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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Abyssal Knight, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    "HAHAHAHAHAHHA! Sadly, you have no proof that I am on the side of the Defiance. Besides, here are copies showing proof that I am a friend of the Spades. I always keep a spare in case anything happens to the ones that my leader has." Lagaleeca showed Will the papers showing the name, *Reho.* and the other evidence of his joining.

    "So, how about you obey your superior and start fetching for some more bacon like a good little hound would you? Besides, if I was Cydnie, it would have been over but if I was Lagaleeca, then both of you would have been dead instantly. Think about it. If I was one of them, don't you think that it would have been obvious to just take control of all of you since you fools have looked at me? Plus, what would happen if I was Lagaleeca? If I was him, I would have easily demolished that ice wall but I am not him."

    Reho then took back the report from Will in dismay and put his arm around Jordan. "You disappoint you recruiter. You cannot even keep the three a proper greeting. it is better to give them a warm welcome and the treatment that they deserve. Well, shall we go Jordan?" Lagaleeca then connected with Cyndie without the others noticing and started to speak. "*I have Jordan in my possession. Do what you want. Send anyone to pick up Jordan or you can send in a large attack on the two rats called Era and Kevin. OH! And I suggest that Will be "coffinated". He is trying to assume that I am you.*"
  2. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Kevin walked to a nearby bench and sat down. " So....Era we need to get started on finding Pheobe quickly it's getting really late and I'm pretty sure Darius doesn't want me out." Kevin said then paused for a moment and said " I wonder why he wanted me to join the spades anyway..." Kevin said as he looked at his IPhone. " Eleven Forty Five " Kevin said as he looked at Era and the stranger behind her.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Era looked at him and shrugged.

    "I don't know why he'd want you. After that quick intro, he left. Kevin, I'm not going to lie there's something about him I just don't like, I don't know what. Anyways you're right, we need to find Pheobe. How can we do that though? I mean the wind carried your voice to me, but the wind did that on its own and I don't think it'll do the same for Pheobe so were basically hopeless trying to find her in this huge city let alone the possibility of her being anywhere in the world." Era stated before facing him again.

    "But we have to try." Era agreed with him.
  4. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darius had awoken from his slumber and open a portal and walked through it and appeared at a pier. " I remember this place me and...." Darius said ad then caught himself and tried not to mention the name in his head. Darius sat down on the edge of the pier with his legs hanging off the edge. He then looked up at the stars. Darius shed one tear then wiped his eye and screamed out. " Your gone but not forgotten!!". Darius smiled as another tear fell from his eye.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan yawned as he watched the two bicker until the name Cydnie was brought up. 'Cydnie? He can't be talking about Cydnie Harrington. Not innocent Cydnie. But she was at the explosion,' Jordan thought to himself. "Hey 'Reho' or whatever your name is," Jordan started. "This Cydnie girl, you wouldn't happen to know her last name would you?"

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