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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos appeared above Selena and the apprentices. Staring down at Sky, Arashi, and Zac, he laughed darkly, "Aww... are the little apprentices training? Pathetic!" He turned to Selena, "Selena! Your brother gives his regards, however I must speak with Virgil. If you could tell me where he is, I will leave in peace... We have little time though, Jordan's girl toy will return soon and if I'm not present, she will hunt me down..."
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Darian scoffed and turned his back. "What do I need her for anyway? She'd just be holding me back," he said to himself after Violet left. Darian sat on the edge of his bed and sighed. "Oh well. Another lost heart...or creation."

    "Is that how a Keyblade Master acts nowadays?"

    Darian jumped up and looked around the room. "Who said that," he said loudly, now summoning his Keyblade.

    "AND you don't even recognize your own brothers voice? Geez, what a shame!"

    Darian looked at the doorway to his room. And there he was. Devlin was standing right there, the same as he did before he disappeared. "De....Devlin?"

    Jordan was now on the roof of his castle, shirtless still, and stood on the edge. It was always night on his world, so the beautiful moon always watched over the castle. Jordan stared back up at it with a serious look. He put his hand on his chest, feeling a scar he had received a few months ago. It was from one of those hooded men. "He was weak. He nearly killed me, but weak. That man today though was different. Three out of seven defeated...yet now I feel weak. Maybe I should give up." He hovered his right foot over the edge of the castle. "You wouldn't let me, would you? You'd protect me before I even seriously thought about it," he said to the Darkness. He expected a response but there was none. Jordan chuckled. "Exactly."

    "Soon it will be complete. And then the world will be mine."
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena's keyblade appeared as she jumped back looking at him.

    "What do you want with Virgil?"

    "Yes, I'd be wondering the same thing." another voice spoke as Violet stood on the roof of a building.

    "Deimos, what are you doing here in Traverse Town, were you not given a task with Jordan?" Violet asked crossing her arms.

    Selena looked between the two confused before looking back at Cole.

    'You're not officially my apprentice, but I hope you can hear me, please get them out of here.' Selena spoke telepathically to Cole referring to Sky, Arashi, and Zac.

    OOC: This is just me but maybe this would be a good time for Ashley/Virgil?
  4. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos sighed and turned to Violet, "Lord Jordan returned to the castle after a confrontation with a strange cloaked man. I take it your plan was successful then?" He turned and glared at Selena, "What I want from Virgil is answers. Why would he leave his own creation to die? I have to know!" He laughed maniacally, creating giant walls that prevented escape, before activating his black cross. "They're all yours my lady." He smirked, before disappearing and reappearing in a field. "Virgil..."
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Glaring up Deimos Virgil rolled his eyes. he couldnt even fathom the thought as to why this thing stood before him. Virgil stood up almost in a flash standing in front of Deimos face to face. " Do you have a death wish ...? i mean you must be foolish to show yourself to me.." Virgil shrugged turning his back to him. " Alone even!" He started to clap and mock Deimos" i must say you certainly grew a pair circle jerking Jordan havent ya!" Hows that going for ya eh buddy?

    Virgil started to walk away. "Come back when your not ready to waste my time. " He raised his middle finger as he walked away" Your lucky i don't kill you..."
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos scoffed, "I haven't come for needless insults Virgil, I came for answers. Why did you let Ashley attack me? Why didn't you come back after you realized I went missing? We killed everyone there, who else but Ashley could have dealt me physical harm? You knew this, and you still did not return. Tell me why! Why Virgil? Why did you abandon your own creation! The creation... that was meant to be the son you couldn't have...?"
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Violet rolled her eyes and looked at Selena glaring up at her.

    "I don't have the patience to deal with you people today. Some other time perhaps." Violet said waving her hand before disappearing.

    "Wait!" Selena shouted and gripped her keyblade tighter after she left.

    "Um... Master Selena?" Sky spoke out. "We have a small problem..." Sky said before glancing over at Cole.

    "Will went and joined Jordan's side..." Sky said deciding to opt out telling on how Cole also went with Jordan somewhere.

    "Wait what?" Selena turned around shocked.

    Violet appeared at the castle and took note that Will must have settled in. She had to find Jordan and report what all that has been done. Or she stopped. Did she report? What would he think, after all he was a character still good at heart, one she loved dearly for it, and though he probably would never wish the lives of the darkness on any of his old friends, would he approve of her doing, but at the same time he spoke so highly of them and he never wanted to fight them.

    "He knows about, Will, I'll leave knowledge of Ashley and Darian out for the moment being." Violet whispered before continuing down the hall to seek out Jordan.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole nodded at Selena and issued the other apprentices away. "These two might make things messy," he said in a whisper.

    Jordan took deep breathes, eyes closed as he meditated. He stood on the edge still, arms folded.The Darkness heads were swaying slowly back and forth behind Jordan.

    "Aaww, he's locked usss out."
    "He must be deep in thought."

    The heads began to laugh, which sounded more like cackling. Jordan paid them no attention. He was planning on his next moves, and moves to come. This was a chess game, and Jordan had to stay seven steps ahead of his sister. And then it hit him. "Last resort. Last resort," he continually repeated.
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Uh...who is this Jordan guy? Is he a bad guy or something?" Zac asked scratching the back of his head, letting his keyblade drag tothe ground as he walked to Selena. This was all confusing, it was like having a bucket of water being dumped on your head, unsuspecting, confusing and making you feel stupid and embarrassed.

    "So then uh... When do I start my test? Sorry for the subject change there," Zac said, nervously laughing, this was very awkward. If Jordan was bad, anyhow two girls sided with him... Some serious shit is gonna go down...
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " i see i see" Virgil shrugged " I don't think i owe you any type of explanation." Virgil quickly glared at Deimos" Correection You killed everyone. I instructed ashley to deal with you because i don't have anymore use for you. you were better off dead. even more so now that your hanging out with that jordan character."

    Like i said i owe you no explanation for the things i did. We all have the sins of our youth and you are one of min sins. " Virgil Began to slowly unshethe his blade seemingly halfway where it glared from the light. " A sin that will soon be undone if you continue to press this matter any further..."
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos frowned, "You lie father. You gave no such order, for Ashley attacked me out of jealousy. You can kill me, but that won't change a damn thing. Ashley still has power over you, and if I'm dead, and she takes control, Selena will die." He summoned his keyblades and threw them to the ground, "If my alliance with Jordan keeps me from the truth, I'm willing to shatter it... if not... if you will not change your mind father... then this may be our final meeting..."
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil tossed his blade back into its shethe quickly slamming it down to the ground with force. " My Ashley would do no such thing! First of all and lets get this understood. She was not jealous of you. i don't think she would act directly against me unless instructed. Further more she has no power over me. All her powers are inate unless activated and no one has the power to do that. "

    Virgil sneered up one of his fangs peeking out. " You underestimate Selena to much. If something ever happend to me i know she would be fine......she'd be alright. She would bring me back from what ever abyss i was to fall into.There is no truth i need to tell you. You search for an answer that no longer exist...."
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos snickered, "Listen to you, 'my Ashley', really? You think she can't be jealous, you're lying to yourself father. If she uses her eyes, she can control you." Deimos had to take a long shot here, and hope it worked. "What about Selena's fate? Without you she has nothing, and you know that. Tell me why, and I'll stop that from ever happening." He frowned slightly, but stood tall. "Selena's fate lies in your hands..."

    OOC- Deimos is bullshitting the fate, hoping it strikes a chord.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "You know i've been very patient with you i had to admit." Virgil's power exploded quickly grabbing Deimos by his neck holding him up. " But your really starting to piss me off!" He tossed him back to the ground and stood over him. " Selena's fate is one with me as i am one with her. i KNOW fully well what needs to be done and i will walk with her to the very end. Her fate doesnt lie in my hands she controls her own destiny as do we all. " He pointed his katana at Deimos sharply just barely touching his neck. " Even you had a choice.....and i see the path you chose."

    His power began to cool off slowly. " As for Ash..... her powers are innate...she wouldn't do something like that. That power i imbued her with was if i ever became out of control and was to loose myself. she was to bring me back to reality. But as it seems in my present state i'm in full control of my actions."

    He began to think of what she had said previously " i love you Virgil.."

    He clinched his hands into a fist trying his hardest to be in denial of the fact. " Shes not jealous....she just has a misunderstanding of what it is she truly wants....."
  15. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos sighed, "I guess I should mention, when your out of control power killed Ashley, her powers were reawakened, and Violet revived her... as a favor to me... I never sought to betray you father, and I refuse to now. If you believe everything I've told you is a lie, if you believe I'd come alone, and break Violet's orders, just to lie to you, then kill me where I stand father, kill me, like Ashley attempted to all those years ago." He extended his arms and stood still, awaiting what may be his death.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Quit calling me father makes me feel old and decrepit. i'm only 19 for starters. Ashley did not die by my hands i simply deactivated her to save her from the grief she deals with now. So shes in .....that girls care" He said it with such disgust." Regardless if you had ever intended to betray me you already have. " Virgil turned his back to Deimos swiftly. " Get out of my sight i won't strike down a man who shows no resolve to live."
  17. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos just chuckled, "You are my father, creator, and master. I never betrayed you, simply aided you. I know Jordan was once your friend, and if you had your way, he'd be your brother in law. But Jordan was corrupted, not by Devlin, not by the cloaked men, but by the beings known as the Organization. If betraying you is gathering info for you... then I'm the biggest traitor out there. Now come, force me to wield my keyblades. If you win, I'll give you all my info on Jordan, but if you lose... you'll see."
  18. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan flexed his shoulders, the Darkness retreating back into Jordan. He sighed and turned to the door to the castle. "The Organization and I are over," he said. He chuckled and shook his head. "I'll have to write this one down, heh." He quickly disappeared in a cloud of smoke and reappeared in his room. He rushed into a drawer and pulled out an all red book with a lock on it, similar to a diary, and began to scribble down ideas. He wrote out his plans in what looked like pure nonsense. Jordan took a deep breath after a few minutes of writing and locked his book with an energy blast of pure darkness. "Good. Looks like everything is going right so far," Jordan said, leaning back in his chair smiling.
  19. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "So... Mind f someone gives me an explanation of what the hell is going on?!" Zac asked, he was wanting answers, this was too complicated without an explanitaiotn to all of this. He hoped he could become a keyblade master, and this Selena maybe able to help him.
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "Virgil Cracked his Knuckles " You know what your asking is a death wish do you not? I mean in all honesty in my current form...your aware you don't have a chance. When i'm done with you your going to be begging for death. " Virgil spun his katana resting it on his shoulder. " well then if the formalities are over. Make the first move in this chess game of your impending doom"

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