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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan turned back at the group thag had gathered behind, tired of the interruptions. He was about to express his feelings until he saw Will with Zenaku. "Will? Soo...you're one of us now? Haha, good job Zenaku," Jordan said, shocked at Zenaku's progress. "I don't know how you did it, but damn youd did good Zenaku! You all must exfuse me though. Deimos, you be good now, eh?" He turned back around and opened up a portal.

    Cole slowly followed behind Jordan, not completely understanding what was going on with those other people. As he walked through the portal, he made his first step on solid ground, the second, however, caused him to nearly fall off the edge of whatever structure they were on. Jordan immediately grabbed his arm and smiled.

    "Come on Cole. I thought Darian was the clumsy one up here!" Jordan pulled Cole up and moved over so he could sit next to him. "Remember yet," Jordan asked.

    Cole looked around from his view and saw that wherever he was, he had an excellent view of the town below. And in the far distance, he could see the sun beginning to set. A loud ringing noise filled the air, originating from behind Cole and Jordan. Cole looked up at the tall structure to realize the two were on a clock tower. For whatever reason, the sight of the clock tower brought back no memories, but only two words.

  2. Zenaku bowed at the compliment. "You are too kind, Master, however, it was Violet that brought Will onto our side. I was just the delivery boy." He watched as Jordan walked through the portal. "Alright then Will, you got to see him, now are you ready to go? I don't want to stick around here too much longer." Zenaku opened another dark corridor and awaited Will's response. Huh, I wonder where Violet went, he thought.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Sky watched as Cole left.e had to tell somebody, but who? He quickly saw the enemies around unsure what to do. He was sitting duck.

    He looked around before throwing his keyblade in the air smoke appeared around him and he managed to disappear. He reappeared in Merlin's house finally safe, but also was alone.

    Angel looked back at Marluxia. She stood up and faced him. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

    "Some married life..." She murmured.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia growled angrily at Jordan, "Hey! I expect better from an evil lord, when someone asks you a question you answer it!" He glared at Jordan, not very happy with what's gone on today.

    Deimos stepped in front of Marluxia and spoke, "That would be unwise Pinky... even you can see you're..." Marluxia pushed him aside, "Outnumbered? I have an endless supply of nobodies at my disposal, but even without them Angel and I could destroy you where you stand!" Turning back to Jordan he leaned in whispering viciously in his ear, "Do not think you have power over me Jordan, I aided you because we shared similar pasts, and harbored the same relative goal for the future. If you or your apprentices disrespect me or my wife again..." He paused, leaning in so that even his low breathing could be heard by Jordan, "And you will not get anything from the Organization, OR me. Understand?"

    Without even waiting for him to answer, Marluxia picked up Angel bridal style, and walked through a portal to his castle.
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked back at where the portal had just been and smirked. "Please. He has no idea, does he? The Organization is practically in my pocket," Jordan said to himself, eyes closed and his hand out.

    "Um, who are you talking to," Cole asked his friend.

    Jordan looked back at him, and chuckled. "Oh, no one. Just talking to myself," he replied.

    The two looked out to the horizon, admiring the view. Cole dangled his feet off the side in a happy and carefree manner, while Jordan crouched next to him, knees held close against his chest. As the wind blew, the black in Jordan's hair blew in front of his eye which he promptly blew away. Cole looked over at Jordan and asked, "So, what's up with the hair? I thought you weren't into dyes and stuff."

    Jordan smiled back at his friend and responded, "Oh, well it's not really my choice, you see. After I let the Darkness out, I kinda got stuck with it. I don't mind though. Serves as a reminder."

    Cole didn't quite understand. "Of what happened?"

    Jordan shook his head and pressed his face close against his knees, still speaking clearly though. "No. It's much more personal. It's to remind me-" Jordan stopped and looked at Cole with a smile. "Haha, how about you tell me? It'll be obvious one of these days. So when that day comes, I want you to tell me, got it?"

    Cole smiled at Jordan's challenge and nodded. "Deal."

    Jordan nodded back and looked back out to the horizon. "My part of show and tell is over, buddy! Your turn," he said.

    Cole looked at Jordan with a face of disbelief and childishly replied, "What? No way! You didn't even tell, just shared!"

    Jordan laughed at Cole's anger, and, after a few seconds, so did Cole.

    Xigbar tapped on Axel's door and said, "Fiiiirebaaaall! You in there or what?"
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel opened the door, looking at Xigbar. "Well this is certainly rare," the redhead proceeded to smirk and rub his head, "So uhh... what can I do for ya greybeard?"

    Deimos growled, "That pink haired bastard! Just because he has the second in command as his friend doesn't mean shit!" He stopped, turning to Jordan, "He has the second in command as his friend... You don't have them yet my lord... This is not good..."
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    OOC:This POST IS RATED R if you are uncomfortable just skip it and F*** off.

    Each breath heavier than the next. he pressed his body up against hers. He could feel her body heat next to him. Sliding his neck back he began to kiss her neck down till he reached her chest."she grabbed his hair slightly.

    " You sure this is what you want" he said looking up with a sly grin. She nodded her head in agreement. Her face was lush of red. " Your cute when your blushing. " Pressing his fang against her neck just barely nibbling on her. she flinched. Selena clinched his bare back in enjoyment. " I think we need a change of scenery." he said But the moment he tried to get up she pulled him back down onto her body. Lustfully kissing him. There tongues were intertwined with one another in heat.

    He forcefully picked her up with one eye open carrying her back to the cabin. Lips still locked on one another he put her down as the reached the door. She flipped him pressing his back against the wall. With a quick grin he kicked his foot against the door forcing it open. Grabbing her by the waist he pulled her into the room placing her on the large bed gently. She smiled as the only smile he fell in love with all those years. He spoke to her in a a low tone almost a whisper. " You sure you want to do this..?"

    She looked back up at him brushing his hair to the side gently and caressing his face. " Yes Virgil" He slowly lowered himself to her chest sliding his hand underneath her shirt cupping her chest. she fidgeted a bit and twitched. " You ok?!" he asked concerned.She smiled back at him " Yea cold hands" They both laughed. He slid her shirt off quickly placing his lips on her chest kissing her from top to bottom until he reached her jeans which is wear he stopped briefly. Grabbing her zipper by his teeth he unzipped her jeans and slid them off of her. " I have to be the luckiest man. " She blushed slightly but responded back to him. " You are."

    She grabbed his arm and flipped him over on the bed so that she was on top straddling him wasting little time to remove the remainder of clothes he had on. She looked him in the eyes , he was slow at first but he slowly entered her. Her body reacted quickly as he could feel her heart beat on his chest. there bodies were moving in motion with one another. Like the beat of a drum they were each in sync with one another.

    " I love you Selena" he said as he tossed her over pressing her back against the bedpost. She gripped his slid sliding her hand down his bare chest her back arched up as her legs were wrapped around his hips. . The sounds that the room was making could be compared to that of a Bass Drum. Her voice got higher and higher. his breaths got heavier and heavier. She looked into his eyes for a moment. " Its ok.." She smiled and kissed him. With that there was a swift release.He almost fell forward onto her. as her legs were wrapped around his body still. Both his hands on the bedpost holding himself up as he was catching his breath as was she. " So uh i'll call you right?!" She slapped him on his chest and laughed. He started to laugh his long hair draping over his face. she moved it back with her fingers staring him back into his eyes. " Virgil i love you…" He took one hand under her chin lifting her lips to his kissing her softly . " I love you to Selena...my love for you is Bulletproof.."
  8. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's face was stony when he noticed that Jordan barely even cared that he was here. William's voice barely scraped out of the wall that Will had hid him behind. "All this... for what... your so called 'friend' showing that he now as someone else at his side... someone else is his right hand man and... you have... been... replaced..." The voice hissed, sounding like a radio struggling to find a station. Will then looked at the boy. "Take me to my room. Now." He growled, eyes shifting to the boy's throat, his anger and hatred for Cole starting to rise.
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena smiled at him and nuzzled close to him giving him one last sweet kiss. She laid naked in his arms. His body was still wrapped around hers.

    She knew though that moment the two of them couldn't possibly go anywhere. She knew they would find a way to succeed, then when this was all over the two of them would escape from the worlds and fade away. They would do it together.

    The thought made her happy as she curled and cuddled closer to his body falling asleep.

    Angel didn't look at Marluxia when they arrived back at the castle. She went from being happy, to stressed out, to angry. She was stuck in his arms though if it was up to her she'd probably walk off somewhere and lock herself away till she could find herself to forgive him.
  10. Zenaku stared at Will for a moment, sensing the hatred seething from him. Feeling uneasy for a moment, he wasn't sure what Will was about to do, then he heard:

    "Take me to my room. Now."

    "Your wish is my command," Zenaku said sarcastically, as he stepped through the portal and into Jordan's castle. Good, mission accomplished, he thought as the two went down hall after hall, until they finally came to Will's quarters.

    "Well, here we are," Zenaku said. "Oh, right, Violet said something about hearts..." Zenaku looked down the halls, trying to spot a lowly apprentice. "Bingo!" He said as he spotted one not too far away. "One second." He told Will. Zenaku started walking toward the apprentice. As he approached, the apprentice stopped and bowed because his power was less than that of Zenaku's. "Heh," Zenaku chuckled as he drove a hard fist into the apprentice's stomach, then kicked him onto the ground. A black and white Keyblade formed in Zenaku's hand. He quickly pointed it at the apprentice's chest and shot a beam of darkness into the helpless man. A heart rose up from the corpse, which Zenaku grabbed. "You've done the Master a great favor by feeding his friend." Zenaku said to the dead apprentice with a smile.

    Zenaku headed back over to Will and put his hand out, offering the heart.

    "Go on, eat up."
  11. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked back at Deimos with hate in his eyes. He was beginning to get pissed off at the fact Deimos followed him everywhere. Jordan compared it to a lost puppy. He looked at Cole and smirked. "How about we continue this conversation elsewhere," Jordan suggested.

    Cole shrugged and replied, "Doesn't matter to me."

    Jordan nodded and like that, he jumped off of the clock tower, landing hard on his feet. Lucky no one was around to see some boy jumping off the clock tower, unharmed. Cole chuckled and followed after his friend. The two began to walk around the town, enjoying the fact that they were both back home.

    After a while, Jordan could hear Cole sigh. He looked over at his friend, knowing what he was thinking, or was about to say.

    "They're alive Cole. All of our parents...well, except for Darian," Jordan said.

    Cole looked back, shocked and replied, "Darian? His parents?"

    Jordan chuckled and gave himself a small slap on the forehead. "Yeah, you don't remember him yet, huh? Well some lowlife killed his parents, spiraling me and the others into the positions we're in today."

    Cole looked angry. He had heard only a little bit about what happened and knew it had to have been Darian's brother, Devlin.

    Jordan noticed Cole's expression change and chuckled. "Nah, wasn't him. It was...someone else. Anyway, point is that there IS no point in seeing our parents. Devlin made sure to erase everyone's memories. That way they wouldn't be hurt if we died, or when we went missing. That's the second time our world has been messed with." Jordan stuck his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground as the two walked.

    Cole frowned and asked, "'Second time'? What was the first?"

    Jordan looked up at Cole and shrugged. "Why do you think no one came after you? Or even remembers you?"

    Xigbar smiled at Axel and gave a phony laugh to his joke. "Oh haha! That's pretty funny kid," Xigbar said, inviting himself into his room. "I'm not gonna bullshit you fireball, so listen. The Organization is about to start doing big things, and we know all about you and Marluxia. But, to tell you the truth, I don't mind it." Xigbar gave Axel a big smile. "Xemnas is doing big things, and it'd save me a lot of hassle if you could do some of that famous snooping for me, yeah?"
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at the boy, grabbing the heart from him before speaking once. "You saw. I am just a lackey to him. He has Cole and I am now just a soldier for him." He growled, striding into the room and kicking the door shut. He sat down on the bed, hanging his head for a moment before a slightly familiar voice yet different appeared. "Feed. Show him you can become stronger than Cole. Show him that you deserve to be by his side!" Will's eyes lifted to the heart, staring as William crackled through again, voice a bit clearer but still crackly. "Don't become like him. You can still be human!" Will stared at the heart as three thoughts clashed in his head.
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley looked at Violet, " I remember nothing,". "So, I am a spy meant to make Virgil come back to the Darkness as Jordan servant?" Ashley grabbed her head as her eyes flashed white then back to normal. "Im in pain. I can't go back now...I am weakened"

    Ashley looked around the room once more removing herself from the bed on which she layed.
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos knew Jordan didn't want him following him, but he had his orders and he was going to follow them. He hopped off the clock tower and followed the two, staying far enough behind them to not eavesdrop on their conversation.

    Axel grinned, "I like snooping. What's up Xigbar?"

    Marluxia sighed, placing Angel on the ground gently. "I apologize, it was wrong of me to assume you'd be ready to see and talk with your friends again. I... will be in my chamber if you need me." He turned and began to walk away.
  15. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan stopped leading Cole as they reached the area where all the kids would have Struggle matches. When they got there, it seemed that a match was already in place between two kids. "Heh, I know you remember this, right," Jordan asked.

    Cole chuckled and replied, "Yeah, I remember. I remember how you and me would knock each other out, always being a draw!"

    Jordan laughed and patted his friend on the back. "Did you forget that day I beat you? Because I know I haven't!"

    Cole scoffed and pushed Jordan's hand away. "We were like eight! I bet if we had a match right now, I'd win!"

    Jordan raised any eyebrow and said, "Oh really? Ok then, you're on!" He began to walk off towards a group of kids.

    Cole looked on questionably about his friends actions, and scratched the back of his head. "He's not serious, right," he asked himself, although, knowing Jordan, he knew the answer. Seconds later, a boy ran up to the two kids who were having their match and spoke to them. The two boys nodded and walked away from the clearing. Jordan walked into the middle and gestured for Cole to join him. Cole sighed and shook his head, reluctantly following. He stepped up in front of Jordan, who had a smile on his face, and watched as another kid walked up to the two of them with a pair of struggle bats.

    Jordan looked at one bat in particular and picked it up. He looked at the boy and asked, "Where did you get these bats?"

    The boy shrugged and said, "We just got them from the adults who didn't want them anymore. Some of them didn't even remember they had them!"

    Jordan knew why and who gave away each bat. He held his bat tightly, enjoying the chance of getting to use his old bat. The black hilt, the red coloring on the bat, all beginning to fade from the constant use of the kids. He looked at the scratches on his bat, and he could even remember where a couple of them came from.

    Cole picked up his old bat, which was all white. He looked at Jordan and smiled. "Like old times."

    Jordan nodded. He stuck his hand out and said, "No powers?"

    Cole shook his hand and repeated, "No powers."

    As soon as the handshake was over, a teenage boy, probably 13 or 14, ran between the two and pushed them a considerable distance away from each other so it could be fair and yelled, "Ready? Struggle!" He ran off and the match was on.

    Jordan ran at Cole, slower then when actually fighting but still fast, and swung his bat at Cole's stomach. Forcing Cole onto the ground. "Oh yeah Cole, I forgot to tell you what the kids told me. On the ground for five seconds, and you lose."

    Before a kid coud even yell five, Cole was on his feet. "Good to know."

    Cole began to swing at Jordan, who would block each hit, and vice versa. The kids who watched yelled in excitement, enjoying this great match. Jordan backflipped away from a hard swing from Cole that was aimed at his head and smirked. He ran towards Cole for another hit, but Cole stepped to one side, waiting for Jordan to run into the bat. Jordan was smarter than that and slid under the bat, swinging back at Cole's hand to knock the bat away. With Cole dropping his bat, Jordan began to get even more offensive. He got up quickly and ran to Cole, swinging at him wildly. Cole managed to dodge a few but did take a couple of hits. He tried to reach his bat, which was about four feet behind him, but he needed to escaoe Jordan first. He decided to kick Jordan's hand, and rolled over to his bat. Jordan held his hand in pain and shook it off a bit.

    "Not bad Cole. Not bad at all," Jordan said, his voice not nearly as loud as the crowd that began to build up and gather around.

    Xigbar smirked and replied, "I knew you would." He took a seat in a chair and leaned back. "So, what I need you to do is to start following that Cole kid, the whit haired kid from your mission with Vexen. But you can't tell anyone, got it? Not even Saïx and wherever the hell Marluxia is. You do this..." He smiled big at Axel and finished, "And I'll make it so Marluxia is a ghost around here. Xemnas will think he's deae, and Marluxia can live his life as a Nobody, carefree."
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel thought for a moment, then nodded. "You have yourself a deal Xigbar. I'll start right away then, anything inparticular I should be looking for in this kid?"

    Deimos stood among the groups of kids, cheering for Jordan as the match roared on. "C'mon Jordan! Don't let him win!" He watched them intently, excited to see the ending.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil yawned playfully as he fell asleep with Selena.The room was silent, The soundtrack was there low breaths. Virgil knew what all of this meant. he managed to do what he thought he couldn't. all he wanted to do was assure Selena she wouldn't take this road alone. he needed her to be at ease with things and now that she was her heart would be stronger as would her resolve. At this point there would be no stopping either of them. there hearts now intertwined with one another.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Violet shook her head.

    "You can, they do no suspect a thing yet, you merely had a freak accident when Selena's powers activated, but nothing is suspected, and now that you're better you can return." Violet told her.

    "You must work as Darian's student though, but make it clear to him that you have no love interest at all for him for if you do thing's will not work out. You must show and make obvious to not only Virgil but Darian and Selena that you love Virgil and you'll do anything to get Virgil." Violet told her.

    "This is all I can offer you now, I bid you well, we will speak again, hopefully soon." Violet said before disappearing in a dark portal leaving Ashley to ponder her thoughts.

    Angel watched Marluxia leave and she frowned. She was so frustrated, unsure of herself, upset, angry, and sad. She sighed and extended her arm as an image appeared before her. Twilight Town, a distant memory but those times she would go to Selena about everything, everything about Lu then when her memory was erased about Darian. Watching those memories she picked up on something. When speaking to Selena about Darian, she always seemed upset about something. Her mouth smiled and laughed but her eyes showed that she was upset and seemed to almost... pitty her.

    Then it dawned on her...

    "Oh my god..." Was all Angel could manage to say. Selena knew! Selena knew from the start! She knew everything! She laid her hand on her head. There was still one fuzzy memory that she wish she could remember. She just couldn't no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't.

    She remembered that she and Lumaria were getting ready to run away, then something happened that they didn't run away. Something that caused her to lose her memories and connection to Lu and something that caused Lumaria to lose his heart and become Marluxia. There was a point Marluxia didn't show much signs of any memory if anything the memory of him and Angel were a distant memory and when they met for the first time they seemed like strangers. Then he seemed to regain them all but Angel thought so too.

    Angel thought about it and wondered if he too wondered how things occurred to put them where they are now versus living happily ever after when they were younger. The only people she could think of who would know may be Lu, but one for certain is Selena.

    Angel shook her head, she didn't want to speak to Selena about it. She wanted to speak to Lu about it all but shook her head. She sighed and frowned staring at the door of his chamber.

    "Why must life be so difficult..." She thought aloud.

    Selena awoke that next morning in Virgil arms. She looked up at his face. She couldn't tell if he was still sleeping or not. His eyes were closed and his breathing was calm. She smiled to herself examining his face. The face she always loved and even as a little girl she thought Virgil was very cute now a lot older she looked at his face and was in love. His face always showed a care for her, and she always cared for it. He was handsome, adorable, good looking, hot, and sexy.

    The last thought she found herself blushing some. She looked away to regain her composure she found her self staring at his chest before looking back up at his face.

    "Virgil?" She whispered to see if he was awake.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Because if it wasn't, it wouldn't be much of a life." Marluxia frowned, watching the memories in his own head, being told about Selena, and that... goddamned day. "Angel... please, don't think to hard about this. It'll hurt, finding truths you missed back then..." He walked up to her and sighed, putting a hand on her shoulder. "C'mon, it's time to relax..."
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil woke to the sound of Selenas voice. " Yep...im up babe" He took one arm from around her and stretched for a moment. He looked down examining her body slowly. his eyes analyzed her from her chest up to her lips. he chuckled a bit to himself. " Heh..i guess i got lucky this time around" he said to himself. He had lived a life of so much pain heartbreak and loss, This was a realizing point for him that he could finally be happy. Looking at her face so many thoughts came to mind of the past the present and the future together.

    He could remember as a kid he would always protect her from everyone and those days were cut short. but it no longer mattered. she was now here in his arms and his resolve was to keep it that way. He tapped her head with his finger. " How ya feelin" he said eyes closed and a bright smile on his face.

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