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Modern Legend of Zelda (OOC + SU)

Discussion in 'OOC and Sign Up' started by Nova, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    As you requested, Hope. You can abbreviate it as you wish.

    The Sheikah - These are an ancient and somewhat obscure people that operate out of Kakariko Village. Physically, they are not much different from the typical Hylian races. They are distinguished physically by their darker skin, pure white hair and red eyes. As a culture, they value strong tradition, loyalty and honor above all. They're a race of warriors beyond all else, and are skills fighters and tacticians, as well as excellent spies and assassins, with a decent pool of magical abilities as well. Their warrior status as caused them to develop a prolonged lifespan and a longevity of their prime of youth, which maintains until their last years of life. It's believed that they first came around during the early days of Hyrule's unification, faithfully serving the leader that would unite the kingdom and become King.

    The clan has since been loyal protectors of Hylian Royalty. However, their numbers have dwindled due to taking on high-risk military operations, as well as their tendency only bear children with other Sheikah in order to maintain their clan purity and protect their secrets. They are currently a group of roughly twenty-five warriors operating out of the Skulltulla House under the command of Lord Kikaro Eizo.
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    The Mermaid Character(Forgive me, I don't remember who wrote that profile): I'll know more about wether or not I can accept this profile after it's been completed. A few notes that I do have are that I'm not sure how I feel about a guardian of whatever is in Lake Hylia be a student at the school for one, because she would be pretty young to be trusted with ancient important secrets. Maybe, if she were posing as a student for some reason?

    Taboo Sho (Zer'Dag): I actually really like the idea of this character. It kind of has a Dark Link or Fierce Diety feel. One comment that I'd like to make is that if he died 10 years ago, how could the dark lord have done this to him from his imprisonment, plus this is a very strong character so you'll have to be careful to not god mod with him. I will be watching for it.

    BK-201 (Shuya Takeda): I'm having a hard time fitting this character with not only the feel of LOZ (even if this one is modornised, it is still set in Hyrule) I do have a few colonies of undead type of creatures set deep in the desert and am thinking of adding more than just the Drakul (who are more vampiric). The race I want to add are very zombie like, where their immortal but their bodies are decomposing because technically they are dead. These characters are meant to be mostly evil though. Cudos for thinking outside the box... But I do feel that your character should be revised just a little to fit more with this particular plot.

    Angel (numbuh 1-7-5): I'm going to disagree with Wayward here and say that I love this character. Yes, I'd smart him up just a titch to make him more useful as one in a leadership position but I like the idea of a race that values brawn over brains and chosing a tougher leader for that reason alone rather than by intelligence.

    Wayward: Thanks for writing that. I'll add it to the plot :)
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    I'll admit I was just experimenting.

    Currently, I'm thinking of either removing her as a guardian and keeping her as a Mage, or just make her a history teacher and keep her as a guardian.

    Though I would like to hear what you have to say hope
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Lyra
    Age: 18
    Role: A friend of Josleyn's
    Class: Senior
    Lyra is dynamic, outgoing, and very charismatic. She is known for her friendly nature and ability to walk toward you with a smile, away from you with your wallet, and still feel like her best friend. She is the ultimate trickster and knows how to get what she wants. She's also extremely playful and a very good actress, liking to dance, party, and do illegal things basically on a daily basis. Beyond her happy-go-lucky personality, there is another side to Lyra that is hardly ever seen. She is prone to dark moods once in a while. During these times, Lyra is short tempered and quiet. Overall Lyra is extremely competitive and has some deep seated abandonment issues that stop her from getting close with anyone, really. Her primary goal is graduate from school and find out who her mom is, which is something no one really seems to know.


    Height: 5'6''
    Weight: 112lbs
    Hair: Red, long, wavy, normally worn in a high ponytail.
    Eyes: Golden
    She has a dark skin tone and is considered attractive, though not outstandingly beautiful. She has a thin, but fit feminine figure.

    Theme: SKRILLEX - Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites - YouTube

    Weapons: Her weapon of choice is a pair of katana. She is also very skilled with unarmed combat, being very quick and strong.

    Abilities: She is less fragile than an elf but also slightly slower though both quicker and stronger than most humans. She is smart and very good at battle tactic, knowing what move she'll make a few steps ahead.

    Lyra literally doesn't remember the first 10 years of her life. All she knows is that she was had the misfortune of being found and enslaved by the Drakul people at the age of 10. She couldn't be sure if asked and she refuses to talk much about the experience. Eventually, they had planned on eating her (along with children of a few other races that were also captive) but at an age so young, children are apparently not quite as satisfying for the savages to eat. Most Drakul captives are kept alive until they are considered at their prime before eaten. This age varies depending on the race. How they are kept until that age also varies on race.
    The first night Lyra remembers was the night she was found by some Drakul scouts in the dead of night. Apparently they found her sleeping body near an oasis in the desert and assumed she was dead. She awoke from pain and shock of one of them biting her arm, assumed trying to eat her. When she awoke, she was instead taken captive, being tied up to a staff where three other children were already tied (a zora and two gorons). Upon reaching the Drakul hideout, Lyra never saw any of those children again. She was given to someone considered one of the Drakul leaders. She was deemed too young to be eaten and was instead put to work, so she could remain healthy until the day that she would be old enough. During that time, she experienced some horrible things. She was punished often and taught to fear her captors or the consequences of disobeying them. She was not permitted to leave her area of the cave let alone leave the colony all together. She never once during that time saw the sun. During this whole time, she planned to escape. She just waited for the opportune moment. Finally, the moment arose on the second year of her captivity. It was a holiday for their people, her captors and the whole colony was distracted by the festivities. Lyra used the festivities to her advantage, sneaking a drug (normally used to kill 'livestock') into her masters food. As soon as the drug took effect, Lyra left his home for the first time in two years. From there, she made a break for it, running as quickly as she could to get as far away from the caves as she could before her dead caregiver was discovered. She either ran or walked through most of the day, knowing as soon as the sun fell the surch for her would begin if not sooner.
    Just as the sun fell, she was discovered by a different kind of people. At first, she didn't trust them though they treated her with kindness. It was two women with tanned skin, golden eyes, and red hair. They spoke to her in a language she understood, saying that they were not going to hurt her and she was going to be ok. They took her to the Gerudo Villiage where she was taken to a woman who once led the Gerudo named Saria. Saria took Lyra in, had her fed, and bathed before allowed to rest. When Lyra woke up, Leah tried to speak with her and learn her story but all Lyra could answer for most of her questions was "I don't know" and "They'll come for me. I have to leave."
    She was reassured over and over again that she was safe, that the Drakul didn't dare enter Gerudo valley unless they had a death wish because they were protected by dragons. Over time, Lyra was calmed and the task of descovering her identity began. Though posters were put out, no one ever claimed Lyra and she became increasingly attatched to Saria and the other people she lived with. Eventually, Saria gave her the name Lyra and stopped the search.
    She became known around Gerudo Valley as the orphan who survived savage captivity. This was something few people could say they have accomplished. No one could ever get her to talk about the experience and she suffered nightmares for years after her escape.
    Because Lyra knew nothing about her life or real age, she was assumed to be twelve. The day of her rescue from the desert became her 'birthday' because she considered it the day that her life truly began. On the night of her sixteenth 'birthday', Lyra woke feeling uneasy. She had just had a nightmare of her past and had troubles going back to sleep. Instead, she rose from her bed to go get a glass of water. She was met by a terrifyingly familiar face when she opened her bedroom door. The Drakul creature pounced before she had a chance to call for help, placing a cold hand over her mouth and holding her close, jumped out her bedroom window. There, she saw at least 3 more of them. Her worst nightmare had come true. The fear and dismay she felt could have killed her as she was dragged out of the Valley. It was then that she heard a voice in her mind. All that was said was "Help is on the way. You must be brave, Lyra." It was a male voice, but it sounded so familiar. It gave her courage to fight back, utilizing the training she had received from Saria during the time that she lived with them. She was outnumbered and out skilled and knew she couldn't win but had to buy some time. It wasn't long before help did arrive. It was Saria along with some of her guards. Lyra's kidnappers were all killed and the matter was then deemed more serious. Saria had to be sure that a kidnapping attempt would not be repeated, the case was taken to King Ace the first thing the following morning and arrangements were taken for scouts to go to the Drakul caves to negotiate Lyra's freedom.
    An ambassidor from the Drakul came back with Ace's and Saria's scouts to negotiate the terms. Upon arrival, the scout recounted to the Gerudo King, along with Saria, the murder Lyra had committed on the day of her escape. Though it was argued by Saria that it was Lyra's right to defend her life, under Drakul law, self defense didn't matter. On their land, she was property and she broke two laws, one being Murder and the other being theft (by running away). Both of these crimes were punishable by death. To save her from this fate without open conflict, the king of the Drakul demanded trial. However, a 'trial' in their culture was much different than in most. In their culture, a Trial of Law was a fight to the death against the king himself. At sixteen years old, Lyra accepted the challenge and was given 6 months to prepare herself. For the next six months, Lyra trained hard. She was a good student and learned quickly from her mentours. It was the only way she could hope to survive. During this time, she continued to hear the mysterious voice in her mind and eventually even began to respond with whoever it was.
    On the day of the trail, Lyra was given the option to chose her weapon and she chose Saria's katanas the battle was difficult for Lyra because the king was much stronger and more experienced than her. She nearly lost her life but always felt as though some unknown force helped her through it. In the end, she was the victor. From that day forward, she could finally truly call herself free though she never truly forgive or forget her past with the savage race and still fears travel alone in the desert at night.
    That was the year that Saria sent Lyra to Castle Town High School for the first time, to try to help her get away from the desert. After that, she returned to the school every year. She grew to apreciate going to school where she wasn't known by everyone. She knew the school as a safe place where she could live a life that was her own, not one that was full of questions and fear. Though a few questions still haunt her: Who was she? How did she end up in the desert on her own in the first place? Who were her parents? Did they leave her there or was she taken from them?
    The only key she has to her past is the mysterious voice she hears. She knows this person as Inferio and the closer she gets with him, the closer she feels she is getting to unlocking the mysteries of her past.
    Race/Nationality: Gerudo
    Other Information: Lyra has told no one about the voices she hears, slightly fearing that it isn't real and that the constant fear of recapture for 3 years after captivity drove her insane and that Inferio isn't real at all.
    After she defeated the vampire king, they stopped bothering her in honor of their laws though Lyra is still considered an enemy of their people. Not that she cares. Lyra no longer fears the Drakul though she hates them and their ways, knowing more about them than any other outsider to their kind.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2013
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Either of these options is fine. :)
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Alrighty then

    Almost forgot about this character, I'm thinking of making her a guardian of what the merfolk are so overprotective about.

    Name: Iris
    Role: History Teacher, Guardian
    Class: Mage
    Age: 31
    Gender: Female

    Like most of her species, she is very independent, and not really friendly or kind on the first impression, she also rather arragont and headstrong. She often acts like she could be kind, but she is rather cruel and often loves to torment others with her beauty. She is crafty, but also rather intelligent, and actually enjoys history, and is very wise guide knowledgeable in said subject.
    Weapons: None
    Abilities: Has the ability to give herself a pair of human legs to disguise herself as a human, and can also turn her legs into a tail again. She also knows ice and healing spells.

    Healing Spell: Can heal any wound in battle as long as it isn't fatal. She was required to learn this spell so she could use it in battle.

    Water Control: Can control water, sort of like water bending, but its mainly used as defense. She can't create water of course.

    Trained to be a guardian at a young age, Iris study rather hard to become a guardian, as the thing she must guard and protect required perfection in skill, in order to keep it a secret. She started her training at the age of 4, first by reading about her history and reading about magic and combat. At the age of 12 she began learning how to wield a sword, a spear and shield in battle. At the age of 16 she began to learn more about magic, learning two basic spells that she learned to master overtime at a higher level, changing her appearance an controlling the water she lived in. She learned how to use healing spells at the age of 20.

    When she turned 22, she had finally completed her training to be a guardian and started to protect the lake for 8 years. After these eight years, she decided to retire for a while and become a teacher, seeing how they had a good amount of strong warriors to protect the Lake, however, she doesn't want any disgusting humans or elven folk try to discover why they were so uptight about who enters the lake.

    Race/Nationality: Mermaid

    If you want me to change the backstory Hope tell me
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Whose post is it anyway?

    PS. Edited in Iron Knuckles in my last post in the rp.

    EDIT: Does Ace know about Lyra?

    EDIT 2: Does Ace know Lyra's Mom?
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  8. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    It'll probably be my post now. Gotta post for Eizo.
  9. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Any idea on how I should revise Shuya?
  10. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I would suggest that you try looking up on some of the undead races of Zelda canon (if you want to keep that theme) and find a way to conform the character a bit better to one of them. And of course, just read/re-read the plot information and try to connect the character's backstory to it.
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Eizo and Ace won't get along will they?
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I've been slacking and have much to catch up with!

  13. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Probably not. I was hoping to have a moment between them. Maybe before Eizo leaves Castletown or something.

    Anyways, I'm gonna be posting later to revitalize this somehow. I tried to do it just now, but I kept getting redirected to the main site. We've really got to figure out that glitch.
  14. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Apologes for the late post guys but I have a post up for Jos. Let's try to pick up where we left off.
  15. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    ((My reaction to this coming back))

    Anyway, I'm ready to kick things bac k into full swing
  16. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    ^You obviously haven't joined many roleplays with me xD

    Sometimes they die for a few weeks and then get like six times better when I return :p
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Yeah I know, but lately, its been really slow, not just with Zelda but Digimon and others.
  18. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah, it's a reason for that.

    Anyway, I'll try to continue with the RP
  19. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Yippy! We got our Hope back! Let's rev the engines and get this show back on the road... after a quick pit stop of course.
  20. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    No more bathroom breaks. You've gotta hold it in until we get there.

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