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Morph (Remake) (OOC/SU)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, May 1, 2011.

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  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Both accepted :D awesome character Destiny. I like it
  2. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    Edited my Bio for yah Darian
  3. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Great. And I'll make another Defiance character later on in the story so we will get started either later on today, or tomorrow.
  4. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Name: Kalid Stevens?
    Gender: Male
    Side: None
    Age: 57
    Power: Teleportation, abnormal strength, can control time, super-intelligence, and has a special talent (not a power) to manipulate someone into doing something he wants by persuasion.
    Weapons: The gauntlet on his arm allows him to strip the power of anyone he grabs with it, the power box on his chest allows him to make duplicates that do no harm to someone
    Bio: Kalid was the leading scientist behind the making of the factory that caused the blast. His resons for creating it are shrouded in secret to everyone not involved in the making, and even his name is questionable as to if it's his real name. After the blast, he began stripping the powers of those he sees unfit to have them. When asked which side he was on by a boy who had powers, Kalid laughed before stripping his powers away. He currently seeks out the two heads of the Spades and the Defiance. Only a few of his men are still alive and continue to work under him. He has decided to name his small group, Revelations.
    Theme: YouTube - ‪Muse - Uprising‬‏

    Revelations Soldier: [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2011
  5. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    In case no one knew, the RP is up guys.
  7. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Oops thanks KOD....slipped my mind. But like KOD said the Roleplay is up.
  8. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Name: Kite Young

    Nickname: Phoenix

    Side: Defiance

    Age: 14

    Power: Kite has the ability to produce and conjure flames. For example he is able to create multiple fireballs, start fires, lead and burn out existing flames. The young boy has his X-Gloves equipped for combat. These gloves aren't your ordinary gloves. They enhance the temperature and gives the wielder complete manipulation of fire. Examples being fire blade, a blade made of flames, and X burner, a X shaped flame projectile.

    Bio: Kite is a freshman in high school. He is very kind and generous to his classmates. Not only that but the young boy is great at school. He is captain of the Freshmen Math, Science, and Writing clubs winning numerous trophies for his school. Although some would call him a nerd, he was quite well known and you could even call him popular. Literally Kite was the perfect student. Oddly enough he had no friends. Others would call the people he hanged out with "friends" but Kite did not call them such. Something is also amiss about him. The boy has an odd aura around him. It feels as though it is cold and full of hatred. Some of his closest "friends" felt this and tried to reach out to him so they invited him to a party. Unwilling to go Kite accepted the offer. During the party Kite was greeted by his classmates as usual and the night went as well as it ever would. Soon unfortunate events occurred causing everyone to immediately leave the party. Momemts later Kite's "other self" finally unveiled itself in a terrifying act. Resulting in multiple casualities and ten deaths. The fire department arrived a block from where the party was towards a building set ablaze. Kite now known as Phoenix hasn't been seen or heard for weeks.

    Theme: (I'll edit this later)

    Other: Kite learns to control his powers and switches between forms shown in image 1 and 2. Famous quote "With this hand, With this flame, I WILL REGAIN EVERYTHING!!"

    Before the Incident.

    After the Incident.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2011
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Nice! Accepted.
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Name: Cydnie Harrington

    Nickname: Black Clover

    Gender: Female

    Side: The Defiant

    Age: 17


    Before the Blast-[​IMG]
    After the Blast-[​IMG]

    Psionic Blast: Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of consciousness, vegetative state or death after having created a psionic link into that individual's mind. She can only use this ability by looking into one's eyes. However, those of extemely strong will may be able to overcome this.

    Psychokinesis: Can freely manipulate the movements of all matter with her thoughts.

    Accelerated healing: She heals near instantly she is harmed. It does wear off however, her other organs are restored but her brain is extremely sensitive.

    Bio: Cydnie was a quiet girl who was known by only a few, but was talked to by even fewer. Throughout most of her life, she only had two friends, Jordan and Kevin. But she had always favored Jordan as he would always have time for her, even when he was busy. She felt very close to the two boys, feeling that they'd protect her from anything. One night she was invited to a party and surprisingly she went. She even began to open up her shell and talked to a couple of people there. But that all changed when the blast occurred. She awoke to see a flaming Jordan escape the scene and inside, she flt different. She had felt as if her eyes were open around her. She began analyzing things in a different perspective. It was all so amazing at the time, yet she felt as though there was something missing from her world. She quickly learned that one of her powers was that by looking into the eyes of someone, she could cause them mental pain or even kill them by destroying their brain. Scared at first, Cydnie had no idea what to call herself, until she came upon the Defiance. She quickly joined them in search of her two friends and so that she could, hopefully, use the Defiance to shape the world into something better than before.

    Theme: YouTube - Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

    Other: Her Psionic blast move is controlled by her own will
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2011
  11. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Omg I'm so sorry guys. I'll get posting. Thanks KoD for taking over the rp
    While I was gone. Much appreciated!
  12. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    ok Darian I did what you asked and made Adam a close friend of Kevin. Am I accepted?
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -.- Darian kept on begging me to join and bring back my characters even when I do not want to... ugh... I'll give this another shot.

    Name: Marcus Sails
    Gender: Male
    Nickname: "Shoebac"
    Side: Spade
    Personality: Eager to help but sometimes cannot control his powers and end up going berserk. Tend to be shy and scared.
    Age: 14

    Appearance: 5'5. Rounded nose with red hair. Black-skinned with brown eyes. Short legs. Tends to wear either black, white with gold linings or brown, black and gold. Likes to wear glasses.
    Powers: His powers relies on the weather and intellect. With this, he can call on the powers of wind and water. Even though he can use them for attacking, his powers are more suited for defense, support and traps. Depending on the seasons and daily time, his abilities will change in speed, power and shape.
    Hobbies: Poetry, singing and designing.
    Bio: Marcus was just as innocent as anyone would want to be in life. He would rather have a safe life than to take risks. He even do not want to take the risks of dating. Marcus never liked to suffer the consequences. To him, "It is best to ignore the bad feelings than to be tempted into doing what is wrong." That was the motto he has set himself.

    There was only one time when he actually took a risk. He ended up letting his friends lure him into their tauntings. He did not want them to think that he will never live life to the fullest if he keep himself protected and sheltered at all times. He ended up going to a party even though it is for those who are over 16. He was frightened at first but after he started to open more, he ended up started to have a little bit of fun. Still, when he ended up in the explosion, he ended up being left unconscious for a few hours. After he had woke up, he ended up in a small hideout with the Defiance and he ended up being under controlled by one of the Defiance members. He ended up attacking the ordinary people who lives their everyday lives.

    On December 15, he ended up in a fight against some of the Spade members but thanks to one of them, they was able to destroy a crown that was created on his head that was possessing him. With no memory of even being a part of the Defiance, he decided to stay with the Spades in order to keep himself safe and made a promise to never take any risks ever again.

    Initial attacks (As of now):
    Water: Shoots a burst of liquid through the ground to make his opponents slip.
    Tornado: Summons three small bursts of wind that surrounds himself until it combines into one. Deflects attacks.
    Wind Shear: Spins around and draw in anyone close by to do multiple hits.
    Mid Aerial Block: Uses the powers of wind to block most frontal attacks.
    Atmospheric wall: Increases a person's defense against attacks.
    Sacrificial temple: Can give his allies different forms with his powers through water and air by creating a birth stone resided on them. As a result, this will deliberately weaken him.
    Theme: YouTube - Dark Chronicle Actual In-Game Music - Gundorada Workshop

    Valuable Object: An Angel statue with a red jewel.

    Name: Lagaleeca Turner
    Nickname: "Beoman"
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Side: Defiance (Pretends to be on the Side of Spades for info)
    Personality: Arrogant, intelligent and manipulative. Polite to those he deems worthy and cares for only.
    Title: Defiance General

    Appearance: 6'0. Wears purple, red and gold or black, red and gold. When he is disguised as a spy, he wears yellow, purple and blue clothing. Has a blond, spiky hair with a pointed nose. Has purple eyes. Has a clear, tan skin.
    Theme: YouTube - Bolero Of Fire Remix Extended
    Valuable Object: Necklace with the letter "M"
    Hobbies: Guitar and writing.

    Powers: His powers comes from the earth and intellect. For that, he has control over fire and earth. Being such a brute, he can crash most defenses and can even set powerful traps. He can also use his powers to change his appearance and shape. Depending on daily activities and the weather, his power will change in shape, power and speed.
    Initial Attacks:(As of now)
    Hell Crest: Creates a hidden seal on the ground and burns the person when in contact.
    Bombard: A powerful, close-range earth attack that crushes defenses. Reflects very few attacks.
    Flare: Shoots out a powerful, spherical attack that can track the opponent. If used in the air, it will hover constantly.
    Devil's Hand: Flings his hand to shoot out powerful fire energy and follow it up with a blast. If it connects, it will draw in his opponents. Also useful to warp closer.
    Grendel's Ego: Allows him to change his appearance.
    Mainyu's Rock: Summons four, large rocks as it surrounds Lagaleeca and then shoot them in any four directions.
    Condemntion: A quick attack that summons a powerful pillar of earth and fire around him.
    Sacrificial Soul: In exchange for speed drastically, he increases his strength.

    Bio: Always dream of becoming a leader. He graduated from J.K Walgwen High school along with his class and was ready to go to relax for a few months. Even though he is arrogant, he shows his kindness to only Marcus a few times whenever Marcus is unsure of himself. He is also one of Marcus' friends to taunt him. He is very eager to try and take control of many situations if possible.

    On December 12, he started to go to a house party since he was able to earn a invitation to one of his college for studying and to also keep his mind off of family matters. He ended up drunk at the party and was on a rampage. He did not realize that he put others in dangers and during an explosion, he ended up scarred. He was able to survive but he found Marcus in a near-death state. He started to take in Marcus when he was unconscious and hid from the world with other kids in a small hideout.

    During the few days, he was developing immense powers. Quickly becoming one of the Defiance's elite members to help lead the group, he ended up using his powers to control Marcus. Even though he regrets the decision, he thought that it is the only way to seclude the two of them from the outside world. This only made him plant a seed of hatred and making him make a vow of seeing nothing but destruction as a mean to bring justice in his sight.

    He sent in Marcus on a mission while Marcus was under the Defiance's control but after receiving a message that Marcus broke free, he was frustrated. Aiming to take back Marcus, he went to the Spade's group under the name, "Reho." and was, to everyone, a friend of the Spades.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  14. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    All Accepted

    Name: Darius Thomas
    Nickname: Zero of Spades (Zero)
    Side: Spade
    Age: 19 (Turning 20)
    Power: Telepathy
    Chronokinesis is the ability to mentally affect the flow of time. Time manipulaters can slow down time and speed it up. They are usually only capable of affecting the flow of time in the immediate area.
    Hypnokinesis is the ability to mentally send an individual into a trance-like state, and/or mentally manipulate an entranced individual via hypnotic suggestion.
    Umbrakenesis is the ability to mentally repulse photons to create shadows to transport something or someone.
    Bio: Darius never went to school but was always at the parties. The blast that happened at the party nearly killed Darius it left him in a Coma for a whole day. Darius woke with telepathic powers. He then went to join the spades. When he got to the spades they had no leader so he made himself the leader and gained the nickname Zero of the Spades.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2011
  15. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I don't know where we are at but I will try to do something. Also, I may end up asking you if I can update their powers as the roleplay progresses.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2011
  16. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Sure....just don't go to over board with it.
  17. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    I'm gonna post next time I get on a PS3 or a PC
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ok cool just post that way we can keep this roleplay active.
  19. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Thanks Zol.

    Zol has allowed me to use Amy. So now I will posting where I left off.
  20. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ok cool im fine with as long as Zol is.
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