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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era looked between the two unsure what to do. She sighed and moved her hands apart blowing both Kevin and Jordan away from each other.

    "Will you look at yourselves!?" Era exclaimed completely disappointed in them.

    "You both were best friends before this whole accident but now you're fighting like mortal enemies." Era stated landing gently on the ground between the two.

    "The accident changed us, don't think you're the only ones who doesn't feel it. I mean come on, before the accident I barely socialized with anybody or anything, since then though I've been a lot braver willing to come waltzing into here without thinking of it being a trap or something." Era stated.

    "But doesn't mean we can't try to be like our old selves. So set aside your differences you both want the same goal, to find Pheobe. Jordan, Kevin was looking at facts, as much as I'd hate to think of my sister changing or her being some bad guy, but it is highly possible. It's a fact we have to assume so we can plan accordingly." Era explained to the two best friends, or twp past best friends.
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "You know what Era your completely correct....we were bestfriends!" Kevin said as he got up. Kevin looked at Era then quickly looked away. " I'm sorry but I'm not staying with you guys I have to learn to control my curse because there are many things I don't know about it.....and you guys have mastered your so until I have mastered mine...Farewell" Kevin said as he walked away towards the exit. Kevin looked back as he reached the door way. " I'm sorry Era...I really am" Kevin said silently to himself.
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will finally realized what was going on and heard Era and Kevin's argument. As he watched Kevin walk off he shook his head. "He's gonna go cause some chaos to learn how to use his power and then come back..." He said to the other two. "He's probably going to look for a fight with some Defiant... actually probably the first person who pisses him off." Will said, remember when he did the same thing a few years back. "I suggest we find Pheobe before Kevin does because whoever she's with if Kevin finds them he might go nuts." Will suggested darkly, looking at the others.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2011
  4. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    Akihiro had been hiding in a portal and saw the whole fight/arguement/learning/farewell. "That looked depressing...............well might as well make meh pressence known." He walked out of the portal and up to Era and Will. "That looked kinda hard.........you should go after him...right now......" He deactivated his left eye and waited for a reply.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Pheobe was sort of startled when he asked her what her 'power' was. She never really considered what she had to be a power, more like just an ugly deformaty. The wings, and the discoloration of her hair and skin, that plus the random fires springing up everywhere... She never considered it much more than a disgusting problem that she needed to cure. She still sort of did but him calling it a 'power' interested her. The fact taht he kept refering to himself as 'we' must be a part of his. She decided to ignore his question, thinking that if he persisted then she would tell him, but for now she wasnt sure how to explain. She was unaware that her hair was beginning to smoke as she didn't look up she asked another question. "Who are you?"
    This question, she was sure sounded odd. But she was talking to both of him, for the first time since they met, she referred to both the side of him that somewhat scared her, and the side that intrigued her. "What I mean is, how do I know for sure that I can trust you?"
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan cracked his neck a couple of times and watched Kevin walk off. He looked at Era and said, "Don't you think I have been thinking things just like that? But you know what, I tried to ignore those facts and stay positive. Kevin just had to be the only one who acknowledges them." He watched as Kevin walked away and scoffed, "Good riddens actually. This friendship was questionable at best. Maybe when he get's everything figured out he'll start realising the hell hole he's on now." He waited for Will to lead them out, as he was ready to go and find Pheobe at this point.
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era sighed and wanted so badly to stop him or even go with him then get stuck with Jordan who argued with everybody and Will who argued with everybody. As she stood there she could feel the slight breeze, a sort of sad breeze whip around her body, her hair blowing some from it.

    Era was slightly angered by the way he said that they could control their powers. She still couldn't completely control it. Sure she learned how to fly, and push things with wind, but other than that, she couldn't control her powers, especially since it reacted a lot with her emotions. She turned and faced the two boys.

    "I'm sorry..." She whispered. "I really need to go talk to him..." She told them. "And alone, but please, Jordan I still appreciate you going to find Pheobe, you were always nice to her and I really appreciate it." Era stated before she kicked off the ground and flew off in the direction Kevin ran off in. Her speed kicking up hoping to find him quickly.
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at her as she flew off. He then turned to Jordan. "So I guess this leaves you and I to go find Pheobe while she calms Kevin down." He said. He was even a little miffed about the control comment. As if he had any self control himself? He was the one who had almost blown up and killed that dude Reho. "Come on, let's g-" He said, noticing the man step out from behind him. It was Akihiro. "Oh god... Listen man, just leave, we got this ok?" He said, venom dripping from every word.
  9. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    "Im too curious.........so Im gonna come like it or not......" He walked to the door and kicked it open. "Oh yeah I know where Pheobe is so just follow me...." He activated his infinite eye and pulled his sword out of a rift. He was curious about what would happen he had never fought a defiant before so running into one would definitely be a learning moment which in his boredom over the last month he needed one.
  10. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Who are we..." Kage repeated letting the question linger. "Who, are we?. No. Who am I?" He said letting go of the table so that the chair went back to all fours. He had put his hands to his head as if he was in extreme pain. It only lasted about five seconds and then Kage shook his head and looked up. "Our apologies" Kage said. The was a short silence and Kage noticed the smoke emitting from Pheobe. He looked at her tilting his head to the side but didn't say anything.

    "I brought you here" Kage said breaking the silence. Pheobe looked at him with a puzzled look. "I brought you here" said Kage again. "If I'd been planning something I wouldn't have brought you here" There was a loud knock at the door that made Pheobe jump. When she looked at Kage his hands were on his head again. "Gahh, What is it!?" Kage demanded at the presence at the door. "We're busy!" He said getting out of his chair and walking around the table so he was now a few steps behind Pheobe's chair and about ten feet from the door.
  11. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked, temper flaring at the boy. "Listen man, I don't need you here! I can handle a little rescue mission, ok?" Will barked, showing that Akihiro was bothering him. "You've been asking Darius to let you come with me on one of my misson where I'm killing defiant members but this isn't one of them. If you want to fight one so bad go find one! They're crawling all over this town! And the only reaon you wanted me there was to bail you out if you lost, which I wouldn't have!" He roared, flames spitting from his mouth. He hated the fact this kid always wanted to come on his missions, for the same reason every time. To kill his first Defiant. And he wanted someone to come to save him if he lost.
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Pheobe wasn't sure what to think of the episode that took place when he answered her first question. "Are you alright...?" She asked him, hesitantly reaching out to him. She wasn't sure how she would be able to help but he seemed to recover pretty quickly so she pulled her hand back. The knock at the door surprised her. For some reason, she had forgotten about life outside of Kage's house. All she had been thinking about was what was happening at the moment. The knock reminded her of Era and Kevin and Jordan. She hoped they were ok. She stood from her chair aswell and watched Kage walk to the door. His darker side was obviously the one speaking at the moment. It wasn't just because she could tell by his attitude. She could just sort of... feel?... it in a way.
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin had finally made his way out the base when he looked behind him he saw someone coming towards him at a fast pace. Kevin clearly see who it was but knew it was a member of the spades. "What do you want!" Kevin yelled out to the person coming towards him. He then could see who it was when they got close up. " Era!...why?..." Kevin said looking surprised and speechless. Kevin stood there waiting for her to catch up to him.
  14. xXAnTiFoRmXx

    xXAnTiFoRmXx New Member

    Akihiro shrugged "Whatever." He saw Era and Kevin in the disatance. "Almost there....hurry up......." He finnaly came up to both of them. "Yo.........its a nice day why is there so much conflict with all of you.....its kinda funny when you argue............" He remembered a the screaming and the fighting it was all funny to him.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Did you honestly think I'd let you leave without me?" She smiled at him and flew lower near him. "I'm not going to lose you like I did Pheobe. Besides I'd rather not be with argues a lot 1 and argues a lot 2." Era joked with him

    "Besides, I'd be devistated if something were to happen to you." Era continued. She looked behind her to see a Spade member standing there.

    "Do we know you? You should probably head back to your base, we're not exactly Spade members." Era stated shooting a glance and smile at Kevin.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "I knew that something like that would have happened." Lagaleeca started to come from behind a garbage can while his other him was nothing more as an illusion and disappeared in flames after being held by Kevin. "So what are you going to do you despicable low down of a recruiter, Will? I recommend that you should go back to the base." Lagaleeca started to walk up towards Will and gave him some documents. "Will you give our leader this. Tell him that Reho is sorry for not coming to him sooner. Tell him that I felt that my feeling for watching over these lowly forms are more important."

    Lagaleeca looked back at Jordan with a stern look and started to ponder. "So delicious to see them go all out. At least I do not have to use my full powers yet. I would have killed them." You, hothead. You and I should go on a walk. I have some things to tell you.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2011
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin smiled a little. "Yeah who are you anyways?" Kevin said as he began walking outside. When he finally was outside he realized they were at the park. " So this base must stretch all over town or maybe even farther" Kevin said as walked up the stairs. Kevin then looked back to see if the others were following behind him.
  18. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Marcus started to walk down the streets with full of regrets. To him, his parents matter. To him, he has no strength to move on. To him, he is all alone. Marcus kept on walking only to see Kevin and two other people having a small smile. "Contentment? Contentment for what?" Marcus kept on walking, trying to avoid being seen by them. "Darius and the others will be mad once I come back..."
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The man outside of Kage's house began studdering, in a bit of fear, replying, "Ma-Ma-Madame Widow has asked for your as-as-assistance. She said she needs you to he-he-help Lagaleeca at the Spades ba-base. She said to 'let loose'." He awaited for his answer as he stood outside his door.


    Jordan watched as the first stranger ran off with Era and Kevin. "We should probably go no-" Jordan began until Lagaleeca approached him and Will. After hearing him speak he said, "Actually, I'm starting to like this Freak slightly more than others right about now, so he's not a complete low life." As he spoke he moved his head, gesturing in Will's direction. He shot the man a glare as he continued, "And 'hothead' has a name, unless you didn't hear me the first time, it's Jordan. And if you have anything to say, you should be man enough to say it to my face." He got close to 'Reho's' face, in a challenging way. After losing his best friend, Jordan thought he might as well fight if he had to especially if there were no restrictions.
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will cracked his knuckles loudly behind Jordan. "My mission just left the building so I can fight if you want. And I know your not a Spade because I've never seen you around here... If I had to guess I'd say your either Cydnie or Lagaleeca, seeing as how there the only two who have the balls to even approach me." He growled, fire spewing from his notsrils as he prepped his powers for a fight. If it was Cydnie they were screwed because she would mind connect them and kill them. Sure it took her a bit longer on him but she'd still manage. But Lagaleeca he had no idea what her powers were. "So which one are you?"

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