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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at the boys. He suddenly rushed at Jordan, pushing him to the wall and freezing him to it. "And if it was my choice I would be out saving the world's ass than picking up some new recruits but we can't have our way can we?" He growled, turning towards the others. "And yes I mean the world we live in. The defiants want to see every human in a bodybag, leaving the mutants to become the new rulers of earth. As for initiations, that leaves to ask, what are your abilites?" Will asked, letting the one boy thaw from the wall.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era stepped back surprised by what Will did. Era closed her eyes and listened to Will before she swiftly moved towards him as a powerful wind force came out of nowhere pinning him to the wall.

    "First off for all you know, the Defiant could have found us, recruit us giving you more opponents to fight, so I'd think it's important to recruit us, secondly, does this answer your question?" She asked before stepping back and the wind released him.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2011
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned at her. "Ok, so this means you can manipulate wind, which is good." Will nodded at Jordan. "Seems like he can manipulate fire, put I don't think he has as good of a handle on it as he shows, not to mention it wasn't very strong. Makes me think he's carryin extra artillary..." He cooed, smirking at the looks on their faces. But then he turned to the other boy, Kevin. "Now you I can't seem to figure out what power you could possibly have... I have one idea but they're normally rare..." He said, ruffling his hair a bit while thinking.
  4. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's red eyes turned into a brighter shade of red. His body temperature grew so hot that the ice had turned straight to steam. His right arm caught on fire as he screamed at Will, "Then why don't you go be Superman huh? Oh wait, it's because you're so pathetic you have to leech yourself onto a group of vermints! Why are you wasting your time on us, huh? I highly doubt any of us are special enough to waste your sorry time!" Jordan started to throw a fireball at him but purposely missed by throwing it past his face. His flaming arm went out as he rubbed his hand through his hair. He took a deep breath and began to turn around and walk away from the group, leaving them behind without saying a word.


    Cydnie gave a small laugh at Lagaleeca's last statement about the chimera. He gave a small growl at her and she replied, "What? I thought it was funny." He groaned and began to take a nap. She sat back up and thought, 'He questions why we need him yet he's so intent on getting Marcus back. Oh well, whatever makes him get the job done.'
  5. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned and froze the boy's feet. "That is what I wanted to see!" Will roared, grinning widely. "You are powerful boy, and this is very good. I riled you up to see how far you might go. And I am not leeching onto anyone. I am just following orders to bring you three into Darius because he..." He said, pointing at Kevin. "Is supposed to be special. But I see that you all have powerful abilitites in your own way." Will clicked his fingers and the ice around the boy's feet melted. "Leave if you will, just know that it's not leeching to follow in your parent's footsteps, even if it is as a soldier..." He growled, quieting down suddenly. He sat against the wall and looked up at Kevin. "Still waiting on you boyo." He growled, shaking his hair into his eyes.
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's short temper was kicking in at this point. He wanted to show Will his powers to his fullest extent but fought back that urge in the hopes of not being pulled into any unneccesary battles. His body began giving off small charges of electricity and the lights in the hall began flickering. Suddenly two lights quickly went out and the electricty quickly took aim to Jordan. Giving him bout 30 seconds worth of shock. 'Guess I couldn't control that,' Jordan thought. He continued walking away making every light he passed by flicker.
  7. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin sat there watched what had went between Will and Jordan. Kevin then yelled out to Jordan saying " Wait! It isn't worth leaving us Jordan we just got back together and I'll be damned if I lose either one of you. I know your upset about how much of an ass Will is but don't leave us because of it". Kevin knew Jordan wasn't listening so he ran to Jordan and put his hand on his should. Kevin was instantly shocked the Volts surging through Jordan. Kevin ran infront of Jordan trying stop him from moving and yelled " Your not leaving us Jordan".
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan stopped in front of him and stared with an emotionless reaction. He leaned his head back and groaned. "Fine. Should I be bothered with something else as inferior as," he turned his head back at will and gave him a death glare, "THAT, I will be forced to do whatever comes to mind Kevin. I hope you know that means, perhaps, many deaths will be because of my rage, and you persistence." He walked towards Will and Era, the sparks that were shooting off of him stopping and his eyes turned back to their normal ruby color.
  9. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin let out a sigh in relief that Jordan had stopped. Kevin was surprised that Jordan had listened to what he was saying. Kevin continued walking with following behind Will and the others. Within 15 minutes they had arrived at the Spade underground base. Once they got towards the gates two guy with spade jackets moved out of the way at the sight of Will. As they got further into the base there were more people with spade jackets and even more people that look like what Jordan called "abominations". Kevin had seen a lot of people that were affected by the blast, some more than others. Kevin had over heard people talking saying " That's the kid Darius wants, he's the one". But Kevin really paid them no mind. Before Kevin had noticed they were in a all white room with a table and six chair.
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will shut the door behind them all and went to his chair next to the head of the table. "Please sit... I want to apologize for my outbursts earlier and explain to Jordan why I am like this. Besides we have some time before Darius returns and he will explain why you are wanted Kevin, because he didn't even tell me." He said, using his hand to gesture to four open chairs. Before they even sat though he launched into his story. "Jordan, I want you to hear me out. The reason I was such a loose cannon, it's because I was brought into this war by the death of my parents. The same day I discovered my powers I got an invitation to a funeral for parents I didn't even know. At that funerul Darius found me and convinced me that I could channel my hate, turn it into a weapon to kill those who had taken my family away..." He said, eyes staring at a spot on the table.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2011
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era remained silent taking in the sight of all the different Spade members. She walked next to Kevin. All the whispering was starting to frustrate her as a small wind started to kick up blowing through her hair. She closed her eyes and looked over at Will.

    "So why is Kevin such a huge deal?" Era decided to ask.She was cut off though before she could ask. She sighed and listened to Will's story which sounded odd.

    "I thought the Spades were like a peace corp. That doesn't sound exactly like something used to make peace." Era stated.
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    *OOC: The name is Pheobe. Pronounced Fee-bee Just thought you guys should know that. haha I'm seeing a lot of Phobe*

    The things the strange boy were telling her confused Pheobe. She already had a million questions running through her mind. So she was a... mutant... like them? Was she now a part of this war? Was there any way out? She didn't like what she was hearing but there was something odd about that boy in a way that intrigued her. He talked of the 'spades' people like they were people to dislike so did that make him a... bad guy? How did that make sense, he seemed so kind... well half the time anyway. Before she could say anything, someone was there in front of them. Someone that Pheobe didn't recognise. But he called her by name so should she know him?
    "Spades.." she thought to herself. This meant he was part of the war... but what did he want with her. She wasn't sure exactly what to do.
    "Why should I go with you?" she asked the newcommer.
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Because I can find your sister....Ill have her here at this very place in 48 hours with me to prove I am not your enemy for now you make your decision" Darius said as he opened up a portal. Darius stepped on foot through the portal then said " Remember 48 hours and come alone.". Darius stepped through the portal in and arrived in his office to see Kevin and two other kids along with will. " Thank you Will...I have another assignment for you also...Find a girl named Era." Darius said as he closed the portal behind him. Darius then sat down and looked at Kevin and the other two.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era sat there surprised by the sudden appearence of the man. What stunned her more was the fact he said find her which caught her off guard. Who was this guy?

    She looked at Kevin giving them a look of don't say a word. She definately didn't remember introducing herself to Will. The way the man said to find her didn't comfort her, in fact since the way Will described who she was guessing this man was, she was starting to have reconsidering thoughts.

    "A girl name Era? May I ask why you need her?" Era finally spoke up making sure Jordan or Kevin would give a hint away and definately knowing that she never introduced herself to Will.
    Abyssal Knight likes this.
  15. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darius looked at Era and read her mind.
    " Era no need in trying to keep anything from from me I know.." Darius said. "I found your sister Pheobe....you'll see her in two days....until then I would like you to stay here." Darius said in a very calm manor. " Also Kevin i needed you for an important reason in which we will discuss in private...to answer your question." Darius said. Darius then threw his feet on the table and asked " Any questions". Darius smiled.

    Kevin was surprised that he had known Era and Pheobe were sister and also that Darius knew what Kevin was going to to ask him. Kevin sat down and said " Do we think of the questions or say them because either way you'll answer them.". Kevin looked at Jordan then at Era then back to Darius. "Well I have no questions" Kevin said.
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will shuddered at what the girl had said and the fact that Darius had been so cold about him finding her. "We do fight for peace... but our leader wants it at any cost... besides, I'm not human anyway..." He said, repeating the phrase Darius had said to him so many times. He glared at Darius for a minute with his glowing blue eyes to unnerve him before stalking towards the door, anger driving him as he remembered when he joined for the first time in years. He remembered the anger he felt when he learned of his parents, then when he learned of the war and who killed them, and now because he was being used as a weapon. As he reached the door his breath was fogging in front of him and sparks crackled from him as he walked, a clear sign of his anger.
    Abyssal Knight likes this.
  17. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "So I'm not the only one who can do stuff." Tom thought to himself. "But why the hell is he so stupid as to do things like that in front of people?" By this time, Tom was getting further and further away from Pheobe and Kane. "So much for me staying safe. If idiots are gonna go and show off their powers in public the government is going to come and hunt down people like me. Ironic that comic books provide a brilliant blueprint of what happens when people with abilities don't know self control. Oh well."
  18. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Well" Kage said breaking the silence. "That certainly was an interesting encounter". "We should have killed him!" Kage said grabbing then handle of his knife. "Then this could have all been over with!" He hissed. "It was quite an interesting trance he'd put me in. Besides, we know were he will be in forty eight hours" He said removing his hand from the knife and smiling. "So Pheobe." Kage said returning his attention to her. "I believe your smart enough to have realized that since he was Spades, that makes me Defiance. But please, I mean you no harm" He said when she took a step away from him. "There's something...calming about you" He said looking into her eyes. "Hahaha, anyway. I suppose you have some questions?" He laughed. "But might I suggest a new location?. Such a public display of powers surely would have attracted some attention from the humans." He said offering his arm to her.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era sat there surprised and in shock but came back to reality. She soon realized what he said.

    "My sister?!" Era quickly stood up surprised. "Where is she?!" Era nearly demmanded. Era sighed and began to calm down some. "Is she ok?" Era asked now realizing that was the most important thing to her. "Was she affected? Did she become like... the rest of us?" Era asked realizing how different they were now.
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan was leaning against the wall that was behind the group when Darius had entered. 'Won't I be damned. This guy takes the cake of biggest freak in the room,' Jordan thought to himself. He began to ask him a question but was cut off before he could begin when Era declared the loud statement about her sister. Jordan nearly jumped when he thought about this guy meeting Era's sister, Pheobe. He calmed himself down and calmly asked, without looking up, "You haven't harmed her in any way, have you? I know I speak for all of us if I said that if there were any harm done to her, consequences would be paid."

    He was quiet for a few seconds before he continued and said, "Then again how do we know you're telling the truth? Or if you're actually the 'good guy'? If I had seen a poor girl by herself, I'd think it be best to save her from whatever dangers there are out there, what with all the freaks like us roaming around." He knew he had to calm down from this rant other wise his body temperature would rise again to an extent which would make him catch fire.

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