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Most Hated FF Character

Discussion in 'General Final Fantasy' started by Kitty, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. cozzy_0205

    cozzy_0205 New Member

    I'll say my least favorite from each game in order:
    1 - Desh he was strong but always missed
    2 - Leon he started the whole badass hero thing
    3 - Cozzy cause I couldn't hold a job for him.
    4 - Cecil he's indecisive
    5 - Exdeath stupid Golbez clone
    6 - Cyan he looked like a retarted pirate
    7 - Sephiroth overated
    8 - Phantom Train Layme
    9 - Steiner he was stupid
    10 - Yuna she was too dreamy
    11 - All the NPC's
    12 - Basche he was too noble
    Any of the Tactics - The guy you are in advance Marche grrr he's hair was silly
    Any Crystal Chronicles - The entire Lility tribe, how did they have an empire gawd
    Any Chocobos dungeon - X *twitch*

    Sorry posted my last message twice just filling the duplicate up with something else
    Desh was the name of my fighter in FF1 and Cozzy was the name of the first kid in the old FF3 and Luneth's name in the DS version.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2010
  2. Master Gilgamesh

    Master Gilgamesh New Member

    Cecil was not indecisive :'(
    he was just taught by Odin...thats all...i may as well add my hated FF XII and others in...
    XII- Vaan. I wanna be a sky pirate lol. NO. JUST NO.
    X- lulu. she attacks with a moogle, they have rights, kupo!
    Tactics A2- any non-dismissable clan member, grrr 10 of them.
    Ring of fates- yeah, have to agree on the lilties...
  3. Misty

    Misty New Member

    I really really despise Seymour in FFX. I cannot defeat him, no matter how hard I try, and he's just such a creep! He's so old and he's all like "yeah yuna, I'm like 10 years older than you but we should totally get married."
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    ^I liked him because he was so creepy. Every time you turn around he's there, with his freaky voice and inability to die.

    I've already listed most of the characters I dislike, but I haven't expressed my displeasure with the cast of XII yet, specifically Vaan and Penelo, but also Vayne to an extent. Hate is too strong a word to describe my feelings towards Penelo and Vaan. Most of the time I was just confused as to why they were even in the game. There's nothing notable about either of them. And Vayne is one of the most unlikeable, two-dimensional villains. I prefer villains that I love to hate. Vayne, like the other two, just didn't interest me enough to want to hate him and defeat him.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    This thread is over half a year old. Not allowed to bump it.

    And even though I've posted mine somewhere on this list, might as well do it again... With additions.

    The entire cast of VII. A friend and I listed all their mental diseases. The only one who didn't have one is Cait Sith. But then again, he's a robot.

    Xande, from III. He's a crybaby because his master made him mortal.

    Biran and Yenke from X. They're just a bunch of jack***es to Kimarhi.
    And all of the Luca Goers. They're not even that good of a Blitzball team (But then again, I've made sure I'm undefeated).

    Vayne and Dr. Cid from XII. Even though their intentions were good, their actions kinda eliminate their intentions.
  6. LittleNamine

    LittleNamine New Member

    Le Blanc in FF x-2 :/
  7. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Agreed, but that kind of goes without saying because the entire cast is cruddy.


    Speaking of, I haven't complained about Tifa in this thread yet. XD I honestly don't think there's anything about her I like. Her limits are weak compared to most of her teammates, and I always felt like she was in the way. Her relationship and interactions with Cloud (I'm looking specifically at VII itself, not AC) made very little sense to me. After disc one, I just kept wishing she was the one that died. v_v
  8. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    Ya i agree Le Blanc is just so annoying

    Lulu kinda bugs me too idk i think its her strange outfit and like how she is like creepy and kind of whoreish at the same time idk weird

    ya i agree with you on that too he is weird, took me forever to beat him he just sucks haha

    ( Sorry for the double post)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2010
  9. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    I hate vaneil. Dang u squeeky voice!!!
  10. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    *Sticky talk ;)

    I'm not going to lie, there are some Final Fantasy characters that seriously bugged me. You can't like everyone.

    1. Tidus - Tidus has always bothered me in X; He's way too loud and, compared to Auron, he's rather childish. There was something about his personality that made me cringe and the voice over was terrible in my opinion. How annoying was he to listen to ? >_<

    2. Basch - Least favourite XII character. His story was interesting, but he was more background than anything compared to everyone else. He was decent at fighting, but he wasn't my favourite party member because the other characters were better in most areas. He lacked flare and he just wasted my time because I had get him to the same level as everyone else. (OCD (?) )

    3. Wakka - Blegh Wakka, I swear it was his voice over that turned me away too. I didn't like listening to him, I preferred using Lulu to hit the flying fiends than him, so there wasn't much use of him on my party. I leveled him up as much as everyone else, but I barely used him in battle because he was useless. The other characters were much more helpful than him and his personality was horrid.

    At 8:30 in the morning, that's a decent list for me. At this moment, everyone else seems lovely compared to my three just named.
  11. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    I hate Hope with a passion.
  12. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Agreed. He's the worst FF lead out of any of the games I've played, with the possible exception of X-2 Yuna. You're right, calling him childish and loud. And in a game with a serious tone like X, he just didn't work. Though I'm not sure he'd have fit in better in any of the other games, either. I guess I just like my heroes irritable, reluctant, and mostly silent.

    Wakka is very useful if you're trying to do a No Sphere Grid challenge, which I was bored enough to do a while back, but yeah, horrid personality.

    I gotta disagree with you on Basch- I loved him, used him all the time. But to each his own. XD

    Hmm, Brother in X and X-2 is very annoying. I can't recall if I've mentioned him in this thread yet or not, but he's irritating enough for a repeat if so. Just the way they made him flail around, his voice acting, and especially his incestuous and not at all charming infatuation with Yuna. There is absolutely nothing redeemable or likable about this character, in my opinion.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_- Brother has a terrible outfit. Worse final fantasy style ever. After him would be Barret from Final Fantasy VII. -__-
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I just can't hate Barret. He's so cliche, but it makes me love him even more. Why do you hate him?
  15. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    He makes a poor excuse as a main character. There’s just nothing interesting about him, and he’s basically a bland copy of Tidus.

    Leblanc’s lackeys
    I kind of liked them at first, but having to fight them continuously throughout the game was a waste of time. They were both annoying.

    His whole fighting with a ball and his accent just threw me off. I only placed him in the team when I was practically forced to use him, and to fight a certain boss.
  16. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I merely do not like his personality and decision. He wants to take care of his daughter but he is so caught up in wanting to destroy Shinra that he ends up hurting and killing other innocent people while he is doing that. he even wanted to be leader a couple of time though he has some anger issues. Why, Reeve using Cait Sith has more care for the people and the Planet than Barret and Aerith even made sure that Marlene is safe so that she will not get crushed during the attack on Sector 7. I understand that he has a past that he is struggling with but really, he need to start thinking more of Marlene's well being. She has been saved and been watched over so many times while Barret is still trying to find his own identity. He owe Cloud, Tifa, Reeve and Aerith big time.
  17. Napoléon

    Napoléon Kuroko Fangirl

    I'm glad that somebody else thought that Brother's comments were incestuous ! There was clearly something not right with him and I question as to why they decided to put him in FF X and X-2. Atleast his airship was useful >_<

    Oh man, I actually liked Vaan; He and Fran were a part of my main party set up. For some odd reason, I never considered him to be anything like Tidus. I think the fact that Tidus was too loud bothered me, where as, Vaan was more quiet and less annoying.

    Another character that I didn't like was Rosa from Final Fantasy IV. Rosa was a classical damsel in distress and there's something about that role that bugs me. Granted, she had useful white magic, but that's all she really had. Whenever I didn't need to heal party members she was useless and she was always the first person to die in combat. It was irritating to keep her alive at times and I wouldn't have minded if she wasn't a part of the party. Cecil could heal too, so her role become pointless once he became a Paladin.
  18. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    I meant physically alike. I agree that Tidus sometimes was a little too much, but Vaan was just very quiet in my opinion, to the point that his personality didn't caught my interest and his story never captivated me at all.
  19. Corbenik_979

    Corbenik_979 Member

    i have to agree. He lacks mucho
  20. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I don't know how anyone could not find his comments and actions incestuous. It was incredibly obvious that he was interested in a romantic relationship with Yuna, and anyone who paid attention in X (and I suppose the relationship was mentioned in X-2 as well, if only by Yuna saying "Uncle Cid" or something; can't remember too well) would know that Yuna's mom and Brother's dad were siblings. And to each his own, I suppose, but I don't think that's cool. I don't know if there's a cultural difference over in Japan, or if the developers just didn't care, or what, but I think it was an odd decision.

    I agree. But I don't mind quiet characters in general; it was more that he was so unobtrusive that he really had no place in the story at all. Vaan and Penelo both could have been entirely left out and the game wouldn't have been lacking. And there were just more interesting characters.

    I also didn't like Gau in FF VI. He was annoying and his abilities were useless to me.

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