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Open Challenge Thread

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Zerieth, Oct 11, 2009.

  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer


    Class: The Judge


    Abilities:Able to judge against cheaters. If he penalizes you, that judgement is final. Any whining will get you in even more trouble.

    Powers: Uses all of the major magics (firaja, Thundaja, etc.) Along with ultima. He can move at eye blinding speeds as well. Any one who can defeat him is truly the ultimate fighter. He has mastered many combat disciplines, and has learned the Kaze no Kizu, The Wind Cutter, which lets him fire the equivelant of an explosion at his enemies.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2009
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    XD HAHA!! You went & used original characters Moog. Easy win! DX WHAT?! NO WHINING?! THAT'S JUST NOT FAIR! Anyways, what if the character dies or flew out of the arena? Is that a automatic win for the person who made the opponent die? Also, is the rp based off of how many hits we get on the opponent? Another question is that if we win three fights, what'll happen next?
  3. Wait a second where is the actual R.P. for the fights?
  4. Moogle

    Moogle Well-Known Member

    So essentially DnD fighting rules apply - with talking as a free action? Tee-hee! This'll be fun. . .

    And anyways, Kilet* will still have fun fileting people, even if he is an OC.

    (*Prounounced "Keel-Ey")
  5. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I'll make the arena's hard to fly out of. If i make em that way, then some kind of problem will occur to the poor sucker falling into acid/spikes/a bottomless pit/what ever terrible things i will come up with =D. Once you fall out of the ring, i will do lots of terrible things to you but ultimately you will be dead.

    As for the, "What if he dies?" Well that's a stupid question, which calls for a stupid answer. Duh? Of course the corpse, becoming even more corpsey, will lose the fight. Whats he gonna do? Come back to life, and hit you with his disembodied head?

    If you win three fights, you will have to wait until the finals. Basically, you will not have to enter a fight. If you do, you could be risking it. Remember, 2 losses no matter what will result in your being unable to make the finals. If everyone gets that, then i will pick the guys with the most wins/points left before they got their second loss.
  6. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Alright then,so when does this start?We can still let people in if it is still the first rounds,but after that defintly not.Or are we just gonna wait and then not take any more people till a follow-up tournament?
  7. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    The First Fight

    I can start us now in some free style matches. Just so you guys can get things down. Things that happen during these matches will NOT contribute to your tourney score. Again, its just to figure out how it works. I might partake of a few free styles myself. Just cause i made this doesn't mean i can't have some fun. I will refrain from tourney matches. So without further ado, lets get started in some fights. 2 people i shall pick for the first fight in the Rp Arena. Lets see now...

    Ok Here is the first match.

    Rp Arena
    Free Style

    First Fight

    (SummonerBrandon) Hrist
    (Moogle) Vincent

    So lets get going to,
  8. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Alright then.Hey,just to make sure,what do people who are not fighting do?We just sit back and wait,make comments,or there do nothing,but can make comments here (Like this would be where the crowds are in an arena)?

    Edit: Disregard the first one on commenting there,I just read the first post on the actial Arena page
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    you can post in here if you like
  10. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Alright then,thank you for the info.Moot point right now,of course,have to wait for SB anf moogle
  11. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    I will have a character up at a later time.
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    To make it so we don't get cluttered, i'm gonna start an alternate thread for spectators. That way this can stay as an ooc. Thank you all.

    Do click here if you wish to make comments.
  13. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Is the rp stands is for our characters that is not fighting?
  14. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    More like for anyone who wants to comment on the people fighting.
  15. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Name: Darius Nikolaidis
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Race: Oltarian Spartan (Oltar is a parallel dimension of Earth)

    Ever since the age of 12, which saw the start of his physical training. Darius has striven to be as physically fit as he possibly can be. And by a look at his body today, he has more than achieved this goal. At a height of five feet ten inches, he has an almost flawlessly formed body, with the notable exceptions of a few minor natural deformities, which are so insignificant that they aren’t even worth the mention at this point. His muscles are clearly kept, and of course, strong even in their appearance, being akin to any Olympian athlete. His posture is one of a smooth and defined nature, and each movement his body makes is done so with a strong sense of purpose.

    His skin has a glossed, shined tan, which is rather on the dark side, though not very much so. The texture is generally perceived as smooth, and soft, which is a shock considering the amount of muscle tissue underneath. His chest, and his abs bear a series of rough scars indicating a rough past, to some extent, or possibly just one of a foolish youth. Either way, they are there. Upon his back, aligned perfectly with his neck, and reaching half way down, is a tattoo, which depicts a Spartan style spear, decorated with two oriental style dragons weaving around each other.

    Detracting somewhat from his generally attractive appearance is his hair. Dark brown in color, it is long, wild, and untamed by anyone at this point. He also maintains a five o’clock shadow.

    As a standard for clothing, he wears a more simplistic style of clothing, usually consisting of an open black silk made vest, a pair of semi baggy black sweat pants, and red and black martial arts shoes. Wrapped around his wrists, running up his forearms, are two leather made gauntlets. His hands are held within two leather-esque gloves with the thumbs and fingers all cut off.

    In the past, prior to a set of more than mildly dramatic events, Darius had been in the trademark character of his people. He was the truest of Spartans, loyal to his kings, and to his generals, and of course, to his state. He was at heart a warrior of the highest caliber, willing to go into battle, and to die of for everything, and anything that the state felt was necessary to fight and die for. He was what one might call a sheep-lion, a brave man, who followed the heard, and the barking of the dogs that lead is chain.

    But after a series of, or rather, one massive, traumatic event in his life, his personality began to shift slightly. He came to question the motives of the state, and question the need to constantly do battle against other states, and other nations. Oft, he wonders why he ever allowed himself to be a sheep in the first place. The state, now meaning nothing to him, in favor of his own person, he has abandoned the following of the state’s orders. He is, in many respects, a free man now.

    But some habits diehard. He still has a natural inclination to do battle, and if anything, has become more and more violent in combat without the restraint of orders from the state to bar him from restraints. But he is not one who goes seeking battles, lest the opportunity to make a challenge presents itself to him.

    One might describe hi in a nutshell as being “Fierce in battle, and reverent in peace.”

    In days now long passed, a sword smith would put a portion of his own being into each and every blade they would forge. These blades. Would thus, consist of a portion of their life force, giving the blade what was believed to be a spiritual embodiment, giving the blade a will of its own, to some extent. The receiver of this blade would then focus a portion of their own life force into the blade as the bond between them and their weapon strengthened. The end result: The wills of the blade, and the wielder became intertwined with one another, and the weapon can be controlled even when not in the hand of its user. This blade in particular was the last one that its maker had created in his days. Designed for Darius’ specifically, it has seen the warriors through many battles, and the bond between user and weapon is one of great potency.


    Life Force Focus –
    Darius is able to manipulate the very energy that forms the life force of his being. This force, commonly referred to as chi, is defined as being of a pure energy form, which contributes to the physical prowess, and longevity of the individuals who can manipulate them to their liking. Being one such individual, Darius, though now young, can potentially retain his youth for some hundred years, before his life force wanes, and his body crumbles. He holds a large reserve of chi, internal to his body, which he can tap into at any time, to amplify one, more multiple aspects of his physical body. By focusing his life force externally to himself, he can manifest raw kinetic forces, or bursts of pure energy.

    Life Force Sensitivity:
    Darius, like many of his fellow Oltarians, possesses the sixth sense, that is oriented towards the feeling of the life forces of those around them, provided that those life forces are not cloaked. Even a hiding opponent cannot truly stay away from this sense. Likewise, he is able to block his own life force from detection by others.

    Astral Manipulation –
    A gifting power, which grants its possessors control over the spiritual energies that exist internal and external to themselves. It is these sorts of powers that have allowed some many people to traverse the omniverse, and visit, and do battle against the peoples of other universes from their own. The break down of these powers, by Darius’ race, divides said forces into two primary categories: Benevolent, and Malevolent. A benevolent spiritual force is one that derives the positive aspects of the powers. It is a force of creation, defense, and healing, and all other “good” results of its power. On the flip side of it, a Malevolent spiritual force is one that derives destruction, offense, and injury, and of course, any other negative aspect that my spawn from the use of such forces.

    Omniversal Travel:
    To a being that is able to utilize the astral energies of their universe, the dividing barriers that separate the planes of the omniverse are as thin and destructible as a piece of tissue paper. By focusing the astral energies that form the spiritual barrier between his universe, and others, by way of “portals”.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2009
  16. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    I think I'll get in on the action too.

    I'll have to plan when I get on though.


    Appearance-I know this pic may be small, but I couldn't get any larger.
    18 years old, 6'4", wearing a light brown suit, open in front, with a white dress shirt exposed underneath, and a red tie. Hair is a dark/light brown, with a japanese face. He has transparent wings on his back that can only be seen while he flying/floating, but they look more like an air distortion. (think gas fumes)

    Weapon-A golden sythe that is light, despite its materials. He summons it from his life force, which slightly weakens him. While using the sythe, he loses some strenth with every missed swing. While in use, you can see his life force connected to the weapon.

    Abilities/powers-Has the ability to fly at any time. Though his wings seem corporeal, the can be injured with magic. Has the ability to summon a golden sythe, that is connected to his life force. Using it drains his strenth with every missed swing. Though made of gold, it is quite light, due to the connection via the soul. He can phase in and out of the physical realm, but only three times, every ten minutes. His strengh and speed rise along with his adrenaline.

    Listed Abilities-

    Summon Sythe (weakens when he misses)

    Flight (wings can be harmed only with magic, but the body is vulnerable)

    Temporary Phase. (three use only in a fight)
  17. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    How do you define "REAL CHARACTERS?"
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Ones you didn't create.

    Oh that wonderful sentence structure from Zhyriad sent a shiver down my spine. Beautiful, with but one issue. Since when do you couple the words of for? Other than that it is very impressive.

    Now it would be so unfair for poor Vincent to fight again right away so who shall i pick?

    How about,

    Rp Arena
    Fight 2
    (Reonarudo Butsuchiru) Reonarudo Chiisutofupu Bustuchiru
    (Legend Seeker) Jacob

    This should be fun =D. Battle starts when they notice. If the don't start trying to kill each other by tomorrow, i'll send a pm.
    Yikes, thats a long name. I'll just call him Reo after this if you don't mind.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2009
  19. Become

    Become Resident Tashian Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Dang, I hate the waiting game. (Zhy want fighty!).

    Oh, and I'm gonna make another character for this.


    Both Are 20

    Male and Female

    Kai/Mai share a slim, and athletically build form, which is more built for speedy maneuvers, rather than raw strength. They stand at a height of about 5'8'', and have a well defined physique. They share a purple tinted color hair, and eyes of the same color. Yet the two are not without their differences. Mai has a more feminine appearance, which is, arguably perceived as the more attractive of the two. Her hair runs longer than her "brother's", and is generally more of a smooth style, while Kai's is shorter, and more wild than his "sister's". The oddity of these two is that the brother and sister are of the same person. Two beings, melded into a single entity, able to convert back and forth between each other, simply by altering the physical and chemical makeup of their body.

    The two have generally clad themselves in an ambiguously designed outfit, harking to the old Japanese style of dress. They are clad in a set of black and white colored samurai style robes, topped off with a head band of white, untorn cloth.

    Being of the same person, the two siblings share the same personality with one another, though the personality traits present themselves in different manners with both. Both share a similar cold hearted mannerism towards pretty much everyone they meet, and will do anything to put people down, with little respect for the hearts they break, or the bodies they leave behind in their wake. On the male side, reason tends to overrule all else in this pursuit. He tends to rationalize, and justify his actions, bending laws in some way shape or form to maintain a clear conscience. He often has to remind himself that the people he hurts deserve to be hurt. She, on the other hand, tends to take a more lighthearted approach to the matter. While she justifies, she tends to choose not to rationalize as much, mainly because she thinks he is too uptight about things. While he more often handles situations physically, she prefers to work from a more mental angle.

    While often found with no weapons at hand, their favorites include a massive boomerang, which is slung around their back, which is lined with razor sharp edges, and a pair of daggers, kept along their belt.

    The inherent power of this single bodied duo is a power which they have coined as "Essence Emotion". Yet what exactly this power is, is uncertain. What is known is its effect on the brother-sister, and those that they employ the power against. It is a power that is based upon the manipulation of the mind, to achieve both mental and physical effects on the target, which align with the mental effects taking place. The power is forged of the very essence of all emotion, and each emotion can be employed either as a single force, or in combos. The general effects, are, as stated, aligned with the emotionanl essence employed by them.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2009
  20. Okay, I'm here!

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