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Legend of Sol (Modern Legend of Zelda)

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Nova, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace nodded and smiled, "Very good Jos. Would you mind perhaps demonstrating parrying with Sol please? While you do... Lyra I have to speak with you..."

    The Iron Knuckles shook violently, the axes shuttering in the creatures' hands. "Yes, Lord Gan!" They roared in unison, shaking the ground around them.

    On the massive stone throne, the massive sword wielding Iron Knuckle laughed, "Demon Lord Gan. I have assembled my army, and released your mechanical monster from its icy prison. We await your orders, my lord."
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Lyra and Jos exchanged glances, and Lyra shrugged though looked kind of confused. "Sure thing, Sir." she said politely though in her ever-cheerful manner.
    She walked toward Ace as Josleyn also walked toward the front of the class, though looking to Sol. "Don't you dare go easy on me." she teased her best friend, picking up a sword from the weapon rack.

    Impa, still posing as a student, also watched the class though she wasn't actually enrolled in the AP skills class so she was intangible standing next to Eve. Though Sol had spent a lot of time jumping around all day, Impa did her best to keep up, as was her job. Her spell permitted Sol to see her but it was a low energy spell so any experienced magic user would be able to see her as well, so basically anyone in the room that wasn't a student.
    "Heavenly days." she said, seeing as she was invisible she took her jacket off, spreading out her wings while she had the option to do so. "Only the first day of school and he's already got me running around. Who knew keeping an eye on a prince would be so much more maintinance than his princess ansestors." she said, exasparated though she was mostly kidding. Eve, of course, would be the only one to hear her being the nearest to her. "So how's the class so far? Is he pulling some of the same nonesense as last year?"
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2013
  3. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Going easy on you? I suppose that all depends on which of us parries." Sol replied as he grabbed his own training sword. Of course he had the sword that was hanging from his back, but that blade was much sharper than the training swords. Content with the sword he chose, Sol faced Joselyn again. She was the one to initiate the attack, therefore allowing Sol to be the one to parry her attack. Sol lifted his blade up to block the attack and then pushed away when their blades were connected. This let him direct where Joselyn would move and opened up her back to attack. He then hit her with the blade, pushing her further.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Josleyn allowed herself to fall prey to Sol's parry for the sake of example to the class. Unsure if Ace wanted them to continue or not, she wheeled back onto her feet and looked to her teacher for instruction.
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Study Hall is a place specifically designed to enhance studious behavior. The higher ups felt the school needed a habitual atmosphere for students' study habits but in reality its far from it. Students usually goof off and secretly hide their mischievous actions. A normal human monitors and patrols the class as the head but since its not pertaining to any curriculum; the standards for employment of this position is rather low. Unlike the other students, Rie takes the opportunity to fully utilize the time spent in Study Hall. Strega just fools around, being a complete distraction to Rie.

    "Phase 2!" Strega thought as he began to open his mouth. "You don't mind skipping Study Hall! Right Rie?" "Well, I don't know. I have this test and..." "Perfect! Your free!" Strega interjected.

    Strega took his arm from around Rie and headed up a flight of stairs. "Coming?" Rie scratched his cheek. "That's the way to Study Hall!" Strega motioned to Rie that they can talk while on the way. "Duh, keep up Rie! We're going to Study Hall to skip". Rie and Strega finally reached the apex of the stairs. "May the love of Nayru help me! Strega, are you aware of what your saying?" "Rie, Rie, Rie, stay with me!"

    Within a few minutes.

    They were in front of a door labeled -Study Hall Room A #253- Rie reached for the handle but Strega quickly intervened and lowered Rie's hand. Rie looked puzzled. Strega opened the door purposely slamming it into Rie's face, swelling his beak/nose hybrid. "Aww Aww Aww" Rie was having a hizzy fit.

    Strega entered the classroom. "Excuse me! The Study Hall teacher looked up from her literature book. "My friend is such a clucks, just a moment ago while proceeding through the hall in an uncalmly manner; he opened the door, hitting himself in the face. May I escort him to the nurse?" The teacher looked at Strega then at Rie, noticing his apparent pain, then back at Strega. "Okay, take care it!" she brushed them away with her hand. Her eyes lazily went back to her book. "Oh, right. There was something important. I was suppose to tell you!" Strega turned back to teacher. The teacher once again averted her gaze from the book to look at Strega. "Well?" the teacher asked impatiently. "I forgot!" Strega retorted. She rolled her eyes and went back to reading. "Oh yes, I remember now!". Strega battered at the slightly igitated. "For the love the goddesses, what?" "We had ran into the principal early and he asked if we were in class A #253 of Study Hall. Strega continued describing the make-believe altercation between him, Rie, and the principal, drawing out the story as long as possible. "Get to the point the teacher begged him. "He needed to see two students. "Astel and Bella". "Fine, Fine, Astel and Bella. Principal now!!!" The teacher was pretty agitated and was elated to get rid of this misfit.​
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ace's eyes warmed slightly as he looked at Lyra, "I'm worried about you kid. You've done well since we saved you, and you've grown into a fine woman. I wanted to ask you today, if you'd be willing to take on the mantle of Second in Command of the Gerudo. As you probably know, the former second in command... My mother... is dying. Our forces need someone charismatic and energetic like you... Think about it, okay hon?" Ace rubbed his hand through Lyra's hair before turning back to the class, "Very good, Sol, Jos. Class, I'd like you to find a partner and practice parrying. Lyra, you can join Sol and Jos. I'm sure Sol can take on two girls like it was nothing..." Ace burst into laughter as he walked over to his desk and watched over the class.
  7. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer


    Eve gave a jump of surprise, which seemed to match in timing with Jos’ appointment to practice parrying with Sol. However, it was actually a response to Impa’s unseen arrival and interjection of Impa. Seeing, thankfully, that no one else had noticed Impa, or at that noticed her own remark of surprised, she smiled lightly to the invisible avian woman next to her, despite that she couldn’t see her. Rather than talking aloud, and drawing attention to herself and possibly Impa as well, she made her reply through telepathy.

    “Hey Impa. Let’s have this discussion between ourselves. People might think I’m crazy if I talked out loud to an invisible person. Right? Anyways, if be “he” you’re referring to Ace, then yes. He’s still up to his old antics. He launched a fireball at me just to make sure I wouldn’t intrude. Just shows how much he knows about the guardian business.”


    The shadow that was the Demon Lord steadily manifested itself in a black, foggy mist. He was glaring down upon the seated Iron Knuckle, both intrigued by and proud of the hulking general. “You must be the one called Zer’Dag. Koumake has told me a… great deal of you. She tells me that there’s a certain someone that you’re dying to see again. A certain someone whom requires a reconciling with his past, and that you’re the one to facilitate it. Yes. I believe an attack on the village of Kakariko will suffice for both of our plans… We will be marching on the village come midnight, and will be upon it by daybreak. Their sun shall rise to the drums of war.”​
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "It isn't all that surprising." Impa's voice replied in Eve's head. "In fact earlier today, completely out of the blue, he threatened me with imprisonment were I to ever set foot in the Gerudo Valley. He is rather headstrong and selfish and seems to be the type to focus entirely on his desires and ignore whatever consequences may ensue from his actions. And his interactions with the entirety of the Royal Family concern me. He works on getting closer to them, especially Sol, while simultaneously having an instant dislike for those who have been close to the Royal Family for a much longer time."


    "This is rather sudden. After all I'm rather young and surely there would be people much more qualified than me." Lyra thought to herself.
    "It shows that he trusts you." The voice spoke.

    "That leaves one person without a practice partner." Sol sighed while feeling that Ace was ridiculing him. What other reason would Ace make one group have an odd number of people in an even number class?

    "Well then ladies, how shall we do this? Each of us take turns attacking the other?" Sol asked the two people he had been partnered up with.
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Zer'Dag looked up at the Demon Lord with pride, "Indeed... I will be his end, just as he was mine. Midnight can not come sooner. I desire his head... more then anything. Soon... Revenge will be mine..." The massive Iron Knuckle rose from his throne and in a swift movement, launched his blade at the massive mechanical weapon. The blade struck a small indent, triggering the sound of turning gears and steam. Pulling the sword back to his hand, Zer'Dag laughed as the machine roared to life, "The end... is upon is! My army, prepare for war!"

    The other Iron Knuckles roared, lifting their axes and shaking them viciously, "Our life for the Demon Lord!"

    Ace smiled as one kid approached him without a partner, "I know. You may practice any technique you wish for now, or join another group if you so desire." The boy nodded before running off to join one of his friend's groups. Ace's smile faded for a brief moment, as he felt like he was being watched. Only two people could provocate that feeling, and Ace growled in disgust at the names that were ringing in his head. Only Eizo and Impa can cause that kind of feeling... I know Impa is most assuredly here with Sol... So it could be her... I really am not looking forward to seeing Eizo today, so for once, I pray it is only Impa...
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    “Oh dear! He did NOT really do THAT did he?” Eve knew Ace to be an extremist in many ways, but even she never thought him the type to make threats like that to a royal attendant. Granted that threats were nothing compared to nearly strike someone with a fireball simply to deter them from interrupting a class session; the fairy shuddered at the thought of what the Gerudo King would do to her if she ever wandered into the Gerudo Valley. “The nerve of that man! Though I don’t think we have to worry much about his relations with the Royal Family. They know who’s who and what’s what. Their faith in you would never waiver no matter what Ace tried to say or do; of that I’m sure. Anyways, I’ve heard that Sol is having and… interesting day?”


    Strange that Ace would pair three people together when could all have our own partner, Jos thought as she watched the unpaired student wander away from the group to practice his form on his own. She was about to call out to him and tell him that he could join with her, Sol and Lyra, when she heard Sol ask about how they would go about their three-way practice session. “Well,” she said, I was thinking we could get him to join us.” She pointed over to the lone boy. Not waiting to hear Sol’s or Lyra’s opinions, she waved to her classmate and caught his attention.

    “Hey!” she called. “If you want to practice with someone, you know, for realism’s sake, you can join with us. We could use even numbers, since there’s only three of us.”

    The boy ran up to them, stumbling a bit as he stopped. “Really? You want me in your group?”

    “Of course!” Jos said, smiling.

    “But—but that’s Prince Sol… and you’re his friends. I’m not wor-th…”

    “Oh hush up!” Jos said, though she was still smiling. “Of course you’re worthy. Sol isn’t that pompous!” She leaned in closer to the boy, and whispered into his ear. “Besides, I think, between Lyra and me, we’ve got a bit too much girl power for Sol to handle at once.”

    “Heh heh.” The boy was rendered, if anything, more nervous from Jos’ remarks. But still, he stood himself up straight and looked at his three partners. “T-Teague,” he said. “Teague Dresden.”

    “Nice to meet you Teague,” Jos said.​


    Eizo considered himself fortunate from the moment he finally set foot inside the Academy’s main corridor. They were barren, leaving him able to make his way to the main office without being eyed as he had been back in town. Characteristically, he glared behind his back, making sure no one had followed him into the building; no one had, for which he was even more fortunate, especially knowing that the guards probably would have stopped most other non-students and non-faculty. Openly and with dignity, he walked across the corridor and into the main office, where, unlike the corridor outside, people were evidently flustered with the first day madness of settling schedule issues and figuring out where one thing or another had disappeared to over the summer break.

    Being that there was a small line of about three others, all students, Eizo took a seat and waited patiently for someone at the front desk to accommodate him. As he waited, several other students periodically left the offices of administrators. Each one took notice of Eizo, to which he responded with a courteous nod, as if to say, “yes, I’m one of them.” As he waited, the line also diminished. The first in line had left about a minute or two after his arrival. The second student had been shuffled off into an office off the main one. As the third student made her way to the front desk, some else arrived and called to Eizo, informing him that he would be helped. The Sheikah stood up and walked to the front desk.

    “What can I do for you?” the woman asked, absentmindedly, and not really noticing whom she was speaking to.

    “I would like to see Prince Sol,” Eizo said in a hushed voice.

    “Please speak up sir,” the woman said.

    “I would like to see Prince Sol,” Eizo repeated, louder.

    “I’m sorry sir,” the woman said. “But we cannot allow visitors to during class times without expressed permission fr—“ The woman cut her sentence short as a red scarf, which Eizo had been wearing, was tossed upon the desk right under eyes. She stared blankly, and in awe, at the scarf, which bore the insignia of the Sheikah. She looked up at Eizo, realizing his identity. “You’re name, sir?”

    “Kikaro Eizo,” Eizo said, audibly. The entire office seemed to have heard it, as everyone ceased what they were doing and every eye seemed to fall upon him for a few seconds before slowly cascading back into their routines and appointments.

    “Where would I find Prince Sol at this hour?” Eizo asked. “The King has bid that I see the young Prince.”

    “Ah. Yes. He is in Advanced Sword Training, with Lord Ace,” the woman said as she handed Eizo’s scarf back to him. “Should I inform him you’re coming?”

    “That won’t be necessary,” Eizo said. “Ace and I are old acquaintances. I’m certain he’d be thrilled by a surprise visit.”

    “It really you, General Eizo,” a gruff, male voice spoke from behind.

    Eizo spun around, coming face to face with man of great visible strength, standing a head over him and dressed in a warrior’s tunic. He recognized the man immediately and bowed. “General Marcus.”

    “Well, Retired General Marcus,” Marcus said. “Come. Walk with me. I hear you’re going to stop in on Ace’s class. I just so happen to have business with the man as well.” The two left the office, and walked alongside each other towards the training arena.

    “So,” Eizo said. “Retired? As of when?”

    “About a month ago,” Marcus stated. “You see, the school’s Military Prep program has been short staffed over the past few years. So His Majesty decommissioned me from active service and implored me to join the administration here as the director of the program.”

    “So you’re a teacher now? Will this be detrimental to the Hylian Army?” Eizo inquired.

    “No. Not at all,” Marcus said heartily. “You see, the King has seen fit to keep me on reserve with the Hylian Guard. If the city is attacked, I pick arms and help lead the defenses. It’s just that during peacetime, I’m here, keeping an eye on things in the combat and military training departments. Hence why I’ve a bone to pick with Ace.”

    “Which bone might that be?”

    “One of the students enrolled in the Military Prep program that should be in his class has been restricted from signing up. I need to have a talk with Mr. Ace about letting said student into his Advanced Class.”

    “And if he doesn’t comply?”

    “Then I’ll have to take extreme actions,” Marcus said, gloomily. “What of you. What do want with the Prince?”

    “Nothing more than to meet with him while I am still in town. I’ve a meeting with a task force later today, and His Majesty tells me that Sol is to have private company over tonight. So this would be my only opportunity to see the Prince, as is only expected of me when I am around Castleton.”

    “Ah. Well that makes sense,” Marcus said. “I’m sure Sol will be glad to see you. His Majesty did always say that he looked forward to your visits. And from what I’ve heard around the administration here, the other students enjoy it when you’re here as well.”

    “So I’ve heard as well, Marcus. So I’ve heard as well.”​


    On the outside, the Demon Lord seemed without reaction to the revelry of the Iron Knuckle platoon. Yet in his mind, he was as joyous as they were and may as well have been cheering along with them. His plans were coming together far more efficiently than he had foreseen; he could only hope that the other end of the assault, to which Koumake was attending, would be just as smooth as his. “You’ll do well on the field of battle, Zer’Dag. I will entrust you to lead your troops to the village. Once there, you will be attacking with a second front, led by Koumake, which will strike down from the slopes of Death Mountain, catching the village in a pincer.

    “I must leave you now. The other front must be rallied as well. Remember: you march for Kakariko at midnight; prepare yourselves, and keep a low profile.” Seconds later, Bayan Gan had backed into the shade of a nearby tree, and was gone.​
  11. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "The day isn't even half way done and Sol is already trying to run me ragged." Impa replied. "First he smacks his face on his desk and leaves class early. Then when I went to check on him in the infirmary he was already gone. It was getting difficult to track him at the rate he was moving throughout the school. He's rather worried about something and I've heard some rumors about something he made. I can only hazard a guess that whatever he made got lost and found by somebody else and now the poor boy is trying to recover whatever it is."


    "So is it all three of us teaming up on Sol?" Lyra asked as she made a move towards him.

    "I'd rather that not be the case. Three against one is rather unfair. In the time it takes for me to parry one of you guys." Sol spoke as he parried Lyra's attack. "The other two could team up against me while I have plenty of openings."
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    "Fair enough." Jos shrugged at Sol's point "So boys against girls or should we team up?"

    "Boys against girls would probably be more fair. You and Sol train together off school time so you're more strongly paired than us." she said, referring to the other boy that they accepted into the group. Though she was surprised by Ace's offer, she focused on class for the time being. She would think more on the subject later.

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