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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "We're going to Traverse Town. Jordan wishes his friends were with us, so it's a matter of one by one taking each of his old friends and feeding them darkness into their heart and drowning out the light. That way they see on the same level as us and Jordan." Violet explained.

    "First we should start with Will. His darkness is most developed over the rest of them. He's at a level a tad bit lower than you. Will has a darkness, if we feed his darkness by force to Will, then he should convert easily." Violet explained.

    Angel came to a stop and looked at Deimos burying Ashley.

    "Isn't that Darian's new 'girl friend'?" Angel asked watching Deimos bury a hole for the lifeless body. "What is he doing?"
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos turned to face the guest, and frowned, "His 'new girlfriend' was never his girlfriend, she was my sister and his student, and she's dead because of him. What about you? Why aren't you with pinky, huh? I thought you two got together. Something happen between you two?"

    Axel smirked, 'time for the best comeback ever...' "Whatever you say greybeard!!" He looked at Saix, "Get it? Cause he has an eyepatch and that pirate accent?"
  3. "Heh," Zenaku laughed. "Just below me huh? I'm not sure if you're aware, but my heart is pure darkness," Zenaku put his fist to his chest as he explained. "The Master ripped all of the light from my heart when we first met. Still, if what you say is true, then Will won't be hard to convert." An evil smile stretched across his face as he looked Violet in the eye. "Even easier if we double team him. So then, shall we be on our way, Daughter of Darkness?" A dark corridor appeared behind Zenaku as he bowed to Violet.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel was quickly caught off guard turning to look at him.

    "Hey! We are together, no need for that attitude, I just needed time to think and escape a little, and it's none of your business. Besides how do you know Lu?" Angel snapped back before sighing.

    "I'm sorry, anyways how do you know who I am and who Lu is, I've never seen you before in my life." Angel said looking at him.
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos smirked at her attitude and pondered how to answer, "I am Deimos, an apprentice of Jordan, and I know pinky because he was a regular stop for me and Jordan when we came back from missions." Deimos purposefully failed to mention Violet, for even though he hated her, he would not give away information about a comrad, especially when that comrad is unknown to the other speaker.
  6. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel looked at him confused.

    "But how do you know me?" She asked confused before walking over to Ashley's lifeless body. She knelt down observing the person and shook her head.

    "Also how did she end up how she is now?" Angel asked laying her hand on head she appeared to be deeply observing Ashley.
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will strode out of his room, one keyblade shouldered as he looked down the hall of the hotel they were staying in. He turned, uppercutting a heartless with the blade as he spun the other one in front of him, preparing to fight his way to Jordan. "They want to feed us! They want us to become like him! And you're going towards him?!" William barked as Will quickly swiped aside a few more heartless. Then he let his right blade disappear as a soldier leaped towards him. Will caught it by the throat as it hissed, absorbing it into his arm and letting his blade appear back, A small breath of suprise coming from William at his actions.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos grunted, "Pinky and Jordan had many conversations about his little angel. So I know about you, and I know about your past too."

    When Angel came over to touch the body Deimos roared, the noise echoing to the streets above, "Leave her ALONE!!!!" He shoved her away, but not hard enough to hurt her. "Darian abused her like a child would a toy! I don't know how she died, but I'm sure he was involved!"
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel stood up and brushed herself off.

    "Relax..." Angel said putting her hands up. "I was merely observing her heart. Her heart is a creation, it's not quite... dead. Her heart merely needs reawaken, that's all." Angel told him. I don't have much experience with messing with people's hearts, merely able to sense them, but if you can find somebody who can... then she can be brought back to life in a sense." Angel told him.
  10. Zenaku stepped through the portal and into Traverse Town. Luckily, it spit him out in a downtown-ish area, where he could sense a good many hearts: those of light, those of darkness, and of course, the power of his Master, Jordan. Zenaku sensed what he thought was this "Will" person's heart.

    "Alright, I think I found him," Zenaku said to Violet. "Let's do this." They walked toward Will's position, bound to intercept him before he met Jordan. Before long, Zenaku could see a blonde haired man in the distance, one who held much darkness in his heart. "Bingo," Zenaku said. He turned to Violet once more. "So, do we just attack him? Or did you have something more subtle in mind?"
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos hesitated, but finally relaxed. "Sorry, I got a little rough. I just... nevermind. Anyway, what are you doing away from pinky? Something happen...? Deimos was not good at this type of thing, but he had to make conversation, even if he sucked at it. "I mean, if you don't want to tell me, then that's fine, I mean, I'm just a bit curious is all, y'know...?"
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "We talk before we attack. Let me handle it, the minute he goes to fight we send him our darkness that he'll hopefully observe. In the meantime do you have a heart from those guys you killed earlier still on you if not perhaps go get a heart." Violet said when she watched Will defeat the last of heartless. She began clapping her hands.

    "That was pretty impressive you know." She began to speak. "Though I noticed that probably was not your best. They were after all simple shadows and it took a bit more of energy than it should to defeat them." Violet began. "I saw you absorb the heartless as well, afterwards you seemed a lot stronger."

    Angel looked at him and shook her head.

    "I'd rather not talk about it, it's kind of... complicated." Angel told him.
  13. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will turned, eyes dark as he eyed the pair, blades twirling in his hands. One thought ran through his mind as he sensed their power. "I can feed on them..." William heard the thought and spoke back. "What has come over you? If you feed this way you could possibly become like him! It's not how we should do this!" He called, trying to get his attention. But then Will spoke to the other two. "Jordan's new squeeze and his apprentice I'm guessing?" He growled, slowly stepping towards them. He twirled his blades in a very unnerving way as he started to circle them.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "If you mean his girl friend, then yes." Violet spoke.

    "Will your old friend misses you, and as a surprise for him, you'd make his day very great if you were to join us. Not only that, think of all the benefits. Right up front we can give you darkness to truly feed off of, not like those dark treatments from Selena, but real genuine darkness. Then we can give you an actual heart. Once you have a heart your power will be much stronger, and a heart's taste is truly addictive but it gives you strength and power like nothing else. Joining us you get to devour a heart whenever you feel like it. Also if I remember correctly you were truly just friends with Will, you knew Darian only a little, but you were closer to Jordan, you protected Selena because she was Jordan's sister. Coming with us you'll be with Jordan as best friends again. You can let go of the others, after all they oppose your best friend. What do you say, Will? Will you join us and become who you truly are meant to be?" Violet asked holding out her hands as an orb of pure darkness appeared in it.
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will listened to what she said, his mind agreeing with almost every word. William saw differently though. "If you do this you will transform into a completely different being. You will stop existing to be human. You will become a true half breed." William said darkly, almost sad as Will reached forward, letting his blade disappear and the darkness absorb into his hand. His arm started to go dark, a cracking sound coming from his back as to large bat like wings shot out, flapping lightly as Will's eyes changed from their bright blue to a glowing yellow. He cracked his neck and chuckled as William started to panic. "You idiot! You are becoming the exact monster you wanted to kill!" He roared. Will smiled and replied. "Shut the hell up... I'm in control now, and I don't want to hear your voice!" Will barked, sealing William back for the time being.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Violet smiled at Will.

    'One down, next up is Ashley, but I have special plans for her...' Violet thought to herself. Violet turned and looked back at Zenaku.

    "Please take our new friend and comrade, Will, back to the castle. Get his room set up and deliver him some hearts." Violet turned back to Will. "It is a pleasure to finally working alongside you, Will. Now I have some other things to attend to." Violet spoke before disappearing in a dark portal.

    Angel just got done speaking to Deimos when she sense a powerful dark presence.

    'That sense, it's a child from a realm... the realm of darkness...' Angel thought to herself.

    "Well, well, well, what do we have here. Did Deimos abandon Jordan, I see?" As Violet appeared. "And what do we have, a shut down, Ashley?" Violet asked walking closer to the two people. She stopped and looked at Angel.

    "Oh, so you're Angel, glad to see you awake. Not in your full form I see, it's a shame six months you wouldn't be showing it around, then again I don't go walking around in my full form." Violet said. "I'm Violet, child of the realm of darkness, I'm also Jordan's girl friend." Violet spoke.

    "Angel..." Angel said shaking the other girl's hand but not completely trusting her.

    "Deimos, what have you done this time?" Violet asked crossing her arms.
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    After the awkward silence that fell over the duo was too much for Jordan, Jordan smiled big and put an arm around Cole. "Come on Cole! We got years of catching up to do! Plus, I wanna know that secret of yours. Hiding such immense power? You got to teach me that," Jordan said happily.

    Cole raised an eyebrow at Jordan before smiling. "What? You mean lowering my power to nearly nothing?"

    Jordan patted him hard on the back and replied, "Exactly! I mean, I'm not showing MY entire potential but, eh, I wish people couldn't notice me so easily."

    Cole didn't show it, but he was in total shock. 'NOT his entire potential? What the hell is he capable of,' he thought.

    Saïx looked at Axel and said, "Damn it Lea. You need more self control next time! You sold out on the Organization, and if Xemnas knew that, I'm sure you'd be a Dusk right now!" Saïx was only speaking in anger, but he did mean what he said. He scoffed and began to walk away, to cool down for the time being.
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos sighed, "Jordan went to speak with his friend and he told me to enact my plan... Unfortunately, when I got there, Ashley was already dead, with the bastard that probably did it standing over her." He growled darkly but kept himself from flipping out. "Violet... I know you despise me but I'd like a favor... Could you... revive her...? Angel said she wasn't really dead..." He looked at Violet, his eyes showing a glimmer of hope. "I swear, if you do this for me I'll never challenge you again. I'll obey you as much as I obey lord Jordan..."

    Axel sighed, "Lighten up Isa, I've got a little mission of my own to complete. Cover for me?"
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Of course, but only if you do me a favor." Violet said. "Take her away." Violet gestured towards Angel. "I'm going to relieve her to join us, and I can't risk any of Twilight's light here getting in her." Angel looked confused and sighed.

    "What are you going to do with her precisely?" Angel asked.

    "I'm going to get her to join Jordan, all of them, that way we won't have a war on our hands." Violet said knowing precisely how to play everybody.

    "You're going to convert everybody to darkness?!" Angel exclaimed shocked.

    "Angel, I can tell, you want the same thing I want. No war, no fighting, this is the only way. Plus who knows, maybe after they convert to Jordan's side you can make them all beings of Twilight. Perhaps become citizens of your soon to be kingdom you're trying to create with Marluxia." Angel's eyes widened.

    "How did you-"

    "Trust me, sweet heart, I know everything. Now then, if you will." Angel looked away before looking back.

    "Please have her stay with the group, and if you can have her fall for Darian, I need Darian to forget about me..." Angel said.

    "I'll do what I have to do." Violet told her. Angel smiled at her.

    "Thanks..." Angel said before walking away. Violet smiled watching her, however that was not her plan. 'Sorry sweetie, but if I'm going to achieve what I need to achieve I need Ashley to love and be all over Virgil, that way Darian will convert over.' Violet thought to herself.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos smiled, "Thanks Violet, I misjudged you..." He shook his head and sighed, "I really hope that before this thing is over, we can become friends, or at the very least, reach a point where you won't yell at me everytime I do something." He smirked as he walked by, following Angel so she could get back to Marluxia. Once he caught up he spoke to her, "I think... that you should speak with this Darian kid. If he loved you as much as you've hinted at, then he should love you enough to let you go yeah?"

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