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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac walked through district, not much for living spaces, mainly some small shops, a small restaurant, and a even a weird looking mail box. He shrugged, district one wasnt one for living spaces, nor training, but it was pretty good place to help people start out in this world. From what he heard, this was a place for traveling people, and also those who had no home.

    He walked to the district three door, it was big, was this just a thing here? He shrugged as went through the doors, pulling out his keyblade incase of any danger that may approach.
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan held his blade high, his copy doing the same. He scoffed and smirked. "Let's see how good of a copy you really are, huh," he asked his clone. Jordan jumped high up and slammed his Keyblade down on his clone who blocked and kicked Jordan away. Stumbling backwards for a few seconds, Jordan regained himself and rushed his clone now, trying to strike it in the gut. The clone, however, jumped away and shot a ball of fire at Jordan, who, at the last second, cut through it. "Oh you're good. Too good," he grumbled.

    Darian turned to the figure and quickly wiped a tear away. "Yeah well...mind your own business," he told her, hate obvious in his tone. 'Isn't that the girl from Traverse Town? The one with Jordan," GE thought. With the memory returning, he readied himself for any attack.

    Cole stopped himself from reaching his peak in power, afraid of what would happen. He breathed heavily and began chuckling. "Well that's enough of that for now," he said to himself. He clapped his hands together and disappeared in a bright light only to reappear in the third district.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac kept walking into the third district. That is, until a flash of light spontaneously appeared. Zac jumped back and readied his keyblade. When the light faded, in it's place was a boy. That was really, really weird. A flash of light happened and then he (Cole) appeared out of the light. Who...or what was he?

    Whatever, Zac readied his keyblade, ready to attack. This being could be friend or foe, so far he hoped it wasn't going to be a foe.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil snapped his fingers and his Katana appeared in his right hand. " Well lets head back to town. " He walked over to her placing his arm around her shoulder leading her through the portal. as he exited the portal Sky had just appeared and there was a new kid who seemed overly hostile. " Eh..? whats this all about?"
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos roared as he was evenly matched with his copy. "Hmmph... In that case... Black Cross!" Deimos' armor appeared on his body, and his clone showed no emotion. "Heheh let's try this again! Black Cross Slice and dice!" Forming a sword in his gauntlet, he flew towards his clone and cut repeatedly through it with blazing speed, as the clone could do nothing but be hit. "Now die!" With one final blow, the clone howled in agony and exploded in a massive ball of darkness. "Foolishness..."
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smirked and rolled his shoulders. "Alright asshole, copy this," he growled. The Darkness' two heads erupted from. Jordan's back, growling and snarling at the copy. Immediately, his right head jumped at the clone. However, the clone grabbed the head by its neck with both hands, struggling to stop it. "What," Jordan screamed. "That's bullshit! The only person that can handle that much darkness is me! Not even a clone could know that!" The man high up smiled and snapped his fingers, destroying the clone. Jordan jumped back, the Darkness pulling away to Jordan's shoulders. He stared up menacingly at the man, who disappeared in a burst of black flames. "Who the hell was that?"

    Cole stretched out as he began growing weary, until he saw the stranger staring at Cole with his Keyblade. Cole threw his hands up and said, "Whoa dude! Haha, you don't want to do that, right?"
  7. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac lowered his blade and sighed, "Sorry, I just recently fought some heartless, you appeared, I think you understand why I was acting hostile," Zac said as his last words faded slightly, "Sorry kind uptight because of that, though judging by the light I should have guessed it wasn't a heartless," Zac said hitting his head softly.

    He withdrew his keyblade in a flash of light and chuckled, "Sprry about nearly whacking your head off,"
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil laughed for a quick second. " Ha its ok i suppose i understand. " Then he looked at the boy with a stern stare. " Besides you wouldnt have been able to wack my head off anyway." He took his arm from around selena and begun to lean onto his katana. There was a cool breeze and it was a seemingly nice day for some training. Virgil glared over at sky for a brief moment then back to the boy.

    " So tell me something kid, i've never seen you before and thats a lot coming form me. So who are you exactly."
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "I just got here," Zac said, "Name is Zac Gearheart, I'm a keyblade wielder, currently I'm training to be one like my dad. He was the one who taught me how to fight and wield this awesome blade," Zac said as he showed his keyblade, "Only thing is...my dad died before he started teaching me more about the keyblade, what powers it has. I've learned only a few on my own, so I decided to train, thought this would be a good place,"

    "I recently fought some Shadow Heartless so Ive been on alert per say," Zac said, "Hence me pulling a blade at you guys,"
  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole smiled and replied, "Well at least you're careful! That's saying something at least. Sorry to hear about your dad though." He walked to the boy and patted him on the shoulder. "But I think you'll be happy to know that Selena and, uh...that guy over there are Keyblade Masters and can help you out!" Cole smiled at Virgil and Selena, hoping they'd accept this stranger.

    Jordan scoffed and faced Deimos, the Darkness hissing into Jordan's ears.

    "Awww, he embarrassssed youuu..."
    "He made you seem WEAK."
    "Heee made a perfect replica that not even youuuu could beat."
    "How could anyone be that strong?"

    Jordan groaned, "Will you guys shut up!" And like that, the Darkness disappeared into Jordan's back. "I don't have time for this. I have much needed plans to attend to!"
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena smiled.

    "it is your call, I don't mind taking on another student, of course I'd want to see what you truly know."

    Violet smiled.

    "Relax, Darian. I'm here only to talk." Violet told him, "You don't seem to often be on the same page as Selena. You only after all were her friend through your best friend, Jordan. You didn't get along with your brother, after all he became your enemy. Jordan though is your best friend he never did anything to you. Come with me Darian, join alliance with your best friend again. Did I mention Will is with us?" Violet explained.
  12. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Darian gasped at her statement, only because she was partially right. Partially.

    "You're right, me and Selena don't agree very often, and me and Devlin did become enemies. But you're wrong about some other things," Darian looked down at the ground as he spoke. "Friends disagree. That's probably why me and Selena are friends. She's my reason when I need it and I'm always there for her in return. And for Devlin...he was the only one in my family that still cared. When my parents were in such awe at Devlin and his Keyblade, he still hung out with me and cared." He looked up at Violet and gave her a smile, resembling Devlin's slightly. "As for joining my friend, he needs to wake up from whatever reality he thinks he's living in right now. So does Will."

    "Very good bro. You're actually learning something!"

    Darian turned his head, looking behind him. 'Probably my imagination,' he thought, after hearing a voice.
  13. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "You just met me?" Zac asked, "And you want to train me?" Zac was very confused. He thought for a moment, he realized that they were Keyblade Masters, according to the one named Cole. Could he trust them? If they were Keyblade Masters, that would help him.

    "Yea, you can help me become a Keyblade master," Zac said nodding his head.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil rolled his eyes at cole. " Well bro if you wana train to become the best you can be then you luckily you ended up here. " Virgil turned his body to leave the group while waving his hands with his back turned." Selena take care of him ok, i'm going to do some training and practice a tad. " part of him couldnt help but worry about ashley. was she ok, ha she been hurt. all these questions circulated but he tried to place them out of his head. he made his way just a little bit to the outskirts of town where he sat in the middle of a large wavy grass prairie.. Closing his eyes only to re-open them again this time with his Black star active. A azure like flame and bone covered his body. he wanted to spend as much time as he could perfecting this. before it was truly time to use it.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Well yeah sure. Still need to be tested to see what level you're at." Selena said smiling.

    "So you turn away from your best friend. You disagree right now, why do you disagree. Do you understand what he's going through?" Violet asked. "Do you know all the truth of your friends of light anyways?"

    "The darkness will give you what you want. It's the only thing that will. It'll give you power. You have the chance to be a real keyblade master. Your brother went to the darkness for a reason, Jordan isnt the same as Devlin not the same darkness, but perhaps your old Devlin was onto something by joining the darkness? Darkness will give you knowledge. Oh and that girl you love, Ashley, you can't have we unless you're on the darkside." Violet told him.
  16. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac smiled, "Alright then, I understand, so how do you guys want to test my skill? All against me? Or just one on one with either the weakest of strongest?" Zac asked, drawing his Gearshift Keyblade from the light. He spun his blade and got into a fighting stance, ready to test.

    He hoped that these would be his tutors, he wanted to be a Keybalde master at any cost. He was ready for anything they may toss at him.
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos frowned at Jordan and shook his head, "No my lord. You need rest, what would Violet say if she saw you in your current state? We should return to the castle and wait for Violet to return before moving forward." He opened a blood red portal and smirked, "As for me... I have an old friend to visit. See you soon Jordan." He laughed maniacally as he disappeared into the portal.

    Marluxia frowned and put a hand on Angel's shoulder, "Angel... we will succeed, I promise. Have faith in me, and soon... we will be parents."
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Darian's breathing grew heavier, his mind clouded with rushing thoughts of what to do. He began pacing the room as he now spoke, "No, does HE have any idea what I am going through? I lost my best friend, and all I have know is Ashley and-" he stopped. What had she said about Ashley? Darian looked at Violet and raised an eyebrow. "And what happened to Ashley?"

    Cole smiled and gave an approving nod at Zac. "You're welcome buddy," he told him jokingly, stepping back to watch Zac and Selena.

    Jordan groaned and held his head. He was beginning to get a migraine. "Eh, you're right. I hope she's at the castle still, heh," he said to Deimos. He looked back at Axel and smirked. He opened his own portal and walked through it, ending up in his room. He quickly closed it behind him in case Axel would follow and sighed. He took his shirt off and sat on the edge of hid bed. "Maybe...maybe we need our Keyblades to do it," he said to himself.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I've done nothing. But your friend's boy friend, Virgil, he has. Do you know the story of Ashley? Virgil when he was separated from Selena created Ashley to replace Selena and the void in his heart. Now he has Selena back so he doesn't care for her. However here's the thing, Ashley still loves Virgil, Darian. She will continue to. I know the way you can get her back, Jordan knows how to get her all to yourself. The only way is by coming with me. To come train with us, come train with us for the day you will fight Virgil and make him fall to the darkness and have Ashley become all yours." Violet told him.

    "Though I understand, maybe you can understand Ashley and let her chase after something she can't have. After all weren't you put in the same situation with another girl named Angel? I understand if you don't want to come with me and you have to continue to watch Virgil as he ignores or maybe even give into Ashley. You may try to fight him, but you won't be able to, he will defeat you, you need to become stronger and harness the power of darkness, Darian, you can't do that fighting for the light or dawn." Violet said as a portal opened behind her.

    "You know how to contact me, it is your own decision, but remember everything I've told you." Violet said slowly walking away to the portal.

    Angel looked at him and smiled.

    "Alright..." She told him.

    "Not me, you won't be able to handle me, but perhaps one of our other pupils." Selena said turning and seeing Akari and Sky show up.

    "You two up for a fight?" Selena called over to the two apprentices.
  20. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Alright," Zac shrugged, he still needed to take her test if he wanted to be trained to be a keyblade master. He then realized how many times he had said keyblade master in his mind, This seems to be kind of an obsession... Well I made it an oath so I have to keep holding on to it

    He still had his keyblade out ready to challenge whoever would fight him.

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