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Origins 2: Forgotten Bonds

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by King of Darkness, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ashley bit her lower lip trying to think of what she can do before thinking of something. She placed her gentle hand on his cheek staring into his eyes. Her eyes were th same as Selena's but they were her eyes she closed them leaning forward and placing her gentle lips on his lips kissing him, it was gentle but one her lips were starched to his she didn't move anywhere.

    Selena glared angry. Before turnin arpund and facing the rest of the organization.

    "Oh please you all know I can kill you now all on the spot if I wanted to, and don't even tempt me. Now who else knows about Jordan, all of you are going to give me the knowledge you know or you will die here on the spot. Understood?" She said threatening them.

    Violet giggled.

    "Want to bet?" She said before kissing him with passion before pulling away looking up at the sky wondering where this playfulness would go.
  2. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel stepped forward, his weapons at his side. Dismissing his chakrams, he raised his hand and smacked Selena across the face. "The hell is wrong with you? This isn't the sweet girl who loved and cared for everyone around her, this is Jordan. Xemnas was right, you were just using me and Isa to get power. You didn't care for us, you were just using us as a means to an end. Get out of here and never show your face in this castle again or so help me god I will attack you on sight..." He turned his back to Selena and glared at her, "You don't have any friends Selena, you've become just like your brother, cold, uncaring, and obsessed. You betrayed us, and you're lucky I'm showing mercy... for her sake. Get lost."
  3. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will's blade snapped up to Axel's throat. "No little peon will lay their hand on Selena." He growled, eyeing Xaldin, knowing that he would probably disagree with this. He then let the blade fall and grabbed Selena's arm, pulling her aside. "I need to speak to you, now. We can do it here, or in private. Your choice." He breathed, twirling his blade in case Axel decided to become self rightious again. He looked her in the face. "Honestly I'm not looking forward to it but it is needed." He breathed.
  4. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smiled at Violet, enjoying the moment. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her close, beginning to kiss her neck, down to her shoulder. He looked now back up at Violet before brushing some hair from out of her face and gave her a deep passionate kiss on the lips. He placed one hand on her neck and used the other to rub the back of her neck softly.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena used the opportunity to summon her keyblade and a pulse of darkness shot out and pushed Axel back while he was distracted by Will.

    "Touch me again and see what will happen." Selena threatened. She knew what Axel was saying was true the darkness was starting to take more control over her but that's why she needed to work fast and people standing in her way needed to step down.

    "You can either die from Jordan's complete take over, die here from me, or you can give me what I asked." She told all of the Organization before Will grabbed her arm she pulled it away.

    "And you know what Lea the more people stand in my way the darker I'm going to get before it can be stopped." She said to him before turning and following Will.

    "Lead the way..." She told him.

    Violet smiled into the kiss before breaking it.

    "That is very... ticklish..." She said smiling.
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will opened a portal, pulling her through it and stepping onto a floating rock, what looked like water surrounding them. "Welcome to the End of the World... I used to come here to think..." He breathed before turning towards her. "Jordan has kept his humanity. I showed up in my... condition and he truly cared." He said, striding slowly. He circled her for a second. "He is like I was. He has the darkness inside him, but he still has his humanity. He is using it for it's strength." He looked at her, finishing his sentence. "He is what we all still remember, just with another entity within him." He then placed his hand over her stomach. "I suggest bracing yourself." He breathed, covering his hand in darkness and slowly reaching towards her.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2012
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at him confused before jumping back summoning her keyblade pointing it at him.

    "Who are you and what have you done to Will?" Selena demanded the answer from the stranger in front of her. "And what condition? Will was in no condition, sure maybe you, I don't know who you are though." Selena said eyeing him carefully.
  8. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan smiled at Violet's approval. He backed up a bit, holding her hands, before speaking, "I think this needs to continue elsewhere..." He looked around to see a few people walking by behind the two. He leaned in close to Violet and whispered, "In private." He wrapped his arms around her, the Darkness bursting from out of his back and encasing the two in shadows and darkness. In a flash, the two were now in Jordan's bedroom, Jordan beginning to passionately kiss Violet.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    As Ashley's lips touched his. he wrapped both his arms around her. Passionately kissing her back a single tear shed down his cheek swiftly. Pulling away from her just far enough for her to feel the breath leaves his lips ever so slowly. " I'm sorry for what i put you through...it was something you did not deserve...and i'll dedicate my every waking day to making it up to you..."
  10. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ashley smiled at him and felt something was not right. The powers from Violet reawakening her and giving her a false purpose began to take over with a false personality much like their fight.

    "Anything? Every day?" She looked at him before smiling again. "Kiss me."

    Violet smirked at Jordan's comment before they appeared in Jordan's room, besides that they also stood naked, but it did not bother Jordan as he kissed her passionately.
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    He nodded his head in agreement. There was a overwhelming feeling of duty he felt towards her suddenly, as if he needed to do whatever it took to make her happy. No matter the consequence. " Anything you would have me do....consider it done." He placed his lips upon hers taking her hand placing it on his chest. His free hand he ran his fingers through her long hair. remembering how perfect she was in every way for him. His heartbeat was starting to hasten. " My heart is yours..."
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will smiled slightly, looking at her as he raised his hands. "I am Will... but let's just say I now have a condition. I have been separated from my other two personalities, but at the price of my emotions." He breathed. "What I was going to do there was pull the piece of darkness that transferred to you out. When you used to do the darkness treatments it seemed that as you gave, you also accidentally took. I can make it so your darkness is not held back by mine, as well as making mine stronger as well." He said, eyeing her. "I will not lie, it will hurt. It will feel like your insides are being burned by something hotter than the sun." He breathed.
  13. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Axel hissed in pain and as Selena left he screamed angrily, causing the entire room to erupt in flames.

    From seemingly out of nowhere, a massive spear pierced the ground in front of Will. "Will... I am surprised that you'd disobey my orders so quickly, just to speak with Selena. Your conversation is done." Xaldin raised a hand and a whip of darkness shot out of Will like a leash, which Xaldin grabbed and used to forcefully send Will back to the castle and into Axel's fire.

    Xaldin himself dismissed his spears and handed Selena a card. "This card contains everything you want to know. You are hereby forbidden from coming to The World That Never Was, and if you try, you will die." He opened a portal behind Selena, "That will take you to Jordan's last known location. Farewell, and you better give me results. End this petty charade, and destroy the monster Xehanort created."

    Xaldin disappeared, the act of what seemed to be emotion, would be the last time Dilan's kind, protective nature would appear in Xaldin.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will rolled out of the portal and sprinted, letting another one create right next to it as he dove through. When he came out there was a large kind of gorge, massive crystals around him with no sky above him. He knew the place. He wasn't far from Selena. He sprinted, the large heartless that stood on either side of him watching, in almost a calm respect as he headed towards the glowing orb that would lead him back. As he reached the orb he put his hand out, engulfing the orb as he shrunk into a ball of darkness and flew into it. When he flew out on the other side he rolled, coming to his feet and sprinting the path that lead to Selena. When he finally reached her they were circled by heartless, all floating with their swords raised in a salute. "I only have a few minutes. I need to do this now, and there is no way of explaining." He breathed, looking into her eyes.
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked at the card and was about to activate it before Will returned back. She turned to address him shaking his head.

    "Listen, and listen carefully. 1, you are most certainly not Will, number 2, I do not have any of your darkness, that I know for certain because I can recognize every piece of darkness in me and in anybody, and number 3, I'm sorry but I have more important things to attend to and time is ticking." She said before activating the card and disappearing in a portal, unknown to where she went or was going.

    "Prove it." Ashley whispered in Virgil's ear as a bit of her conscious though wondered and feared what was happening as the real Ashley was slowly returning and coming out of the darkness, however she was still a prisoner in her own body.
  16. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    ( Head's up the following post(s) from me will probably be R rated )

    Virgil placed his hand from his chest and firmly onto hers. Cupping her chest softly he grinned. Swiftly locking his lips with hers he pulled down biting her bottom lip. He felt a passion he had not felt before, not even with selena had he felt so...bad" I'll please you in more ways than you know...i wont stop until i've proven my point." Again connecting his lips with hers he started to push her onto her back laying onto the couch. not removing his from hers. his hands started to massage parts of his body he had only dreamt about touching, Ashley and Virgil had in fact never once been physical with one another. This was a complete new experience for him altogether which made it all the more exciting for him.

    As he kissed her neck down to her upper chest. he could only say in soft words. " im sorry..i'm sorry" He wanted to make up for what he had put her through and he knew no other way.
  17. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Warning! This post is Rated NC-17 You have been warned

    Jordan laid Violet down onto the bed before getting on top of her, kissing her softly on the lips. He moved to her neck now, kissing gently, and moving down to her breasts and further. Her moans merely fueled Jordan's passion to please her as he now began to kiss down each of her thighs, gently nipping at them as he went along. It was long, however, the he found his lips hovering above her vaginal region, his warm breath arousing her. She looked down at him, giving him an approving smile.

    Jordan looked back up and smiled back before now sliding his tongue inside her warm, wet crevice. Violet let out a small moan, pleased by the little work that he had now started. He wiggled his tongue around inside her before pulliit out, sliding it up to her clitoris. Her body shivered in pleasure at the soft and sensual touch of his tongue. He began to continue licking her insides, now driving his tongue deeper inside, continually wiggling it around inside. Violet's moans grew louder and louder as she now began to grip the bed sheets tighter.

    Jordan, no longer able to resist completely fulfilling the needs that those moans so desperately wanted, pulled himself over Violet and kissed her deeply and more passionately then previously. He looked down at his now fully erect member and awaited for Violet's approval to move forward. She looked up at Jordan, cheeks a bright red color, a nodded. Jordan smiled and pressed his member against the entrance to Violet's virgin body. Slowly he now found himself inside the woman he loved. She let out a loud moan as Jordan continually pushed himself into her until he was completely in. He now motioned his hips back and forth, moving at a nice pace and rhythm.

    Violet wrapped her arms around Jordan's neck as he began to pick up the pace. He began to pound into her vagina harder, her body beginning to loosen up. Violet looked up into the eyes of Jordan, moaning for him to go faster now. Upon her request being heard and followed, she let out an especially loud yell, as Jordan now was hitting her g-spot. She screamed, announcing that she was soon to climax, as was Jordan, who was equally close.

    Jordan softly whispered, "I love you."
    "I love you too," whispered Violet.

    And nearly in sync, the two climaxed together. Violet gripped Jordan's back tightly, scratching it in the process, as she panted in exhaustion. Jordan too panted from exhaustion, as he now laid to the side of Violet, holding her in his arms.
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Selena looked around where she now stood as she stood in an unrecognizable forest.

    "Release" Selena looked in the direction of the voice recognizing the voice.

    NEW - Roxas theme (ORCHESTRAL) - Drammatica, Kingdom Hearts - YouTube

    "Virgil?" She said confused before walking in that direction she came to a stop in the trees just before entering the opening. She looked around. She saw Will, Darian, Ashley, Virgil, Jordan devouring somebody's heart, then she saw herself slowly sitting up.

    "The day Jordan was awakened." She whispered. "I can stop this then..." She ran out summoning her keyblade towards Jordan but when she swung down the keyblade merely just went through him. She looked up and around nobody noticing her. It was merely just a memory of what had happened that day. She looked up at herself in the memory as she created a portal and they all left except Jordan who finished the last of Devlin. Selena stood there frowning.

    "Jordan..." She whispered as the area around her began to blur. She closed her eyes looking around as it rained down on the Earth. She now stood in an unrecognizable world a city that resembled an appearance of Traverse Town but it wasn't Traverse Town. Suddenly out of nowhere she heard a woman's scream. She looked at the keyblade still in her hand before running in that direction she stood at the opening of an ally a woman cowered in the corner. What was she trying to escape from she entered the alley and there she saw who.

    "Jordan!" She exclaimed but the Jordan didn't look up at all telling her it was merely just another memory, Jordan's first innocent kill.

    OOC: KoD feel free to take over what Jordan does and how the woman reacts and what not.


    Violet sighed before cuddling closer to Jordan.

    "Thank you." she whispered before falling asleep in his arms.

    Ashley didn't say anything as Virgil slowly began the process of making love to her. All she could think about was how it was her now here and not Selena, it was all her, just her Virgil now loved.

    Though deep down Ashley felt guilty as well.

    OOC: Vox take over.
  19. King of Darkness

    King of Darkness What up Monica

    Jordan looked down at Violet and smiled. He kissed her on her forehead before falling asleep with her.

    The woman stumbled backwards as she attempted to escape Jordan. Jordan walked slowly towards her, face dug deeply into his hands. "P-Please! I have children," she pleaded, her back now against the wall of this dead end alley.

    Jordan said nothing but when he looked up, his entire, now pale from not eating, face was covered in tears. "I'm sorry. I....I HAVE to eat. I haven't eaten in six days.... If I wait any longer..." He stopped there, no longer wanting to have to explain himself to this stranger, whose life he was soon going to take. He took another step forward, and with that step, the Darkness erupted from his back, the mouths screeching loudly now that they had been released.

    The woman stared in utter fear and disbelief at what she was witnessing. She started to let out a loud scream, hoping someone would hear it and save her.

    Before she could, Jordan made a punching motion with his right arm. As he did so, the right tentacle lunged forward and smashed the woman's head against the brick wall. Then she fell unconscious. The right tentacle now circled around the woman's chest, ready to finish the job. It striked hard into her chest, feeding on her organs first. "Stop fucking around," Jordan yelled at it. He hated this scene. All he wanted was to get this over with.

    The head looked back and let out a soft hiss before striking the woman one last time and devouring the heart. Jordan's skin slowly turned back to it's normal tone now that Jordan finally fed. Afraid that someone would come soon, he jumped up high, landing on a building rooftop that was adjacent to the alley.

    He fell to his knees and started pounding at the ground, forming large cracks as he did so. "I can't fucking do this. I can't keep this up. I'm going to end up losing myself," Jordan said, tears falling.

    Slowly the Darkness creeped from his back and began to hiss it's own language to Jordan.

    "Awww, is Jordan sssssad?"
    "Does he wissssh to see hisss friendsss?"
    "Oh but you can't, now can youuu?"
    "Now that our ONLY survival reliesss on heartsss."
    "They'll outcasst Jordan."
    "Jordan mussst accept usss."
    "His neeeeww-"
    "-and oldesst friends."

    Jordan sat for a moment thinking. After a few seconds he stood up and wiped away his tears. "That's true, I guess. I'll just make some newer friends then," he muttered. And with that, the Darkness encased him, as he now disappeared with it to another location.
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will felt himself look down at his hand, still covered in darkness. It was true that he didn't feel any of his darkness in her, but he still tried to feed. He was going to drink Selena dry and then just walk away. He shook his head, still not feeling fazed at his careless behavior. He normally wouldn't do that, but it seemed he was very careless now. He lifted his scarf back over his face and teleported, plopping into Jordan's throne, sitting there to wait for his friend.

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