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Obama Debate

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Twilight Keyblade, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. twistedmage

    twistedmage New Member

    well the same could be said about Bush Sr. I agree that Regan was one of our best. but there are way more Democrats that helped America better than most of the Republicans.
  2. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    Or they just need to become smarter so they can get a job. Its called "competition". Crime is a lazy way out. Work harder in tougher times.

    Not true, and Twilight makes a great point with Reagan.
    Also, Really the only Republicans you probably know of are the Bushes, when in reality, the Bushes are the most hated Republicans BY REPUBLICANS! They aren't true conservatives! They acted more liberal then anything else when IN OFFICE!!!
  3. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    To relieve all of you, this is the rap song that had a person act & talk like Obama. IT's so funny. XD

    YouTube - Phatdippin' Rap
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  4. twistedmage

    twistedmage New Member

    that was awsome.
  5. I have to say your wrong. The democrats were the party that wanted slavery. If they had there way then people like Martin Luther King Jr, may not have been.

    Abraham Lincoln was a republican. Thank god for him.

    Reagan was a republican and he was one of the best presidents. In fact he is my role model for politics.

    Republicans have been right most of the time. Bush is not what I consider to be a true republican.

    True republicans are the people you can trust with just a hand shake. At least that's how many republicans are in my town. Republicans here are the people that you can enjoy sunday supper with. People who will fish with ya, people who you can trust just by a hand shake.

    Most of the liberals here are the ones that cause alot of crimes and are looking for trouble.

    That's how my town is.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Actually, he isn't really. If he was, then he wouldn't do anything at all.

    Lack of Oxygen, actually.

    It doesn't matter how good he can speak. I'd prefer a President who can do things over one who is an awesome speaker.

    Wrong. Roosevelt didn't get us close to getting out of the Great Depression by the end of his first term. Near the end of Clinton's second term, the economy started faltering. If you think about it, Bush actually stopped it from falling during his first term.

    Actually, it's quite possible that the New Deal actually slowed down the recovery of the economy. It's rather debateable on wheather or not it helped.

    Not true. Perhaps it's better to do nothing and let the economy fix itself. In Capitalism, there is this thing. It's called 'Lazzaie Faire' economics. It means 'hands off.' It is one of the most basic concepts of Capitalism. No government interference.

    Either get rid of welfare completely, or fix it. It is so messed up right now. The wrong people are getting the money. People who squander it away on bad stuff instead of using it to help their lives.
  7. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    The people in the Economy can't be Lazzaie Faire about it. The government doesn't necessarily need involvement, but the people spending their money is what CAUSES the economy to flow, which is why its so delicate. The second it takes a downturn, spending stops, which only increases the problem.
  8. America's video game companies need to try and compete better with the Japanese video game companies. Instead of focusing only one the European and American gamers, they should expan int the Japanese market. This will cause American video game companies to have better sells which helps the American economy because no matter if you have a job or not, everyone buys video games.

    No onto a more serious matter. This economy has not effected my spending to much.
  9. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    It has affected mine, to a degree. I get less hours at work, so I get a smaller paycheck, so I need to cut back on what I do. It's not crippling, I just need to budget.
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Ok. I want to be a video game developer & I told almost everyone about this. I don't know if we can sell in countries like Mexico, Hawaii, France, Africa, Germany, then that'll be gweat! But I would rather be into making than selling games. Would the goverment allow that, I don't know.
  11. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Would the government allow you to make video games? Yes. Would they allow you to sell to other countries? Probably. I don't see why they wouldnt.
  12. I would hope they would have enough common sense to cash in on the video game industry since it is one of the biggest entertainment industries in the world.

    American video game companies need to start making RPG's if they want to do well in asian countries.

    Obama should look at the video game industry to help with economic growth.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I don't know. He might look into the medical department & the common things that they know, like schooling, which is also important. I'm thinking of making a Xenosaga 4. I love Xenosaga & don't want it to end. I'm also thinking of doing a Final Fantasy 15 (Depends on how they do the Final Fantasy) I need to do more research on the gaming companies & what I need in that career. Obama will also be into the plumbings & the government & business. I'm also thinking of a Super Smash Bros. War game that really clicked in my mind. Would Obama be into the gaming companies, I don't know.
  14. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Actually, his bill is to make everyone pay for their healthcare or they get fined.

    It sucks.

    His bill, also, to make everyone have at least "3 months of basic training" is highly suspicious. It's exactly what Hitler did before Germany crashed. Plus, it's essentially slavery, just presented with a new title. >_>

    Our deficit is far worse than the Bush administrations, also. Obama is a pawn, it's that simple. McCain would have been the same way.
  15. Where did you here this basic training stuff from? I believe you but I want to see it.

    To Brandon: I should hope he looks at the video game industry for economic growth. Video games are a big part of Japan's economy. I think it should also be a big part of the American economy.
  16. twistedmage

    twistedmage New Member

    are we still on this topic. figured people would be done debating bout Obama. ohwell
  17. twistedmage

    twistedmage New Member

    yeah well im gonna be pissed if that does happen. i tried to get into every branch of the military but they said i couldnt because of my surgery. if that happens im gonna go to every recruiter and ***** them out till one of them lets me join.
  18. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    write your own story, dont steal other stories from other video games. You cant/wont make a FF15 or Xen4 without getting sued...

    Great points.
    I agree with yah 100% broski.
    Our economy is sad.

    Also, our economic fall WAS CAUSED BY TO MUCH SPENDING!!!!! BY WHO YOU ASK!!! GEORGE BUSH!
    You see, he wasn't a true conservative. He was really a liberal running as a Republican.
    And in an economy that is crumbling because of to much spending, who do we turn to?
    A LIBERAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Everything is just screwy, America isnt America anymore, its becoming a socialist nation. We need to stand for FREEDOM!!
    We need to save as a people, and as a government. Also, the government needs to cut taxes!!!
  19. AMEN!!!!!!
  20. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    lol, hahahahahaha.

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