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Morph[Remake](Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jun 7, 2011.

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  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will strode back into the room, noticing Kalid. As he lifted one of the rings he looked up at Kalid and then to Darius. "Do either of you want to explain what these rings are, Darius???" He barked towards the Spade leader. "Why the hell does this thing seem so familiar?" He asked, tossing it back to Darius before letting the ice dagger in his hand to melt and fall apart. He looked between both of the figures in front of him, knowing both had a secret agenda that involved him greatly.
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darius turned around looked at Kalid in surprise that he had gotten through his portal. "What the hell do you want?!"Darius yelled. Darius then had noticed Will coming back in throwing the ring from earlier back at him. Darius caught the ring and heard Will's remark. "So...Will...My brother......you truly don't remember do you...."Darius said looking at him in disbelief. "Will we are brothers....don't you remember..."Darius said softly.
    Kevin braced his self as Era fell ontop of him. Kevin then looked at Kalid then at Will and then at Darius. "Will and that guy are.....brothers"Kevin though. Kevin then looked at the two and began to see the a little resemblance.
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Hm... there's a ghost, under your bed. No. That is not right enough. There's a lion, by your window. Meh. Not right either." He was still playing on his guitar as he was listening to the boy. "Oh really? Well, I am Lagaleeca but just call me Lagal. I am starting to get tired of the long name. I can see that a mere boy such as yourself has wander upon Defiance territory. Still, I do find it bothersome that you have not retaliated and just took the attack. Makes me believe that you really are not on any side at all." Lagal stood up and walked don ahead towards the boy and started to use Grendal's Ego to change the sofa that Kite was sitting on into mud.

    "Maybe you can persuade me that you are not so bad after all." He started to walk towards his window and grabbed onto his pendent with a M on it. "As Defiance general of this lowly-term of a group, I have three goals: To find a boy, a good friend of mine, the gathering of information on the Spades, and the destruction of our nemesis. Well, our leader is still lurking in the shadows as he always has like he is so scared of something for some reasons but... maybe if I nominate you, then you can assist me and the Defiance. Is there something that you have long desired in your heart that you want to do? Well, I doubt that you have any powers."

    Lagal then started to play on his guitar and finally found the words that he wanted. "Yes. There's a bear, in your closet."

    Marcus saw that the whole second floor of his house has been torn asunder. His parents were nowhere to be found. As he walked into his room he saw that even his own area of comfort has been shattered. He started to walk across the room with tears rolling down. All he felt like doing was sitting on his bed and cry on his pillow.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    The chair turned into mud. Kite landed on his butt and was on the ground again. The boy looked at Lagal. "Lagaleeca" he said purposely using his birth name. "My actions for striking or defending doesn't need to be justified to anyone." he then stood up. "As for powers, I'm an average high school kid." Kite pushed his glasses higher. Kite thought this conversation and terrible lyrics were getting tedious.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Kalid looked from Will to Darius before he spoke. "This is a very touching reuinion between brothers, but i think there are much more important topics to touch upon. Such as this silly little war between Spades and The Defiance. Your war is meaningless compared to the events around you......and the people." He looked at Will, Kevin, and Era when said that. But when he looked at Daius, he shot him a look of distaste. "I do not believe you belong here in Darius, which is why I'm here to......'help'."


    "Ugh, how much further," groaned a disgruntled Jordan. He and Cyndie had been walking for a while now to an unknown location to Jordan. Cheerfully, Cyndie replied, "Not much further now!" She then began o hum a little tune to herself. Jordan laughed a little before asking, "You seem a lot more cheerful then 'lil Cyndie. I didn't know having powers could do that much for you." Cyndie giggled and replied, "I'm stronger now, so I know I don't need to hide behind you or Kevin anymore!" She then waited for Jordan to be next to her before he grabbed his arm and hugged it. "Plus I've found my best friend so that helps too!" Jordan just smiled as he allowed her to lead. After a few minutes of walking they finally stopped in front of a large building. In front of the building were two boys arguing. Cyndie let go of Jordan's arm, got in front of him and looked at him, cheerfully exclaiming, "Here we are! My home away from home, The Defiance headquarters!"
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at Kalid and then back at Darius. "I don't remember much after the funeral, just discovering my powers, hating myself for the monster I became, Kalid changing that, and you recruiting me! I hoestly don't think you've been doing a good job either! Your the reason I've been fighting this whole war by myself!" He roared at Darius. Fire spewed from his mouth as he approached him. "What kind of brother, let's his brother fight a war while he sits back and watches!" He barked, voice dripping with sarcasm.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era looked around at everything before looking at Kevin. She stood next to him.

    "What's going on..." She asked in a whisper.

    "Listen I don't want to fight a war, I just want to be safe. No pain, no misery, nothing." Era spoke out looking at all the people in the room then glancing down at Kevin asking what her eyes what he thinks.
  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Average you say? You tickled my ear. I propose a suggestion." Lagal started to walk up towards Kite and raised up his staff. "How about you help me and the Defiance in our goals. Well, I doubt that Xavier would even bother listening but if you would, I want you to help me with the infiltration of the Spades." Lagal brought up a T.V. with his magic and started to change the channel to where members with Jordan and the others fighting. "They are a terrible clan, those lots. They have recently appeared and they have been fighting with such impudence against the humans. If you join our side and help me recruit as many members, we would not only stop those fools but we would also gain complete power and control over those lots."

    "But you have no fear to the monsters that stalks the streets." He then remembered the eye-cameras that he left and he looked right back at them, changing the screen and saw Cyndie with another boy. He started to chuckle and made one of the eye cameras at the main entrance go straight into Cyndie's face. "Well, the doll of sheer mentality has came back along with another toy. Who is this?"

    Marcus looked around and started to see that he may end up being all alone. He just sat there, still crying in his room until he saw a angel statue with a red stone in its hands. He cannot help but grab it but when he looked at it, he felt a little bit better. "Please... I need guidance." He kept on looking around, trying to figure out if there was anything that his parents left behind and grabbed anything that he can carry, a bible, couple of clothing, anything to keep him alive. " I must hurry back to the Spades."
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cyndie turned back to face the entrance before seeing the camera staring dead at her face. Taken back in shock, she jumped a little before smiling and waving at the camera. "Helloooo up there! I'm coming up! With a guest too. Don't worry he's harmless," she said. Jordan raised an eyebrow and told her, "You sure about that harmless thing?" Cyndie turned to him and put a finger to her lips, shushing him. "Well they're not gonna let some stranger dangerous guy up there, now will they?" Jordan chuckled before replying, "Yeah I guess that's true." Cyndie smiled at him before making her way inot the base, with Jordan following behind.


    Kalid decided he should take advantage of this oppurtunity so he stood behind Will and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Yes. If you were his brother, you would have told him a long time ago and would have given him better protection. I on the other hand have been watching him since the beginnig, trying to mold him into the perfect warrior while at the same time always having him protected." Kalid gave a false smile to Will before turning to Era. "And as for you, Era, there is a way to escape it all. And I can give it to you." He slowly began to walk to her with his gauntlet starting to light up. He raised a finger on the gauntlet a pointed it at her. "I can take away your powers, and you can go back home and act like this was all a bad dream. No more wars.......no more powers........no more pain........no more miseries." His fingers light flickered on and off with each word he spoke before it finally stayed as a bright blue light.
  10. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "I'll enlist but your requests are my leisure time!" Kite remarked towards Lagal. "I'll be taking my leave!" he replied. The boy recalled seeing two emo style kids on the monitor. "Are they with this group too?" he thought. He began to steadily approach the exit.

    Amy was impending on the factory. She wasn't aware of her situation, her destination, or her location. Amy dismantled herself from the ripstick. With the touch of her finger, the ripstick reverted into it's original form. The girl was sweating and growing weary. She rested on the sidewalk with her legs together cocked to the side.

    "Where.......is........he!" she said gasping for air.

    Amy lifted her body within inches of the ground and pushed back. This effort was so she could lean her body against the small concrete wall. Amy started to dose off.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cyndie skipped merrily inside and motioned Jordan to go in ahead of her. "Come on Jordan! I can't wait to show you around," she said joyfully. Jordan walked in slowly, watching the corners of the room making sure it wasn't a setup. After hearing what kind of people they were from Will and from the street, Jordan had to make sure he was prepared at all times. Cyndie noticed that Jordan seemed a little nevous and quickly reassured him. "Don't worry. Despite what they say about us, we're not too bad. I mean, look at me!" She gave Jordan a large smile, making Jordan laugh. She ran ahead of him and went up the steps. "Come on, this way!" Jordan followed behind her, but kept his body heat up in case he needed to fight his way out for whatever reason.
  12. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darius looked at Kalid then at Will. " Will I didn't want to let you know because.....I didn't think you would even care!...I sent you out on those mission because I thought you would gain some of your memory back. The places I sent you were places in the past that we hung out together. Will......I'm sorry ok!" Darius cried out. Darius opened a portal and said "Will follow me...I have something to show you".
    Kevin looked at Era. "I don't know....I just want you safe so let's just cooperate then when we get our chance make our move ok" Kevin whispered. Kevin looked at Darius as he opened the portal then at Kalid. "I wonder where that portal leads" Kevin thought to himself.
  13. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    "...A spades member and a defiance member...weird..." Shuya said jumping from the tree where he was scouting to the roof of the defiance headquarters. "Okay this should be easy he said placing a small tin box with a network of red, blue, and green wires and a small calculator like screen. Shuya pressed a red button next to the screen and the tin device made a small beeping noise as the security cameras signals were jammed. "Okay !" he said quickly jumping down from the roof in front of the door and punching it until it flew inward. He then ran in pursuit of the spade and defiance meber he saw before.
  14. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Very well then." Lagal looked at the boy and then smiled. "Splendid. You are automatically recruited. There. All you had to do is to answer questions. As for me, I have something else to do. Not like the leader would do anything since he displays terrible leadership. Oh. And there is something else that you will do for me but meet me behind the factory in thirty minutes. You will be pleased." Lagal left out of the room and started to smile. "And the Spades will bow down during my reign."

    Marcus has already left out of the house with his belongings and started to walk back. Even though the walk would be long, he wasn't sure as to whether there would be anyone who would be there for him. "HEY!" Marcus looked around and he saw that his uncle has came. "What in the world are you doing walking?! Come in!"
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