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Morph[Remake](Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jun 7, 2011.

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  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will just looked at him, wanting to retort to his comment but not really feeling like it. "I was protecting some of Kalid's new playthings from the defiants. Is that such a bad thing, to hate seeing senseless people being drawn into this war?" He barked. The then just shook his head. "That's right, you Kalid, and Shadow all think alike. Nothing matters just so long as it wins the war. Well I'm sick of you and Shadow! Kalid is the only one who helps any of the new mutants anymore besides me! Even though he has an agenda he keeps me informed on what is going on!" Will roared, fire spewing from his mouth in a large ball, a sign that his temper was getting the better of him.
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darius looked at Will. "Hey if you wanna leave theres the door" Darius said calmly while pointing at the portal. "I really called you here to show you this. "Darius said as he reached for a breifcase on the countertop next to him. Darius put the breifcase on the table and opened. In the breifcase layed loads of money. Darius took out all the money, layed it on the table then he went back in the breifcase and pulled out two rusty diamond studded rings. He handed them to Will and "Remember these?".
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at the rings but he couldn'tplace where they were from. They struck a few memories to him but he couldn't catch what they were. "The hell kind of game is this Darius? Your playing with my head, Kalid is pulling me like a puppet. It's like a fucking carnival show!" He barked. As he eyed the rings his mind was driving itself nuts looking for where they fit in his head. "Ok, why do these rings look so familiar?" He growled, calming a little bit as he picked up the ring and rolled it between his fingers.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Mr. Thomas sir." "Reho" was able to warp to Darius' room with his powers and the portal that Darius had made in order to give him some information. "This is Reho reporting. I have some bad news. One of our new members, Marcus Sails, have escaped and ran away. This is during the time when Will and the girl were fighting against the police force. Your orders sir?" "Once I figure out how to get him, I must also go and find Kite. He will be... a good servant. I must also go and tell Xavier."

    Marcus continued to run, forgetting as to where he should go. As he made a left corner turn, he went into an alley but he accidentally bumped into a girl (Amy) and ended up making the two of them fall. "AAH!" Marcus fell on his hands and had mud all over his forehead. As he turned around, he looked at Amy with a strange look. "Uh..."
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smiled before turning to Kevin and replying, "Kev, I think you remember Cyndie." He turned back to face Cyndie but before he could completely she had jumped onto him, hugging him. "Oh Jordan, I've missed you guys so much!" Jordan was taken off guard at first but then smiled and hugged her back. She then let go to hug Kevin before letting go of her too. Jordan got close enough to Kevin to whisper, "Does that look like a killing machine to you?" He backed up laughing before beginning to speak again. "Well then, now we just need Era and our little group will be complete again." Cyndie then replied, "Yup! And I know a great group of people who'll keep us safe too!"


    Kalid stretched out his arms before completely standing on the building he was on, noticeable to many. "Well then........time for this city to have a little bit of order," he mumbled to himself. He looked down and noticed Era was the only one down there now. He jumped behind her and landed on his feet with such force, the ground had bent inwards because of it. "Hello Era.......it's good to see you," Kalid said. "You wouldn't happen to know where your friends are, would you? Kevin......Will.........Jordan?" He gave a bit of distaste when he said Jordan's name but showed no facial emotion.
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Amy rubbed her head. "Aww, watch where your going punk!" She looks up at the boy that has slammed into her. She brushes the hair from her face and clumps it behind her ear. She changes her attitude. "Oh sorry about my comment earlier." she said smiling. She then realizes what had happen. Amy stood herself up, brushed herself off ,and bowed slightly. "Bye I'm kinda in a hurry!" she said in a drawn out way running towards her house. Her gun reverted back into a cigarette laying on the ground, lit.


    Kite was walking towards the factory closely approaching it. It would take another 10 minutes to arrive. "That girl just now!" he thought. "She was like me! There must be others!" Unknowing to him a few miles over a battle of "these people" were going on.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2011
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era quickly jumped back and looked at Kalid. She felt a shiver run up and down her back.

    "Who are you and how do you know my name?" Era asked.

    She looked around noticing the escape Will had left after creating the wall of ice. This man though stood in her way. She didn't, absolutely did not have a good feeling about this guy. She took a step back.

    "Kevin, Jordan, a little help before I get killed!" Era whispered into the air knowing wind would carry her whisper to whereever they were at and her whisper would seem like she was right there telling them.

    "Whoever you are, I don't know where they ran off to, I don't know who 'Will' is unless you mean the guy who created this wall of ice, I didn't exactly have an introduction with him yet. Even if I knew where they were at why should I tell you?" Era asked her new found confidence taking over.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2011
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Reho stay here with me a while i have to talk to you for a second sir.....William we will finish our conversation later" Darius said smiling. Darius looked at "Reho". "So you tell me Marcus has escaped....well let him go...he'll come back when the time is right, obviously he had something he had needed to tend to" He said while walking back and forth. "Will, Reho is not who he say he is stay behind the door when you leave out we are going to dispose of him."Darius told Will telepathically. Darius walked next Reho and put his hand on is shoulder. "So don't worry about Marcus he'll be fine...he may even learn a few tricks of his own." He said smiling as he walked back to his chair. Darius then sat down . " Take a seat please I want to talk to you about your power...in private" Darius said looking at Will.
    Kevin hugged Cyndie and smiled. " So how have you been Cyndie?...did the blast affect you to?"Kevin said quickly. Kevin was excited to see her. He couldn't believe she was really ok. Kevin started to forget what Will had told them about her. " Guess you where right dude" Kevin whispered to Jordan quickly so Cyndie couldnt hear. " So where's this safe place of yours" Kevin said as he let go of Cyndie.
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will noded, striding out the door. But as he left he eyed Reho, a bloodthirsty look in his eyes. He let an ice dagger slowly form into his hand under his sleeve. He slammed the door shut behind him and sat next to the wall, waiting for Darius to call him back in.As he sat he wondered, where the hell had he seen those rings before? The seemed so damn familier!. "Damn it Darius... I want answers..." He muttered under his breath. He then warmed his left heand, using it to shape and sharpen the dagger as he prepared to kill the imposter that Darius was now impersonating.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    " Are you sure sir? I mean, we do not want him to be in any danger. Just think as to how terrible it would be if he were to be kidnapped once again." "Reho" then decided to give up but then felt weird. "Are you ok Mr. Thomas? You seem uneasy about something. I hope that you are not being suspicious about my intentions of making sure that we win this war against our rivals. Isn't that right...Will?" "Reho" raised up his staff and made the door open slowly, showing Will with a ice-dagger in his hands. "I am sorry if anything that I do make you want to be very curious about my every goals but I assure you, I am not here for destruction." He then started to walk towards the window.

    "I care for Marcus very much sir. I do not wish for him to be harmed. Which is why I have some news. The leader and general is developing a plan to get as many people on their side. One of them is to take back Marcus. Another is to wipe out one of our squads. Which one it is, I do not know but we must be ready to strike on the offense at any time. As for my power, I have nothing to say about it. I fear that my powers will corrupt anyone here and I do not wish to be a hindrance. I must keep on my individual task to let you know if anything is trying to harm our friends." He then turned around and nodded. "Well, I bid you boys good day. Let us keep the battle going on." "Reho" opened the window and jumped out of it, warping out and fleeing straight into an alleyway.

    "Careless little cockroaches." Lagaleeca started to walk and opened a door, closing it behind him and then warping so that he can go right back to the Defiance base. "How tiresome it is to work alone." Lagaleeca then got rid of his disguise, showing his real self and started to walk down the halls, showing his soldiers that he has returned. "XAVIER!!!"

    "I'm sorry." Marcus stood back up and looked around, trying to see if he will be able to get back home. "Well, I stay on 55th Avenue. There are ways to get there but I do believe that I can get there if I go north and then west." Marcus then turned around and continued running, making a left turn and saw a taxi. "HEY! TAXI!"
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Kalid looked Era up and down, circling her like a predator eying it's prey. He then stepped away from her with a hearty smile on his face. "Good. You showed no fear in the wake of a powerful enemy........plus you restrained yourself from taking any further actions........typical of you," he gave a small chuckle as he finished the sentence. "Will is indeed the boy who left you.......and as for your friends......." Kalid checked his watch. "They should be around the corner by now." He began to circle her again, his arm gauntlet lit up, electricity surging through it. "Tell me Era......if your friends aren't around......." He teleported behind her and punched her with all of his strength with his non gauntlet arm. "Would you still fight," he exclaimed. "Youcan't rely on your friends all of the time Era........there will be a time where you will be alone and must fend against someone much more powerful than me."


    Cyndie smiled at Kevin's question and replied, "Yup, sure was! It was kind of scary at first but now I think it's actually pretty cool!" Jordan had turned away when she said that. 'Yeah, probably cool for you but these things are pretty much ruining our lives. Nothings the same anymore. Would be glad to just get rid of them,' he thought to himself. Cyndie continued on to say, "And you wouldn't believe it! There's a place just for people like us, and the guys there are super cool! They're called the Defia-" Jordan covered her mouth quickly before she spoke. "Shh......you guys hear that?" He asked. Cyndie jokingly muffled, "Hear what?" Jordan looked around before hearing Era's call for help. He looked at Kevin and said, "Dude, I think Era's in trouble."
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era fell to the ground the wind just cushioning her fall slightly. She pushed herself.

    "Is that so?" She asked referring to his statement about stronger.

    "You don't even know me. For all you know, I could have faced some stuff. There's been times I've faced things my friends didn't and still don't know about. You don't scare me." Era spoke up from the punch confidence only building in her. She stood up and kicked the air creatinga force of wind only getting stronger before making impact on Kalid's whole body, without any contact of her body.

    She quickly jumped back her body taking into flight just high enough so he wouldn't be able to push her down as easily.
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darius looked at Will " He won't be coming back anytime soon.....but lets not worry about him we have other matters to tend to. We need to find Marcus Salis and your shape shifter friend that was at the police riot with you" Darius said as he got up and opened up a portal. " Stay here for a moment...If im not back in fifteen minutes come through the portal ok" Darius said as he walked through. When darius stepped through the portal he saw a man hitting a girl. "So you think its ok to hit girls!" Darius said as he ran over to Kalid punching him then opening a portal behing him, making him fall through. Darius then opened another portal in the middle of the street making him appear in the middle of the street.
    Kevin heard Era's message. "I'll be right back" Kevin running off then transforming to cheetah. Kevin made his way around the corner to see a man magically appearing the the street and another man standing near Era. Kevin transofrmed into Jordan and threw two fireballs at the man standing near Era. Darius then opened a portal directly infront of the fireballs and then opened another behind Kevin making the fireballs hit Kevin. Kevin growled as the fireballs hit his back. " Im not an enemy Kevin" Darius said. " How do you know my name? and who are you?" Kevin yelled. " Im like you....but im a telepath and a lot more...My names Darius and im the leader of the Spades" Darius said smiling at Kevin. Kevin transformed back into himself and said " What do you want from me" . " I need you assistance will you come with me back to my base?" Darius said. Kevin looked at Darius for a while then said " I'll come I just want\Jordan Era and Cyndie to come with me too" Kevin said. Darius looked at Kevin in disbelief of what he had said. " Did you say Cyndie" Darius said with a worried look on his face. " Yeah she's my friend" Kevin said. Darius looked at Kevin. "She's dangerous Im sorry they can't come only you and Era. Darius said. Darius then ran over to Kevin and punched him through a portal leading to the Spade base. He then did the same to Era and walked through the portal he punched Era through.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  14. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Adam awoke on a hill. He had forgotten where he was. He remembered that the Spades sent him on a mission, and he completed it. He knew he went somewhere to relax, but he'd forgotten where.

    "Man," Adam began. "I'm totally blacked out. I can't even remember how I got here. It feels like a distant memory. But whatever. All I know is, my mission is complete. I should return to the Spades' hideout and report in. They probably want to know where I'm at. Or they probably don't care. Oh well. Once I get back, I can greet my old friend Kevin a visit. Wherever the hell he is," Adam finished. He got up and began to walk to where he knew the direction to the hideout was. Get ready Kevin. You're in for a suprise visit.
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Kalid brushed himself off and mumbled, "That must've been Darius........the one not in the plan." He looked up and around and noticed Darius walking through a portal with Kevin and Era. He then made his way to the portal as it slowly began to fade. "We're moving ahead of schedule, but we're progressing.......that's all that matters."


    Jordan watched as Kevin ran off and sat there for a few second before shaking his head. He sighed loudly and turned his attention to Cyndie. "You know we gotta chase after that idiot right," Jordan said to Cyndie. Joyfully she nodded her head in agreement. Jordan went on in saying, "As soon as we help that numbskull we're heading to your safe spot. Ok?" Giggling, Cyndie nodded her head in agreement again. They the rushed around the corner only to be too late, missing their friends. all they saw was a portal and some strange old man making his way towards it. Kalid turned to face them and quickly noticed Jordan. 'This boy,' Kalid thought. His eyes grew wide in the sight of Jordan, almost as if in fear. He pointed at Jordan with his gauntlet arm and said, "You, my boy, are destined for 'great' things. Yes........'great' things indeed." He turned to face the portal and made his way through. Jordan had a confused look on his face but began to run over to the closing portal. But as soon as he was within centimeters of it, it finally closed. Jordan sighed and put his hands on his sides with his head down. Cyndie cocked her head to the side before asking, "Umm, did you know that creepy old guy?" Jord looked up at where the portal was before shaking his head and replying, "No. I don't think so anyway. But about what he said......my gut makes me kinda want him to be wrong.


    Kalid walked into the portal and calmly announced, "Hello Darius. You must learn to close your portals more quickly next time.......you never know who you might let in."
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "XAVIER! XAVIER!!! Oh my gosh. For such a leader, he sure is taking his sweet time." Lagaleeca started to look at his other comrades but they also did not know where they were. He ended up distraught and started to head straight for his own office. While he was going towards his office, he started to think constantly as to how he can try to infiltrate and bring the army into the Spade's base. "Now... what have I missed?" He started to turn on his security cameras that had red eyes swirling around. He started to look everything under surveillance until he ended up spotting a boy, Kite, near the Defiance base in front of the entrance. "A rat I spy. Not a treat for me to be satisfy I say." Lagaleeca started to call on four of his soldiers to go and confront Kite. He then left out of his office and started to head towards the position that Kite was at. While he was heading there, four of the Defiance members started to run out of the factory and started to stare straight at Kite. They then started to charge their powers and the four started to shoot yellow orbs at him...

    Marcus finally made it to his house and paid the taxi. He stepped out of the taxi and looked up, seeing that everything was perfect on the outside. "Mom...Dad... MOMMY! FATHER!" Marcus started to take out his keys and opened the door, eager to be greeted. "I'm back! I'm back! NO...." Marcus started to realize that everything was quiet. In the living room, the T.V. was left on but papers were everywhere. He tried out the kitchen but he saw that food was thrown everywhere. "What in the world... Mother... Father..." Marcus started to walk upstairs but by the time he reached upstairs, he ended up stunned...
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  17. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Amy was in front of a run down apartment. At afar, busted windows, an uncut lawn, and a broken stoop could be seen of the apartment. In a closer proximity, mold covered the sides of the house, the gutters were clod and filthy. Amy knocked on door of her house. "Mom, I'm home!" she shouted. The young lady yawned. No one had come to open the door. "Mom I said I was home" she exclaimed kicking down the door; it barely hung on by it's hinges. She walked in and advanced towards the living room. The carpet was covered in uncountable layers of dirt. The furniture were cluttered in junk and the odor stung the eyes. "Hmm, looks like she cleaned up today" she thought. Amy strolled into the kitchen. The floor drenched in water coming up to her ankles. A body was soaked lying on the wet floor, face first. Amy kicked the corpse over. "Mom, I'm leaving! Don't expect to see me today or tomorrow!" "Where's dad?!" the girl said. No answer. Her mom was unconscious her eyes were in the back of her head. "Umph, you never listen to me!" she said whining and kicking her mother back over. "My stupid ole folks!" she thought. "When did it get this way?"

    Her mom was on drugs ever since Amy could remember so was her father practically she raised herself. Mom was on crack, whatever it took to get her hands on the stuff she did including cheating on her father. Amy's dad was even worse a meth head working in a meth lab. His body is unrecognizable and he doesn't have any sense of hygiene. Amy barely came home because of her parents in fact she stayed out all hours of the night avoiding the place. For this reason she has her powers. It was a normal Saturday night hanging out with a small group of friends. They went around drinking, vandalizing property, stole, and the occasional mooning. It was a joyous night. Strolling the streets Amy ran into some guys who offered her some money for something in exchange. Amy Elliot was known as a play-bunny in those parts. Not surprising, she was too hungover and collapsed. When Amy had awoke her clothes were almost completely torn off and she was tied and gagged in a trunk. She screamed and pounded by some means she popped open the trunk and fell out. She slid in mud and landed in a sewage filled gutter. Bruises and marks tarnished her body. She laid there slipping into a coma when an explosion occurred. Amy lay there asleep. The next morning she noticed something odd. The rope and gag had changed into rubber bands. She noticed if she concentrated hard enough anything she touches appearance and qualities could change depending on what she deems fit.
    -End of Recap-

    Amy went into her room. "That boy from earlier?" "Who was he?!" She walked into her room as though it was a stranger to her. The room was much cleaner than the rest of the house. The hottest rock band hung on the walls and the room had a rather Gothic vibe. She opened her black chester pulled out a backpack. She unzipped it and stuff it with a pack of smokes, pencils, crayons, and jewelries. "That'll do it" she said quickly springing into action and running out the front door, breaking off the whole door this time. "Now it's time to pay that boy a visit!" she smiled. Taking the penny from her pocket changing it into a rip stick.


    Kite was completely surrounded. They shot yellow orbs which he took on directly and fell to the ground. He laid there looking up at the sky. "I guess I'm not the only one" he said softly.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Shadow sighed. Xavier was such an old name to him.

    "How did I get stuck with such idiots?" he asked himself. He turned around and inspected his room/ office. There was a desk in the center with a bed off to the side. He closed his eyes and opened them and seemed to be shrunk into the ground.

    "WHO GAVE YOU ORDERS TO SHOOT?!?!" A loud shout was heard around the factory. The four soldiers immediately stopped and began shaking in fear before one screamed out in pain and fell to the ground.

    "Make it stop!" the man screamed out as he experienced a terrible nightmare. A shadow rose from the ground behind the young boy.

    "Who gave you orders to harm this boy, I do not remember ever giving you orders." Shadow spoke.

    "It was-"A soldier started when the other one screamed out again.

    "It was Lagaleecia, Lagaleecia..." The one screamed quickly.

    "Figures..." The one screaming in pain finally stopped for him.

    Era fell forward to the ground and the air just comforter from landing on top of Kevin.

    "What was that for?" Era asked when she saw him walk through again. The same guy that attacked her earlier.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "My, my. The redundant leader finally reacts." He started to change his attire to more of a formal suit and walked right out of the entrance to see that Xavier was playing with one of the soldier's nightmare. "Oh the irony of experiencing fears that can never exist. You insects disgusts me. What is your name, boy?" Lagaleeca continued to walk towards him and stood over him as Kite was looking up towards the sky. "This is amusing. You took on the full blast and you never retaliated. Well, it is time to interview the little rat." He took his staff and lifted it up, transporting himself and Kite to a large, meeting office. There, he turned his staff into a guitar and started to tweak it. "So... what brings you here?"
  20. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The boy yawns then he tucks his knees towards his chest and places his hands firmly on the ground behind his head. Kite forcefully pushes off the ground of the office and lands on his feet. "You brought me here" he commented cleverly. "Now, who are you?!" Kite walked over towards a soft leather chair and sat.


    Amy was riding down the road on a black and silver Ripstick looking for the boy from earlier.

    "Where is he?" she thought while grinding the side walk.
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