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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel sighed and shook her head.

    "I doubt it, he's always had this thing with trying to get what he wants, working hard for it." Angel sighed.

    Violet watched them leave and grinned.

    "Well then, Ashley, let's get you back alive and talk about how you can get back your Virgil." Violet said once Angel and Deimos were gone out of sight and ear shot. Her hands turned black and surrounded in darkness as she shot her hands down on Ashley's chest, darkness began to flow into Ashley's heart as it would revive her.
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He pulled away from her lips slowly." Your still very weak but i can fix that for the most part. " He places his hand on her chest. a shallow light wrapped around his arm looping down onto his hands. The light was warm as it radiated into her body revitalizing her energy. His hand dropped to his side as he felt a little weaker for the brief moment. " You should be fine now " he said with a bright smile on his face. Placing his hand to the ground he stood up and stretched " I'll meet you on the beach when your feeling ok i'll be waiting. " He walked towards the door waving his hand as his shirt turned into black mist vanishing leaving only his bare chest and pants he was wearing.

    Walking about the sand he sat down in front of the tides.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena watched him leave, she did feel a little better. She stood up and took off her jacket standing in the white tank top and jeans. Then she took off her shoes walking out of the small cottage seeing him sitting on the beach. She slowly walked up to him and sat down next to him looking out to the sea observing the waves and the setting sun glisten off the waves.

    "After we're done with all this, I want to fade away. Not it darkness or anything like that, I just want to fade away." Selena admitted.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Fade away..?" He asked in concern. " What do you mean you want to fade away? like you want to leave this place and go far away?" He wrapped his arm around her pulling her closley." So tell me something would you even fade away from me as well?" The sands on the shore were warm and the tides washed up underneath there feet. Virgil knew fully well what she had to do he just wasn't ready to accept it.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Well fade from existence, so sure go away from here where nobody will know me." Selena told him. "I still doubt I'll survive this whole ordeal, but if I do, I'm going to go away." She looked at him.

    "The same thing, if I survive, I wouldn't fade away from you, I'd like to stay with you, but the worlds have too many problems and issues, if I stick around I feel like I'd be held responsible for keeping them in order. I'd rather pass that onto somebody else then leave to somewhere else were nobody here would know me." Selena told him.
  6. OOC: Sorry I'm a little late with this post.

    Zenaku watched with a malevolent smile as Will absorbed the darkness into himself, his eyes becoming an amber yellow. He heard Violet's instructions and bowed in response. "Whatever you command, Daughter of Darkness." He said to her as she walked away. Then he lifted himself and looked into Will's eyes. He could sense a hurricane of emotions from within the man, as if two completely different hearts were vying for his body. Zenaku examined the wings on his back with a curious look, rubbing his chin as he did so.

    "Hey, those things are pretty cool," Zenaku commented about the bat wings. He then looked back to Will's eyes. "Oh and, you guessed right, I'm one of Jordan's apprentices. Call me Zenaku. Anyway, I'm supposed to take you back to the castle and give you some hearts, but as for getting your room situated, you'll have to do that. I'm not a maid, after all." Zenaku opened a corridor of darkness beside him. "Whenever you're ready, Will."
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2012
  7. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Saïx looked back at Axel and groaned, "Go on Lea. You're taking your own chances with this one." He continued walking down the hall, not giving Axel a second thought.

    "How about we leave these kids, Cole? I got a special place I want to show you that I'm sure you'll enjoy," Jordan told Cole. Jordan looked back at Sky and stuck his tongue out at him in a childish manner.

    Cole looked down at the ground and replied, "I don't know. How do I know you won't stab me in the back when we get there?" He looked up to see Jordan smirking.

    "Trust me. I ALWAYS have good intentions."
  8. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Sky looked over at Cole.

    "Yet you hurt your sister. You may not have done it physically but in a sense you stabbed in her in the back!" Sky exclaimed. Sky stood up angry at Jordan.

    Selena sighed and rested her head on Virgil's shoulder.

    "What about you?" She asked him.
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan stopped walking, making Cole trip up a bit, and let go of Cole. He turned around slowly and smiled at Sky. "Normally, I'd tear out your internal organs and show tough guys like you what you REALLY look like on the inside," Jordan said happily.

    Cole did not know what to expect Jordan to do, but began to loosen up, just in case.

    "But," Jordan snapped at Sky, appearing directly in front of Sky. He smirked and shrugged, finishing, "I'm in a good mood." Slowly he backed away, facing Sky still, in case Sky were to attack.
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    A single tear rolled down his eye. the very thought of Selena leaving him cut like a pain in his chest. " What about me indeed huh." he said trying to hold back tears. " I ... i um... well " He coughed to keep his composure." I'll be there even when you fade away. I'll be here when your gone, and i'll be the protector of everyone. " He looked down at her and winked. " Besides who can beat me up anyway hahaha" he started to laugh " Just make me a promise...." He went to grab her hand and hold it tight." Promise me if you ever leave...that you will come back to me some day."
  11. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Her heart began racing as she had awoken demise. She looked up at to see someone standing over her, she couldn't really focus who it was but she didn't care. "Where am I?" Ashley sat up and looked around the room. She looked at Violet, "Who am I?" She asked looking at Violet, sounding like Selena in a way.

    Darian opened a portal and walked through it. He reappeared at his old home in Twilight Town. "It's been a while....Last time I was here...she was with me" Darian said as he summoned his techno-keyblade. "I got to get rid of these memories..." Darian said as he walked up the steps and then into his old room. He sat on his bed and looked at the wall that was filled with his childhood pictures. "Time to get rid of all of that..." He said as walked up to that wall and put his hand on a picture of his brother. "I'll avenge you....that is my oath."

    "You are here to be a hero not an avenger"

    Darian looked around the room as it became silent once again.
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will let his back crack one more time before he lifted his scarf back over his mouth, his boots clicking as he strode towards the portal. But he stopped before entering it, looking at the boy. "I don't want to go to your castle. I want to see him... I want to see Jordan." He breathed, voice dark and cold as he stretched his fingers on the blades, rust starting to spread down them. He twirled the right blade a few times before letting them disappear as he eyed the boy, waiting for his response to his request.
  13. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena sighed.

    "I promise, that no matter what, if I die or somehow survive, I will always be with you." She said. "Even when you can't see me, even when you can't hear my voice, or feel my touch, I will always, always be with you. In your heart." She told him laying her hand on his bare chest.

    Violet smiled.

    "Well, you just got hurt and your heart was damaged by a girl name Selena. Do you not remember anything?" Violet began to ask while acting to trick her. "You're a spy for Jordan, working alongside a girl named Selena. It's all undercover though. Selena has the love of your life tricked. He believes he loves Selena, but the truth is Selena is a witch and he's under a spell. It's up to you to break the spell and get Virgil to rejoin the darkness Jordan commands now. You need to feed darkness into Virgil's heart until he becomes dark." Violet told her.

    "Ashley, you must be careful though. Selena has another boy of Jordan's trapped under her spell. He was put under a spell that he believes he loves you, it's so you can't steal Virgil away from Selena. Don't worry about him though, give no attention to him. I will be even more secretly working behind the scene to get Darian's heart un trapped from his spell. Ok?" Violet asked.

    Angel was walking through town when she sensed Jordan. She turned and quickly ran towards where she felt him. Sure enough she found him threatening a boy.

    "So you threaten your sister's apprentice?! That most certainly is not good intentions." Angel stood off to the side hidden watching from a distance what all was happening.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Amongst the dark exterior that Virgil always has up. There was always a kind person beneath it. But he would never allow anyone but Selena to see it. To everyone Virgil was the hero, the Dark savior. But Behind all the bells and whistles he was just a humble guy in love.

    " Well i'll be with you every step of the way. until the very end..." He turned to her pinning her back to the ground. " I love you Selena" he said with a smirk as he began to kiss her passionately."
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena laid underneath him. He kissing her passionately before she gave in as well and began kissing him back. She did love him, and she had now until whenever to be with him, and she knew all too well she was going to use all that time with him.

    "I love you, too..." She said going back to kissing him wrapping her arms around his back.
  16. Zenaku scratched the back of his head. "Hmph. I guess the Master wouldn't mind seeing you or anything, but I'm not sure I trust your intentions." Zenaku eyed Will very seriously. Then, he relaxed. "Though I'm sure you can already sense him. If you wanted to you could go without my permission. So I'll 'trust' you, for now." Zenaku began walking, allowing the feeling of his Master's presence to guide him, setting a brisk pace. The dark corridor closed. "This way. Try to keep up."
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He continued Kissing her. his breaths getting heavier, Caressing her side with one hand and running his hand through her hair with the other. " Theres not one thing i wouldn't do for you" Virgil wasn't sure if she wanted to take this further so he started to slow his pace. He could feel her hurt beating faster.
  18. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will strode briskly, keeping even stride with the boy no problem. "I am in no shape to fight him. My powers have not yet developed. I simply want to see my best friend for the first time in a year." He said coldly, turning the corner and pulling ahead of the boy a bit before looking back. "I understand you see him as some sort of god, but he is my friend. I am still somewhat human after all." He growled, continuing towards the smell of darkness that poured from Jordan. He only slowed to wait for the boy that was walking with him.
  19. As they were approaching, Zenaku was able to sense more people around his master; two with hearts of light, and one with a heart of twilight. The two quickly found Jordan due to their fast walking pace. Then, Zenaku saw who was accompanying his master: Sky, the one that had bested Zenaku before; Cole, the one who had bested Jordan, or so it seemed; and finally, a woman that he had never seen before. It seemed like the air was tense. Zenaku came closer, though kept his distance from the light wielders.

    "You don't mind if a couple more friends join the party, right?" Zenaku asked Jordan.

    OOC: KoD, I assumed Cole's heart was light, vm/pm if I'm wrong and I'll edit.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2012
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos sighed as she ran off, "damnit... gotta follow her though." Following quickly after Angel, Deimos came to a stop by Jordan. "Lord Jordan, lady Violet has... taken things into her own hands, I was told to escort this girl... Angel I think... to safety."

    "Hmph, and for that boy, you have my gratitude." Marluxia walked up from behind Deimos, scaring him half to death, "God damnit pinky! Don't sneak up on people like that!" Marluxia sighed but nodded, "Whatever. Jordan, why have you returned to this desolate town? Saying hello to some old friends?" He said it casually, but as he did he gave a stern look at Angel, indicating he was not pleased with her running off like she did, and hinting that she should do the same thing: speak with her old friends.

    Axel frowned, "Isa... don't be that way... I'm sorry alright. I'll stay here, so I don't cause anymore trouble." He sighed, disappearing into a portal, that would take him to his room.

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