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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Well to me she looked normal...but she's with a Defiance member I'm unsure if she with them or not but we will meet with them in 48 hours" Darius said calmly as if he hadn't cared at all. Darius looked at Jordan and then at Kevin. "It's getting late walk three doors down and it should be a empty room you three will stay there for the remaining time." Darius said. Darius took his feet off the table yawned. "Calm it down kid...if I were the bad guy I would have sent Will to kil you....or even kill you when you entered my base...and Pheobe is fine..ok so no need to start to cry alright!" Darius said sounding ticked off at Jordans remarks towards him. Darius got up and left the room saying " Oh and lights go out at 11:00".

    Kevin looked at Darius as he walked out of the room. " So I guess we just wait now." Kevin said. Kevin had seen that Era seemed at little ticked off. Kevin then grabbed her hand. " It'll be alright we will get her from the Defiance Era I promise." Kevin said looking at Era in a loving way. " C'mon let's go and rest. I have a feeling these next two days will be very long." Kevin said. Kevin the looked at his watch it was 10:50.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan chuckled a bit and turned around to grab Darius' arm. He whispered in his ear, "I swear to God, if anything happens to her while she's with some Defiance bastard, I will make sure I hand out your death with keen percision, making it long and painful." He let go of Darius just before his hand caught on fire. He flicked his hand and the flame disappeared. He leaned back up against the wall as his body temperature rised but at an extremely slow rate from his anger.
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will pushed past Darius and lifted Jordan off the ground, bringing him back into the room before shutting the door. As he spun back towards the others in the room sparks crackled from his body as he started to speak. "Listen, I'm here to help so let me suggest one idea. I'm tired of seeing Darius use people just to advance this war in his favor, especially those who have just learned of their... abilities." Will growled, breath fogging as if it was freezing cold in the room. "I suggest just us go to get your sister before something happens. Yes Darius uses people, but this is also one of the safest places in the city. What would you rather do?" He asked, tooking between the three other kids.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Pheobe hesitated to take his arm. He seemed so friendly, at first. But obviously, he and the other person didn't like each other at all. The Spade leader... Darius... seemed so confident that she would even want to meet up with him again in two days, let alone be able to. And there was something hostile about his attitude toward Kage. Or was that all in her head as well? None of this was making sense at all. Pheobe wasn't sure who to trust but she did want to find Era and Kevin and Jordan. She desprately wanted to know that her sister and friends were ok... if Jordan was ok. Besides Era, he was her best friend. The two had been in an argument, of sorts, just before the blast and hadn't spoken to each other at the party. Now she felt very guilty for the whole thing. She realized that she needed to find them no matter what. But something inside her told her to trust Kage as well. She took his arm, after what seemd like an awkward silence to her, and nodded "Ok. I do have questons. Where should we go?"
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan started to laugh a bit at Will's comment. He quickly stopped to think about this. 'To think, I thought all Freaks, besides myself, Kevin, and Era were the same. Savages who pretty much wanted to fight. Hell even I'M in that category since gaining these powers. But at least I wasn't the only one who didn't completely like this Darius guy or trust him.' He turned to Will and said, "Well, it appears you and I are the only smart ones here. With these Freaks running around and these, apparently deadly, Defiance members lurking about she's not safe in the city." He walked up to him with a smile on his face, his body temperature cooling down to a 135.3. "45% of me still doesen't like you. But 50% says you're a good guy with good intentions. The other 5....." He looked up and around as if he were looking for something on the ceiling and snarled, "......the other 5% is for outside purposes." He stood next to Will and told Kevin, "Let's go Kevin." In his mind he figured Kevin would go along just because that was the way it was when they were normal.

    OOC: I know normally 135.3 is usually bad, lol, but it is normal for him. Just an FYI
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era watched Darius leave and felt Kevin's hand on hers. She let a sigh of release go.

    "Kevin to be honest, I don't trust anybody. I mean the purpose of the Spade's sound good and all, but honestly the way I see it both sides are bad fighting in a war that no matter what happens many people are going to get hurt." Era stated.

    "If I trust anything, I trust only who I know I can trust, meaning you, Jordan, Pheobe, and myself." Era stated. She looked over at Jordan and Will hearing their comments and nodded.

    "This idea sounds bad or good, but when it comes to Pheobe, I'll do anything." Era stated. "3 against 1 or 4 for it all?" She asked looking at Kevin.
  7. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin stopped and looked at Jordan. " The only smart ones huh?" Kevin said sounding angry. Kevin grunted at Jordan and began walking back to the way they hade came into the base. Kevin began to get pissed from everything that was going on. Instantly hisbeye colored changed to a dark red. " I'm outta here....forget all of the Spade and Defiance crap I don't have to be going at war with people who can clearly kill me easily. Kevin fixed his bag and then looked back at Era then kept looking forward as he walked to the exit of the base. Kevin transformed into a cheetah and bolted out of the base without letting the other know where he was going and as he left out the lights in the base shut off leaving it completely dark inside the base.
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Kevin!" Era shouted after him. "Do one of your two know what just-" She started when the lights went out.

    "Really?" She said standing in the dark. She stood in the dark in complete shock. She thought about how she first found Kevin and Jordan. She closed her eyes and to Jordan and Will her mouth was moving with no words coming out, just not around them.

    "I hope this works..." The wind carried Era's first message to Kevin.

    "Kevin, what are you doing. We all think the samething you do. We just need to find Pheobe, please! Once then we'll figure this out!" Era exclaimed as the wind carried her second message.

    Era looked back at Will and Jordan, more so at Will.

    "Is there some way out of here?" Era asked him.
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's jaw dropped as the boy changed into a cheetah and the lights flickered off. "I knew it! Darius only wanted him because he's a shapeshifter! Crap, if he continues to use those powers in public the Defiants are going to be calling for his blood by nightfall..." Will growled, angry that this was the whole reason Darius wanted the boy was his power. "We need to go... if they find out that he's out there and... Pheobe you say, is connected to him in any way they'll both be dead..." He finished. He then recieved the girl's question. He opened his hand and a fireball filled his palm, lighting the room. "Yeah there is, let's go before he's found by the wrong people." He said, starting towards the door.
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's mind snapped as he cursed out loud, "God damn it!" He snapped his fingers in his right hand and a large flame appeared. He held the flame and used it to act like his lamp. "Will, you guide us out of here, I'll be your light source. I can make it hotter-" his entire arm caught on fire, illuminating more of the room, "-or dimmer. Either way, we're bringing that stubborned bastard back here." Jordan's arm ceased to be on fire and the flames were now concentrated back into his hand. 'I'm not losing Pheobe or that son of a bitch Kevin,' Jordan thought. 'He always has to be the sensitive one, Jesus one day that will be that kid's undoing.'
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    'Yeah something like that...' Era thought to herself when Jordan bringing him back here. She really actually didn't want to. To be truthful she'd rather stay out of the war and help people from a sort of private area like the comic books or superhero tv shows and movies. Era nodded and followed the two other boys. She flew behind the two of them in the air, the only thing she could do was use the air and muffle the sound so nobody knew what they were doing or what happened.
  12. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Marcus finally left from the area and was relieved. "I can finally get back home! YES! I am free!" Marcus started to run real fast as he saw his house. He started to take out his keys and started to unlock the door. "MOMMY! DADDY! I'M BACK!" Marcus started to run into the house and closed the door gently behind him. "Mommy? Daddy? Where are you?" Marcus started to check out the living room but no one was in their. He checked the kitchen but it was empty. "Did they leave out to do something?"

    Marcus started to go upstairs to check to see if his parents are in their bedrooms. "Are you in..." Marcus started to fall to the floor when he saw that the bedroom was in a mess. With no strength to even bother trying to see if his parents are laying around somewhere, all he could do is sit there..."

    "Bingo. So easy." Lagaleeca started to walk on into the Spade's factory as Reno. He started to smile at one of the Spade members and waved at him. "If I can remember, he should be...BLAH! Why in the world is it so dark?!" He started to have summon a fireball in his hands but he then saw a cheetah run past him and he almost fell on him. "YOU HYPOCRIT...uh...watch it!!" Lagaleeca started then looked back and started to walk on. He then felt a wind blowing and it almost made the flames to fade.

    "This isn't going anywhere!" Lagaleeca started to make his flames start to grow brighter so that he can see clearly but he then saw Will and a few other kids around. "*How wonderful. New insects and the hound scrapping for some more insects." Lagaleeca started to get rid of his smile and started to walk up closer to them. "Is everything alright?"
  13. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Kage smiled as Phoebe took his arm. It wasn't an evil or cheeky smile. It was just...a smile.
    "Lets go" he said as he began walking with Phoebe. "We going home?" Kage asked his eyes going a red colour. "Yes" Was said as a simple response. "Excellent" Kage said. Suddenly a very odd sensation took over Phoebe. It was as if she was become nothing at all, and as soon as the feeling had come it dissaperd again. Phoebe stumbled as her legs his solid flooring again. Fortunately she was still holding onto Kage's arm and he kept her standing up right.
    "Welcome to my home" Kage said releasing Phoebe's arm and walking a few steps in front of her. Phoebe looked around, for an supposedly evil person Kage's has was fairly normal. If not a little cheery. It had two rooms on a lower level, the one they were in now had a large table with many seats around it. There was a small kitchen area to the right of the table. There was another room that lead off somewhere but the door was closed and there was a set of stairs leading up to another level. "No one can find us here" He said smiling. "And no one can get in unless I want them to" He said his smile deepening. His eyes had remained blue the entire time he was speaking to her, And Phoebe had only detected one personality coming from him. "Were are my manners?" Kage asked himself. "May I take your jacket from you?". Phoebe starting staring at the ground. She wasn't ready for anyone to see her wings. "I...I think ill keep it on" She said apprehensively. "Thanks though" She said. "Not to worry" Kage said still with his smile. "Please, take a seat" He said taking her by the arm and leading her to the dining room area. He pulled out a chair for her and pushed it back in when she was sitting. He then walked around the table and sat opposite her. "So, your question?" Kage asked. "My questions?" Phoebe repeated. "Oh yes. Were to begin" She said as she began thinking. Kage just sat there staring at her with the smile still on his face. It made Phoebe feel as if she was in school and the teacher was waiting for her answer. "The war" She said suddenly and louder than he had wanted to. "Please, tell me about the war" She said again lowering her voice. "Ah. Good question" Kage said sitting back into his seat. "Well, I guess I'll start by telling you about the spades. You met there leader in the park. He seems an ok guy, if not a little self centred. I mean, who assumes just because we're on a different side than him we don't like him?." He said with a little laugh in his voice. "Of course, we did say we should kill him. But we're getting sidetracked. Well, apparently he's all for fighting the good fight. Save human live all that mumbo jumbo. Were as the Defiance, well...we're not sure who the leader is to be honest. Never met them. But there the supposed bad guys. They want to get rid of the humans and have a world were mutants live in peace. I don't really care for either of them, but being with Defiance you have more freedom. Lots of rules to follow if your with those Spades." He finished. He then sat back and waited for Phoebe to respond.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at the man, not sure if he remembered him. But besides that, he just seemed odd. Will surrounded his right fist with ice, happy that Jordan was giving light so he could attack if needed. "Nothing is wrong, now I suggest you get back to whatever business you have..." Will growled, pushing past him with Jordan and the girl in tow. Once they were out of his earshot he spoke, words meant for the two following him. "I don't rmember seeing him around but I am rarely in the base... still, he seemed odd. Let's just get Kevin and Pheobe and get back... I feel something bad coming on." He said, eyes glowing errily in the dim light.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked at Will and nodded in agreement. He looked back at the boy and thought, 'He looked rather well to me. Maybe one of the cleanest looking Freaks yet. That's probably what I don't like about him.' He scoffed a little and continued on with the group. "So I suppose we'll randomly search the city 'till we find her, huh? This should be fun," Jordan said to WIll.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Lagaleeca started to become annoyed and was ready to shoot a fireball at Will but he decided to remain positive. "Why in the world are you ignoring me?! Hello! I just came back from something important the other day that was important for the Spades. Reho at your service!" Lagaleeca then stood next to Jordan without knowing who he is. "Let me guess. These two are new right? Why are the two of you are just standing around? I am guessing that this boy is not giving you the proper treatment." Lagaleeca started to point the way towards the Spades hideout. "Besides, as a friend of the Spades, I believe that it is necessary to give our guests the proper treatment the right way and to make them feel welcome."

    Lagaleeca then looked back at Will with a fake, stern look but believable. "Don't you recruiter? And while I am asking, who are you looking for anyways?"
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era looked at the guy not trusting him, or well anybody much(though Will sort of gained her trust).

    "Secret mission, nobody can know about." Era stated landing on the ground infront of Will and Jordan.

    "We're secret agents, that's why you've never seen us before. Now if you excuse us..." Era stated before looking back at the boys.

    "We need to get back on that operationg KEVIN." Era stated before flying up in the air again.
  18. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin had finally made his way out of the base and began running to his house. Kevin ran so fast that before knew it he was only a couple blocks away from where he lived. As Kevin was running he had seen a house with the door stretched open. Kevin stopped running and transformed back intonhimself and walked into the house. "Hello! Anyone in here?!" Kevin yelled out.

    Darius was sitting in his room when the lights had went out. " Thanks Will appreciate you retrieving Kevin for me. You will be rewarded as soon as I speak with Kevin tomorrow Morning" Darius said telepathically to Will. Darius then layer on his bed and closed his eyes. Darius hadn't told anyone in a long time that he appreciated anything someone had done for him. Darius smiled.
  19. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will nodded, turning his back on the guy. "And I'm not a recruiter... newbie." Will said before continuing forward, making sure they were still in toe. Fire crackled from him as he walked. He had never been a recruiter the whole time he had been here, and it peeved him that he was considered a recruiter by someone he didn't even know. Once they were away from him, Will asked the two. "Any idea where the package might be?" He kept the question a low whisper, not wanting the person to know what was going on. Yet when he received Darius' message he was shocked yet too angry to even consider the actual words he had said.
  20. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "Kevin...Kevin...let me guess. Is Kevin is even human? If he is not human, I have just met him a few minutes ago. Plus, how can the two of you become secret agents and the two of you did not even made a complete thought as to what all of you will do let alone knowing if you are ready to make a commitment?" Lagaleeca wanted to turn off his fireball but he did not want anything go dark again so he started to chuckle. "Don't worry. Just let Reho help with whatever you are looking for. I am supposed to be back to the abode to give out my report but I suppose that can wait."

    Lagaleeca started to bring out his right arm and started to create a stave from the ground. "Now let us catch the tiger by the toe, hardheaded recruiter."

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