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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan stared at Xaldin's hand for a while before staring him in the face. "With a threat like that your lying. Xemnas wouldn't want to see me against the Organization for several reasons, so cut the bullshit. and tell me your true reasons and intentions. I might not get mad," Jordan said coldly. He then scoffed and pulled away from Xaldin. "Besides, why would i need to forcefully escape?"
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin laughed and patted Jordan's head, "As cocky as ever it seems. However, I kid you not. Xemnas is not one who tolerates insubordination. He nearly killed Axel and Saïx because he suspected them of such. Going against Axel's, as well as my own orders, is also going against Xemnas. You would do well to remember that, boy!" The black haired nobody smirked and looked at Axel, "Take him to the keyhole, we have a world to revive."

    Axel nodded and lead the way.

    Ooc- KoD, in your post we'll be there.

    Ic- Marluxia awoke slowly, the soreness was definitely there, but it was fun anyway. He gently placed a hand on Angel's chest and listened, but to no avail. They'd have to try again later. Pulling his hand away, he released her from his arms and sat quietly, allowing her to sleep.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
  3. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan scoffed and shook his head. 'I never liked Dilan,' he thought to himself before turning to Axel. "If you guys honestly believe that Xemnas would kill me, then I WILL leave. You two are too foolish to even get...'The Big Picture'," he said to the two. He smiled at the sound of the name. "The Big Picture" just began to stick with Jordan. Surely his devious plan deserved a name, especially if it's design was so complex. He shook his head of the thought to get back on track. "So, I will only go to SEE the Keyhole if you guys tell me why this is important to any of you."

    Cole, now alone, decided to take a stroll around the town. After a while he found himself by a large fountain, with no one around. He smiled at the fact of an open area and the fact that he was alone. "Well, training is always fun," he said to himself. He took his shirt off and had his back to the fountain, beginning to take deep breaths. He was slowly beginning to concentrate his power into summoning his Keyblade, without entering his form.

    "I feel you are hiding much more about him then you have let me known about," Saïx said to his superior. "The boy is different, this I do know, but I'm beginning to believe you have some sort of ties with him."

    Xemnas looked at Saïx with his never changing face and replied, "I have told you all that I can. Any ties that you see are purely imagination, in hopes that we may reach our ultimate goal, Saïx. And that is to reach Kingdom Hearts."

    Saïx said nothing and began to walk away.

    "However, if I were you, I wouldn't trust him. His goals are very different from our own. At the same time, they are the same. You must watch out for Jordan."

    Saïx had stopped, shocked at what he heard. 'What does he mean, same goals,' he thought. He left the room slowly, know having something to dwell on.

    Just what Xemnas wanted.
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin scoffed, "You're too cocky Jordan. We aimed to make you better, so you could protect those you loved. We had no idea it would effect you so greatly, however, we offered to remove your heart, but you refused." He paused for a moment, before humming, "Axel, take him to the keyhole, and don't answer his questions. As for you..." He turned back to Jordan, "You have no way of leaving until the keyhole is locked, then, and only then, will you be able to leave by any means..."
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2012
  5. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan was beginning to follow Axel until he heard Xaldin's remark. 'How they wanted ti make me better,' he thought. He turned back at Xaldin and, uncontrollably, grabbed Xaldin's collar with both hands. "You fucking remember, don't you? What Vexen, Xigbar, and Xemnas did to us," he yelled. His eyes were a blood red color but started to slowly change back. He let go of Xaldin slowly and cleared his throat. "What you all did was merely give life to a being that had been dormant for a very long time. And you all didn't expect it'd be so destructive." He turned his back to Xaldin. "I will not do it unless I'm told what importance it holds to any of you. And that is all I have to say."
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin sighed, being lifted up by a kid half his size wasn't very enjoyable in his eyes. "Well Jordan, I'll tell you something. If you had let us remove your heart, you wouldn't be in this mess to begin with..." He paused, as he recalled what had been said, "Wait... What do you mean 'us'? You were the only one experimented on... Unless you count the random experimentation... or Lumaria... But he wanted it, so he wouldn't count actually." He mumbled off to no one in particular, as Axel simply watched and listened.

    "However! As for the keyhole... well I already told you. Xemnas wants the real Twilight Town, not a fake. He did not say why, so don't ask.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2012
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena ran her fingers through her knotted hair from the night before.

    "Pretty good actually..." She said smiling at him telling him the complete truth. She felt more confident in herself and what they were doing, she was happy to have the life she had, and she was now more determined.

    Sky looked up at Arashi.

    "No, he's out. Have you seen Selena?" He asked.

    Angel slowly opened her eyes looking up at Marluxia a little surprised that he just sat there staring at her. She was even more so upset when she realized that he didn't have her wrapped in his arms. She slowly sat up and looked at him confused.


    OOC: Sort of a short post. But I'm slowly going to bring myself back in. Also has anybody seen Abyssal, is he still in this?
  8. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac walked through the first district of Traverse Town, looking at his keyblade. He sighed...he promised his dad he would become a Keynlade Master, and yet Zac has yet to unlock the powers of the keyblade. Some Keyblade Master...so he came to Traverse Town to find a good place to train, then find a Leyblade Master to help him train.

    He looked around, looking for a good spot to train. Some people were in this district, he decided to find a less crowded, preferably empty, place to start his training. "I will fufil my promise dad," he said as he walked through the district.
  9. BK-201

    BK-201 Member

    Arashi shrugged, "Nope... not at all." he said as he closed the door behind him, "Anything new... besides conflict, conflict, and more conflict." asked Arashi as he looked out the window, scanning the area for more heartless and other enemies. "The last time I saw Selena was back at errrr... damn even I can't really remember." said Arashi summoning his keyblade. "Anyway... wanna spar ?"
  10. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley looked at Violet as she disappeared, "But Vio-" Ashley said as she removed herself from the table she laid on. Ashley stood in front of the table and looked around the nearly empty room. "How do I get out of here?" Ashley asked.

    She began to walk towards the door, as a portal opened up before her. Ashley simply nodded as she walked through the portal.

    Darian looked around his old room and couldn't believe how much stuff he had left behind. Darian walked over to his old bed and grabbed a silver star key-chain. "I don't remember having this..."He said as the charm began to glow in his hand.

    Suddenly the techno keyblade appeared in his hand with the silver star charm on the end of it. "Brandon..." He said as a tear hit the dusty floor of his old room.
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac made it to district two. For some reason it was not as crowded as district one...it was empty....he walked to the streets and looked around....this was too tranquil... Whatever. He had to get to training, "Hello?" Zac asked, "Anyone here?"

    He doubted that anyone was in this district, as it seemed empty. He readied his keyblade, incase of any surprise attacks that may happen. This was like something in a horror film. He could feel a cold wind blowing on his clothes and skin. This was pretty scary. He pointed out his keyblade and started to shift positions, from standing tall to quickly cowering in a slightly hinged position.

    He looked behind him, a black void appearing in the ground. It was dark as the sky, and he could see something climbing out of it. He took notice of some more black splatters in the ground, roughly 3 in number, and watched as each blob formed a pair of yellow beedy eyes.

    Last edited: Aug 28, 2012
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan scoffed and waved Xaldin off. "Trust me, it must've been someone else you're talking about, because if you did do anything to me a second time...." Jordan stopped and started chuckling. "It would have told me." Jordan no longer wanted to talk and turned his back to Xaldin. He gave Axel a tap on the shoulder, issuing for him to continue.

    A strong breeze swept the alley Cole was in, as he struggled to control himself. "You could do it once, you can do it again, so come on," he said to himself in a whisper. His hand began to glow with a strong bright light, signaling that he was almost there.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin chuckled, but turned around to face a strange looking warp hole, "Xigbar, it's up to you it would seem..." He whispered as he disappeared into a dark portal, reappearing by Xemnas. "Superior, it is as you said. He doubts our power and does not believe we would have the guts to betray him. I do not understand why we didn't kill him when we had the chance Xehanort..."

    Axel smirked, "You sure told him! So uhh... if you're ready... the keyhole is straight through this gate, in that mansion over there. I'll wait here while you do your thing yeah... I'd much rather be protecting your sister then doing this shit y'know..."

    Deimos walked towards the mansion, but upon reaching the door he was ambushed by hundreds of massive heartless. Behind them all, stood a giant blob of darkness. It began changing, as it split into Deimos, Axel, and Jordan copies. "Tsk, a trap. My lord, these shadows are no mere foe, they are identical copies of us, probably placed to guard the keyhole."
  14. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac spun his keyblade, right arm into the air. He spun it until it was nothing but a metallic blur, in which you could hear the chain of the keychain rattle as it made contact with the handle. He kept spinning as the Shadows molded into their true forms, climbing from the voids of darkness.

    Zac tossed his keyblade like a boomerang and caused it to slice through one of them. This wasn't much of a challenge, but still a bit of a pain in the ass. Here called his keyblade and continue to fight against the weak heartless. In few they were weak, in numbers you are pretty much screwed.

    One by one he defeated, turning them into nothing but misty, flame like shadows and watched some of them vanish into thin air.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Well thats good that your feeling good." He winked at her " Glad i could help" he laughed under his breath. " Well i guess we can't be on vacation forever. Me and you both are pretty big stars in this messed up story our lives are wrapped up in, best we get back to the plot eh?" he said with a soft voice. He rolled over her and out of the bed. Standing up black feathers surrounded his body turning into his clothing. He was fully dressed again except for his shirt which was half open.

    He yawned briefly and began to stretch. "Whenever your ready babe"
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia sighed, "Nothing, we'll have to try again in a few hours, until then, we have to eat up. Can't do much on an empty stomach, right?" He attempted to hide his disappointment, for fear Angel would blame herself. "Come, we shall eat a delicious meal, rest, and then we shall try again. Third time's the charm, right my little Angel?" He carried her bridal style to the dining room where he sat her next to him. "Dusks, prepare a little bit of everything."
  17. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac finished the battle, it wasn't truly much of a challenge. He sighed and withdrew his keyblade, and headed back to the first district. He would browse around there for a bit, find someone to talk to. To be honest he wasn't sure of where to go next. He really thought he should keep wondering and find where the next place takes him.

    He kept walking the through the seemingly empty district. Was it the heartless that scare away people? Well, that was a dumb question. If heartless appeared so easily here, and no one is around, it would make total sense that no one was in the district. No matter, he had to find a place to rest, always seemed like it was night in this world.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - Destiny Islands - YouTube

    Selena sighed and stood up putting on her clothes the old fashion way versus using any magic like Virgil. She opened a portal and turned to him before walking through.

    Kingdom Hearts 3D OST - Hand to Hand - YouTube

    Sky looked over at the fellow apprentice.

    "What are you crazy, no I'm not battling you! I just saw Cole willingly go with Jordan also I saw Will convert to the darkness where he's now on their side! Then not to mention Selena and Virgil are missing!" Sky got up and headed towards the exit.

    "Come on, we need to at least find the others, Violet, Darian, somebody!

    Namine's Theme Extended HQ - YouTube

    Right behind Darian a black cloaked woman appeared.

    "Revisiting old dear memories, Darian?" The woman spoke before removing her hood revealing it to be Violet.

    "You should awaken from this dream, it's not healthy to dream of something in the past, especially something that can't be brought back from death." Violet told him.

    Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance OST - 09. SOMEDAY -KINGDOM MIX- - YouTube

    Angel mentally sighed and smiled though she was frowning. Why couldn't they have a family. She couldn't but help feel like it was her fault. She sat down in the seat. Food was soon brought out. She put a little bit of food on her play but didn't start eating till Lu would. She had no real plans to eat a lot, she really wasn't that hungry.

    She closed her eyes briefly begging that she'll be able to have a kid, have hers and Lu's kid.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2012
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan shrugged and wagged a finger at Deimos. "Humph, I have the living Darkness inside of me. I'll just-" he put a hand forward at his own double. The copy started to flinch, and looked as though it might do whatever it was that Jordan wanted. But just then, it shilled it's head and got into a battle position. "What the...there's not a person in the world that has a stronger darkness then mine! Unless," Jordan paused. He looked up at the top of the mansion groaned loudly. "Son of a bitch! One of you! AGAIN!" Jordan was now furious. The keyhole was being protected, but by one of those red jacket guys that Jordan couldn't stand.

    The hooded man looked down at Jordan and the others with a hidden smile. He folded his arms and awaited their first moves. "This would prove a worthy test for Jordan, no doubt.

    Jordan looked at his copy and smiled. "Trust me, there's a lot more to me then what that copy has," he said to his replica. He held his Keyblade and looked at the tip of his pulsating. The heart was finally beating. Sure, it was good sign, but now wasn't exactly an ideal time to be too happy.
  20. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos gazed up at the hooded man and frowned, "Hmph, your replica can't copy my powers. I'll show you!" He roared as he jumped forward, clashing with his copy, each strike was blocked and countered, the battle was equal and balanced.

    Axel groaned, "DAMNIT, I just wanted some peace! BURN!" The red head yelled out as he jumped into battle with his clone.

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