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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia nodded, "I defended the garden against the 'unversed' and the heartless, it was the one place I would not allow them to destroy." He perked up at the mention of running away, "Yes I meant to talk to you about that, I found the perfect place to run away to... It's a world of in-between, but also a world of nothing. It is the base of operations for the Organization, the group Lea, Isa, and at one point, myself, are part of. Lea and Isa plan to help us eliminate each member. Then we'll be free..."
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "A world in between?" She stopped to think. She closed her eyes. "In the realm of Twilight?" She asked even know she knew already because she could feel it. "There would be no light and no darkness, Lu that would be perfect!" She exclaimed smiling.

    She looked around at the garden.

    "I wish this world though was in that realm." She said looking around the garden.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia nodded, "Yes.... however, that isn't what we need to be talking about now..." He happily pulled Angel to the bed they shared years ago, eager to get started. "We did this... here once before. The first time for both of us. It was... amazing... our shared powers, blossomed like the flowers in the spring." He chuckled, "Now, years later... we will do it again, and this time, this time there will be more... No hesitation, no worries... just love between you and me... My Elegant Angel, and her Graceful Lumaria. Though I am Marluxia now, I am still Lumaria at heart..." He summoned vines to cocoon them into a ball, and as Marluxia and Angel grew more enticed, more romantic, and more touchy, they finally made love.

    OOC- Fire away Nicole, make this one epic. ^^
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC: Jesus christ, why on Earth am I doing it. Eh, I guess a writer has to do what a writer has to do...

    WARNING NC-17 Content in this post, if you feel uncomfortable reading it, then skip to the next post.


    Angel smiled at him as he laid on top of her. He took off his cloak tossing it to the side revealing he had no shirt on just his black pants and boots. Angel looked at his chest and abs. When she was younger she always thought Lumaria was strong, but looking at him now, she could clearly see he has gotten stronger and more buff.

    It started out first as a simple make out session. Lu's mouth met hers. He asked for entrance with his tongue, Angel granting that very entrance into his mouth. The kissing was first simple and sweet, their tongues danced together exploring one another's mouth. The kisses were long and slow.

    Over time of their session, adrenaline soon kicked in as their kissing intensify, become more passionate and rougher with each other. The kisses were faster and they would take a millisecond to breathe before going back to kissing.

    Angel's hands dug through Lu's pink spikey hair and Lu's hand slowly began to unzip the dress using his powers and vines to help him remove the dress. She laid there in her bra and underwear. Angel smirked into the kiss as she used her own control over the vines to take off Lu's boots and pants.

    Lu slipped his hand under the bare of her back and lift her up into him as the vines grabbed hold of her underwear and pulled it off he unclipped her bra pulling it off.

    In no time both of them were dressed in their best birthday suits. Lu pulled away from Angel's mouth. Lu looked at Angel as she opened her brown eyes to look in his blue.

    "For so long I have missed you, I missed hearing your voice, seeing your face, and the general being with you, now they have all returned. There's only one last thing..." He said. Angel smiled at him as she opened her legs for him to get in place. First he slipped his finger into her pressing against the walls of her inside as she tightened around his finger. He pushed his finger in deeper as Angel let out a small moan, and it wasn't even the real thing yet.

    "Damn it, Lu..." Angel muttered.

    "Patience, for so long though I've only gotten to experience it with you once, and that was my first and last time with experience, it was one thing I could not wait to do again. Now I finally get to return-"

    "Lu!" Angel exclaimed in a whine. Lu chuckled lightly as he sat up getting close to her as their two sacred bodily areas rub. Angel bit her lower lip in anticipation. She opened her eyes beginning him to quit teasing her. Lu looked at Angel, he smiled at her brushing his finger around the edge of her entrance. He rubbed her legs before guiding himself into her. Her entrance was tight, signs that she had not only did it once before in her life but that one time was a long time ago.

    Lu leaned down over Angel's body. Angel closed her eyes feeling Lu within her body. She let out a moan but still he did not reach the point of her greatest passion. Lu though continued to dig deeper. He pull out only to shoot back in with a force to dig as deep as possible into her.

    While his lower body did that he explored her body leaving a trail of kisses. His left hand was underneath her back rubbing it slowly and gentle. His other hand position up around her shoulder and neck rubbing out any stress knots. Overall she felt passion and intensity as well as calmness and relaxation.

    Time would pass soon again and Lu pulled out some.

    "Do you want me to truly 'dig in'?" He whispered into her ear. His warm breath made the sweat feel cool. She nodded her head. "Very well." And though a warning was given, not even Angel prepared herself for the force Lu rocketed into her with. She let out a wild scream as he finally got to the place inside her, the spot that was the most tender.

    He continued to hump into her, moans and screams escaping her mouth as well as moans escaping from Lu's mouth as he explored her body some more. He soon felt Angel's back arch into his abs. He bit down on her left breast as she moaned.

    "Lu, I'm going to release." She moaned.

    "Release then." He said as he pulled back some enough to let it drain out but not completely exiting her. Her bodily fluid he felt rush around him and out of her. Angel felt that same fluid touch her legs. Lu dug back in. The area around her entrance was moist. She moaned and dug her fingernails into his back. Lu kissed her entire body. His hair digging through her wet sweaty hair, sure to be all knotted in the morning.

    "Angel, I'm going to release now. In or out?" Lu said quickly. There were many risks of his release. Angel paused to think.

    Angel looked at him. She didn't know what she wanted for sure. Plus she knew he wouldn't be able to hold the release in and decided the best answer, one that made her happy in her current state.

    "Just release. What you want, whatever you want, I want too." Angel said calmly. Lu kissed her deeply and passionately as he released inside of her.

    The liquid from Lu, Angel felt rush inside of her. She felt the liquid settle in. It made butterflies flutter in her stomach, her heart race, her breathing increase, and she felt the microscopic cells within Lu's release seek out her natural gift to bring life into the world.

    Lu broke the kiss and smiled. He felt the complete release he felt so refresh and so happy so proud, so proud of the beautiful woman in front of him, so honored to have this sweet girl to himself, so loving of his true love, so great because of his great wife, and so, so, so excited to have his Angel.

    He could see his future life in front of him slowly flash before him a pregnant wife of his that would make him a father to an adorable baby, who would be their greatest accomplishment child. He couldn't wait and now made his plan to see that future come to life. He wanted that more than anything now, more so he remembered what Angel once told him...

    "Lumaria, I decided what I want." Angel turned to him. They had just finished training.

    "Huh?" Lumaria looked back at her. Angel smiled.

    "I want us to run away, I want to find a world where light and darkness do not exist where there's no true fighting. I want that world to be empty, the two of us to be the only occupants. I want to marry you and have a family, and people seeking similar things of goodness occupy in our world. It would be a world of true peace and love, but most importantly a safe world for us and a family." Angel told him. Lumaria turned and smiled at her walking over laying his hand on her hips giving her a kiss.

    "I like that, and I promise I will find that world, you will become my queen of that world and we'll have lots and lots of children." Lumaria said causing Angel smile and kiss him.

    "I'm holding you to that promise, now." Angel said smiling. Lumaria smirked at her.

    "I promise it." Lumaria told her.

    As Lu was thinking of that he found himself holding another release. He looked at Angel.

    "Angel, I made a promise to you. A promise to find a world with just the two of us, then that world will exist somewhere where no war of light and dark exist." Lu began. He released into her again Angel beginning to look delusional. He smiled at her and gave her a kiss.

    "We'll talk more in the morning." He told her. Angel smiled at him and her eyes closed. Lu stayed within her waiting till her walls loosened giving signs that she was asleep before pulling out of her. He gave her a kiss on the forehead before turning onto his side and pulling her into his chest. He held her tight in his arms and would not let go.

    "I promise, Angel..." He said before falling asleep.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2012
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole looked up at Virgil, trying to place whether or not he had ever seen him before. After a few seconds he shrugged and replied, "Nope. As far as I can remember, I don't know you. But Devlin...." The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't think of where he ever heard of it before. He shook his head of the thought and looked back at Selena. "Well, I landed on this wierd deserted planet and I just saw that Keyblade there. But I couldn't find the owner. But if you're saying he's dead, is it mine?"

    Jordan glanced over at Deimos and chuckled. "Cole? From what I've seen, he might be a force to reckon with. I'll have to see why," he said. He stood up and cracked his neck. He opened up a portal and looked back at Deimos. "Let's just say the last time I heard the name 'Cole' it was in the same sentence with 'DEAD'." He walked into the portal and disappeared.

    "And what are you doing here," a voice asked Violet from behind a tree. A hooded boy walked from behind the tree, arms folded. By the colors and designs on his coat, it was obvious that he was with the seven men who made Devlin do what he did six months ago. The only difference with his coat from the others was that he had no chains.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Violet bowed.

    "I wish to speak to you about Jordan." Violet told him.

    Selena nodded.

    "Well maybe something will jog. I didn't even know you that much, I was just a little girl my friend was Angel, Jordan's was Darian and Cole," she shrugged.

    She stood up and looked at the keyblade.

    "It hasnt left your prescense and I'd say you want to do good, so it's yours, I'd love to take you on as a pupil, though you're pretty strong now, I'd just teach you how to fight with the keyblade and how to use it to increase your power." Selena told him smiling.
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    The boy looked at Violet and laughed. "What's there to even talk about? Is he dead yet," he asked sarcastically. He leaned against the tree, waiting for her response.

    Cole cocked his head to one side. "A pupil," he asked, confused. He smirked and proudly pointed at himself and exclaimed, "What training do I need when I have been training under one of the greatest masters ever for 7 years!" He took back what was apparently now his Keyblade and twirled it until it disappeared.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    OOC- Lol Nicole, so many naughty thoughts are running through my mind. I'll make that post on a computer.

    IC- "Jordan!" Deimos jumped through the portal after the boy trying to figure out what he was up to. "My lord...? Where are you going? Where did you send Violet that she was in such a bad mood?" Deimos was so confused, but his duty was to protect, and he would protect his master.

    Axel sighed, "Oh... good. What'll we do about Lu and Angel? Can they survive on their own Isa?"
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "I see.." he said taking his hand from cole. It was now apparent that he didnt remember Virgil or vice versa. Selena intended to take him on under her wing but the boy claimed he had been under the tutelage of a master for 7 years. "Good luck with that" Virgil said as he walked away. Waving his hand up as he walked off back to the both of them. kicking the door closed behind him. " Tch whatever, kid thinks hes a big shot with Selena." Virgil was obviously annoyed but he let things be what they will be.

    Walking about till he came to a small building it was his temporary home. Turning the knob to the building he strode in taking his jacket off an tossing it on the closest chair near him. " So much going on at once i don't get time to lazy about.." He plopped onto the couch pointed his finger at the TV monitor it came on and he just said there in his own peacefulness. he worried about Ashley but she was with Darien so she was in good hands. if she wanted to talk to him she knew where to find him.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Violet smiled at the cloak figure.

    "Very funny. He's concerned about his friends, and more than anything wants that sister of his with him. But his sister, I sense she's on to something, I can't read her as clear as those other warriors of light." Violet told him.

    Selena gave a small chuckle.

    "If you say so. But seeing as this is the first time you're encountering a keyblade, then it's safe to say you've had no keyblade training what so ever. Plus there's more to training under a keyblade master, more than just fighting or even magic, there's lessons taught about wisdom, and you learn lessons based off of the master's experience, and even lessons based off of their master's experience. Not to brag or anything, but I doubt you've had a master go through everything I went through plus what my master went through." Selena told him.

    OOC:: Violet wasn't mad just thinking your character is an idiot.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole sucked his teeth and folded his arms. "Yeah? Well were you trained under Master Yen Sid," he asked, in a serious tone. He lowered his head, as he always did when he said Yen Sid's name, in respect for the man he could call a father.

    Jordan scoffed and looked at his apprentice. Jordan had planned on visiting the Organization alone, but it would now seem he had 'backup' should fists be thrown while he was there. "Damn it Deimos. I'm here on very important business. And I didn't send Violet anywhere, she probably left on her own free will. Now shut up and follow me," he said, a bit hastily. He walked down a long corridor before arriving in front of Xemnas' chamber, where Vexen, Xigbar, and Xemnas were having a meeting.

    Saix was about to reply, but upon seeing Jordan and someone else behind the corner, he shoved Axel back and covered his mouth. "It's him," he whispered to Axel.

    The masked boy shook his head. "That sister of his will be the death of him. I thought he would have lost it by now, and let The Darkness take over him. Humph, sounds like he's got a stronger will then I thought," he told her. He got off the tree and began to pace. "You suspect Selena, huh? Haha, let me guess, you can feel the presence of darkness in her? So either it was an accident, or Jordan began to plant seeds when he was younger. This is much more interesting than....nevermind," he said, upon realizing he was talking out loud. He faced Violet and said, "So kill her! Either that or bring her over to your side. Not complicated." He obviously thought this task to be much simpler than it was.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I try, Master, but..." She sighed. "It's Jordan himself, I care a great deal and I'd rather not be joining Devlin. I will try to continue to talk with Jordan and try to influence either him or his darkness." Violet said bowing. "I merely come to ask that the council continues to watch carefully" Violet said before disappearing in a portal.

    Selena smiled.

    "I met Yen Sid once, he's a good man, he was my master's master. I trained under Master Hishobi, one of Master Yen Sid's pupils prior to the keyblade war. And seeing as that's your first keyblade, I'm going to assume you trained as a sorcerer's apprentice. A great skill to have. I believe his name was King Mickey, he trained as a sorcerer first before keyblade." Selena told him.

    Sky found himself sitting in Merlin's house sipping tea as Merlin began talking through his next lesson when a light orb appeared.

    "Oh!" Merlin turned around.

    "Merlin, I ask you to deliver a message." A voice spoke from the orb.

    "Oh Master Yen Sid, sure, what is that message?" Merlin asked.

    "It's a message to Master Selena..." Sky raised his head in curiosity and wonder.
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Darian stopped at the library doors and looked back at Ashley and said. "Study your magic here, I'll be back in 3 hours to get you. Do not leave from here". Ashley nodded and walked into the library and began to grab multiple books, all different colors.

    Darian then opened a portal which led to his cabin, and walked through it. "Brandon..." Darian said as he summoned the Techno-keyblade and laid it on a long table filled with potions, elixirs, and other concoctions. "Perfection" he said as he summoned the oathkeeper keyblade and placed it next to the Techno-keyblade. He then watched as the Techno-keyblade transformed into a replica of the Oathkeeper keyblade.

    He grinned as he watched it happen. "I can't believe we actually finished it,"

    "Darian, use it, use the keyblade to revive me...to make me whole once again."

    Darian closed his eyes and simply nodded.

    Ashley had noticed that Darian was gone and she knew this was her chance to escape from his so-called training.
    Ashley walked out of the the library and made her way to Virgil's home. She knocked on the door before walking in and closing the door behind her.

    "Virgil." She said walking towards him.
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole looked at her with a smile. "You think that's my first Keyblade? Haha, you are sadly mistaken, Selena! My real Keyblade-" he stopped and looked down. "No. I'm not allowed to use it nor speak of it," he said with much seriousness. As happy as he was when he first recieved his Keyblade, he promised not to use or speak of it until he could master his powers and regain his memories.

    The hooded boy watched as Violet left and chuckled. "I gotta figure out which one of those idiots decided to call us the council," he said, before disappearing into the shadows.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Eh?" He said im a lazy tone he didn't look her way his eyes still fixed on the televisio. His shirt was half open exposing his bare chest. his hair black as night drapped down his face as he lay on the couch one foot up and one foot on the ground. " Yes ashley? can i help you with something? or is this a personal visit"
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena shook her head.

    "Well whatever the reason. You still lack much wisdom of a keyblade master. If I were to put you through a Mark of Mastery exam, you would not pass. Nor do I feel confident putting you through the exam." Selena told him. "But see yourself, if you don't want the training to truly become a keyblade master, then feel free to be just a basic keyblade wielder." She told him.
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley stopped as she was stunned by his appearance.

    She then walked over to him "I...I'm sorry about earlier."
    She stood there as he cheeks began to glow a bright red.

    "Could I sit here with you?" She asked as she looked at him with her glossy eyes.
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole took offense to that and looked up at Selena. "Master Yen Sid himself recommended me for the exam. He, in his many years as a master, thought I was ready for the exam. I could pass it, and he knows it," he said. He looked away and sighed. "It's just I have unanswered questions in my life that need answers." He looked Selena in the eyes, with a look of determination and passion. "I could care less whether you think I'm ready or not. You are not one to judge me. Not even my master. I alone judge myself." He stood up and headed to the door. "And I have things to do before I can consider being a Keyblade Master." He walked out of the house to go on a walk to think about things.
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena watched him leave and smiled.

    "Well Cole, that would be true wisdom, still have some to learn." She said smiling. She then saw a tall figure dressed in blue standing behind her. She turned and looked.

    "Oh Master Yen Sid." Selena quickly bowed. Master Yen Sid smiled at her.

    "I see you met one of my pupils." Selena nodded.

    "Cole, interesting character, he looks like an old friend of my brother's when I'd see them running around Twilight Town." Selena said.

    "He had an interesting case with him. I found him merely just drifting. That's not why I'm here though, Selena." Selena looked at him. "It's about your brother and his darkness, also Master Hishobi would not want me to tell you this, but I'm afraid I must." Master Yen Sid looked at her serious.


    Master Yen Sid soon left, Selena found herself laying back on the bed staring up at the ceiling.

    "Hmm..." She said sitting up summoning her keyblade and looking at it. "That would kill me, could even kill Jordan, but it was weaken the darkness..." Selena spoke to herself before sighing and the keyblade disappeared.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos purred, "Finally... Someone who can put on a show, hehehe, Jordan, you may have to introduce me to the pirate, he sounds like a fun guy, and a worthy opponent." The armored apprentice wrapped his gloved arm around Jordan's shoulders, "Sorry about earlier, the clones fulfilled their basic purpose... amusement. Had to cheer you up somehow yeah?"

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