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Open Minded Vs. Closed Minded

Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by Yukie, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    wrong. You can. Your a fan of something called the internet right? People fall in love over the internet all the time, and they never see eachother's face till they actually meet, but they are still in love.

    hahahahahaha (laughing at the Buddhist comment and end of life.)

    Agree with you bro

    haha, again, funny as hell bra. If u r serious though...well....u r a fag.

    I agree with the rights thing, i am mainly a liberitarian and i am all for rights and equality to a certain extent.
    But boy, do u bash religion with utter idiocy.
    U cant blame god or faith for those wars MORON!!!!
    It is man's fault, it was the f'ed up individual that did those things. Blaming religion for the Roman Catholic CHurch is like blaming the gun in a crime scene. Its not the gun's fault, its the person who pulled the trigger.
    Take that to heart.

    But basically u r doing what i dont like. U think everyone here is putting down geys and u feel all sorry for yourself, but we're not, we're debating. So, what do you do in self pity? You look for any and every thing that is sinful to compare with homosexuality. U look for ways to make homosexuality seem "ok".
    I see it as this. Guys like to jack off, right? Well guess what, they know wat they r doing is wrong, but at least they keep it secret. I look at homosexuality in the same manner. Do it behind closed doors, and there isn't a problem is there?
    U see, that is the ultimant compromise. U get to do your thang, and no one yells at you for me crazy liberal radical s o b'z.

    hell yeah brah.
  2. Colonel Caboose

    Colonel Caboose The Man, the Myth, the Legend

    Your right when you talk of religion. It is of man and man for centuries has been corupt. It doesn't matter if your gay or just a lier. God loves you so much He sent his son to die for you. What you need to know is God is a righteous God and he made laws. Just as we have to obey the law here in America, God has made his law and unfortionatley this one is under his dislikes. It doesn't offend me that you are gay and more power to you to speak up. But don't miss the big picture here. Everyone is so caught up about what they want to be able to do weather it's drinking, smoking, etc.... God is spiritiual, we live in this world as physical beings, we need to breath, drink, eat, sleep, have pleasure etc... Some of these we would die without. God has made it clear that we are to be man and women. That's his rule not mine. How much do you love God? I know if for example if he didn't want me to watch T.V. I would give it up. To say you are a Christian is to say you are Christ Like, that's where it originated. Christ died for you, if you really believe that, then you know it was so you could go to heaven with him. Is sex really worth 70+ or - years of your life, compared to eternity of total greatness, that I can't even explain. Closest I can get is imagine your best day ever in life, now x that buy a million. Keep it cool and do your homework, your after life depends on it. Sex if over rated, don't let Satan fool you!!!!!!
  3. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Exactly. It's a thing called 'attraction.'

    Exactly. To 'love one another' as in to see everyone as a friend or a part of your family with how intimate your connections are as human beings.

    He actually isn't searching for anyone to pity him. That was him standing up for what he believes. And homosexuality isn't just 'okay' -- since you know, no one's asking for permission.

    To be honest, Christ dying and all isn't really that big of a deal to me, personally. There's no connection between what he did and the general population. If he wanted to make more of a bang, execution wise..I think it would have been much more interesting if he was gutted and decapitated.

    You can't really say that you're going to die in the name of something, if it'll always continue. I've always found the whole thing to be quite egotistical, really.

    Christ died for the situation at hand, and because he was caught by a bunch of romans who didn't like him that well :/ And in terms of 'greatness in eternity', I can believe in heaven. But I think that the whole law of 'who can get in and who can't' is actually an enormous misinterpretation.

    It's not like gays go walking outside with their penises hanging out. There's more to homosexuals than just 'sex' you know.
  4. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    I don't trust in religion. I trust in God. Look you don't understand the reason we love God. He sent his own son to die for us, he cared enough for me and you that he let his own son die. How could I betray such perfect love? Sure I will continue to sin, everyone does. But I will never deny my God.

    And of course I want my Kids to trust God and put their faith in him. I mean God knows the number of hairs on your head. He knew you before you were ever concieved in your mother's womb. So why wouldn't I want them to put their trust in such a powerful and loving God.

    But trusting and believing in God doesn't mean you have no will of your own. God gave us certain jobs that we have to do. It's the job of christians to fight for what we know in our hearts to right. It's our job to be a light unto the world.

    Look I can tell that you are confused by the teachings of some religious leader or something. But trust me when I say that once you have a loving relationship with the true living God, with Jesus himself you know the truth and you know real love. Sure sometimes I question why things happen and I don't have all the answers. Sure my life isn't perfect. God said christians would go through hardships.

    God isn't being mean when we go through trials and troubles, it's our ob to trust him and if we do that along with effort we put in ourself we can pull through anything.

    America has trusted God for so long and that is why we were the strongest nation in the world. But God says that if a nation turns away from him that he will turn away from that nation. When this country allows abortion, homosexuality, the ten commandments being taken out of the court house buildings, "Merry Christmas" being replaced with "Happy Holidays", and prayer being taken out of schools, do you think God is still going to bless us?

    Of course not. This is why our country is in so much trouble. We have lost the moral conviction that comes from God. Turn away from the ways of this world and just love God and trust him and I promise you things will get better. When this country realizes what the founding fathers already knew, that if we don't fear a God then we will try to become God and that is the begining of the end of society.

    Look at the roman empire, they accepted homosexuality, they even had early methods of abortion (though it was really an induced miscarriage), and they turned away from God. When they did this, in a matter of years they were destroyed, their society failed.

    And you don't think something similar will happen to America? Because we are making the same mistakes, don't repeat the mistakes of the Roman empire.

    Again it's not about religion, it's all about God and Jesus. I don't agree with everything the church does and i'm baptist not catholic.

    I mean I don't like that the catholic church killed the Knights Templar. But my faith isn't in religion, it's in the one who saved me from myself. From my sins, from going to an eternal hell. And I will forever be gratefull to him for that.

    Liberal bible researches are not a very trust worthy group as the tend to not have strong faith in the first place. I think you need to get off the liberal band wagon and try to understand the other side like I have.

    That's just not true. Love is the most pure emotion in existence. The bible says God himself if love but that it should only be between a man and woman.

    No ofcourse you can be both attracted to someone and love them but they are not the same.

    I'm not saying all gays are pedophiles, i'm just stating the research that says they are more likely to become pedophiles.

    Yes it will. When Jesus comes back there wont be homosexuality anymore.

    Until then christians have to fight against gay marriage.

    Okay you want me to prove my point then fine. King James wanted to create the most accurate english translation possible of the bible and so put so much time into doing so. The result was the King James bible, and it's the one most of us read. This bible has the most accurate translation of any bible and it too says homosexuality is a sin.

    My grandparents didn't have to see a homosexuality in public and neither do I. I mean I don't want to go to a restuarant and see a man kissing another man. It makes me sick to see that. I mean it is so nasty. Can't they wait till there home to do that? I consider this in my face.

    Look homosexuality is a choice and when you decide to be one you know the social stigma given to that. We should'nt have to live with gays, our grandparents didn't and neither should we.

    Attraction = Lust.

    Nope. It means love everyone has in to do good for people. Giving to a charity or visiting people in a hospital. Doing good unto all people is what "love on another" means.

    Not seeing everyone as a friend. Friends are people who have similar beliefs as you who you feel comfortable to hang out with and talk with.

    Like i'm not going to be a friend to a gay guy. I mean i'm not going to kill him or beat him up, but he's not a friend of mine. If he is physicaly hurt or something of course i'll help him but i'm not going to be best friends with him.

    Same thing with a woman who aborted who baby. To me she is a murderer and i'm not associating with a murderer.

    I'll pray for these people but I don't have to be their friend.

    You're allowed to be gay because it's a free country but we just don't want you getting married. And most Americans do not like homosexuality and that wont change.

    I take that as an insult. Jesus isn't some movie star, his death was the ultimate sacrifice. He did'nt have to die but he love us enough to take our sins for us. All we have to do is accept him and truly believe he is lord.

    Once you accept christ as your savior then you get into heaven. Jesus died to give you a way to heaven. All you have to do is accept him.

    The bible speaks of people going to hell. So yes there is a hell and people go to it unless they accept christ as lord and savior.

    And don't say i'm trying to scare you. I'm only telling you the truth and sometimes the truth isn't always what you want to hear.

    You can't just twist religion to fit you, because then it's wrong.

    And Jesus was betrayed by Judas but the bible said that all of this was in God's plan.

    We should'nt have to see a man dressed like a woman or talking like one. It's unatural. They are guys so they should act like guys and marry the opposite sex like nature inttended and like God wants.
  5. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    And Christ is allegedly supposed to come back....when?
  6. Mythril Roxas

    Mythril Roxas New Member

    I agree with everything they've said (Soul Knight and Guard), except i'm not so much a believer in the whole "Jesus died to take away your sins" shpeel.

    Attraction = lust

    why cant geys just keep it indoors? Thats all i ask. Answer me Autopsy or who ever. Answer that.
    Why cant they keep it to themselves and their "lovers"??

    Its a free country right?
    Then why are geys trying to shove their beliefs and ideals down the throats of the masses?

    Do u c? U cant have your cake and eat it to. the world doesnt work that way.
  7. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Why do they have to keep it in doors? At the same time, just because someone is gay or bisexual doesn't necessarily mean that they'd have to 'hide' anything, when they're not really exposing it to begin with. Some do, some don't. It's the same thing with straight people and public displays of affection. To be honest, there isn't really a difference between gays and straights other than whom we choose to love or mess around with.

    By 'keeping it in doors' you're basically saying that gays should be treated like animals, and should hide themselves just because a small population of people don't agree with it. Even though its most often the case that you wouldn't even know that some people are gay just by looking or talking to them. There are actually a large amounts of people who seem heterosexual, but actually aren't because they don't choose to act like their stereotype. Like not all gays 'act like women' and not all lesbians 'act like men.' Those are a bunch of media fallacies that only focus on two out of many versions of how the LGBT community looks and acts.

    And as for the 'you can't have your cake and eat it too' - statement, it actually applies to both arguments. We're not going to hide, and you're not going to back down. And you're not going to hide, and we're not going to back down. I should also mention that your arguments are the primary reason why a lot of gay teens end up committing suicide because they live in small, tight knit conservative communities and their families don't accept them. For example, I have a gay friend who lives in Charlotte, North Carolina and it is this enormous conservative area. He can't really come out to too many people about his sexuality, or else he'd be out on the street, or dead by hate crimes.

    And when it comes to 'shoving down beliefs' - each side is guilty in every respect. You try to lecture us by attaching yourselves to scriptures from a bible that's been re written over and over to fit a small group's interpretation of what God 'truly' wants. Then since we believe that love is something to be shared amongst everyone, we're not going down the same road you are. Plain and simple.

    I should also bring up the fact that every nation and country in this world has a large homosexual population. So the whole thing about 'nations falling because of gays and abortions' makes absolutely no bit of sense. The reason Rome fell was because it couldn't control its population and grew so expansive to the point where it simply disbanded. In reality, that's actually a misconception because Rome 'truly' falling would be it being wiped from history, when many roman practices and trends have found their way deep into our society. Especially in our architectural and political systems.

    Then as for America, we're only the strongest nation in the world (somewhat) because of our bad ass military, cultural diversity, and our imperialistic tendencies of having our business franchises all over the world where its workers are forced to make our products and because their own national socio-economic status is so bad that they have no other choice. America isn't in a recession because of gays or abortion. It is because of our capitalistic lifestyles of buying crap that we don't need for generations at a time, and combined with us focusing on breaking the equilibrium in our supply and demand, the American population and us going into debt because of war are the reasons for us consistently going down the drain now a days.

    You need to stop using homosexuality as a scape goat, when there are much larger issues at hand. I'll also mention that America's Allies also have homosexuality as well. Hell, even Canada supports gay marriage and even has a free health care system. What horrible things do you ever hear about in Canada, England, France, etc relating to homosexuality? Or even using it as scape goat..? Absolutely nothing.
  8. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    I agree with Autopsy on this.

    If gay's can't be open outdoors, then neither should straight couples. That's the worst kind of censorship and prejudice, to make people's lives hidden simply because they live differently than you. It's ignorance.

    Also, as she said, not all gay guys are girly and not all gay girls are butch. I have quite a few gay friends where I live and they are exactly like straight guys only they just don't prefer vagina. Nothing against vagina's, they just think penises are better. And on an emotional level, some of them have told me it doesn't feel right to them being with a woman. Take it as you will, but don't marginalize individuals based on ideology to keep your lives happy. That's tyranny in my opinion.

    As for this "attraction = lust" thing, I agree with this. And I also say shame to you for thinking down on this ideology. My current relationship was started due to a physical attraction, and trust me, it is MUCH more than that. I am perfectly okay with just being around her and not doing anything sexual. I just genuinely like being around her, and I know how to appreciate someone and be responsible and not be a pig. Having standards for your relationships isn't bad; in other words, not dating fat chicks because they're fat is okay sometimes to some people. If you know them for a while and like their personality, then that's alright too. But don't tide on lust = attraction, because truthfully it is physics. If it weren't that way sometimes, you'd be denying your humanity and basic instinct, thus robbing yourself of truth and love. That's just how I feel.

    Also what's with this constant leaning on God and Jesus stuff? Have some intuition and creativity with your life and do something for yourself (in an unselfish way of course). Plus that mind-set, no offense, divides you in terms of consciousness, thinking and behavior. You're ignoring a much bigger picture, which is that every person on this Earth is here regardless of ideology, values and beliefs. If you want to mince and be unrealistic in terms of consideration and love, then fine, you can do that. However you're not only killing yourself. You're hurting others as well. The integrity of the individual is dependent upon the integrity of everyone else, and unless you stop splitting up perception into countless bits based on values and beliefs... wars, poverty, corruption, robbery and defeat will never end.

    Also, America is not the strongest nation in the world. We have the strongest military sure, but we are doomed financially. Countries aren't finding the dollar very credible these days and it's only a matter of time before we collapse like Rome because the population is unmanageable due to a soon to come martial law & police state on a mass scale. We are very close to falling, if you weren't blinded by the idealistic sociological perspective you hold (oxymoron, baby), which tells you America "is great, the best, is indestructible," and so on.

    America as far as I can see, is an economic empire which is graduating from collapse into totalitarianism. You find it radical? It isn't, it's reality at this point, because world-wide currency is on the agenda as well. So, in reality, America is fucked.

    Also, shame on the idea we're "the best," because we've used countless corrupt tactics in order to get to where we are. Foreign governments being manipulated by our CIA and branched agencies, countries being put into poverty due to debt to our banks and IMF, the list goes on. We're a shamed country on an international scale. But hey, we live in America, so we only get the benefit, right?

    Just my two cents.
  9. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    Jesus was gay, he had 12 men follow him around and wash his feet and stuff.

    Sounds pretty gay to me.
  10. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    dude......they were his deciples. i aint christian but i think its wong to say that jesus was gay.
  11. Avalantos

    Avalantos Mr. Detective

    if you say so ;)
  12. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Because it's disgusting and no one should have to see it in public.

    I mean what's next is the gay community gonna want Disney to make a movie about a prince marrying another prince?

    We don't want gay movies, gay holidays, gay anything. We don't want gay anything anywhere. Keep it out of society.

    You're allowed to be gay and that is all. Men and women have always been shown to the public to marry. It's always been in our society, to allow the gay community is to allow homosexuality on our TV's, on our radio's, and in our schools.

    So keep it in the closet and let it stay there.

    A small part of the population? How many times must I say this, the American population is MOSTLY CONSERVATIVE!

    Which means christians are a majority and conservatives are a majority. Gays are a minority!

    In fact I believe only 9% of the population is gay. So majority rules, we don't want homosexuality accepted.

    Look I would never kill a Gay guy, I would'nt kill any person (Unless they were a killer or terrorist).

    Look it's supposed to be a husband and wife with some kids in a nice home. That is the ideal American family and if gays don't like it then whatever, I can't make everything perfect for everyone.

    Be gratefull you live in a country where you can be gay, you should'nt push your social luck.

    Wrong, I don't shove my beliefs down anyone. I simply tell them the truth of the word of God, they are the ones that eventualy must make the desicion to follow God or not.

    Let me make this clear as a christian I love you as a person but I do not and will never accept your ways.

    There is a difference between loving a person and hating the things they do. I hate homosexuality, but I love the gays as people.

    Just stay out of society and continue living your homosexual life in peace.

    Get a history book. A society that does not have high morals always collapses. A society can't be great without God.

    Rome collapsed, Soddom and Gomorrah collapsed and America may be next.

    But it's America we should be able to buy whatever we want with our money. If I want to buy a video game I will buy me a damn video game.

    That is none of your business. This is how capitalism works.

    Just admit the truth, you hate America and democracy.

    Canada's health care sucks. People have to wait months for care.

    And you're right there are bigger issues so why are you bothering everyone with gay rights?

    Take your own advice and shut up so we can focus on importan stuff.

    But straight couples is tradition and traditional is better in most cases. Straight couples should be prommoted and gay couples should stay out of sight.

    That has how it's always been and it should stay that way.

    Why shouldn't I stereotype the gays? You sterotype us christians as racist rednecks that were born in the mountains as a bunch of incest hillbilly's. But appearantly it's okay to make fun of christians, isn't it?

    Love isn't a science though. It's an emotion and an experience. I don't have to be attracted to someone before I fall in love with them.

    Attraction is just an added bonus.

    And you are one who allows himself to be closed minded.

    Let me ask you something. You probably like living in the here and now, hanging out with friends, having fun and all that right?

    Well not me. I'm a researcher. All that matters to me is finding the truth to questions and then applying that truth to the world.

    Let me ask you another question. Which is more important, truth or people?

    Yes i'm a christian and yes I love God but I am my own person as well. I act on my own but I do it with a knowing of God

    So you want communism? Look the only problem with our economy is that some people are corrupt and alot of people are LAZY!!!!!

    Everyone who can work needs to work!

    If that happens then capitalism works.

    No way, it's either we do it the way the founding fathers did it or we don't do it at all. I would rather die than use a global currency, I have honor and morality, my loyality is to America, democracy, and God. Not to some global government of the world.

    Well if the other countries would stop being so darn rebelious we could have peace. But no you get some middle east country like Iran saying "death to America" and then we have to go in there and destroy their government so we can set up a democracy and free the people.

    Look I know the Iraq war was not the best idea, but if it was me as the president I would have gone in there take out the government, free the people, help create them a stable democracy and get out.

    You have no idea how much Americans take for granite. People all over the world want to come here but our liberal citizens have to complain about everything and then say we are an evil country when there are people all over the world starving but I bet your getting a good meal tonight.

    You know who you can thank for that meal? The men and women who fought and died for our country.

    Honestly you liberals make me sick! You live in the greatest nation in the world, America and you don't even appreciate it. Let me tell you something my dad told me and yes he is a veteran, after seeing the things he had seen he knows this country is the greatest on earth.

    Grow up and be happy you were born here instead of changing everything. I mean do you even care for our veterans? They died for this country and you want to turn us into Europe. Have you no shame?
  13. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    He's joking.
  14. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    if u say so!
  15. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Well it's not funny. I consider somone calling my Lord gay an insult and discremenation.
  16. Icarus

    Icarus skinwalker

    And I don't find it funny that you're trying to take my rights as an American to marry someone I believe is the one I love.

    I consider it rude and blatant disrespect of my rights as a human.
  17. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Tradition is intellectual materialism to me. You hold on to it for too long and the ideology becomes dogmatic and ancient. Tradition can never help anything or cure anything because it is just that: tradition. It is in many ways outdated social behavior.

    Just because it has "always been that way" doesn't mean it should "stay that way."

    It isn't a bad thing to be intellectually dynamic and adapt to new social behavior. The fact you say such a thing like "traditional is better in most cases" makes me wonder if you believe in any kind of change or betterment for humanity at all other than religious retribution and redemption.

    Um. lol

    What's funny is you superimpose I stereotype anybody at all. And before you say "well you assumed this and that," keep in mind I'm simply commenting on social and intellectual patterns shown over time, not stereotypes.

    It isn't that making fun of Christians is fun. I don't like to make fun of anybody. I find that demeaning and in many ways a backwards-cancerous approach to any sort of holistic change that benefits people.

    Good so we're in agreement.

    But I will say attraction helps along the process a lot, in most cases.

    A closed minded person would not say this:

    "And you are the one who allows himself to be closed minded."

    An open minded person would say this:

    "I don't seem to understand what you mean. Could you better explain or show me?"

    Also, the only way to know the truth is to know everything. You can never know the truth, but simply fragments of reality as they are shown to you. What you are doing is not research, it is endless agony and in the end you might have found that you haven't found anything at all. In some ways you are doing research, but it is based on a subjective basis, which has no basis on truth in the long run, because reality is an ever changing, emergent and symbiotic system. History shows this definitively as far as I'm concerned.

    In many ways you are adamant. And I'm not saying I'm presenting the truth or that I'm declaring and empirical formula. However they are at most near-truths and that is as far as you and I can ever get.

    No, I'm not communist. lol

    Yeah that is an economic problem, but another economic problem is the constant inflation, creation of money out of thin air by our fiat money structure, and the ever failing dollar due to those two variables. Do you think people are in a sense "corrupt"? There is no corrupt person necessarily, it is only by a comparative analysis to what is "traditional" and "normal." They are making precise moves in the economy to make sure they maintain the highest profit. That might be corruption of the system, but they are not corrupt themselves. They are just driven by profit. When I say "corrupt persons" what I really mean is "a person who uses corrupt methods."

    Capitalism does work, yes. But it leaves a massive wealth gap regardless of whether it is structurally functional, because profit is always the top priority. Which in turn cuts a percentage of the society short.

    You're very adamant for that belief and your values.

    But don't always think your values and beliefs are the end-all. Like your clothes, you can take off your beliefs at any time and find a more suitable method for how people can all live together. Democracy CAN work, it CAN be functional, but it has a propensity to garbage-out corrupt decisions and eventually lead to a power elite. In turn, creating a fascist nation much like America is today (where everything is dependent upon bail-outs from the major banks). Understanding how the system works is imperative to making that decision. Until you know economics and what really happens in a nation-wide democracy, everything you put in for a belief is simply patchwork. That's just how I felt after doing my own research, anyway.

    That's the main stream account for the truth. There are other theories out there. My personal opinion is that the mainstream truth is a conspiracy theory, and the conspiracy theory is the truth.

    That's what we are doing. However, in our imperialistic economic structure, we NEED to stay in there in order for the country to keep borrowing money from the Federal Reserve Bank, thus fueling debt to the rich power elite as I mentioned before. The more we wage war, the more we spend, thus the more we owe the small handful of bankers who own the international bank systems.

    It isn't that the war is going badly, but in fact it's going exactly as it should be. It needs to be sustained so profits are made. This is our structure at work. It isn't evil, it isn't good, it just is the way it is. And you and I suffer generations of debt due to it.

    Your amazing America is the reason those people are starving due to debt, differential advantage and exploitation, and it's also the reason you can get that great meal at McDonalds for just $5.

    I think you're missing a big part of this is all I am trying to say.

    Those men and women didn't do anything but fuel profits for a few handfuls of individuals--international bankers. They didn't do anything brave at all. They were exploited for monetary purposes. And it's a damn shame.

    You call me closed minded, yet you say "you liberals" as if they're a different species. -shrugs- You tell me who's making the problems--liberals, or the individuals who continue to separate their psyche into democrats, liberals, conservatives, republicans, communists, socialists, christians, jews, muslims, independent voters, the rich, the poor, the taxpayer.

    So many choices. I'm sure you could blame so many problems on all those people. Until you realize all you're doing is avoiding the real problem--we live in a dead system which is no longer relevant to society and the people. The only thing evolving is the police and military, who are so brainwashed by now, they won't stop at killing you in order to keep the population under control.

    There's a bigger picture here, I suggest you pocket it.

    Oh believe me, I wouldn't have lived in any other time period in any other country. I mean, I loved some of the freedoms we used to have.
  18. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Your idea of what truth is and what reality is are not correct.

    Try to think of reality as a building. Every building must have a foundation or it will collapse.

    The same is true with reality. Truth is the foundation of reality, with a single truth Reality would collapse and all of existence with it.

    The only way to create world peace is for all humans to know this single truth. This single truth is the goal of my research. I want to find a reason for everything. I want to know the deepest secrets of reality itself.

    I can't do that by using science alone. I have to use the open minded thought of something bigger than ourselves. I to use the open minded thought that in truth we are just a small part of existence.

    This is the only way for a philosopher to think.

    You see in the end truth matters more than people. If we discover the single truth to everything then we can get rid of all the problems with people and things will be at peace.

    But from what I have seen most liberals only believe in science and wont even attempt to open their minds to more than science because they are too full of their own hatred toward people who believe in something else. So the liberals close off their minds to make themselves believe that this life and this world is all their is.

    It's sad to think you would close yourselves off like that. Just so you can live your little lives.

    Meanwhile I will be one of the next generations of philosophers and researchers that are willing to sacrifices relationships with people so we can get closer to the single truth to save the people.

    I don't blame you for not understanding, the kind of devotion one must have toward research into the field of existence itself is not for everyone.
  19. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    -_________- May all of you just please just shut up about the Jesus & christianity thing. I'm a christian myself, but just take this to the religious thread. Stop playing around saying that Jesus is gay because you might die the next day, though there's a 0.000000000001- 99.999999% chance (Mostly the 000 thing) that it'll happen. Yeesh. Just respect a gay person. I know a boy in my English class right now who's a bi, but I still respect him. He looks as if he's straight too, though he is chubby & don't show any signs that he is bi. I still want to respect & love Autopsy as a human being. Don't feel right & I always love thinking & do positive things.

    -_____- May I please bring up the part when this man went & prayed instead of bringing his daughter to the hospital & she died, making him go to jail? God is not going to do everything for us. If you ask God to help ou bomb a test, he'll either let you bomb it or not at all. Besides, you're supposed to study anyways. He gave you the materials for you to use.

    -____- Christians being rednecks? Whoo hoo. I'm a black redneck. I just need someone to smack me in the back of the neck several times. All of you need to know that stereotyping does not get you anywhere & will only make things worser. I saw this morning about christians having faith & made a hospital or something (I forgot what it was about.). I'm real curious about that. I'm so glad that someone told me that Japan is more modernize & that they don't persecute. I can use Japan as a vacational time to get away from America's problems & drink green tea with anime freaky freaks japanesian friends.

    America is not perfect. America is in big debts. OH YEA! Chicago lost this bet that Obama made to Rio for the 2016 Olympics. RIO IS GOING TO HAVE A BIG BENEFIT! Not only that, people made a poll vote that they trust the military officials to handle things with the next steps in Iran then to trust Obama or to trust both. Then comes health care. -___- I don't even want to go there. Cross that out.

    Oh yea. Let me please let me bring up about lust. Don'tlet lust get to you. It'll ess you up real bad & leave a big hole in you for several days. DX I let my lust get the best of me at a State Fair trying to win a Nintendo Wii & I blew it. The game was rigged & that ten dollars that I could've hold on for food was gone. Lust definitely means attraction or something that is attractive to the eyes or flesh. It's up to you if you want lust to get to you or not. It's the human nature.
  20. Figure.09

    Figure.09 New Member

    Well, Mr. Philosophy, when you figure it all out get back to me.

    I'd love to know the perspective of the way of the philosopher, since all philosophy is singular in basis after all, according to you. :]

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