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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " i know you'r accustomed to this beach but you need to rest...and i had this place made for just times i wanted to get away though i never got a chance to use it. " he smirked. There was a Cabin on the other side of the beach with a wooden door. He carried her on until they reached the door which opened on its own. " It reacts to me and you only. i made it while i was training with you.

    Training with selena was merciless and since he never got a break he never got a chance to use this hide away home. Inside the cabin was a table 2 chairs and a warm bed. Around the room were pictures and photographs of Selena and Virgil.On the main wall there was a single picture of them as children. He walked over to the bed laying her down. He kneeled down till he was face to face with her. " Feeln ok?" he said as a warm smile was across his face he caressed her cheek with his hand.
  2. "What about my company, Master?"

    Zenaku was leaning against the wall a bit down the hall from Jordan, Violet and Deimos. "I heard the commotion..." He said. "If you're going somewhere dangerous, I insist that you allow me to follow." Zenaku bowed before his master. "That is, unless this is a private matter."
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos shook his head, "If we have more people we are more likely to get caught, you must guard the castle until we return. I trust you can do this Zenaku?" He questioned him suttily as he ushered Jordan into the portal. "We shall return."

    Axel sighed, "Anyone want to tell me why the evil lord of darkness was here? Anyone?"
  4. "I see. Understandable," Zenaku said, raising himself from his bow to speak to Deimos. There was a twinge of disappointment in his voice. "I will keep the castle in line until you all return. Good luck, and try not to die." Zenaku turned his back and began to walk away. Though he normally would have confronted Deimos about answering in place of the Master, he decided Deimos knew more about the situation than he did, so he just left it. Continuing down the hall, Zenaku said to himself: "Protect the castle, yeah right. Like any light wielders are dumb enough to come here." While he said it, he secretly wished it would happen. Zenaku was bored of sitting around.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    OOC:: I'm not posting as Angel, Lu and Angel are not at Destiny Islands. Only Virgil and Selena


    Violet shook her head.

    "Somebody else does not though and I'd rather leave the big baby to himself with you so I don't hear him whine."

    Selena looked at him and smiled glad to have Virgil.

    "I'll be alright... Thanks..." She whispered.
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Ooc- Make up your mind yeah, you want interaction or not?

    IC- Deimos gave Violet a look of confusion, "Baby? Whine? Okay, sure, look at it that way if you want. Let's finish this quickly my lord."

    OOC- I'm going to make interaction, and this time I'll make it good.

    IC- Marluxia looked happily at Angel, "The Organization is the group of men who wear black cloaks like mine. However, we have more... pressing matters to attend to. Namely, your training." Marluxia had his vines dress Angel in training gear(Light armor, jeans etc) as he grabbed another cloak from his bed. "Come, Traverse Town awaits."
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan nodded back at Violet and Zenaku as he was being pushed into the portal by his apprentice. Once they were completely through, Jordan looked at Deimos with a stern expression and said, "You're lucky I'm in a great mood. Now what the hell do you want here?"

    Xigbar looked at Axel and smiled. "Hehe, wouldn't you like to know," he replied. Saïx frowned and said, "Yes, actually, we would." Xigbar looked at Saïx with an angry look and sucked his teeth. He walked past the two, Xemnas leading him, and yelled back to them, "Just know you guys are in for a treat soon!" As they disappeared down the hall, Saïx crossed his arms and held his chin with his hand, meaning he was deep in thought. 'Jordan has ties....with the Organization? But why,' he thought.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos facepalmed, "Isn't it obvious? If Selena loses Virgil, she loses her anchor to the light. Thus allowing her to be turned to darkness. As you know, killing Virgil is, by far, no easy feat. It would require a vast number of allies and more then a few powerful keyblade wielders. However, Virgil has a very exposable weakness... My sister, the creation of Virgil known as Ashley, was created for the sole purpose of replacing Selena. Ashley... has this strange power over Virgil, which is why he created me. I can neutralize her powers for a short time, which would give Virgil enough time to shut her down. What we need to do, is play on her jealousy and make convince her to use her power to take Virgil from Selena. Then, she'd have nothing to anchor her to the light." He gave Jordan time to let all he's said sink in.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2012
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked down at her clothes then around at Traverse Town.

    "Traverse Town?" She looked at him confused. She remembered this place, it was the world her old friends and her came to shortly after Twilight Town was destroyed, she also remembered fighting Marluxia here, something she's not happy to remember, but looking back on it, she wasn't happy fighting him and not only that, minor signs, very, very, very minor signs of recognition and comfort for him.

    "Why are we training here?" Angel asked confused looking around.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia smiled, "What better place to train, then the place I trained you to unleash your latent magical powers. Also, your friends are here... hmm?" He raised an eyebrow, hearing something going on around the corner. "Speaking of..." He grumbled as he saw none other then his enemy, and the one person who he despised, "Darian..."
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked around the area to notice he and Deimos were in Traverse Town. He closed his eyes to sense the presences of those in the area. He couldn't feel his sister or Virgil in the area. "You're in luck. The only threats here are Darian and Cole," he said to Deimos. His face lit up now. Cole was here. Surely he sensed Jordan by now. Jordan began to chuckle and said, "Deimos, do what you need to do. I got someone I need to see." Jordan leaped high up into the air and landed on a buildings rooftop. He then sped off in the opposite direction of Deimos.

    Cole looked up in the air and began to ball up his fists. "Sky, me and you are going to do some training," he whispered to Sky, even though no one was around.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel quickly caught on to the sudden mood change and quickly pulled Marluxia away. She pulled him far off where they were standing at a water fountain in as it's called, the fountain district.

    "Lu, why would you bring me here? Here of all places?" She sighed. "I don't want to bother with them, I'd be content with never seeing them again. Can't we train somewhere else?" Angel asked. She didn't want to see them, she didn't want to cross their path.

    There would be too many questions such as what happened to you, or what did you do, why have you changed, etc. Worst of all she did not want to confront Darian.

    Sky looked at Cole. He smiled.

    "That sounds great, I love the extra training time."
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia frowned, "I had no idea they were still here... however, you must interact with them. The last thing I need is Darian searching me out to look for you. That simply would not do. Please... do this for me..."

    Deimos nodded, "Right." Deimos disappeared, only to reappear above Ashley, "Step aside boy! This is my sister, and you've done enough harm as it is!" Lifting her up, he vanished once again, appearing in the underground passage. Placing her on the ground, and sighed, she was worthless dead.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2012
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan stood high above Cole and Sky and smiled down at them. "Hey, Cole! What's up buddy? And...person...guy...apprentice," Jordan yelled down to them, now crouching.

    Cole looked up with a frown. "Jordan! Come down here and fight us," he yelled up to him.

    Jordan wagged his finger and jumped down in front of them. "Aww come on man. Why don't we just catch up on old times." He looked at Sky and gave him a smile. "How's it going kiddo?"
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Honestly you should have just told me what you were going through....You know i'd go to hell and back for you. this isnt a burden you should have to carry alone." He knelled closer to her " If i ever lost you i don't know what i'd ever do... ok?" He closed his eyes reaching forward as his lips touched hers. he grasped her hand and held it tight. They had not had much down time in the late months. it had been nothing but training the new comers and preparing for the worst. So to finally have some alone time was a change of pace for them both.
  16. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will sat calmly on his bed as his mind used his darkness to scan the town, seeing the situation as William screamed for them to run, to leave, to save themselves. But Will calmly sat, mind scanning the group. He recognized most, one newcomer. Then he saw the one on the clock tower. His best friend. The one who he hadn't seen since his last birthday. The two tentacles giving it away, but the shape and face familiar to Will as if he had seen it yesterday. He breathed heavily, one name escaping his lips. "Jordan..." He breathed, reaching towards his boots, knowing he would have to go confront him.
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked at Lu and shook her head before walking over to the fountain. She looked in the fountain not recognizing the person she saw in the reflection. It had been so long since she saw that girl, boy has she grown, grown older in age and experience. The girl in reflection obviously has gone through a lot and her life experience as difficult as it is was clearly not over.

    "Lu... I can't..." She whispered she looked back at him.

    "I just can't, the girl Darian knew and loved is gone, and that same girl loved him. The truth was though that girl never existed and was not meant to exist. That girl who was me was under a spell and lived a false life. But now I'm back, how am I supposed to tell him that. How will he possibly take it? How will he react? What should I expect? Will he be mad? Will he seek revenge? Will he hurt me? Will he hurt you? Will he try to get what he wants? I can't face any of that, Lu..." Angel sighed. "I just can't..." She said clearly upset, nervous, and unsettled by that thought. She closed her eyes to stop any tears that may flow, tears caused by stress.

    "I'm sorry..." Angel told him before running off.

    Selena nodded her head at Virgil's words.

    "Thanks, Virgil..." She told him but mentally she knew there was nothing he could do. Those words were just words, not action, no action of his could help her situation. She gripped his hands as he gripped hers.

    She kissed him. She was at least happy at that moment to be alone with him and no worry at that time. The chance to be just the two of them to escape some. The chance for them to love each other and show their affection, maybe let lose.

    But the truth still existed. And this may be their last time the two of them get to truly show each other their affection.

    Violet shook her head.

    "Deimos is doing precisely what I told Jordan to do alone. He's doing it differently though, and the wrong way." Violet thought aloud. She then looked over at Zenaku who was still in the room. "Up for a field trip?"

    Sky looked up at Jordan. He was back. His keyblade appeared and he gripped it tight. There was no way he'd be able to take Jordan, but there was no way he was backing down neither.

    He looked at Jordan closely thinking back to the teaching of Selena. Selena taught from her experience, so much of her experience he wish such a nice person didn't have to go through. He shook his head.

    "How could you...?" Sky whispered as Jordan directed a comment towards him.

    "How could you accept the darkness?! How could you abandon your friends?! How could you be willing to kill your own sister?! How could you allow the darkness to control you?! How could you be so willing to ruin their lives?!" Sky yelled at him.

    "You ruined your sister, my master's, life. She had to witness her brother that she was so close to give into something so evil and then allow that evil to control him. Now she's stuck training and training others to try and save you being constantly reminded that her brother she loved so much was bad." Sky spoke.

    "How could you?!"
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked sharply at Sky. His eyes were a dark red as his face turned to a more punishing one. He grabbed Sky by his neck and lifted him up. "You said so many things wrong there that I lost count," Jordan said in his normal tone, expression not changing. "I love my sister. I have not once tried to kill her, and I've even said that before. And The Darkness having control over me? Please. And if it did-" He tightened his grip on Sky and smiled. "I'd have killed you already."

    "That's enough," Cole told Jordan. "Leave him alone."

    Jordan looked at Sky then at Cole and shrugged. "I didn't come for a fight anyway." He dropped Sky and looked at Cole.

    "How's it going buddy?"

    "Besides the fact that my best friend is evil? Pretty good."

    The two stared at each other, a smile on Jordan's face and a serious look on Cole's. Neither knew what to do or say.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia was about to run after her, but he stopped. He knew this would be hard for her and it would take her time to get used to the interaction. For now however, he had to speak with Darian... for Angel's sake, he must settle their differences. "Darian, do you have time to talk? We must speak... alone."

    Deimos groaned, he had might as well give her a proper burial. Taking her body, he carried it deep into the underground, digging up a patch of dirt, he placed the body gently into the makeshift grave.
  20. "Up for a field trip?"

    Zenaku turned to regard Violet. This was the first time that she had ever spoken to Zenaku directly. His face showed curiosity, and maybe a bit of surprise. However, that expression quickly changed to his usual wide, toothy grin. He chuckled a bit before responding.

    "Sure, I'm up for it," Zenaku said. "What have you got in mind?"

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