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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos was shocked beyond belief, even with all the evidence in front of them they didn't believe a damn thing he was saying to them. "Whatever, but when Violet's plan begins, you're going to wish you believed me." Deimos turned to Selena, "Please come with me, I have to speak with you alone as I did with Virgil. Once I've told you what I need to tell you, I'll take my leave... I must seek out the pink haired man and his wife for guidance, and hopefully, someplace to stay until I decide on where I stand in this war."
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked back at Deimos confused before looking back at Virgil. She nodded her head and followed him out of the room before walking into a different room.

    "What's up?" She asked confused though her head was still partially thinking about Virgil and the look he gave her. She was created by him to replace her, but what if there was more to it, to make the perfect girl for him. It slightly bothered her but she didn't show it but looked at Deimos to hear what he had to say.
  3. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    A shadow heartless was on top of the bell tower in the second district, lookin out into the district and night sky. If he could sigh he would. He swung his legs in time to his own beat as he was bored. He decided to get up and leave the bell tower, he was bored of searching and decided to go find someone to play with, though it would be hard considering what he is now, a Shadow Heartless, and no longer the human boy he once was. All he had was his memories, his locket, and the worlds was his playgrounds.
  4. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Virgil watched on as Selena walked away but he didnt notice anything out of the ordinary so he shrugged. " In any case What exactly are you doin here Ash?" In his head He knew Selena was up to something but if it was major she would have told him. " Ashley you've been out of my sight for some time so mind telling me whats been going on? im a bit out of the loop with you."
  5. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos sighed, "Where do I begin... Jordan had... meetings with a man named Xemnas, leader of 'The Organization' I guess, but I don't really know what they were about because I usually stood outside keeping watch. I think... he said he'd be returning there after a confrontation with two men named Xaldin and Axel... I'm not sure if this information is any help to you but it is all I have to give you..."
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Devlin laughed and looked at his brother. "I am! Hehe, come on kiddo, we got things to do AND see," Devlin said, exiting the house.

    Jordan sighed and gave Violet a kiss. "I would hope he honestly didn't fall so easily. He was too useful to lose." Jordan sighed once more and continued, "I need to relax. I'm too stressed out." He slunk in his throne and held Violet's hand, swinging it from side to side carelessly.
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    >OOC: The dead come back to life!<

    Will strode into the throne room, boots clicking lightly as He approached Violet and Jordan, a slow clap coming from his gloved hands as he strode forward, white hair standing shockingly up like it used to, but his skin had now turned a pale white, almost invisible from the glow in his eyes. His power was currently hidden, making it seem like he had grown almost none from the heart. "Suprise suprise... He shows compassion and fatigue. So you still are human after all..." He growled, voice almost completely different than what Jordan would have remembered from his care free friend that Will used to be. "So, I see I am not as missed as I thought. What with Cole, Violet, and Zanaku. I may have just stayed on their side and let Selena continue with her darkness treatments, slowly killing me with each dose and contaminating her further. But at least I saved your sister's life with my... transformation." He breathed, now only a few feet from his friend. "What? No shocked expression that I'm here? No reaction? Too bad... for the fact that you have been gone for a year has driven me practically insane with William up here." He spoke, tapping his temple. "But, now that I have fed, I have another voice to deal with. But William seems quieter than usual." He chuckled, looking at the two. "Anyway, now I am ranting. What is my first mission, my lord?" He breathed, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan watched his friends unusual antics with a raised eyebrow. 'This is Will? Did he truly give in to those...inner demons," he thought. He stood up and opened his arms. "Will! So good to see you," he said, smirking. He walked towards his friend and, without warning, gave his old friend a hug. He then stepped back and scoffed. "'My lord?' What, did you hurt your head or something? Jordan, man!"

    Cole looked at Zac and shrugged.
  9. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Zac sighed and spun his blade, "So...what do you his wanna do? Seeing how Selena isn't coming back for a while. You guys wanna do a training battle?" Zac aske the two apprentices as he spun his steam punkish keyblade in boredom.


    The little heartless waddled through the district, hoping to find someone to play with. Was this place really vacant? Did no one come to this district. He felt sad, and alone. He looked and saw a door near the end, that was over the fountain. His waddle grew faster in pace as the little guy headed towards the door, maybe people who wanted to play would be there!
  10. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    William's voice broke through for a second. "See! There is more human in him than you recognize! You can still be saved by him." He breathed as Will looked at Jordan. "Well then... Jordan." He breathed, almost twitching a smile underneath his scarf as he finished his sentence. "What is my first mission? I am your assassin after all." He breathed. "My suggestion would be for me to go and rid Selena of the darkness that is in her because of me..." He said, amber eyes glowing as he looked at his old friend.
  11. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "The organization?" Selena looked at Deimos confused. "Do you know what Jordan's working towards at all? Is there anything I should be worried about?" Selena asked.

    Violet looked at Jordan who took her hand smiling to know he wasn't too upset when suddenly the door burst open.

    "Will..." Violet stood off to the side to watch the two old friends interact.
  12. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos nodded, "Yeah... The group that Pinky, Axel, and the blue haired guy are all a part of. Axel told me before I fought Virgil, that The Organization's goal was Kingdom Hearts... otherwise known as the heart of all worlds. I have reason to believe that Jordan may be seeking the same thing..."

    Marluxia smiled at Angel, "So... we have free time, what would you like to do? See Lea and Isa, see your friends, visit Jordan? It's up to you my love."

    Axel looked at Saix and whispered, "Remember the plan?"
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Virgil....I...don't remember. Everything is a blur to me. I just can seem to put things together." Ashley said looking at Virgil. "Where am I?" She asked as she looked around the room which seemed somewhat familiar to her.

    Ashley looked at Virgil with a clueless puzzled look on her face.


    Darian looked at Devlin. "Where are we going?" He asked as he followed behind Devlin, puzzled about how he was still alive.
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan held his chin and thought for a moment. "Mission...mission...ah! I have just the thing! You see, I have a bit of a...stalker, if you will. A group of them! It would be oh so helpful to me if you could tell them that I no longer need their 'guidance' or whatever the hell it is they think they're doing." Jordan looked at Violet and smiled. "I have more personal and pressing matters to attend to."

    Devlin smirked and replied, "You have questions and I have several answers! But I'd much rather show you them then explain them."
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will looked at Jordan and smiled. "Give me names and locations and I will make sure they don't bother you anymore." He growled, cracking his knuckles as his voice sent an almost unhuman tone through his last sentence. Will was showing that he was much colder than Jordan remembered, more vicious. He wanted payback, on anything that walked that may have been involved in the train wreck that they called their lives. Devlin was a high one on his list, but Will knew he needed to prove himself to Jordan first.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    " Virgil put his hands on her head and ran his fngers through her hair softly. " Don't try to think to hard right now. no need to strain yourself ya know? " he said with a warm smile. " Well for starters your in my library. im not exactly sure how you got here but i think for once i'm not going to overthink and question things as they are. " He walked around the room and sat on a wooden chair . " Anything you wana talk about?"
  17. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    "Virgil....I...I'm sorry about what happened. I don't know what came over me. I just....I'm just....in love with you." She cried as she began to shamefully blush. She turned her head looking away from Virgil so he couldn't see her cheeks getting red. "I know this is a lot all of a sudden and your with Selena but." Ashley said as she turned her head around looking at Virgil sincerely. "Nevermind what I said. I'll just leave" Ashley said as she began walking towards the door.

    Darian looked at Devlin confused but just nodded as he continued following behind Devlin as he lead them aimlessly.
  18. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    A hand quickly grabbed her arm before she could walk out the door. " I can't let you run off like that" He pulled her back into the door and closed it behind him. " Look its not your fault you feel the way you feel. Its my fault you feel this way. You have selena's memories and emotions inside you. I created you....to essentially be her. So its no excuse for you to be upset with yourself over how you feel. Its just that ..." He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her bringing her into a hug. " I can't..be with you the way you want me to. but i'll always be by your side."
  19. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Violet looked at Jordan confused about what Jordan was leading on to and remained quiet.

    Selena nodded her head slowly thinking.

    "I think I need to go consult the organization then." She said before stopping.

    "Deimos, if Virgil asks where I went don't tell him, tell him enjoy his time with Ashley." She said before opening a portal and pulling her hood up.

    Angel looked at Lu unsure.

    "I don't know, what do you want to do?" She asked.
  20. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Cole looked at Zac and chuckled. "Sorry, I don't think it's the best idea for me to fight. I...tire really easily. Why not you and Sky? He looks like he could put up a fight." Cole looked at Sky and smiled. "What do you say Sky?"

    Jordan smiled and clapped his hands together. "Perfect! I need you to tell Xigbar and Xemnas that whatever 'friendship' was there before, it's gone now. If you want, you can smack them around a bit. Oh, and make sure to tell them that I remember," he instructed his friend. He opened upva portal for Will and gave him a at on the back.

    He walked over to Violet and smirked. "How about a day out? Me and you, eh? I don't think we've had one in a while. Plus I do think it is an opportune moment."

    Devlin walked off to a clear portal which led to the forest, where a younger Devlin was talking to a tall man in a red hooded jacket. "I believe you've seen these two before, yeah?"

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