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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos grinned, creating a blade similar to Virgil's. "Heh, this time, you won't escape me!" Deimos walked cautiously, making quick movements from side to side as he approached Virgil. Once Virgil came within reach, he clashed swords with him. "You won't come out on top this time, this time it'll be me who stands victorious!"

    Marluxia smiled at Angel and grabbed her hand gently, "Are you ready my love?"
  2. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " how adorable that you think that" Virgil dropped the pressure on the blade forcing his opponent to fall into him. Slamming his fist into his chest. then side stepping with a shrug" Yawn....Your gonna make this boring aren't you i thought i thought you better than this. maybe i really did fail" He started to laugh insanely loud." Care to try again? " He stood with his katana resting on his shoulder again.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    "Tsk," Deimos' body vanished, before reappearing behind Virgil long enough to punch him in the back with his gauntlet. "That stung a little. But I'm more prepared for this fight! Die Virgil!" Deimos created a massive boulder, and chucked it at Virgil, knowing full well he'd dodge, Deimos created more boulders in every escapable direction, he knew he'd hit him at least once... it was guaranteed.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil took the punch almost as if it was nothing. " Oh throwing pebbles are we? Thats fine i like where this is going..." In a split second Virgil's eyes turned red and he whispered. " Rock star..." A red aura surrounded him and he began to punch and kick the rocks as they were thrown his way. Shattering them into sand as he touched them. " If you were well prepared for this then you would be a bit more mindful of my abilities." His aura dropped and he spoke " Speed star" A green aura now surrounded him. Vanishing into thin air his movements were impossible to track. Appearing he threw a kick to knock Deimos off balance only to vanish again to then re-appear throwing a flurry of punches in rapid succession. Each with more force than the next.

  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena stood around before sighing. She slowly closed her eyes. She could sense Virgil weakly as well as some sort of opposing force.

    "Virg?" She was confused before making her way towards where she sensed the two forces.

    Violet continued walking down the hall. She came to a stop in front of the throne room doors. Beyond those doors to the very back, Jordan's chamber resided there. She walked closer to the door pushing it open. She walked in closing it behind her. She looked around the throne room. Her eyes falling on the single throne chair. She made her way closer to the throne chair laying her hand on it observing it. She hoped after all this though a second chair would be added for Jordan's queen.

    Angel looked at Lu as he took her hand. She stood up and smiled at him as he led her.
  6. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Uh..." Zac said, this was all rather confusing...first they were attacked, then they weren't. "Realy, what's going on? Who is Jordan, why is he a bad guy? Look I'm sorry but this is a bit too much to process, so could someone explain to me what is going on?" he asked the apprentices.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2012
  7. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos roared in pain as he was constantly assaulted by Virgil's flurry of blows, he quickly however, grew tired of it. "Black cross..." He whispered, as his body grew and armor appeared onto his body, a massive black aura surrounded Deimos, where, in two blasts of darkness, his keyblades appeared. "I'd say it's time to get serious." With his black cross, Deimos' speed almost matched that of Virgil in his speed star. He charged Virgil, and landed his own flurry of speedy blows on his former master with his keyblades, he had to stay focused, and not let rage control his actions.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil was blasted back Holding his Fist to his face to block the blunt of the force. On one of the attacks he reached his arm out grabbing Deimos's arm puling him forward throwing him into a forward slam giving him room to move. " So you wana play games boy!" He snapped his finger his katana appeared in his hand. Unsheathing it the blade gleamed. " This will be your end..." He charged forward tossing a roundhouse kick anticipating a dodge forcing his blade forward. " You wana run with the big dogs now do you!"
  9. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos rolled to the side after being pushed back and he roared at Virgil, "Use the black star Virgil! Show me your true power!" Deimos jumped at Virgil and stopped in midair only to phase behind him and slam him hard with both keyblades. Deimos would not fall... not until the black star came out. He refused to give up, refused to die unless Virgil was giving his all. "DO IT! Bring me your best father!"
  10. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Taking the hit he rolled to the ground quickly coming back to his feet. " speed star..." He rushed forward vanishing behind Deimos but he didnt attack he appeared face to face with him. ' Stop Calling me THAT!" he forced a fist through the aura directed at Deimos " Im getting real sick of you. Like i'd use my power on a bieng as weak as you. your delusional!"
  11. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos staggered but didn't waiver, he went right back to assaulting Virgil with constant strikes by his keyblades, "USE IT DAMN YOU!" He screamed at Virgil, he was so close to freedom... all he needed was to anger Virgil even more... "Selena... will die, and you can't do a damn thing about it! Your own selfish desires will be her downfall! NOW DIE!" He threw a keyblade aside and extended his gauntlet arm to grab Virgil, and he did. "You have no choice... only the black star will allow you to escape me."
  12. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    His face was still and emotionless. His eyes closed as he allowed Deimos to grab him. " I have patience for many things... i tolerate many individuals...Many of you do not realize that it is because i allow you to exist that you wander this world...." His eyes opened both eyes with the Star spinning within them." But my patience is to be tested when you mention Selena!" There was a massive explosion blowing Deimos back creatign a small crater where Virgil now stood. " You wanted this... i'll give you your desire!"

    He rushed forward his katana had been vanished. A single keyblade appeared at the very second of impact with deimos slashing away at his armor. " You Will NOT ESCAPE THIS!" From the purple dark aura that surrounded Virgil Skeleton like hands began to appear punching Deimos int he face repeatedly While being slashed with the keyblade. Virgil was starting to loose himself in anger. He had patience with many things but when anyone dared to mention selena that would send him overboard.

    The barrage of blows continued until he stopped and paused. " Your end....comes NOW!" The skeleton like hand created a massive fist ready to impound its victim.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos' armor shattered, his keyblades clattered to the ground, he knew Jordan could feel the connection between them break as the life slowly flowed out of him. He looked at the hand and smiled, after all this madness... all the suffering... this would be his last act of pride. "Farewell Jordan..." He whispered as blood dripped down his body, he sent his dying image to Jordan, and that of Virgil's true power to him as well. Deimos had acquired the data he needed, and could die with honor.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena as she got closer to where she felt Virgil felt the power getting stronger. It was a battle of a sort, but she didn't sense Virgil in any danger so she didn't rush, that was until she felt a great power that sent a shockwave out. The shockwave shot through and she felt it in her heart. The darkness in her heart seemed to energized wanting control over her. She grabbed her chest fighting the sensation down before breaking into a sprint to the location.

    She came to a stop looking down on the battle between Deimos and Virgil.

    "Virgil!" She exclaimed. She could see him loosing control and she knew all too well what happens when he looses control of himself. He sinks into the darkness far too much where he is lost. She ran towards him and before he could cause a finishing blow on Deimos she stopped him.

    "Virgil, snap out of it, gain control!" She exclaimed not caring if Deimos was there, she didn't even care if he was already dead or about to die. She cared about making sure Virgil didn't slip into the darkness.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    His face had a Demonic Grin. a face that only a demented monster would wear. The power began to increase around him swirling like a pool of energy cycling around his body.

    "Virgil, snap out of it, gain control!"

    The moment he heard Selena's voice his fang's vanished his eyes returned to normal and the power around him vanished in a instant. He shook his head as if he wasn't aware of what just happened. " Selena? What are you-" he looked at Deimos on the ground" I see..." He looked at selena with stern eyes." Its why i always leave far away from all of you...Black star is a demented power that i must gain control of and when im taking to the edge of darkness i need to find that balance. or things like...this happen. "

    Upon further examination he noted" He's not dead hes just in a world between this one and the next exhaustion at its best. He could very well die at any moment though. Selena follow me if you want i have something to take care of. " He casted a black portal underneath Deimos and he stepped into it himself leading to his home.
  16. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at him worried. But she could tell. Feeling the shockwave that went out. She felt its power of darkness. It was like darkness itself. The darkness living and dwelling inside Jordan, the darkness that resides semi dormant in her own heart.

    She watched as Virgil picked up Deimos body walking through a portal. She followed in silence, not saying anything but merely going to observe. She felt bad and though was curious she just would watch and allow Virgil to think through somethings while also allowing a bit of security of she was there if he needed her.
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    As Ashley walked through the portal she found herself in a white room filled with bookshelves, but there was only one book in each bookshelf. She looked around the room scared of where she might be, or what might happen next. She had so much on her mind that she didn't even know what was right at the moment.

    "What is this place..." Ashley said.

    She then stopped when she felt a strong power rise then instantly vanish. "Was that him?" Ashley said.

    Ashley walked over to the bookshelf with a white book on it. "Memories and Hearts" She said as she read the gold words on the book. She opened the book and began to read it.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil stepped into his home walking with Deimos on his shoulder. He came to a wall next to his bedroom. He touched it and the door lit up with a dim light vanishing. There was a staircase that led downward. " He led selena down the steps until they came to a white door with with one word on it" Lab". He turned the knob opening to a massive room. It was well furnished the walls were a crimson red with white accents. There were many tables for operation and experiments and a towering bookcase.

    Virgil walked to the table in the front of the room it was connected to a large monitor and keyboard. placing Deimos's body onto the table a glass covering surrounded the body. It was then Virgil began to talk. while walking to the main monitor starting to type." I'm sure you have lots of questions, and thats ok. I'll answer them all but first let me say a few things. The Black Star is a creation of my fathers its my gift and my curse. its power is nearly infinite and the price of one taking himself to the very edge of darkness. Teetering on the smallest toothpick he could fall and succumb into darkness."

    Virgil looked at the monitor with a confused look. " Hmm i see" He was scanning Deimos for data on Violet and Jordan as well as anything else he had been doing. " My fathers name was Xiba im sure you knew that growing up and he was obsessed and power hungry. Many powerful men contacted him about his experiments wanting more power. it was then he created the Black Star Itself. but his body obviously could not host it....so he used the next closest victim...and hes standing before you now.

    Now my father wasnt..a cold hearted person just...misguided. i wasnt the first experiment he used to use criminals as test subjects but they all died until he realized it was a bloodline issue since he used his DNA to create it. He was planning to offer me as a weapon in exchange for power, status, munny, you name it he wanted it.

    I've often wrestled with the thought if i can ever control this power. Because it overtakes me...i mean imagine having limitless potential..at your very fingertips. its crazy...tempting even." He pressed Enter on the keyboard and the large table started to glow as a light overtook Deimos's body. Virgil Walked to Selena. " But..see thats why i have you..." he sighed for a moment. " I can be tough...I can be Strong but with you its not like that at all. Theres a guy that gives a shit..behind this wall though,. you just walk through it. Your the only person able to bring me back from the brinks of darkness. i'd be lost without you." He put both his hands on her shuolders. " Just wanted you to know" he said with a bright smile.

    " The truth is Deimos was created by me i'm sure your aware. I found my fathers research and i'm well versed in the creation of hearts and the control of them. so what im actually doing is not reprogramming him so to speak but i'm re-activating him. He will have all the memories as if nothing happened however instead of having some sort of debt he feels he owes to me or jordan he will have free will to do with his life as he pleases and thats my final gift to him. " The glass light stopped and smoke began to come out of the rounded glass as it opened round Deimos" He should be activating now. I also increased his power output so he shouldn't be so much of a push over haha.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos' eyes squinted open, he saw... Virgil... and the other girl, Selena, he had a look of confusion on his face, he was alive, and... he felt free. "F... father? Why? I... You didn't kill me, but why... I thought... that you didn't care." He looked at Virgil's eyes and saw not a monster, but the man he looked up to, his creator, his father. Sitting up Deimos stretched out a bit before staring at his cracked gauntlet. "Can you... fix my gauntlet fa-... Virgil?"
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Did you think i'd really kill you." He said with a sharp smile. " I had to force you to the very highest point of your power to break your connection with jordan. Though i think you have Selena to really thank for you being alive right now. " Your gauntlet isn't broken its fractured for now. i increased your power output so its attempting to control its new power. Give it a few moments it will re invent itself." He looked around the room remembering all the bad things that happened to him here as well as the good.

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