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Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by Riku, Jun 3, 2007.

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  1. Xigbar

    Xigbar New Member

    YEAH-YUH....!!! But I like DBZ lol. Anyways, yes Naruto is a good anime, but I prefer.... Ahem..... DBZ. ;)
  2. Omega

    Omega New Member

    eveybode does. i both both of them are good though. lots of action and good laughs huh.
  3. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    gosh! naruto is taking WAY TOO LONG FOR THE NEXT EPISODE!!!
  4. davcho

    davcho New Member

    usually a week to get a episode out unless 2 weeks for a double episode
  5. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    sometimes the 2 weeks dont even give you two episodes...-__-'...
  6. Omega

    Omega New Member

    my pupils, be patient.
  7. Musa

    Musa New Member

    i agree with Flare
  8. Omega

    Omega New Member

    least we're getting closer to shippuden
  9. Blade

    Blade Heroes Have One or Two

    i hate naruto! i was thinking of grabbing a knife when he started saying believe it! i had nightmares
  10. Omega

    Omega New Member

    i think they overdo the believe it's though
  11. Chido

    Chido New Member

    Naruto is a great anime, but the manga is much better. That was until Shippuden came along. But I think Shippuden took to long on the Saving Gaara arc.
  12. rencoinfreak

    rencoinfreak Banned

    yeah, i agreed that manga is way better than anime.
  13. gumbi500

    gumbi500 New Member

    I don't think the Naruto anime's all that bad, if you're watching it for the fighting, and not the character depth and all the rest of it; it's a good 'tune out and have fun' type thing.

    Why they made Naruto sound like he eats sandpaper for breakfast in the english version, I'll never know...I don't care about the 'believe it' bit, every time he opens his mouth I want to mute the TV...it's horrible...
  14. sma2112

    sma2112 New Member

    all of you do know that you probably think it drags because of the fiilleras the anime doesnt drag rly its juwst they had to fill the time between new story relevant episodes with something so they put in unrleated side missions
    but so far in the english version ive only seen one filler so i think in America they aren't planning on showing too many fillers

    yea will in most cases the manga is better than the anime because the manga is usually the original story and sometimes something gets lost or changed in the anime version.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2007
  15. rockerblade13

    rockerblade13 New Member

    I think its pretty cool.:eek:
  16. Black Mage Moogle

    Black Mage Moogle New Member

    ah Naruto!!! I love it, although UK is way behind USA and other countries. Ah well i hope UK will finally get Shippuden
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