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Morph[Remake](Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jun 7, 2011.

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  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    In the middle of changing back to his human form he was hit by a huge gust of wind. Kevin transformed back and looked behind him to see Era standing there. Kevin was shocked to see she was still alive. "E...Era" Kevin said so sincerely. Kevin walked up to Era and grabbed her hand. "I'm glad your ok...I thought.....I thought you were dead" Kevin said calmly.

    Kevin was so excited at the moment that he had forgotten he was trying to stop Jordan from going to Cyndie's house. Kevin looked into the doorway of his house to see Will still standing there. "Hey dude! We have to find somewhere safe to stay....have any idea's?" Kevin said. He then let go of Era's hand and walked over to Jordan and stuck his hand out to help him up.
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will noticed the trio, and he could see it was obvious they were friends. As he walked forward he felt a pang that could only be explained from a childhood of fighting the world and battling his inner demons. He flipped his hood up and nodded. "Yeah, I got a place, that is if Jordan here trusts me about what I say about Cydnie." He growled, becoming a touch cold. He still cared about these people, but he was jealous of them. He never got to have friends, being brought into the war so young. "I can take you to the Spade's base, probably the saftest place we can be without running to a different place every five minutes." He said, looking between them.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Kevin...?" Era stated when she saw him stopping the wind. She felt tears fall down her face as he hugged her she hugged him back crying.

    "I was worried about you. I thought that you were killed and you have powers, we need to get out of here, government are after us." She stated when Kevin turned to a person in his house asking for a safe place.

    Era looked between the two.

    "Cydnie? She has powers?" Era asked slightly surprised. She knew Cydnie through Jordan, but she never got a long with her, despite the two being very close personality, both shy and quiet and their only friends were Jordan and Kevin.

    "We'll definately take whatever place you have, its either that or die out on street." She stated.
  4. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan gave a disgusted face when he saw his friend over top of him in the form of an animal. Before he could do anything about it though, a gust of wind blew him off of him. He looked over to the cause of the gust of wind and saw Era standing there. He looked up and saw Kevin with his hand out to help Jordan up, but instead he smacked it and got up. He brushed himself off before looking at Era and saying, "Thanks. If you hadn't have done that, I would have. And if Cyd does have powers, then don't listen to whatever this idiot is saying. He claims she's a murderer now." He then turned his attention to Will and replied, "You go ahead and take these two with you. I'm going to go find my friend." He then gestured to the corner up the street and said, "Besides, she's only around the corner. And I have to get something from my house anyway."
  5. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will watched Jordan stand and walk off. "God Kalid... what did you get me into..." He muttered under his breath, looking at the other two. "I'll let you decide if you want to come with me or go with him. But I'm being serious about Cydnie. Her powers are one of the most dangerous I've ever seen. For some reason I can resist her a little bit, but she can bend any one under her will and wrap them around her finger, maybe kill them if she becomes bored. I don't know what she was like before the accident but I know what she was doing after. Anyone she looked in the eyes either collapsed in pain or died on the spot." Will growled, watching Jordan stride off.
  6. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin looked at Jordan as he walked off. Kevin immediately changed into Jordan and threw a fireball at him. "So your just going to leave us! For someone would could take your life in a blink of an eye?" Kevin roared. Kevin stood there with his hand surrounded by flames, waiting for Jordan to strike back. Kevin wasn't trying to stop Jordan anymore, he was looking for a fight.

    Suddenly the police showed up and began to take aim at everyone. "Stay where you are and we won't kill you" One policeman yelled. The other two police stood there with there guns up just waiting to fire. Kevin looked up to see two helicopters hovering above them.

    "Damnit" Kevin said. He then looked at the others.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era looked around panicked when she felt the wind picked up.

    "We can't let them take us, we'll more than likely die anyways..." Era stated looking around.

    She looked around there was nowhere to escape to, not by feet at least. She looked up at the two helicopters.

    "I can't believe I'm going to do this..." Era stated she raised her hands up into the air as the wind started to pick up. She closed her eyes as the helicopters were getting thrown around as a twister began to form around Era and the rest of the group.

    "Kevin, try to escape through your house!" Era exclaimed loud enough so he could hear but the cops outside couldn't.
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin ran over to her and put his hand onto her shoulder and said while transforming into her "I'm not leaving you Era" He then backed up away from Era and walked out of the twister and swung his arms from left to right causing a large gust of wind to hit the police send them flying. Kevin walked back into the middle of the twister and grabbed Era's hands. "We have to go Era!" Kevin exclaimed. Kevin looked at Will and said "Follow me I have an I idea on where we can go."
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned as he watched the helicopters fall. "Let me deal with them, I want you two to go and hide in the factory that the incident happened in. I'll be there in about ten minutes." Will said, chuckling darkly. He wasn't going to kill them but he needed something to take his anger out on and they already had him on their wanted list so why should he keep running? "Trust me, this will be a piece of cake." He chortled.
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin looked at Will and nodded. "Hey dude I'm staying here with you ok" Kevin said as he changed back into himself. "Era....I'm sorry but you and Jordan have to make your way to the factory.....I'll catch up after we take care of this ok?" Kevin looked at Jordan and said "Take care of her dude please!". Kevin stard at Jordan for a moment then looked at Will and said " You ready?".
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at him. "You go with them, because you don't need the police's attention just yet. I have already been incarcerated by them a few times. Just go and keep them safe. And don't copy me, or the cops will be on you like no other. Got it?" He asked Kevin as he started to prep his ice powers for a little fun, watching the helicopters circle back around. "Besides, I might lose control on my powers and I don't want anyone that I know getting hurt from it." He said, hair being whipped around by the copter's blades.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era looked around when she was pulled out and the twister was slowly going away.

    "If you don't mind, but there was a news report, were all in danger. We have a higher chance of getting caught leaving and if something were to happen to you, we'd be in trouble." Era stated.

    Era looked around and noticed a swat truck show up with a sharp shooter a gun aiming straight at Will before firing.

    Era quickly jumped in front a large gust of wind blowing past her slowing the bullet down greatly before she pushed forward more as slowed it more to nothing in which she quickly caught in her hand and dropped it to the ground.

    "I have a plan though, if we want to get out of here the least ammount of damage, then listen to me. I need you all to leave. I have the wind on my side." She told them before stepping forward and noticing the helicopters approaching again only for the wind to pick up and blow them back.

    The wind whipped all around.

    "I got this, I'm not going to let people defend me anymore, I'm going to fight, I'm going to fight for them!" Era exclaimed taking spot in the middle again as cops fired a round at the group only for the bullets to be slowed again and pushed away and launched at an officer, not killing him, but greatly injuring him.
  13. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned, shooting a ball of ice at the sharpshooter, encasing the front of the barrel in ice and jamming the barrel. Will then shot another ball of ice at the truck, jamming the tires. "Okay, if you'll stay and fight then so will I!" He barked, lifting both his hands, causing ice to rise out of the ground and surround the helicopter, cutting off the engine and suspending it in the air. Will felt fire spitting out of his throat as he chuckled, feeling his powers starting to come to life and gain a mind of their own. He then repeated the previous move to the opposite helicopter and then shot fire at the other cop cars, melting the rubber completely off the tires. He then looked up at the tv camera in the other helicopter and chuckled before shooting a fireball at the camera, frying the internals of the camera.
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked around and watched the events around him unfold. He felt infuriated that his best friend had just hit him with one of his on powers just because he was scared. Jordan looked around and noticed that the group weren't intending to kill anyone. "Oh my God, you guys are taking so long! Just finish them," Jordan yelled in rage. He threw multiple fireballs at the helicopters until they blew up. He then began shooting from each hand, shots of electricity and fireballs at the swat truck until it too blew up. "Geez, you guys can do the rest," Jordan said as he ran around the corner, making his way to Cydnie's house.


    Kalid had watched the entire thing unfold on top of a house nearby but out of sight. "It's been years since I....." he started before stopping. He decided just to see how the group reacted to the situation for now before making an appearence.


    Cydnie knocked on the door to Jordan's a fifth time now not receiving an answer. She sighed before sitting on the step. "Well Kevin's house isn't too far but," she started to say. She then stretched and yawned loudly before continuing, "I'm too lazy to actually go." She then gave a small giggle following her statement. She then took notice to a boy running down the street towards her house. She cocked her head to the side as she analyzed the boys appearence. "He looks familiar....." She then noticed the scar on his face and shot up yelling in joy, "Jordan!" Jordan turned to see the not so familiar face but the very familiar voice. "Cydnie?"
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin saw Jordan walking around the corner, he looked at the others then back at the corner Jordan had just turned an transformed into a cheetah and began to chase Jordan down. When Kevin reached the corner he heard Jordan saying Cyndie's name. " Jordan what are you doing?....we need you dude!" Kevin said as transformed back into his orginal form. Kevin looked at Jordan then at a weird girl who was standing there. "Jordan....who is she" Kevin whispered.


    "Will where are you" Darius said telepathically to Will. Darius looked around the room and then stared at the Spade emblem on the wall. "What the hell is Will doing!" Darius exclaimed. He began to grow enraged. He then leaned back in the chair he was in making it stand on two legs. Darius then cut the television on with his foot. Darius had then seen that there were mutant teen fighting the police. Darius had then realized on of the teens was Will. Darius jumped out of his chair opened up a portal walked through it.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Marcus...where are you?" Lagaleeca was under cover as Reho, still pretending to be a best friend to the Spades. Still determined to bring him back to the Defiance side and to uphold his position as general, second only underneath Xavier, he was looking for a way to make sure that he will crush the side of the Spades and to make his dream to come true. "Hm... let me see." "HEY! Stop Marcus! Wait up!" "AAAAH!" Marcus kept on running, determined to try to get back home with his parents in an attempt to stay out of any conflict. As he was running, he went past "Reho" without even stopping to say hi to him and was near the incident as to where Will was fighting against helicopters. "OH! It is Reho! Reho!" "There he is. *Sigh* And here come the little worms*" ""Is something the matter. What is wrong?" "Marcus has escaped again! We know that he is only a part of the Spades for 2 days but we cannot have him escape and end up having him attacking us again if he end up under their control." The two boys was hoping as to how "Reho" would react and he nodded.

    "Very well. Let us go." "Reho" started to float into the air and headed towards Marcus' direction. As Marcus was running, he ended up seeing Eraand Will fighting against the police force and he kept his ground. " What in the world are you doing here Will?! You are going to get yourself killed!" "STOP HIM!" One of the Spade members shot a green ray at Marcus to try to wrap him around but Marcus blocked it with his Mid Aerial Block and sent the attack back at the two Spade members, trapping them in the spell. "Reho" was able to avoid it as he was floating. "SEE YA!" Marcus then continued to run but "Reho" stopped and saw Era and Will.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Kite was hidden in the alley. He could hear the sirens grow louder and louder. "I have to get to the factory" he thought. Quickly he was alerted, a girl was walking past the alley. She was blonde and her hair partially covered her face. The girl continued to walk towards her house. The sirens finally could be seen and stopped right in front of the girl. The policeman rolled down the window. "Excuse me miss" he said bluntly. "Aren't you under house arrest!" She stared at the man in the car. She reached in her pocket. "Freeze!" the police said. "Drop what you have and put your hands up!" now he was out of the car with his right hand on his gun. She was very calm and pulled out yet another cigarette. She lit it and placed it in her mouth. "Take that out!" the cop said angrily. Kite had been watching and he had seen enough. He walked out of the alley and exposed himself. The boy began to stride back on his path. The policeman noticed him. -bang, bang- The sound of bullets rang throughout the street. The policeman lay dead on the hot dull black payment while blood poured from his body. Amy had metamorphed her cigarette into a gun and shot the officer. She glances at the young man. "Hey" she shouted at the boy. She ran up to him. "Your not going to tell anyone are you?" she smiled still holding the gun. He replied sarcastically, "Maybe a few." She started to get frustrated because of his rude comment. Amy had stopped walking. "Don't make another move!" she said raising the gun. Kite continued to walk, in fact his pace was faster. "Stop f***ing with me! she said shooting off four rounds. The bullets whirled through the air and was incinerated before reaching his body. "What the hell!" she said. Amy began firing off more and more until she ran out. The bullets had no effect all were incinerated. "But how?" she said puzzled. Kite lifted his hand while walking with his back turned to her. "See ya!"
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2011
    Abyssal Knight likes this.
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Suddenly a portal opened where Will and Era were defending themselves against the police. Darius stepped out with a cigrette in his mouth. Darius tood there for a moment then pull the cigarette from his mouth, flicked it then blew out the smoke. He then looked at Will and quickly glanced at Era and said "Come on Will I need you at the H.Q.". Darius opened up a portal. "Bring your friend" Darius said as he stepped through the portal.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at Era, wondering what to do. "Up to you if you wanna come, if not I will find you guys later ok?" He said, making a shield of ice between them and the cops. "I understand if you want to go find him but be careful, this war already has too many casualties, dead and alive..." He growled, striding through the portal and following Darius to the base. Striding in he looked up at Darius, flipping his hood up. "Who am I killing this time?" He barked.
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Will Will Will...Just because I came and got you doesn't mean I want you to kill somone I was just getting you out of trouble....I mean I can't let the bronze of my operation get caught by the authorities.". Darius said looking in the opposite direction of Will. "But now down to the matter at hand. Who are these kids you spent all afternoon protecting?." Darius said as he turned around looking at Will. "You know I only want keep you out of trouble" He said calmly. Darius looked at Will for a second then turned around.
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