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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    As he was knees in the ground fist repeatedly punching the dirt causing crater after crater a black mist was starting to overtake him He started to cough slowly hacking up black dust. Without Selena something terrible was sure to happen. She was probably the only being besides his own father that could quell his dark urges. Without her he would surely fall into darkness once more. The Aura got thicker and thicker till the stench of Evil was literally protruding off of his body anyone within miles could feel this evil intent.

    " I..im finding it hard to breathe...im drowning in my own sleep.....i feel the hatred crashing over me...." He was beginning to loose himself and if it wasn't stopped the outcome could be unthinkable.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos yelped as Jordan slammed the door in his face. "I just wanted to TRAIN!"

    A friend of Jordan? Deimos turned to the two and snickered. "Yeah, I'm one of his apprentices. I'm also his protector, so that info is classified. However, you, blue haired guy with the 'x', you know where your boss would go for private meetings? I can't let Jordan be there alone."
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Saïx raised an eyebrow at his response and replied, "Protector? Humph, nevertheless, I was unaware that Xemnas would even go to a more 'private' place, besides his own quarters." He put his hand on his chin to think before speaking once more. "And if we did know...that's classified." He now awaited to see how this stranger would react, hoping it not to be too hostile.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos smirked, "You were with blondy at the showdown weren't you? Oh oh... this is perfect... wait... red spikes, blue x... OH you're pinky's friends!! ...... but... you didn't help him?"

    Axel frowned and tried to keep his mouth shut but failed, "The Alter of Naught!!!!" The red head blurted out, before covering his mouth, "... Oops..."

    Deimos raised an eyebrow, "Alter? Hmm... top floor most likely, thanks red spikes!" Deimos saluted before disappearing in a blast of energy.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena shortly after left Virgil's place leaving a note why she said what she said and she was leaving. She was determined to go on her own quest to find Jordan, she knew what she needed to do, and she was going to do it.

    She stood now in an open plain away from town when suddenly her heart started hurting. She fell to a knee and grabbed her heart.

    "What...?! What's... What's going on..." She spoke aloud when she heard somebody else. She looked up and also saw Virgil radiating darkness and appeared to be in pain.

    "Virgil?!" She exclaimed forcing herself up and running towards him before falling to the ground behind him. She couldn't move her entire body as darkness radiated from her. More than anything she craved Virgil heart. Then she realized more of what Yen Sid said.

    "Your darkness, Selena, is that of Jordan, it is the darkness's darkness as well. Since now his darkness is awaken, you may begin to experience some of its power. What I could not tell you for sure, it could be to being able to speak to your darkness like another person, to having the ultimate dark power, to craving people's hearts." Yen Sid told her. Selena stared at him in awe.

    "What do I do to stop it?" Selena asked.

    "It is as what I already told you." Master Yen Sid told her.

    "Which involves giving up my heart..." Selena said looking away. She felt so selfish thinking of her heart versus Jordan and the lives of many people, but she couldn't bare the thought of it.

    "Virgil..." She whispered she felt so hungry and so weak, but she couldn't give into Jordan's darkness, she wouldn't, she need to keep her light strong.
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Saïx punched Axel hard in the chest. He opened up a portal to the roof so he could make it before Deimos. "Damn it Axel," Saïx growled at Axel before walking through. The second he completely walked through, Jordan was right there staring him in the face. Saïx gasped, face showing complete shock. He looked back at an eerie smiling Jordan. "Hello there Scarface! Good to see ya," Jordan said joyfully, patting Saïx on his shoulder. "Wh-What," responded Saïx.

    Jordan looked back at Xemnas and Xigbar and nodded at them before walking around Saïx to greet Deimos. "Deimos! Buddy! Come, come, we have things to do in such a LARGE timeframe to complete them," Jordan said happily to Deimos. He wrapped an arm around him and opened a portal to the castle.

    Cole turned his head, feeling something very dark nearby. "What's that," he said in a low voice. He looked at Sky and nodded. "Let's go." He ran off to the closest dark presence, which was Selena.
  7. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley stopped at the edge of town as she felt a huge flow of darkness.

    "Somethings going on...." Ashley said as she began running towards the source of the Dark pulsation.
    She ran through the second district and arrived in front of a weakened Selena and Virgil.

    "Selena....Virgil....whats going on" Ashley said as she felt her body begin to absorb some of the darkness radiating from their bodies. "Whats going on....why is my body getting so hot....VIRGIL HELP ME!" She exclaimed as the darkness began to climb up onto her body from her legs.

    Ashley tried moving to help Virgil up, but the darkness pulsating from Virgil was to much for her body. The darkness began engulfing her body completely.

    She stood their as the darkness consumed her body. To others it look as her skin had turned a midnight black and her were a glowing white.

    "Virgil....I'm Sorry." Ashley said as she fell to the ground, as the darkness engulfed her completely. Her lifeless, midnight black body laid there. Then suddenly the the darkness sunk into her skin making her appear normal to the others.

    Darian looked around some more in the library after being hushed by the Librarian. He then felt a growing darkness. He didn't even question himself about going to see what it was, he just sprung into action as he ran towards it. When he reached the others he had seen Ashley's lifeless body and a weakened Selena and Virgil.

    "What the hell is going on here" Darian said as looked at Ashley's lifeless body.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel grumbled, "I'm sorry..."

    Deimos smirked, "My lord, I have... interesting news. You know how Selena holds your darkness in her as well? What if we were to, oh I don't know, remove the one thing that anchors her to the light?" He laughed so ominously, it put even Jordan's evil laugh to shame. "I have just the way to do it too... My sister, Ashley."
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " YOU FOOLS!!" he yelled out causing a shockwave to push everyone back. His body floating in mid air. His eyes empty and black. his body seemed souless. " Foolishness...." He vanished and appeared above Ashely. " You were not meant to control that which is beyond you.." He grabbed her body and drained the darkness from her taking it back into himself which would return her conciousness." Augh!!" The pain was becoming almost unbearable. he collapsed again falling back to his knees. His body began to glow a bright blue and black over and over.

    He raised his head up to see Selena. " Tch..whatever.....you wanted me better off gone." He said to himself the pain was overtaking him that he coughed up blood as he tried to stand. Stumbling to his feet he looked at everyone and noticed people were starting to surround him. " GET BACK ALL OF YOU!!" He casted a black barrier covering himself inside of it like a cacoon like shape. If left alone he would soon turn into a Demon fueled by only hatred. Slowly but surely he was reverting back to his old self and it seemed as if there was nothing that could be done to stop it...

    He muttered one thing to himself before closing his eyes.
    " If there was a way i could take it all back...." He didnt want Selena to leave but at this point his judgement was far beyond impaired.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena felt the darkness in her grow in excitement. She closed her eyes from the pain before opening them, her eyes were black as she stood up and absorbed the darkness from Virgil into her body. She approached Virgil's cocoon as her keyblade appeared, she raised it up.

    "Your heart is mine..." Selena spoke only it wasn't Selena speaking. Selena was asleep in her body, unconscious really until something would knock her out of her senses.

    Sky ran with Cole as well and came to a stop.

    "What's going on?!" Sky exclaimed as his keyblade summoned.
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole watched Selena in shock and began to move cautiously towards her. "Selena? Is that you," he asked. Of course it was her, but her actions made him believe that she wasn't under her own control at the moment.

    Jordan nodded at replied, "Yeah, yeah! I like that! Bring my sister into the alliance! Oooh, I like that...I like that a lot!" He leaded Deimos through the portal and saw Violet in one of the hallways. "Violet! Good news," he yelled to her. He teleported in front of her and smiled. "I think you're absolutely right about Selena!"
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "No matter what your always number one...my prized possession one and only...the only one i can't live without." His eyes remained closed as his inner thoughts manifested themselves through his words. Even throughout this his connection to herself consciousness remained active. it appeared they were both in a deep slumber while there bodies acted on there own.

    He witnessed the conversation she had with Yen Sid and about self sacrifice and why she had to. She was the only one capable of such a task. It all made sense now. Virgil's face was still pale however tears began to roll down his face even though his body remained motionless suspended in the air. " I was the Fool...."

    " NO!" he gasped as his eyes opened his black star was active and all the dark energy pulsated into white light. A light so bright it almost blinded those around. But it was a warm light a feeling of kindness and love. " Selena i Wont let you fall " The black barrier turned into white dust as he stood before her. He saw her keyblade raised to strike. Before she could his speed was to much before she realized it she was being held in his arms. " Your pain is my pain..your struggle is my struggle. I wont let you walk this road alone." The light radiated from his body expelling hers at a fast rate. He only hoped it was enough to awaken her.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos frowned, he didn't want her to be part of this, not this time. "My lord, this will not work if you bring a child of the domain of darkness with us, for her darkness would simply pull Selena's darkness to the surface, without extinguishing her light. Come, we should do this while they still tire from our previous encounter." Mimicking Jordan, Deimos created a portal, though it was red instead of black. "Shall we go?"
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena was asleep deep in her heart but beyond her eye lids, it was like a warm glow like the morning sun rising and shining through the window. Enough to cause her to open her eyes.

    She opened her eyes looking up at Virgil as she laid in his arms. She felt weak and though she had partial explanation, still not a full explanation.

    "Virgil?" She whispered weakly before resting her head against his arm. "I...I'm sorry..." She whispered again weakly. She was very weak, she felt like falling back asleep, not into the sleep she was in but rather a sleep to rest and regain her strength. She felt better than she did before when the darkness attacked her heart.

    Violet looked at Jordan.

    "Right about, Selena." Before hearing Deimos comment. In a heart beat Deimos was thrown back by a powerful force of invisible darkness.

    "What about me?" She asked angered.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos growled as Violet once again attacked him, "You... Have assulted me... FOR THE LAST TIME!!!!" He roared as he charged at Violet, coming inches from her face before appearing behind her, "Payback" He whispered, as he punched her in the back with his gauntlet, with enough force to break a truck in half. His right eye glowed, as the black cross rotated in it.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Violet was launched forward before grinning and disappearing.

    "Wonderful show, Deimos, but you forget who I am." Violet said appearing behind him clapping, unharmed.

    "Whatever though, go off and do whatever, please remember the next time you pull a stunt like that and if you somehow manage to hurt me, who you'll be dealing with." Violet said looking over at Jordan. She walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss.

    "I wait your return and then perhaps we can have some alone time." She told him before leaving.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He looked down and realized that she had finally come back to him. " Its ok now...you don't need to apologize ok." He made sure she was tight in his arms. " I got you..right here its alright." He let out a sigh of releif. " It was my fault i was the idiot this time. i got so flustered and i just....i ...i lost myself. " Held her close opening his hand and waved open a portal. " come with me we just...need to talk for a bit." He walked away with her into the Portal which took them to The Beach of Destiny Island.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena still laid her head against him as they went through the portal. She looked around the beach. She remembered the beach. Here was the first time Virgil she knew, remembered, and now had came back or also came about. It was here he gifted her a special necklace that she was never seen without. She found herself smiling.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Hmm hmm hmm hmm... What happened here?" Marluxia turned to the two who appeared on the islands. He was currently relaxing with Angel, after a few hours of training, he decided to take a break. "Angel," He nudged her slightly to wake her from her nap, "We have guests my love..."

    Deimos sighed, "Damnit... Outsmarted again." He raised his arms defensively at Jordan, "She started it."
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan's smile turned into a more serious expression, following the kiss from Violet. He shot Deimos an angry glare before looking at Violet and calling, "If you want, I wouldn't mind your company." He smiled at her and extended a hand, in case she changed her mind.

    Cole cocked his head to one side and shrugged. 'I guess they're ok,' he thought. He sighed and put his hands on hip.

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