balance. She fell and hit her head on the stone holding the sword. Alarmed, and dizzy, Josleyn rolled back to her feet only to find herself back on campus, standing outside the nurses office.

    Feeling disoriented, Josleyn looked around in all directions. Everything was back to normal and there was no one in sight. Worlds weirdest most vivid daydream.... she mused as she entered the nurses office where she was greeted kindly by the nurse "Are you alright dear?."
    "Yes ma'am I'm fine. I just heard that a friend of mine was here and I worried. Thought I would check on him if that's alright." Josleyn answered as casually as she could.
    "He's sleeping now I believe. How did you know he was here?"
    "I heard some girls from his class talking. This is where I assumed he would be."
    "Well that's fine, everyone knows you're a friend of his so I'll allow it. But while you're waiting for him to wake up, why not let me have a look at your head."
    Josleyn was surprised by the random comment "May I ask why?"
    Now it was the nurses turn to look surprised "Does it not hurt at all? Surely, you must at least remember injuring it."
    "......No.... not really."
    "Heavens child sit down." the nurse pulled her over to a nearby chair and handed her a mirror "You mean to tell me you don't remember this?" she asked incredulously.
    What Josleyn saw in her reflection was unexpected, she looked normal enough except for the bruised skin and cut on her forehead near her right eyebrow. Remembering, this was where she hit her head in her daydream, Josleyn felt an eerie sense of wonder. But, knowing she would sound crazy if she told the actual story to the nurse, she quickly made up her own.
    "Oh that." she said with a smile "I was actually going to take care of it on my own later. I just tripped on my way here is all."
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zalor finished the equation on the sheet of paper and handed it over to the teacher and sighed in relief. He sunk in his chair in relief and wiped his fire head with his back hand, and then quickly repositioned himself. He looked around, nervously waiting for the teacher to respond.

    I sure hope Sol's alright, honestly, I wish I was sent to the nurse's office, better than this class. But... When is Sol ever sleepy in class. I mean, sometimes he is but not to the point of slamming his body into the ground. Maybe I should check on the guy,. Zalor thought to himself.
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Safe travels Ace." The king spoke before Ace left.


    "Of course Eizo. It is always a pleasure to be in your company, even though your visits do not always include more positive and preferable topics." Zelda spoke before the pair walked into the castle towards the king's location.


    The sound of people talking did in fact wake Sol up. Without having to open his eyes he could tell who it was that entered the office. "Her timing is impeccable." He thought as he pretended to remain sleeping. "I wonder what she's doing here. Damn, if she hears what happened I'll never hear the end of it. And why would she be the first person I hear waking up after that dream? Surely it is coincidence, right? After all that was just a dream. What happened doesn't actually reflect on us."


    The teacher looked at Zalor's work. "Well done Zalor. Although you did take some extra unnecessary steps you did solve the equation correctly."

    The remainder of the class period was uneventful. As the classroom quickly emptied all the students were noisily chatting amongst themselves. And the list of people Sol was writing had disappeared, picked up by an unknown student.

    >Yeah, not much this time. Just trying to move things along. Also, FYI, Sol is referring to a different dream this time.<
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zalor, when class ended, immediately dashed out of the room an ran towards the nurses office, ignoring the chit-chat of the students. He wasn't sure what they were talking about, he was focusing on Sol at the moment. He came to a quick halt as he came to the door to the nurse's office. He regained his composure and knocked on the door calmly.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Woah! Slow down there speedy." Ace walked up to Zalor with a stern look, "You have class Zalor, you'll see Sol at the end of the day. Now scram, you don't want to be late." Ace ushered the boy away before opening the door to the nurse's office. "Hmm. Both of you are in here? I was told about Sol, but not you Jos." He kneeled down and inspected Jos' forehead, "Quite the cut kid. You going to be alright for class? What am I saying, of course you are!"

    Turning to Sol, Ace smirked. He winked at both the nurse and Jos before raising a single finger and firing a small fireball at Sol's ass. "Get up princey! We have work to do!"
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Hey Sol is my best friend two! I'm here for two reasons, one, to give him notes, and two, to check on him! He is my best friend and I have about 7 minutes before my next class," Zalor said as he followed in. He watched Ace wink at the nurse and Jos who was apparently in here as well, and watched Ace shoot a fireball at the royal behind of the royal. He couldn't help but chuckle when the fireball was released.
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "It's an honor, as ways, to walk beside one of the Royal Family, M'Lady," Eizo said with a short bow. "I shall accompany you to His Majesty."

    "It's settled then," the guard said. "If it's no issue to you, I'll escort you."

    "As you see fit," Eizo replied. With Queen Zelda and the Hylian Guards accompanying him, he walked through the castle. The halls of the castle were a winding sort, filled with many turns and even a few secret passages, many of which Eizo knew from memory. The guards also knew some of the passages, and made use of them while they lead the way to the King, which cut the time it took to traverse the building nearly in half.

    "His Majesty has probably retreated to his study by now," the head guard said. "It is his tendency to do so after meeting with other important figures. Lord Ace of the Gerudo was here earlier."

    "Left in a rush he did though," chortled another guard.

    "I'd imagine," Eizo said. He knew much of Ace, though had only met him in person on a few occasions, which hadn't been the most pleasant. "What was his business with the King?"

    "Negotiations. As usual," the head guard said. "That's about all he ever does, besides trying to get his lesson plans approved by Royal decree. He gets a bit obsessive at times, that one. Anyways, here we are." They had arrived at the outside of the King's study off of the throne room, though they had come to a back entrance accessible only by way of one of the secret passages. "Which of you shall I announce first?"

    "Both of us," Eizo said. "My matters will concern both King and Queen. They can both hear me, and then discuss their matters after I've left."

    "Very well then. I'll go announce your arrivals to His Majesty." With that, the guard disappeared through the doorway, leaving Eizo, the Queen, and the other guards waiting.​


    The woman in red grinned a grin of menace that outdid any she had ever grinned. At last, she had reached her destination. She had reached the depths of crypt at the bottom of a long, stone-cut spiral staircase from the temple above. At her feet lay a monk she had hoodwinked into granting her passage to the crypt. Now, she stood before a large, stone gate, engraved with the Hylian Emblem. Beyond this gate was an immense and familiar power.

    "Time to wake up," the woman said. One by one, she removed the shining crystalline orbs he had earlier filled with safe essences from their satchel and flick them into place within a set of impressions upon the Hylian Emblem.

    Once all six had been placed within an impression, there was a flare of multi-colored light. In the space between the two halves of the gate, a pearly light was emitted, and slowly widened on the two halves parted. It continued to widen and consume the crypt in its blinding intensity until the gate had come completely open. At that point the light was itself consumed by a veil of shadow. It was as though the light was breaking apart revealing a darkness behind it. Then, with the light completely cleared out, the darkness began to writhe out from the gate, and with a sudden burst of speed, consumed the entirety of the crypt.

    At last, from the pitch black depths before her, the woman spotted a pair of cold, white eyes staring out at her. She smiled gleefully. "Master," she said softly.​
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Ace, you know how bad it is to assault a student, right?" The nurse spoke, tossing a clipboard in the fireball's path. The clipboard was destroyed, but the fireball itself was stopped before hitting Sol. "Especially when the student in question is our esteemed prince. Now shoo! Quit disturbing my patients."

    "It's okay." Sol spoke, sitting up. He looked at his audience quietly. "So much for some peace and quite. I never do get much privacy, do I?" As he quietly wondered to himself, Sol did something fairly uncharacteristic. Without giving any sort of warning or chance to be stopped Sol teleported away from the room and away from the crowd.


    "Ah, Prince Sol!" A surprised voice exclaimed as Sol reappeared elsewhere on the school grounds.

    "Huh? Oh, my apologies Aya. I didn't think anybody would be here at the moment. Did I hurt you at all?"

    "N-n-not at all." She spoke with a definite aura of shyness. "But you sure are amazing doing something like that. Everybody says teleportation magic like that doesn't exist anymore. W-w-where did you learn such magic?"

    "Where did I learn it? Well... Umm... Good question. Anyways I should probably let you get to class." Sol began to turn away.

    "Wait. Umm... Before you go I have a question." Aya quickly blurted out. "I-i-i-is it true that you made a list of all the girls in school in order of your preference? They said that Joselyn wasn't even listed near the top so a lot of girls were wondering how they ranked compared to the others, t-t-that perhaps they had a chance. I-i-i-if it isn't too much of a bother, c-c-c-could you tell me where I was o-o-o-on the list?"

    "I have never and will never make a list such as that." Sol quickly spoke out. "Wherever did such a rumor–" Sol stopped in the middle of his sentence, a sudden feeling of dread and realization overcoming him. It felt as though death's cold embrace wrapped itself around him. He put his hands on Aya's shoulders. "Aya, we have to stop this rumor right now. Where did you hear it?"

    "F-f-f-from Malon. She said that she was told that a girl in your class found the list. E-e-e-everybody was talking about it. I think the entire school knows by now."

    "Oh no. That isn't good." Sol sighed and stepped back, his head beginning to droop down. "Umm... Crap." He looked back up at the girl. "Can you do me a huge favor? If you ever find out who is in possession of that list will you please let me know?"

    "O-o-of course Prince Sol."


    "Milord, your presence has been requested by both Her Majesty and Eizo of Kakariko." The guard spoke as he reached the king.

    "How strange that Zelda feels the need to request an audience with me. Although she did mention something of needing to talk to me at some point soon. As Zelda did before, the king reached up and touched a stone that hung from his neck similar to Zelda's. "I see. Well, as they are together right now, bring them both in."

    "As you wish sire." The guard bowed before stepping out again.

    He quickly returned with both Zelda and Eizo. "May I present Her Majesty Queen Zelda and Lord Kikaro Eizo."

    "Thank you. Although you need not be so formal." Zelda smiled.

    "But I do not wish to show any disrespect." The guard bowed before leaving.

    "Good day to you Eizo. And to what do I owe your sudden, though not unwanted, presence?"
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Eizo followed the guard into the study, where the King had been busying himself with one matter or another. When he entered, his first act was to lower onto one knee in a bow before both the King and Queen. Then, he placed his sword upon the floor; the act of laying down his weapon was something he reserved only for the Royal Family, as a sign of his loyalty and trust to them. "As always, it's an honor to be in audience with you, Your Majesty," Eizo said. He pulled up from the bow and seated himself in a kneeling posture.

    "I wish my reasons were more pleasant though," he continued. "However, Kakariko has been in a state of tension. Rumors and worries have been coming out of the Goron Village. They fear that there is something amiss upon Death Mountain. What it is, even they can't say for sure, but I trust their intuition, as it has proven reliable in the past. It is not in the nature of Gorons to use rumors as a ploy, as my Lieutenants seem to believe. I suspect that there may be some truth behind this commotion. If it wouldn't be too much of an inconvenience to the Castletown defenses, I'd like to request a team be organized to help investigate these rumors."​
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2013
  18. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Josleyn nodded at Ace's question about her being ok for class "I'll be fine. It's just a little scratch is all. I tripped on my way to here, I heard about Sol and wanted to make sure he was ok." knowing it wasn't her most believable excuse given that she was known to be graceful than to trip walking on flat ground, she sped through the excuse. When Sol disappeared, she rolled her eyes 'always the dramatic one. I'll find a time to talk to him about my daydream later...' she thought to herself, standing up and nodding politely to everyone "Thank you Nurse for fixing my cut, I should go now or I'll be late." she was kind of rushing, and once again her excuse was kind of rediculous seeing as it was Ace's class she was claiming she'd be late for and he was already there in the office but she was distracted and didn't really care.

    The previous class had not quite ended yet but most of the students were already back out in the hallways because it was only the first day and some of the newer students needed time to find their way between classes. Josleyn was still sure to be quick to get the papers she had put in the copying machine and be sure they got sent to her previous teacher before setting out to meet Eve by her locker. Maybe Eve would know where it was that clearing was she saw in her 'vision' or maybe have some other theory of what happened. Josleyn still had an odd nastalgic feeling from the experience.
  19. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "I'm surprised that the Gorons have not attempted to investigate this matter to procure any more concrete evidence. That being said, there is no reason for us to doubt them. Especially considering recent reports concerning the recent discovery of monsters other than moblins and bokobins roaming about the fields of Hyrule. I will organize a team to set out to Death Mountain and meet with the Gorons. But it will take a bit of time. Equipment with which to investigate the inside of a volcano is something we are in short supply of." The king answered for Eizo's request.


    "Hey Prince. To what do I owe the honor of you running towards me like that? Have you come to confess your love to me in front of the entire school?" A red headed girl grinned as Sol quickly ran up to her.

    "Nothing like that Lucy." Sol answered as he took a moment to catch his breath. "I'm looking for something."

    "Like what? That list of future concubines you misplaced? Gotta admit that was pretty bold of you making such a list. If I were you I would've kept it locked up safe in my mind. Or at least the bottom drawer of my dresser underneath a fake bottom next to all the dirty magazines. I will say though that I'm honored you would consider me to be one of your future lovers once you're king. But if I could make a selfish request could I possibly be either the queen or the concubine you prefer over all others?"

    Sol blankly stared at her for a moment, surprised how she could unashamedly say such things. "Oh gods is that what the rumors have spread into?"

    "No." Lucy grinned. "I figured I'd say that to see how you'd react. Naw, the current story is still that of the list being the order in which you favor each girl. And the fact that Joselyn isn't on it is making some of the more... Ambitious girls eager."

    "Ambitious about what?"

    "You really are a virgin, aren't you? Ambitious about being the one to become Prince Sol's girlfriend. Whoever hooks up with you gets a one shot ticket to being the most popular girl in school. And gets the award of being the girl who Prince Sol chose over Joselyn."

    "Is that so. And tell me, where do you lie compared to the list of those ambitious girls?"

    "Next to you. Or at least that's the plan. If that list really is who you like or if it is something platonic doesn't really matter to me. I plan on trying to steal your heart anyways, even if you don't have those feelings for me."

    "At least you're honest about it." Sol sighed. "Something I'll be sure to keep in mind. Anyways, do you know who has the list? Especially since you were in that classroom?"

    "Nope. I'll keep an eye out for it though and give it back to you. For the proper amount of compensation, of course." She winked at Sol and then walked away.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2013
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Having watched the outburst from a distance, next to her locker, a red haired girl smiled a little at the scene. The curls from her ponytail swished across her back as she turned around to close her locker adjusting the book she was holding more comfortably against her body. 'Always a theatrical one, our king is.'

    'Theatrical, yes, but also your ruler. You should be respectful, even in your thoughts.'

    A deep voice said in her head, so natural and familiar it could have been mistaken for her own thoughts if not for an almost tangable sound of it that only she could hear.
    "Perhaps, though I don't really consider what I said to be disrespectful. Besides, freedom to think and express what I wish of King Ace is my right as is the right of all of our people."
    "An amendment to the laws which Ace made when he took power, if I remember correctly."
    A half a smile crept across the girls face "Fair enough" she responded to whoever it was she was conversing with. "As I stated though, I have nothing against him. I was just pointing out something about him that I find amusing."
    The voice did not respond though she did feel a slight thrill of amusement that was not nessisarily her own. Humming tunelessly to herself, Lyra made her way to her next class "Hyrulian History." not exactly the most fun class for most but Lyra herself found it fascinating especially on the subject of the evolution of some of the species. For example, she thought to herself as she walked past a group of Zora teens, they almost look completely human compared to the walking fish they use to be. It's amazing that time can change things so quickly yet go completely unnoticed until the change is done.

    Josleyn made it to her locker and put away her books. Seeing as "advanced combat' was next, she took no books with her but decided to wait a few minutes to see if Eve would make an appearence between classes. As she waited, she thumbed through a random book, trying to look busy so that no one would desturb her.

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