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Morph[Remake](Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jun 7, 2011.

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  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will spat blood and turned, sprinting towards the house that Kalid had told him about. As he continued to bleed in his mouth he realized where he was heading. It was his old neighborhood. When he saw the house he knew it had to be the one Kalid spoke of, just from the ominous feel about it. As he slowly walked up the doorstep he slowly remembered the house as the one from a memory very faint, almost seeming to be from another lifetime as he pushed the ajar door open. The second the door was opened the smell of blood wafted towards him in waves. As he strode through the living room his mind replayed images of a christmas tree in the corner and a baby playing on the stairs. As he entered the kitchen and saw the two boys soaked in blood his temper flared, the kitchen reminding him that this was his home. This was where he grew up. "You don't kill innocents... I thought you Defiants had rules about it needing to be public bloodshed..." Will growled, fire spitting from his hands and ice crystalizing in the quickly warming air as he panted in anger.
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan turned around with a confused look on his face, not knowing who this stranger was but felt as if he had seen him somewhere before. He confused expression quickly changed to anger and rage when he realized that it was coincidental that this boy would so conveniently show up, seconds minutes after their arrival. "Excuse me? Defy who-what's? I don't know what your talking about, but I suggest you leave now before I consider you an enemy," Jordan looked around the room, the blood stained walls and curtains, making him even angrier. "Or maybe, just maybe, you're the sick bastard who did this. Is that correct to say?" Jordan's ruby eyes grew redder as he clenched his right hand into a fist, sparks flying from his fist.
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's temper flared higher, making him barking back in anger. "I would never kill innocents! Only a Defiant would kill an innocent!" Fire flew from his nostrils in anger. "And the one who has blood on his hands shouldn't judge others, like you and your friend here." He spat back, covering both his arms up to the elbows in ice. "Now why would you two just pick to show up here and slaughter?" He growled, Kalid's words echoing in his head.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Phoenix began to travel in the direction of the factory passing through large buildings, farms, and houses. It would take a minute to arrive there because of the distance from his previous location. The area he was in had black pavement and the police could be seen. The boy hid out of sight for two reason. First not to draw attention to himself and second because he needed a rest. The boy entered into an alley for the time being. Phoenix recalled that he saw a girl but wasn't sure. It didn't matter.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's face now turned back into a state of confusion, trying to comprehend the situation. "Oh come on," he groaned. "Do we really look like the kind of people that would go out murdering innocent people?" Jordan quickly looked at himself and remembered his pale skin and bad aura he gave off to most people. "Ok, don't answer that. But come on, why would we want to harm-," he rested his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "-his parents? So, if you didn't harm these innocent people, why come back here? I doubt you have any relations to them?"
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked between the two. "One, I used to live here when I was a baby 16 years ago, and also my... friend told me to come here." He said, pausing a bit before he mentioned Kalid. He knew Kalid was one of the players, not one of the pieces. But still, if Kalid was a player, why was he helping Will to reach that same position? But Will shook the thought out of his head, looking back up at the two. "So your saying that these were your parents? That means there are Defiants around." Will said, looking back towards the door for anyone approaching the house.
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked around the house before giving a sigh of relief. 'Well then, at least i know this guy didn't do it,' he thought. He cracked his neck a bit before bginning to talk again. "So, you used to live here, huh? Well I guess it's kinda believable." Jordan was still wondering whether or not Will was evn telling the truth, but something about him gave off the trustworthy aura. "Name's Jordan, by the way," Jordan said, outstretching his arm for a handshake while giving off a half smile.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era slowly landed onto the ground gently out of view of anybody. She looked around and hurried to the front door. She looked at the clock in the entrance of her house, 3pm. Her parents wouldn't be home from work, she hurried upstairs to her room plugging in her dead cell pphone before hurrying downstairs to look at the clock in the living room.

    "December 18?! The party was December 14, I was gone for four days?!" Era exclaimed surprised before running into the kitchen to grab the phone, she had to call her parents, her school, most importantly her boy friend Kevin. She stopped when she heard the TV in her parents' office. She turned towards the door of the office.

    "Mom? Dad?" She called out walking into the den she stopped in her track as the air stopped in her lungs and she nearly fainted.

    Blood... so much blood...

    "She turned around and looked at the TV, the news channel, CNN was on. She looked at it again.

    "Missing People reports keep showing up and reports of people causing chaos of war is growing. Will the Reacted People numbers never stop. Every day new reports keep coming in of known Reacted people. We have word from the president on these new threat to our way of lives..." the reporter reported.

    "These people, the reacted people, those with powers, those who acted of a different race from us, must be stopped. A war has broken out, it is up to us the people to stand up to them. Be not afraid, if you ever cross paths with these people, report them immediately so that we can get them and put a stop to them and remove their powers. We have scientist who have been working diligently and report now has that we can remove these powers in a very humane way. Please report the Reacted People if you ever come accross one." The president showed up on the screen saying.

    Era sunk down into the couch her eyes on the tv beginning to water up. She shook her head.

    She stood up and looked around all the blood, there was no body. She picked up the phone and called her parents work...

    "Amber Inc. How may we help you?" Era remained silent before hanging up, she was worried, what would her parents do. She could call only one person.

    "Come on Kevin, please be home, PLEASE" She nearly shouted in sobs. She recieved nothing but beeps.

    Era hung up, she had only one option, she ran upstairs to her room and grabbed her duffle bag. She had to run away, she was in danger.

    She was in danger because she was a reacted person.
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Humming. The simple sound of humming was heard as Cydnie walked down the street of her old neighborhood. She hadn't been there in days, weeks it felt like. She turned her walk to a joyful skip as she came closer to her house. She walked in merrily and noted the two dead bodies on the floor. Her parents. She gasped, and stood in disbelief for a few brief seconds. "Oh my God," she said to herself. "How could I have forgotten to put that juice away!" She stepped over the remains of her parent and poured out the pitcher of juice. She sighed as she went into her refridgerator for a capri sun. She stepped back over her parents and walked out, locking the door behind her.

    It was 3 days ago when she had walked in on her parents and had accidentally murdered them with her newfound powers. After finding a new family with the Defiance, she quickly moved on from her old life. It was as if anything related to her past had just died in her mind with her parents.

    She started to think what she should do next and decided to see if Jordan was home. Each time she had tried to visit him, he was never there. Perhaps today would be a lucky day? Who knows, but Cydnie decided to take the chances anyway. Before she could even cross the street, a random man ran up to her, glowing eyes and arms shaping into blades. He laughed heinously before saying, "Hey there girl, how about you hand me over all of your cash. NOW." She drank from her juice and stared into his eyes, her eyes now turned a burning red color as she skipped away afterwards. Not even 3 seconds later the man dropped dead on the spot. She continued humming and skipping as she passed Era's house and proceeded to Jordan's house around the corner.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will shook his hand. "Names Will, now I only now of a few Defiants that could do this so easily. One is Cydnie Harrington who I haven't had a run in with yet. But I have heard that her powers are mainly aimed through mental connections, mostly the eyes. The other one I doubt but it's possible is Amy Elliot. She seems too scatterbrained for something like this but with the war escalating at the rate it has been it seems anything is possible. And the last one is Shadow, their leader. Any of them could have been here and done this but Cydnie and Shadow are the main two candidates." Will explained, looking up at Jordan and Kevin. "You two hae no idea what kind of hell these powers brought you into, do you?" He asked, grinning slightly.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan paced the room thinking about what to do next. Then something hit him. 'Cydnie Harrington? Not little Cydnie? There's just no way,' Jordan thought to himself. He finally decided to ask, "Hey Will, you said Cydnie Harrington? You sure you didn't get hit on the head on your way here? Cydnie wouldn't hurt a fly. And how did you know I had powers?" He thought for a few seconds about this before continuing. "Wait a minute, are you saying you got powers too?" Jordan slowly started to put together that anyone at the party, and possibly nearby it, had to have been affected by the explosion. He hadn't gone out much to figure out that there were more people other than him who had powers.
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned and nodded. "Yes I have powers, but I got them a touch differently from you. Allow me to demonstrate..." Will then clicked his fingers and fire shot up into his hand. Then a crystal of ice surrounded the fire and stood solid, like a frozen arrowhead in his hand. He then crushed it and let the dust from the ice fall to the ground like snow. Then they asked about the girl. "You know that Cydnie girl? Last time I kept tabs on her was about three days ago when she first got her powers, she flat out killed her parents and walked out, not even shed a tear. I believe she's sided with the Defiance which, judging by what I saw of her powers, is not a good thing for me." He explained, breath fogging in front of his face.
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin looked at Jordan. Kevin touched Jordan's shoulder and immediately transformed into him. Kevin's body temperature rose as he grew angrier and angrier. Kevins hands lit on fire in a instant. Kevin threw the fireball directly at Will. " He's not who he say he is....he can't be!" Kevin shouted.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will sidestepped the fireball. "Woah now, I'm just trying to help here!" He barked, a sense of urgency in his voice. "And what do you mean by not who I say I am? Of course I'm myself!" Will stepped forward towards Kevin. "I think either your just lashing out because you don't understand your powers, or you know alot more about this war than you say you do!" He growled, making a knife of ice on his palm, spinning it so he held it backwards,
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin transformed back to himself and looked at Will. "I'm sorry it's just that like you said these powers are scary and I don't know if my parents are gone...I didn't mean to lash out on you." Kevin said looking upset. Kevin put his hand out for a handshake and said " Im Kevin ".
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will eyed the kid warily. "Will... now, do you know this Cydnie girl, cause she seems to be a real threat and her house is close to here, and I really don't want to have to fight her." Will explained, looking between the two. He let the blade melt and fall apart in his hand but he still didn't seem to trust Kevin all the way. "Now obviously your a shape shifter, or morph. What is he, perchance?" He asked, nodding at Jordan.
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan had actually ignored the entire 'fight' between Kevin and Will. He was more concerned on what Will had been saying about Cydnie. 'Little Cydnie? Killing her own parents? That can't be right. There's just no way,' he thought. He looked up when Will had asked about Jordan's powers. He gave a half smirk before replying, "Wouldn't you like to know." He turned and proceeded out the door. "Hey Kev, I'm gonna go find Cydnie before this bastard does. Oh and Will," Jordan turned back to Will. "I watch after my friends, REAL close. I see you within ten feet of Lil' Cydnie, I'll show you my powers." He made his way down the street to Cydnie's house, not saying another word or looking back.
  18. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will started after him. "Jordan wait! I'm not lying!" He called, watching as he continued out the door. He then turned back towards Kevin. "I hope he knows what he's doing because if not she'll slaughter him where he stands. I watched her drop her parents without even a hint of remorse." Will said, eyes cold. "Either we go and stop him or we watch him walk to his own execution." He finished coldly.
  19. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin was terrified at what Will had said. Kevin looked at Will then at Jordan walking down the street. "Jordan wait!" Kevin said as he transformed into a cheetah and chased Jordan down. Kevin had caught up to him and pounced on him making him and Jordan fall to the ground. "Jordan your not going to see her....I can't lose anyone else....I don't even know if.....if....*Kevin transformed back into himself*she's....alive" Kevin cried out.
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era stood outside her house years still falling down her face. Her duffle bag hung at her side with some clothes, bottle water, trail mix, her computer, flashlight, a now charged battery, all documents for her(birth certificate, social security, passport), and various other items. She looked behind her at the house before stepping off her porch but instead of hitting the ground she was lifted into the air.

    Era looked up to the sky, her face showing no emotions but perhaps a little sadness. She glanced down atthe ground before stopping. Her eyes fell on a boy on the ground with a cheetah on top of him. She was surprised to see a random cheetah and on closer appearance the boy on the ground was Jordan but he looked so different. She couldn't believe it she had to know if Kevin was alive and where he is at.

    She descended to the ground landing gently behind the cheetah. She closed her eyes and extended her hands as the cheetah was hit with powerful wind to push it off of Jordan.

    "Quickly somebody call humane society or something to get this animal out of here." she said franticly like it was a wild/zoo animal.
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