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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Deimos looked unsure, but reluctantly agreed. "Don't do anything to stupid, because if you get hurt god only knows Virgil will blame me for letting you go... Hurry up, get going before he comes to check on you."

    Marluxia smirked, "I had a fantastic idea, hold on a moment," He opened a portal and poked his head through, appearing next to Jordan, "Hello Jordan, Violet and... is that Will? Anyway, Jordan, would you and Violet like to join Angel and I on a little double date?"
  2. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will nodded at Jordan, staring at Marluxia as he strode through the portal. When he stepped through the other side he noticed he was in a large white dreadnought of a castle. He sniffed a bit before starting to walk through the castle, hunting for the two who he would slap around just for the fun of it. Then deliver his message and head onto some personal business he had. He wanted to pay a visit to Selena, deal with some unfinished business. But for now, his mind was on the castle, the stench of darkness starting to flood the castle as he strode.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Xaldin and Demyx sat in the grey area awaiting orders when the stench of darkness became noticable. "Well Demyx, Mission Time has come early. Go distract our guest, I'll go inform the Superior." Xaldin portaled away leaving Demyx to deal with the intruder. "Okie doke Xaldy! Here we go intruder! ONE TWO THREE..." He summoned his sitar and smirked as his target came into view. "DANCE WATER DANCE!" Demyx sung out as a huge wave of water appeared out of nowhere, and headed straight towards Will.
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Violet looked at Jordan confused and shocked before smiling, but of course the moment was ruined shortly. She mentally moaned when Marluxia popped up Angel following behind a little confused but seeming to go with the flow of things.

    Violet cringed at a thought of a double date, let alone a double date with Angel, Angel in a sense is like her little sister as a child of the realm of twilight and herself the realm of darkness, so of course she wasn't liking the idea of a double date.

    "A double date?" Angel stood surprise when she walked through the portal looking at Jordan. She smiled seeing a bit of the Jordan she knew then looked at Violet who seemed blank.

    "We don't have to do a double date if you don't like." Angel spoke in a whisper as a general statement.

    Selena nodded at Deimos before leaving. She appeared at the foot of the castle when a stench wafted into her nose.

    "Darkness... Weaker than Jordan's and mine but darkness nonetheless." Selena murmured before heading into the castle hoping to come across Xemnas.
  5. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    "Alrigt that's cool Cole," Zac said, and then turned to Sky and looked at him, "So, one on one?" He asked the apprentice with a hopeful look upon his face. He was wanting to get some training done.


    The little heartless was on the Moogle Shop's roof in the first district, looking around for someone to play with. He wasn't fully aware that people would get scared when someone saw him jumping down in front of them. He kept looking, it was mainly big humans, adults. He couldn't find any kids his age, he felt sad.

    How come kids aren't around here? I wanna play...
  6. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan raised an eyebrow at Marluxia as his eyes went a deep misty gray. "If you don't mind, I'd actually prefer time alone with Violet. I would think you'd want time alone with your bride. Besides, I would hope you treat her well, otherwise my old friend will kick your ass," Jordan smirked and looked at Violet. "Whenever you're ready."
  7. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smiled as he lifted his right hand, dark fire spitting from his hand and evaporating the wave. "I am here for Xigbar and Xemnas. I do not believe you are them. So please, step out of my way." He said smoothly as he slowly rotated his shoulders, bringing his hands to his side as he waited for another attack from the water monger. "Besides, I think you should be doing something more important than dealing with little old me." Will said, chuckling as he stretched his fingers, his shuriken keyblades appeared, the rust on them leaving a different look than they had before.
  8. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Marluxia raised an eyebrow and shrugged turning around, "More hearts for us then. If you need us, and I mean that literally as in 'you won't last another minute without us' need us, then we'll be at Castle Oblivion. If you come for any other reason then joining us or what I mentioned just now then your darkness won't be able to save you from the blade of my scythe." He laughed and with his arm around Angel, walked through the portal to Oblivion.

    Demyx laughed half-heartedly, "Uhh... I'm not Xemmy... but uhh... WATER!" He yelled as pillars of water shot up from the ground blasting Will. "XIGGY HELP ME!" The mullethawked water wielder screamed for the elder member, knowing he wouldn't stand a chance if the battle went on much longer.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2012
  9. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "XIGGY HELP ME!" Selena stopped hearing somebody shouting for help.

    "What?" Selena said when she stopped seeing another cloak figure show up.

    Angel followed Marluxia away.

    Violet smiled at what Jordan said and walked up next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder her hands on her arms.

  10. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smiled and put his arm around Violet's waist as he opened up a portal to a bright a vibrant city. It was night but it was almost hard to tell with the vivid and vibrant lights, showing off the fast night life of whatever world this was. The area they were in was right by the harbor, and with the tall buildings it was clear they were downtown. Jordan motioned Violet through the portal. "What do you think? Found this place a week or two ago. Heh, it's always night here, but it's pretty cool," he said ,wanting Violet's opinion of this different world.

    Xigbar heard the call and looked at Xemnas, who gave him an approving nod. Xigbar groaned and disappeared.

    Xigbar appeared behind Demyx, eyes closed and ready to rant. "Damn it Water Boy, what is it this time Larxene take your banjo away?" Xigbar opened his eyes to the sight of a strange boy wielding a Keyblade. "Eh? And who're you supposed to be?"
  11. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Shadow looked as his big eyes as he saw a little boy with his mother. He jumped off the roof and landed next to the little boy, who was the same height as him, and the same human age as well! He looked at the boy, and the boy looked at him curiously as well. The little boy giggled and grabbed Shadow's hand and then played "ring around the rosey" with Shadow, both had giddy looks on their faces.

    "EEEEKK!!" the mother exclaimed as she saw Shadows. She imediatly grabbed her son and picked him up and kicked Shadow away, who flew into the face of a burly, far man. He screamed as he ran around, only to cause Shadow to clench to his skull even more, and it kept escalating until two other men ripped Shadow off the man's head and tossed him into an ally. He flew in the air and crashed into a bynh of crates which broke his fall, which where filled with old pillows. He slid out of the mess with a sad look on his face. He wasn't able to cry, so he crawled through a hole and went to hide.

    He wasn't human anymore, and wasn't accepted in society anymore. He was an outcast, and as a child...he really, really wished he could burst into tears right now. He really wanted to, he missed his mommy.
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smiled, turning his form to show the other keyblade in his hands. And then he heard the water. All of a sudden he snapped upwards, wingbeats echoing in the air as he felt their eyes follow him up. He smiled down at them before landing lightly in front of Xigbar. "I am a friend of Jordan's... and I come bearing a message." He said, lifting his hands and letting his keyblades fall to show that he meant know harm. His wings twitched and folded to his back as he looked back on Demyxx, seeing the boy's scared eyes. "What's the matter... scared of the dark?" He chuckled.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Demyx shivered but growled angrily at Will's last comment, before smashing him upside the head with his sitar and portaling away, appearing in front of Saix, "Saix Puppy!!! Intruder! He has keyblades and he said he was a... a... umm... Oh yeah! A friend of Joe Den!" He smiled happily proud of himself for remembering such important details.

    Marluxia and Angel appeared in his secret chamber in the back of floor 13 of Castle Oblivion. He smiled as he summoned heartless for entertainment purposes. "Like it?"
  14. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    "Friend of Jordan's? Geez, Jordan's got some strange friends," Xigbar mumbled. He looked up at the stranger and smiled. "Alright kid, let's go. Around here, I'm nobody special heh. You want to go talk to Xemnas," he told Will, now walking away, hoping Will would follow.

    Saïx turned to Demyx and sighed. "And just exactly who is Joe De-" it hit him. Friend with Keyblade. Yeah, sounds like a friend of Jordan's. "Idiot, it's Jordan," he said beginning to rise up. "What does he want? Do you know where he is now?"
  15. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will followed the man, boots clicking on the floors as they walked. "It seems the water monger, Demyxx I believe? Is afraid of us who have darkness within us. I believe that is why he attacked me so hastily?" He questioned, eyeing Xigbar as they strode through the castle, his stench spreading with every step. "It's too bad. I was really hoping he would try and fight back... give me an actual challenge." He chuckled, looking around the halls as they spoke. "But he showed his hand when he shivered. He fears us. And that makes him sloppy when he fights."
  16. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Demyx frowned but spoke what he remembered, "I think he said he wanted to give Xiggy and Xemmy a message... I think he wants to beat them up or something, but when Xiggy showed up, he didn't even attack... I'm really confused Puppy..."

    "HEY! You! Girl, who are you and what are you doing in the Castle That Never Was?" Behind Selena stood an extremely tall and thin Organization member with his hood up. "C'mon, hurry it up! I got business to attend to so quit slacking and get yacking!"
  17. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "I need to speak to Xemnas, preferably before the other guest in your castle." Selena spoke not removing her hood neither. She closed her eyes and knew precisely what organization member it was.

    "And it's nice seeing you too Axel." Selena said before continuing to walk on waving her hand as she walked.

    Angel looked around the place confused.

    "What are we doing here?" Angel looked around. She felt like she knew the place and the way she knew it wasn't a good reason but she just couldn't put her finger on it.

    "It's beautiful Jordan." Violet said smiling and looking back at him.
  18. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will almost stopped in his tracks, sensing that Selena was here in the castle. "We need to move, and now. There is someone here to possibly stop me, especially if she gets to Xemnas first. Now I suggest we hurry before things start going bad." He growled, scanning everything. He didn't want Selena trying to come and pull the darkness from him. "I really suggest we leave if you want this message from Jordan to actually be delivered." He growled
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2012
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel raised an eyebrow, disappearing into a portal, only to reappear in front of Selena. "You look familiar... but I can't put my finger on it... Do we know each other or something?"

    Marluxia smirked, "This place... is special. It's a place hidden away from anyone who doesn't know of it. It's halls are mazes, and it's floors, nearly identical. This world... has a special power... you see, here, to find is to lose... and to lose is to find. That is the way of things... in Castle Oblivion." He smiled at Angel, "Nobody but you, me, and Jordan can access this place. We have all the time here to ourselves... just like our garden."
  20. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Castle Oblivion..." She said when suddenly she felt light headed. She quickly fell to the ground unconscious as a vision began in her head....

    Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories English Dub cutscenes (Sora's story) part 1 - YouTube

    Selena looked at Axel and shook her head.

    "You do you know me, however I don't have time to mess around, chat, and catch up. Axel you can take me to Xemnas now or I'll just have to hurry on my own and get there quickly." Selena said.

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