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Mega Man: Project Zeta (OOC/Sign Up/Discussion)

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by FON, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    WHOOPS! Hehe, seeped there for a second, anyway yes that is true, so yea, you can make a leader for Armada then.
  2. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Well, here's character número uno.

    Name: Eros ("Air-ohce")
    AI Age: 25
    Version: Maverick
    Class: Maverick Commander
    Gender: Male

    Personality: Eros has a very loud personality, a powerful presence and a charismatic disposition. His words, though simple and straightforward are spoken with absolute conviction and he allows his actions and methods to speak to his abilities rather than merely boasting about them with words. He is an adherent and religious subscriber to the doctrine that 'if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself,' a mantra by which he lives and never spares a moment to recite when the moment calls for it. As such, he is a common sight amongst Maverick front line forces, especially in hostile areas where the fighting is in great tension. It typical of him to monitor nearly every aspect of a situation and tend to the personally, even going so far as to stick his head into the work of other commanders as he sees fit. He takes it upon himself to fix the strategic mistakes of others.

    Appearance: http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/150/f/2012/260/9/5/echo___custom_reploid_by_xastra-d5f1fsp.jpg

    Weapon List:
    • Dual Arm Mounted Plasma Cannons ("E-Busters")
    • Built in dual Laser Claws; integrated to E-Busters); similar in concept to the Z-Saber
    • Light Shield Generator

    Juggernaut Mk 1 Ride Armor: Eros is in possession of latest model of ride armor, which was originally designed specifically for his unit's use (though only a handful were actually completed). It is a great leap in design and ingenuity from previous ride armor incarnations, most evident in its more adequate, humanoid proportions. It stands nearly twelve feet in height, and mimics the build of standard X model Reploids with armored plating covering its interior structure and systems. Unlike previous ride armors, there is no seating space at the top of the torso, but rather, a domed armored top, as pilots work the machine from within the torso. It's more efficient proportions, particularly the longer, more flexible arms and legs allow Juggernaut to achieve a more refined level of maneuverability a speedier waking pace, and the capacity to run in full stride.

    Though initially featuring excavation equipment, Eros has outfitted Juggernaut with weaponry for combat. It's right arm currently supports a chargeable plasma blaster, designed in similar fashion to the arm mounted buster gun. The left hand has been modified into a "power claw," which function by projecting powerful electromagnetic energies around the claw itself, resulting in a destructive energy-base weapon. Mounted beneath this claw, on the wrist of the ride armor is a light weight laser, used to reserve the use of the larger plasma cannon on the other arm.

    Of all of its specs however, Juggernaut's most innovative feature is its interface capability. Rather than utilizing traditional piloting, operators (Reploid compatible only) are linked into the systems of the ride armor, allowing cybernetic interface between the armor and operator. The operator is connected to visual and aural feeds allowing them to perceive their surroundings. A voice filter allows them to communicate verbally through the armor. The cybernetic link sends commands that would otherwise go to specific body parts on the operator to their respective counterparts on the ride armor, thus permitting a seamless control of the ride armor unit. Currently, Eros has programmed his Juggernaut to interface exclusively with his AI, as a measure to dissuade and prevent theft.

    • Wall/Ceiling Clinging & Climbing
    • Impervious to spike traps
    • Advanced Dash Module (allows aerial dash, double dashing, upward thrust and midair direction change)
    • Upgraded durability and resistance to environmental adversities (ie - armor resistance to acid rain)
    • Three-phase Buster charge; small bullet shots, medium-large blasts and continuous streams
    • Multiple Buster shot settings consisting of stun & holding shield and standard damaging bullets
    • Access to surplus equipment and weaponry from Echo Force armory

    History: In terms of programing, Eros is (as evidenced by his Maverick status) an earlier construct. However, in terms of physical design and capabilities, he was and is ahead of his time. He was modeled after the old Mega Man X and Zero, which was achieved through researching historic blueprints. Though their programing was impossible to replicate, their physical attributes were both perfectly replicated and upgraded. Eros was, thus, intended to be an exploratory Reploid, capable of traversing terrains and environments that few or no others could. Though he was deemed "too much" by authorities at his time, he was permitted to be let off the retirement on the grounds that further models after him were downgraded slightly.

    Through this agreement, Eros became the leader of an exploratory, data-gathering Reploid team known as Echo Force. Originally, they were designed to gather information on remote and potentially dangerous areas in order to gauge their threat levels and determine the plausibility of human and Reploid colonization. However, it wasn't long after Echo Force was instated that Maverick uprisings began to resurface. The unit was recalled from its survey duties and refitted with combat weaponry; in a deemed 'oversight' they retained their environmental capabilities, resulting in a team of Reploids that could easily combat Maverick pockets in those remote and lethal corners of the globe.

    As the efforts to wipe out the Mavericks continued, the Echo Force was further outfitted with weapons and equipment with which to gain an edge over the Maverick forces and flush them out from hiding so they could be rounded up and retired. However, by the time the wars against the Mavericks had reached its full swing again, the Echo Force had ready been corrupted by the Maverick virus. Hiding this from their 'commanders,' they feigned their dire situations and were able to trick the non-Maverick HQ into equipping them with even more advanced equipment. With Eros at the forefront of their activity, the Echoes joined the Maverick ranks. Eros, corrupted and then garnering support from the Mavericks he had been sent to subdue, was seen as a high ranking figure amongst the Maverick armies.

    *Juggernaut won't come into the picture until later. It's his secret weapon.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2013
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Eros is approved
  4. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Thanks Zac. I'll get a sheet drawn up for the Armada Leader so we can start to get this thing on track.
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Edited Zero's bito for The Spark twins. Looking forward to starting this.
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Before we can start we need Angel to finish his template, Wayard to finish his other profile, and a Dr. light. If we don't find one here soon I might as well RP as him.
  7. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    You don't have to wait on me.
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Yea I know, but is rather see the full thing before I approve it.
  9. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Didn't we already get a Dr. Light?
  10. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    BK and I are discussing things for now so for now, its open, until further notice.
  11. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    I edited the Bio.
  12. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Approved, now we need Angel to finish, have the major role Dr. Light and leader of the armada and we can start!"
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    So, Looking forward to starting soon. i've wanted to do a Megman RP for years now so i'm all in for this.
  14. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    My Armada Leader is in progress. I project having it finished between tonight and tomorrow.
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Just have to wait some more. I'll wait a few more days to leave the Dr. light thing open, BK is gonna be playing his son.
  16. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Wait, so is Angel taking the Armada leader or the Head of Legion?
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    *looks and checks the thing* FRACK!! Ugh, I'm am just derping out today...

    Sorry, he is the leader of Legion, and your are taking the Leader f Armarda.
  18. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Head of Legion template is finished. I'll have to look more into this which is the whole reason that I couldn't write more.

    I'll make a Reploid template later on.
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Approved. Almost done with the roles.
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist


    Name: John "Lance" Light
    Age: 54
    Gender: Male

    A benelovant and kind man, Dr. Light treats all of his creations as his own children. He is very friendly, and though he may give a stoic appearance at points, he is very generous and caring of others.
    Occupation: Scientist, Inventor, Surgen (Retired)
    Class: Descendant of Dr. Light
    Weapons: None.


    A caring old man who a descendant of the famous Dr. Thomas Light. He served as a scientist for Legion, and also has some medical experience, and served a few years as a surgeon for a few years. He created ZETA, Roll ZETA, modified Zero and the Gemini Twins.

    Seeing how his ancestor intended for the Reploids to be helpful to society, he decided to try again and redo the project of making Reploids, and thus created Project ZETA, and created the Neo Reploids. However, Legion disapproved of the project, fearing that the Neo Reploids would go Maverick. But he believed that everyone deserved a second chance, and created ZETA.

    However, he never made the designs. He found them from an old colleague's laboratory, and saw the plans. His colleague was said to be dead, and having no choice, decided to use the plans and modify them, creating ZETA and Roll.

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