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Discussion in 'Archive' started by KingdomTarts, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    I'll give it my best.
  2. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Yo, name's Knight, but I also go by Matsuda. Have fun on the forum Tarty, hope to see you around :)
  3. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    Welcome to KHPlanet. Have fun and read the rules.
  4. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    Very nice to meet and I will be happy to see you later on the boards.

    Been through a lot of message boards. I think I have a general grasp of rules...

    - No double posting.
    - No excessive swearing.
    - No SPAM
    - No Flaming
    - No advertising
    - No Porn

    Am I hitting close to home, lol?
  5. Suriel

    Suriel New Member

    You did well. Congrats. You just forgot the one that says, do not post in threats older than 1 month though.
  6. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    Well, I broke that awhile ago. I was going around looking up subjects I could relate to/help out on and neglected to check "Date Posted" I was quickly reprimanded, however. You learn from your mistakes.

    So, in the interest of fixing past mistakes...

  7. Fresh Sage

    Fresh Sage Member

    Multiple men armed with guns are coming to arrest you for reviving old threads. Do not attempt to fight back.
  8. Remedy

    Remedy Remnant

    yo sorry for late welcome, but hey and stick around.
  9. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    I'll do my best. Thanks.
  10. TradeDemon

    TradeDemon King Kong

    Welcome to the site :) a three page long welcome thread. Nice going :)
  11. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    I must of made a good impression, lol. xD
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Kind of a late welcome, but welcome to the site. I'm Destiny, you can call me Des. Go check the rules, and I plan to see you around the site for a long time.
  13. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I've seen you around.

    So, I drop by to welcome. Tarty!

    -Glances at desktop- Google Chrome? Why?
  14. KingdomTarts

    KingdomTarts New Member

    I plan to be around the site for a long time. Anyway. Thanks for stopping by Des.

    Thanks, I appreciate the warm welcome.

    It was a recommendation from a friend. Now my computer won't let me get rid of it. So I'm stuck with it. *shrugs*
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Haha, I would so get my friend back for that.

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