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LGBT thread.

Discussion in 'General' started by Plasmos, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I don't think being gay is a choice, I think people are born gay or straight, it just takes time for people to realize what their sexual preferences are. The way I see it, as children we just see boys and girls as just boys and girls, it isn't until we start to hit puberty that we realize we can have romantic feelings for others. A gay person as a child probably has no idea that they would grow up to like the same sex which is why most gay people come out of the closet as teens. Now I don't know all the science of genes and all that biological stuff but I do believe that gay people were born gay and didn't just wake up one morning and decide to be gay like they decide what clothes they want to wear.
  2. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Honestly, I became bisexual just cause. I wanted to try something different, something raunchy, and would be shameful and I don't care, because I just wanted to be label as a rebel, and after some experimenting with drugs and alcohol in college, my freshmen year I start hooking up with different people, and I was like "Wow, I like this." And ever since that, I been doing both sexes.
  3. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I dooonnnnt think thats the way its supposed to be Yukie. I think ur actuelly supposed to care about the person you are with and not just look for sex and pleasure. Yukie u are the classic situtation that Bi sexuals hate! Ur a phony! Ur just looking for sex and you have a better chance if your playing for both teams! I actuelly love the people im with, and care about them and there feelings, and ya sex is part of it, but it isn't all of it!
  4. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    I personally think being Gay, Bi, or Les is a choice... It's not like God made us to be Gay, Les, or Bi......
    going back to the bible there...
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    honestly, i feel that Zol's right. we make our choices in our life. i could choose to be bi, gay, etc, whenever i want. i just don't
  6. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I agree that we make alota choices in our life, but things like sexual orientation is NOT a choice that we can make. I put sexual orientation right up there with race. People can't choose what race they are nor can they chose who they love. I didn't choose to be black, I didn't choose to be female, I didn't choose to be straight, that's just how I was born. Just like sick people didn't choose to be sick. Being gay or straight is just who we are and not something we can turn on and off like a light switch. The heart wants what it wants and we can't control that.
  7. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    You just contradicted the whole situation. Being LGB is not a choice. Look at the whole product. Your quoting the bible correct? If your trying to state the obvious, then why were you born as a heterosexual? Because you were born that way. You didn't make a choice on whether or not you thought you were Gay, Straight, or Bisexual. You just felt it within you naturally. When we are first born into this world, we do not have a freedom of speech, the choices we act on is not our own, it is what we believe in and what we think is right.
  8. It feels like fuking forever since I had gotten drunk, bad hangovers+ me just didn't mix but yet again I fell pray to a party with my friends and got locked in my best friends room and watched him have sex with his boyfriend. I was drunk so it didn't really bug me. But this morning after the friggin hangover I put 2 and 2 together and realized damnit I really am gay XD What I'm trying to say is to people like myself,and Ventus Searcher are surrounded by the ones we love literally. If you are LGB then people should fucking learn to respect it and parents should learn to understand it, not try and get their child on the "right path" in their eyes.

    In case you are wondering I'm not an alcoholic I only drink at parties and i've only gotten drunk twice.
  9. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    So, what, you've been on two parties, and last time watched as your friends shared their intimate moments together? nice man, gotta respect you aaaalll the way.

    Straight, but a supporter. I just don't like pretenders or attention-gatherers.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  10. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    hey if your still updating the list, you can put me on straight
  11. I friggin hate attention-gatherer, though I have been deemed one in the past I have changed dramatically over the past month and a half that I've been here.

    What I can never understand is why people think other sexual relations are wrong I personally believe that they themselves are the attention-seekers/gatherers.
  12. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    ehh, can't really agree on that with you, because some people are just that way. I used to deny all the matters that led to this topic, but eventually it changed. most of the influence came from my parents who didn't really accept people of other sexual groups. what do you say, should I say that they are attention seekers? hell no, they were just born that way.

    what I meant by attention seekers is for example one boy at our school. for one day he says he's gay, other day bi, other day straight... you know the rest. and the way that he brings it up "I'M GAY, LOOK AT ME, LOVE ME", that is attention gathering. he most probably does it because nobody likes him because of his past actions and he's a douchebag anyway.
  13. LMFAO that's friggin hilarious! What a douche, not only is he an attention seeker, he's publically humiliating people with said sexual relations. If I were there I'd fucking beat the shit out of him until he pissed his pants just so he could see how we felt when he publically humiliated us. What can I say, I crave revenge! XD
  14. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Even thought that he's a douche, he doesn't deserve a beating.
  15. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    You don't even know my entire situation and yet you are accusing me that I dont have feelings for anyone. Well let see, I did have a boyfriend and a girlfriend. Both of them turn out to be sluts. My ex BF cheated on me 3 times and that little bitch that I once thought I can married decided to blow everyone on the volleyball team.

    First of all I am fucking 20 years old. Why not go around and have sex? It is life. I am young and I enjoy having fun with my friends. And don't accuse anyone of being a phony, that is just being ignorant if you haven't heard their side of the story.
  16. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I have a feeling this thread is starting to go in the wrong direction. This thread is supposed to be a place where we can all come together, ask questions, get answers, and offer support to one another. This is NOT the place to argue, spread hate, or talk about how we want to physically beat up others who don't share the same view as us. If someone posts something that you do not agree with debate about it in a mature manner and refrain from insulting each other. I honestly think this thread can do alot of good for everyone on the site so I would like to see it kept clean please.

    ~Now back on topic~ Yukie I do agree with you that you're young and have the right to dabble between men and women. As a college student myself I myself have experimented with alot of things (those of which I will not get into right now) so I understand that while some people may not get why we do the things we do, its none of their business really, if I want to experiment with drugs and alcohol then that's what I'm going to do because that's all a part of finding myself.
  17. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Who wants to beat somebody? Oh, that guy, fufufu.

    Hey, you're 20 years old, go for it mate.
  18. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Thanks Leah :D

    And honestly, I do love both sexes and believe that both sexes should be treated equally. And who am I to tell people if I like boys or girls? Why label yourself as LGBT? I mean I tell people who I think they deserve to know. If I am happy the way I am, why broadcast myself for the whole world to know (Ironic isn't that I am posting this? This is the internet after all. XD)
  19. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Many people clearly may want to be labelled within the LGBT community so they can simply feel apart of something and not feel like an outcast to the world. Its a very complex situation to THEM
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  20. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    here's how i see it. if your in the LGBT category, it means you're not like everyone else and you're who YOU are. that's the best part of the LGBT people

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