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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos was confused, he looked at Selena and back at his gauntlet. He watched it recreate itself, and he smiled, though his connections had been shattered, he wanted to do Virgil one last favor, or two, if he felt generous. Raising the gauntlet, he created a cross shaped dagger. "Though I highly doubt you'll need it, I'm giving it to you anyway, this dagger, when thrown, will call me on impact." He gave the dagger to Virgil, before whispering in his ear, "Can we talk... alone?"
  2. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan took a deep breath and got up. He needed to get himself together now. A feel of depression fell over Jordan, a feeling Jordan had only felt once before, when he first used the Darkness and was seperated from his friends. He stood up, no emotion on his face. He left his room and headed towards his throne. He saw Violet there but made no attempt to get her attention. He sat in his throne and took a deep breath, resting his head on his fist. Out of no where, visions of dying Deimos and a powerful Virgil flashed through his head, as if someone was sending him the images.

    "It would appear that Deimos has fallen to Virgil," he said in an emotionless tone to Violet, one he never used whenever he spoke to her. He seemed completely out of it.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Still no reactions, or responses, Zac sighed and drew out his keyblade and examined it. He hard the fact he was suddenly dragged into all of this, no idea what was going on, like going into a bad soap opera. He spun his blade by its sides with his fingers.

    "Alright, so could someone tell us where the Keyblade master went off to?" Zac asked, this time he hoped to get a reaction, it was like talking to a wall, but then again, they might have been confused two.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days: Xions Theme (With Download Link) - YouTube

    Selena still had other questions more serious ones, but she let then pass as Deimos awoken. She was a little shock when Deimos called Virgil, father, but she let it pass as well. If she remembered she would ask him later. She was more concerned about something Sky stated, about Will joining Jordan.

    She looked towards Deimos and Virgil as they interacted. She saw Deimos look towards her. He seemed a little hollow but brighter, much more brighter than before.

    "Take all the time you need..." She said stepping out. She smiled and continued exploring the hallways before stopping at a particularly interesting room/door. It wasn't so much the door but rather the prescense she felt behind the door. She had to take almost a second felt at it. It was Ashley but it felt... Darker...

    She laid her hand on the door knob before opening the door and looking in seeing Ashley reading a book. Ashley didn't seem to take note of her standing there. She stepped in closing the door behind her.

    "Hey, what are you doing here?" Selena asked clearly puzzled.

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    Violet looked up seeing Jordan come in and merely observed him before he spoke.

    "Deimos...?" She looked at him confused.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2012
  5. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil watched selena walk out of the room quietly. ' Sure whats on your mind. ask me as many questions as you need. now that things have changed we have all the time we need at least for the moment. " Virgil walked over to the large leather seat against the wall. it was his fathers. Sitting it in slouching down he raises his head. " So whats up"?
  6. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos nodded and frowned at Virgil, "What I told you... about Ashley, all of it was true. I felt the power when I took her body to bury it after her death... but Violet revived her... as a favor to me..." He paused and looked up, "She's here... in your home now... she want's you Virgil, and with her powers activated she can take you down, and control you... Violet amplified her powers, I think... If you feel she is getting close to absolute control, promise me you'll use the dagger."


    Marluxia quickly got to the large bed, and gently placed Angel down onto it. Ridding himself of his cloak, he had his vines strip Angel carefully. "This time... it'll work... I'm sure of it." He assured her as he slammed there lips together in a passionate kiss. Angel quickly granted Marluxia access as he felt her familiar taste. Angel whimpered as Marluxia pulled away to breathe.

    Angel pouted cutely and Marluxia couldn't help but purr as he stripped the remaining clothes from his body, and had his vines enter her backside as he entered her front. The moan she released just made Marluxia even more aggressive as he began hammering her sweet spot which he'd memorized easily. Angel mewled so happily and excitedly as he continued his double treatment, his smile looming closer as he reconnected their lips, in a romantic kiss. Angel and Marluxia's moans grew ever louder as he released.

    Marluxia wasn't done though, he continued hammering her sweet spot, listening to her moan and scream his name as he did the same. He released a total of four more times before finally collapsing from sheer exhaustion. Angel, however, wasn't satisfied, and inserted her fingers up his ass, causing him to mewl in surprise. "A-Angel..." She pleasured him until he released again, and they both collapsed. "A... Angel..." Marluxia placed his hand on her chest and listened... he smiled... "We did it... we did it!"

    Marluxia's eyes were wide and rimmed with tears. "At last... Angel we did it! You're going to have our child! OUR child!! Angel... at last... you're pregnant... with our child! The first part of our dream... can finally be achieved! We can finally have a family my Angel... our family!!"
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2012
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Angel smiled at him and laid her hand on her stomach closing her eyes. She could sense it too. Just like seeds taking root in the ground, she could feel that Marluxia's seeds took root in her. She looked at him.

    "This is so surreal..." She said smiling at Marluxia. "We're going to be parents!" She said hugging him and giving him a kiss. They did it and she was so happy. But there was still something left.

    "The realm of Twilight though, is it truly safe to raise children in?" Angel asked concerned. "The organization is part of the realm of twilight." Angel said worried.
  8. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley's body jumped as Selena came in and startled her.

    "Honestly...I don't know." Ashley said closed the book and placed it back onto the shelf. She looked at Selena then out the door behind her. "Am I....in Virgil's quarters?" Ashley asked as she walked closer towards Selena.

    Ashley looked at Selena again. "Whats wrong?" She said.


    Darian closed his eyes and tried regathering himself. He shook his head in disbelief.

    "I can't be hearing Devlin's voice...." Darian opened his eyes then closed them once again.
    "....He's gone." Darian said as he opened his eyes looking at the door way to see someone standing the hallway directly in front of his room.
  9. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan closed his eyes and said, "Yes. Apparently he felt the need to confront his 'father'. However, he lost." He sighed and looked away. "Pity. He would have enjoyed the new world that is to come soon." Jordan's reaction to the possible death of his loyalty apprentice and friend Deimos was uncharacteristic of Jordan. He was so melancholic about it all. "Life goes on I suppose."

    Devlin smiled and chuckled. "You really don't recognize me, do you little bro? Humph, that sucks," he said. He began to walk away, expecting Darian to follow.
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Violet could see how upset Jordan clearly was. The thought upset even her. She closed her eyes.

    "I may be able to bring him back. His heart was created from darkness, if I can get access to his heart, I should be able to reprogram it much like I did for Ashley." Violet said looking at Jordan.

    "Don't worry, all of them will give in and join us. You'll be able to live alongside your friends again with a common goal. You will be their leader." Violet said to him. She walked up to him giving him a kiss.

    Selena looked at her confused.

    "Yeah this is his home..." She said. "What are you..." Selena stopped though hearing Ashley's next comment.

    "No, not really, is something wrong with you?" Selena asked confused.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " I can't promise that i will use it. I don't like to rely on others for things. If it comes to a absolute must i suppose it will be done" He slid the dagger onto his belt. " Is there anything else you wanted to discuss. i mean honestly i'm not worried about Ashley in the least bit. she doesn't have the resolve to do something like that to me. that requires the fortitude that she doesnt have. shes the type to run from something rather than fight it."

    He shrugged and leaned against the wall. " Anything else?"
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos nodded, "Yeah one more thing... I won't let you become separated from Selena... Though I owe you nor Jordan my services, I do owe Selena. I would and will give up my life to keep you two together... it's the least I can do really..." He created a jewel with his gauntlet and engraved his black cross into it. "Give this to her. It'll let me know if you two begin to get seperated... it's like a three way connection I guess, just without the power bonus..." He gave the jewel to Virgil and smiled.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He took it sliding it into his pocket. " Its time to go. i'd rather not spend over extended periods in this place.. reminds me to much of my old man." Virgil walked towards the door but something was off. " Do you sense that? is Ashley here?!?" He walked out the door leading into another room where he saw Selena and Ashley. " Um...hi?"
  14. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos appeared quickly after Virgil, "Ashley..." Deimos' voice had a lot of hate and very little sympathy in it, it took all his power not to run in and kill her where she stood right then and there. "See Virgil? My words were nothing but the truth. She's here, when you've just gotten out of a battle, she knew!" He stopped, remembering Selena was there, "... Take Selena and go... I have to talk to Ashley..."
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena turned and looked at Deimos confused.

    "That won't be necessary. Ashley is a friend do not go accusing her of anything." Selena said knowing precisely where this was going.

    'I can tell something's off, but I think she's lost and confused. We shouldn't have to worry about anything. Now what about Deimos?' Selena mentally asked Virgil.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    "We should be fine im just a bit startled that shes here but we have no reason to worry about anything its just ash." Virgil walked over to Ashley putting his arm around her shoulder. " You ok ash? you seem a bit confused."
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    Ashley looked at Deimos and Virgil as they walked onto the scene. "Deimos..." Ashley said staring at Deimos. She then turned to Virgil as he place his hand over her shoulder.

    She looked at him for a second then removed Virgil's arm from around her as she turned her dead to Selena.

    "Why in the hell is Deimos here!" Ashley said as she walked up to him and summoned her keyblade. Ashley quickly looked back at Virgil then put her attention back to Deimos.

    "What in the hell is going on here Virg" Ashley said to him telepathically.

    Ashley looked into Deimos' eyes as she began to analyze him. She then stepped back before exclaiming "He reprogrammed you didn't he!".
    Darian couldn't believe his eyes. It was Devlin in the flesh, or at least what appeared to be him.
    "Where are you going brother?" Darian said as he ran through the doorway and looked at Devlin walking down the hallway.
    Darian looked back into his room then back at Devlin and then follow behind him.

    "I thought you were dead" Darian said calmly as he followed behind Devlin, almost like he did when he was younger
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2012
  18. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos smiled and backhanded Ashley with his gauntlet, "that is none of your business girl. Know your place, and shut your mouth. Answer what was asked of you, and if you raise a weapon at me again I'll strike you down where you stand." He paused and laughed, "You just gave yourself away, saying I was reprogrammed, and raising a weapon at me. Therefore, you think of me as your enemy because I was reprogrammed back to light. Foolish girl, you were never the brightest bulb, but this takes the cake! Hahaha!"
  19. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Virgil grabbed Deimos by his throat slamming him against the wall." Don't you ever do that to her do you understand me!" His grip was intense slowly lifting Deimos off the ground." Ashley is no threat and if you continue to keep up this charade i'm going to have to punish you." He dropped Deimos quickly " Got it understood?" He walked over to ashley helping her up. " You ok ash?"
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena stood even confused. She shook her head and looked back at Deimos. Reprogrammed... Then she remembered back to a year ago.

    Selena thought about the memory and could feel herself trembling thinking back to it. Though unlike Deimos or even Ashley even Virgil she managed to break free of it. The feeling she felt that day she locked away but she wondered too, not about anything specifically.

    "Virgil, calm down..." Selena comforted him after he let go of Deimos and turned to Ashley. She looked at Deimos and shook her head. "Do not make accusations you cannot prove. Ashley seems perfectly fine and there's nothing we can't handle." Selena said referring to her and Virgil. She turned and looked back at Virgil when she caught something in his eyes that bothered her.

    Genuine concern. Sure Selena had a concern for many people, but the look Virgil was giving to Ashley was rare in fact the only person she knew he'd give that look to was her, the one he cared the most about the one he loved. Ashley was created to replace her when he didn't have her, but what if... just what if Virgil did still cared for her. She mentally shook her head knowing it not to be true and merely observed them. Though it was obvious in that short time span her mood changed.

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